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2001 West Starr Pass Blvd. ▪ Tucson, AZ 85713 ▪ Ph. 520-225-4000

Course Title: Chemistry

Instructor: Mr. Acuna
Phone: (520) 225-4057
Room Number: C7
Office Hours/After Tuesday & Thursday: 3:00-4:00pm
School Availability: Mornings: 7:15-7:55
Course Description Chemistry is a laboratory science course in which students
investigate the composition of matter and the physical and chemical
changes it undergoes. Students use science process skills to study
the fundamental structure of atoms, the way atoms combine to form
compounds, and the interactions between matter and energy. An
understanding of algebra is essential for success in this class.
Resources: Chemistry by Addison-Wesley

Recommended Supplies: Laptop, Composition Notebook, Dry Erase Marker, And Scientific

Tips for Success:  Ask questions

 Ask for help
 Do not be afraid to try (learning is all about making
 Collaborate with your peers (your peers are a valuable
 Advocate for your learning
Course Outline for Second Semester: Students and parents can refer to TUSD
website at 
Unit 4:  Chemical Reactions 
Unit 5: Gas Laws 
Unit 6: Periodic Law 
Unit 7: Bonding and Intermolecular Forces 
Unit 8: Liquids and Solutions 
Unit 9: Acids and Bases 
Quarter 3  Quarter 4 

Unit 4:  Chemical Reactions  Unit 7: Bonding and Intermolecular Forces 

Unit 5: Gas Laws  Unit 8: Liquids and Solutions 
Unit 6: Periodic Law  Unit 9: Acids and Bases 
2001 West Starr Pass Blvd. ▪ Tucson, AZ 85713 ▪ Ph. 520-225-4000

Grading Policy: Parents and students please refer to TUSD Board Policy IKA-R posted on the TUSD

Grading System:

Grades are as follows:

90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
Below 60% F

Students are assessed based on individual and group work, presentations, quizzes, daily activities and
participation, writing assignments, and tests.

25% Lab Work, Projects, Essays

20% Class Work, Bell Work, Notebooks, Quizzes etc.
20% Homework
25% Tests
10% Final Exam

Each classroom teacher will be entering 2 grades per week into Synergy. To access Synergy go to student.t\ or I encourage you and your parents to look at this weekly, so both of you can
monitor your successes.

Make Up Work/Late Work:

Per TUSD Board Policy: All make-up work needs to be completed within the same amount of time as
students are excused.

Students are responsible to get missing assignments before or after class. All work can be found in "What Did
I Miss?" Bin located on Lab Table 1. Students are to come in before school or during teacher office hours to
make up work. Please discuss with classroom teacher /counselor in advance of any known
absences/extended illnesses.

Your hard work and respectful behavior will not go unnoticed in this class. Positive behaviors in
class will be rewarded:
 Verbal Praise
 Positive phone call home
 Cholla Bucks that can be used for our new classroom store!

However, we are all humans and sometimes we make mistakes. When the classroom expectations
and/or procedures are not followed, the behaviors may receive the following consequences:
 Verbal warning
 Removal from labs/group activities (which will need to be completed on your own)
 Phone call home

Teachers will use Cholla’s Teacher Managed Referral Flow Chart which includes parent contact
2001 West Starr Pass Blvd. ▪ Tucson, AZ 85713 ▪ Ph. 520-225-4000

and/or parent conference as part of the student management process.

2001 West Starr Pass Blvd. ▪ Tucson, AZ 85713 ▪ Ph. 520-225-4000

Classroom Procedures and Expectations:

I expect students to work with me to create an atmosphere of kindness and respect. If students admit their
own confusion and mistakes freely and with good humor, others will be encouraged to do the same.

1. Always be in your seat when the bell rings and prepared to start class. (working on bell work,
assignments ready)
2. Do not get out of your seat without permission. (lab situations excluded)
3. Only talk when it’s appropriate.
4. Respect the space and property of your peers.
5. Obey all school rules. (see Student Handbook)

- There will be no talking when the teacher is talking. Respect fellow students, staff, and school property.
- Leaving the classroom is disruptive to the learning process; therefore, all students will only be granted
bathroom passes during individual seatwork and if there isn’t someone already out of the classroom. Do
not ask to go to the bathroom if I am talking.
- No passes anywhere for the first 10 minutes of class and no passes for the last 10 minutes of class.
Students must follow sign in/out procedures and carry a pass when leaving class.
- Follow all school rules and policies per Student Handbook.
- All safety rules as stated in the Flinn Science Safety Agreement must be followed.
- Cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and put away at all times. In case of an
emergency the school’s phone number is 225-4000.
- No sleeping in class.
- Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved.
- Data for lab reports must be taken during lab. Copying of lab data after lab is not allowed. Each student is
responsible for individual lab reports unless specifically stated by teacher.

Classroom Participation: Students who participate in the learning process will pass this class. Asking
questions of the teacher and base group members is vital, especially when there is a gap in understanding.
Students should not miss class or be tardy. Students should be ready to learn when entering class and use
cell phones appropriately.

Attendance: You are expected to come to class every day and be on time. Students who have 10 or more
unexcused classes per semester (August-December or January-May) may not pass the course, unless an
attendance appeal is completed and approved. Please call in any absence to Cholla’s attendance line at
(520) 225-4202.

Tardies: Please do not be tardy. Tardies mean missed instructional time. A 27 minute tardy equals an
absence. A tardy in the system could cause an automated attendance call home.

Hall Passes: Cholla High School has a 10/10 rule. Students are expected to be in the classroom during the
first ten minutes and the last ten minutes class. These two time periods are critical to full participation.

Food and Drink: No food or drink may be brought into the classroom with the exception of bottled water.
Homework/Classwork: Students will be given homework/classwork assignments to practice their skills.
These assignments are crucial for students to expand their understanding and will give both the teacher and
student the opportunity to check comprehension of the material before moving on. Students are expected to
complete all homework/classwork and turn in assignments when they are due. All homework/classwork
turned in on time will receive full credit. Homework turned in after the deadline will receive ½ credit.
Disciplinary Policy: Parents and Students please refer to TUSD website for Board Policy GSRR.

Mr. Acuna’s Message to Parents/Guardians:

2001 West Starr Pass Blvd. ▪ Tucson, AZ 85713 ▪ Ph. 520-225-4000

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am very excited and grateful to have your child as a student for another
semester of Chemistry. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the
University of Arizona. Currently, I am in a program to receive my Master’s in
Education through the University of Arizona. This semester I will be taking the
lead teacher role with the support of my mentor teacher, Ms. Kalal, so if you
have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to
me. I am best contacted through email at . I am looking
forward to working with your child and helping them become a scientist!

Please sign and return it so we can be in contact.

STUDENT: I have read the classroom policies for Mr. Acuna’s class and
understand them. I will honor it while in Room C7.

Signature:_______________________________ Date: ____________

PARENT/GUARDIAN: My student has discussed the classroom policies for Mr.

Acuna’s class with me. I understand it and will support it.

Name: _________________________________
Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________

Home and/or Cell Number: _________________

E-mail: _______________________________

Circle the one you prefer to use to be contacted

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