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Name: __________________________________________Grade & Section: ___________________ Score: __________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer from the choices below. Shade the circle beside your
chosen answer.
1. The theory of plate tectonics helps explain which of the following?
o the symbiotic relationship between tubeworms and bacteria
o the extinction of the dinosaurs
o the movement of continents and the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes
o 1,000 meters
2. What is Pangea?
o a single gigantic continent that existed 250 million years ago
o the name of a panda living at the San Diego Zoo
o a deep-ocean trench
o a microorganism that grows at hydrothermal vents
3. What are plates composed of?
o the outer core only
o continental and/or oceanic crust plus a small part of the upper mantle
o continental crust only
o oceanic crust only
4. Where do mid-ocean ridges form?
o on boundaries where one plate is subducting under the other
o on boundaries where plates are spreading apart
o on boundaries where plates are sliding past each other
o on boundaries where plates are colliding
5. Transform faults, such as the San Andreas Fault system in California, occur where?
o on boundaries where one plate is subduction under the other
o on boundaries where plates are sliding past each other
o on boundaries where plates are spreading apart
o on boundaries where plates are colliding
6. What process is building the Himalayas, the tallest mountains on Earth?
o two oceanic plates colliding
o seafloor spreading
o two continental plates colliding
o the creation of rift valleys
7. The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant, slow motion is the theory of
o subduction
o plate tectonics
o deep ocean trenches
o sea floor spreading
8. . Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely found in which locations?
o At plate boundaries
o in oceans
o in the middle of continents
o in the middle of plates
9. The ring of fire is a ring of volcanoes and earthquakes that occur along:
o The mid-ocean ridge
o Plate boundaries
o Hot spots
o Only transform boundaries
10. Subduction is when:
o Earthquakes occur along a transform boundary
o New crust is formed
o One plate slide under another
o New islands are formed
I. Match the correct pairings for CONCEPT, ILLUSTRATION and DESCRIPTION.

outer layer of the Earth

where earthquakes occur

FOCUS the point on the Earth’s

surface directly above
the focus

CRUST Movement of lithospheric


EPICENTER the point below the

Earth’s surface where
the earthquake begins

PLATE sudden shaking of the

TECTONICS Earth’s surface

crack in the Earth’s

II. Draw the 3 types of plate boundaries and describe its movement.

“ No question is difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious”



_ma’am joan_

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