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Activating Prior Learning

I am a citizen, not of Athens or Greece, but of the world.
This quotation is from Socrates, what can you understand in such a saying?
- It means that a human is more than a product of society. The human is a creature of the
natural state of the planet. His thinking was in regard to pondering man’s ultimate place in
and responsibility to society over the self.

Application A global citizen is someone who is

Free Association aware of and understands the wider
world. They take an active role in their
“Map of Citizenship”
community and work with others to
make our planet more peaceful,
Global Level sustainable and fairer.

National Level -Voting in local,

state, and national
Local Level elections.

-Disobeying laws
One becomes a local and taking the
citizen by choosing a consequences to
municipality in which demonstrate that a
to reside. Being a law or policy is
responsible citizen unjust.
covers many areas like Citizen
some of them legal
obligations, some
social and some moral.
Essay: Answer the question directly and concisely.

1. What does it mean to be a citizen of the world?

- It is a way of living that recognizes our world is an increasingly complex web of connections
and interdependencies. Global citizenship is all about the moral dimension of citizenship.
Participation is the key. It is basically a behavioral expression that contributes to social and
environment issues not only in local scale but also in global scale. Those who see themselves
as global citizens are not abandoning other identities, such as allegiances to our countries,
ethnicities, and political beliefs. These traditional identities give meaning to our lives and will
continue to shape us.

2. What do you think are your responsibilities and privileges as a global citizen? Being a
student, how would you exercise these responsibilities?
- The responsibilities and privileges as a global citizen is that respect others, obeying rules and
laws, and setting a good example to others. Global citizens feel a sense of responsibility to
help when the rights of others are violated, no matter where in the world they live. As a
student, I must take responsibility for an action, willing to act to make the world a more
equitable and sustainable place. And also participates in the community at a range of levels,
from the local to the global.

1. I used to think… now I think…..about global citizenship.
- I used to think that some programmes work on the assumption that students can be taught
to become global citizens in a course of the credits. And some says that if a student acquires
certain competencies during their studies then they become global citizens, that global
citizenship is something that can be learnt. However, the reality is different. Now I think, the
reality is that global citizenship is very individual concept. It deals with identity and mindset
and it is not static. The local context of the student and the institution should be key. What
we actually try to do is to enable us to reflect on “Who am i?” and think about the role in
society. Whether that role will be global, local, both or in between. Global citizenship
nurtures personal respect and respect for other and that what I think about global
2. What action can I take to make a positive difference in the world?
- I have to stop comparing myself to others.
- Be authentic and genuine as possible.

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