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As a person age, each stages require different needs, certain behaviors are expected and
in order to fulfill each stage, certain experiences are a must. It is a common knowledge that we
change as we grow, whether physically, mentally or emotionally. With these knowledge, we are
able to identify the needs of an individual, understand their capabilities, offer necessary guide,
guess their thoughts and empathize with their feeling. All these help the society to interact with
one another, but at the same time it is also the basis for the society to expect an individual to act
accordingly or as expected of our age.

Growth may be a natural process that everyone is aware of, but with deeper
understanding, this will help me as a formator to create an environment that will cater to the
needs of my learners. This knowledge will serve as a guideline on how to properly approach
them and offer activities that is most probably of their interest. Although, I am aware that is each
individual is different in terms of behavior and interest, the general knowledge itself is somewhat
a basic guide that will give satisfactory results. Certainly there is a difference in terms of
approaching individuals of different stages. While most likely, this will greatly help in creating a
classroom environment, interactions is not limited to teacher and learners. There is the
interaction among their guardians which requires a different approach. Aggression is expected.
In some cases, apathy perhaps.

Since growth is natural, sometimes we tend to approach young people as we do with

adults. We may think that it’s fine because they will grow and understand adults eventually, but
it doesn’t have to be that way. Teachers have to see children as they are. Choosing words they
can understand, giving work they can perform, and making an environment they can feel joy and
security in. I think, this is what this lesson is all about. To identify the certain stage of
development an individual is at, and provide what they need in accordance with that stage. I will
certainly consider these factors that constitute each stage in my journey as a future educator.

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