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Although, we generally develop in each stage of life in terms of physical, emotional or

intellectual changes, each individual still develops and grow differently from one another,
whether the change is affected by hereditary of environmental factors. The fact that each
individual is unique makes teaching complicated. Teaching becomes a challenge.

There is no absolute way to teach a lesson due to individual differences. It challenges the
teacher to become creative and apply variety of teaching techniques. There also comes the
challenge of identifying each learner, not only in terms of intellectual and physical capabilities,
but also emotional stability. These will factor on creating a healthy classroom environment and
student-teacher relationship. Although, learners are expected to achieve certain goals and skills,
it is the teacher’s responsibility on how it can be done considering these differences. Already it
seems difficult. Even outside of a classroom setting, we tend to approach each person differently
because of our knowledge of their individuality. Spending time with a person does gives us an
idea of who they are or a fraction of their personality, thus guides us on choosing a proper
approach. With this daily experience, to have it applied on a room of at least forty individual
learners is harder that it sounds. It’s a skill that I hope to learn through the guidance of my peers,
actual experience, and continued learning.

Since learners spend most of their time in school during their youth, school environment
most definitely affects their thoughts and behavior. As much as possible, I would like the
learners to start and end on a positive note. Teachers study child behavior because the
educational system understands that in order for the learners to achieve their full potential, they
need to feel connected. The school is a factor of change. We may not be able to change a persons
nature but we can help creating skilled and knowledgeable individuals that contributes to the
betterment of our society.

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