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Every day, we are surrounded by one of the most important

innovations of all time, electricity. While it is a force of energy used all

over the world, before discovering it, people have been living for centuries

without it, which you could imagine contributed to one dark world at night

with the exception of a candle here and there. (r turner, 2018). We

depend on electricity because it is an essential part of modern life and

because it has many positive effects on us. The discovery of electric

energy and subsequent scientific advancements allowed for the design

and creation of devices that revolutionized their period.

Nearly 30% of filipinos do not have access to electricity or

experience brownouts. Brownouts are unintentional or intentional drops in

the amount of voltage that an electrical grid puts out. This reduction in

electrical power occurs when there is an increased use of electricity and

too much demand on the system. At times, energy providers will

deliberately reduce the amount of power to avoid a full blackout of the

entire system. Brownouts are common occurrences in the philippines and

can severely impact the lives of the people and those who rely on a rural-

based economy (the borgen project, 2020). Although we gain significantly

from using energy in our daily lives, there are some challenges that we

Due to a lack of water in the reservoirs as a result of the severe

draught, hydropower generation was reduced. This has made the

electricity demand-supply connection in hydroelectric-heavy areas more

subject to climate-related uncertainty. But hydro power also has bad

effects. Contrary to popular opinion, hydroelectric electricity can have a

negative impact on the environment. Proposed modifications to the way

countries compute their climate budgets aim to include greenhouse gas

emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs. Hydroelectric dams emit

considerable volumes of carbon dioxide and methane, and in certain

circumstances emit more of these greenhouse gases than fossil-fuel

power plants. Carbon emissions differ depending on the dam.

Coal power plants are also a source of tragedy for us. When coal

is burned, it emits a variety of poisons and pollutants into the atmosphere.

Mercury, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates, and other

heavy metals are among them. Asthma and breathing issues can have a

negative impact on health, as might brain damage, heart problems,

cancer, neurological disorders, and early mortality. Although the

environmental protection agency (epa) regulations have helped to prevent

some of these emissions, many plants lack the essential pollution

The philippines, the world's 12th-largest nation, has a more than

100 million people distributed throughout 7,000 islands posing a number

of electrical infrastructure challenges. At the moment, the country is facing

mounting concerns about its power's resource adequacy. As the country

struggles to generate supply rapidly enough to keep up with increasing

demand. Our country relies on coal (47.6%), other fossil fuels (18%), gas

(10.7%), hydro (9.7%), other renewable (9.4%), bioenergy (2.1%), solar

(1.3%) and wind (1.2%) (statista, 2021).

People increasingly rely on this source of energy, therefore a lack of

electricity supply will have a significant impact on their daily life. This

prompted the researchers to launch an investigational project termed

“harnessing footsteps (a kinetic energy) and piezoelectric disc to generate

electricity”. It is a simple board device that can produce electricity with the

help of footsteps. The goal of research is to improve technology, cut

costs, and tackling the barriers to broader use of kinetic energy.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the piezoelectric disk’s

capacity to generate electricity. This study specifically aimed to respond to

the following questions;

1. Can piezoelectric disk generates power?

2. What is the typical voltage that the piezoelectric can generate under the

following conditions;

• 30 kg

• 40 kg

• 50 kg

3. What factors can influence the production of electricity?


1. The piezoelectric plate can generate electricity.

2. The piezoelectric plate can generate voltage that can be used to light a


3. The weight of the person can affect the generation of the electricity.

Significance of the study

The importance of our study is to convert the energy from

piezoelectric plate into electricity with the use of kinetic energy. It is also a

solution in the brownout we call or power shortage.

This study would be beneficial to the following:

1. To the local government, piezoelectric plate can help them especially the

people who cannot afford their electricity bill.

2. To the department of science and technology, piezoelectric plate can help

them provide an alternative source of energy or it can help in upgrading

their inventions.
3. To the department of energy, this study can be a solution to the problem

of power shortage and can lessen the use of electricity in every house.

4. To the department of environment and natural resources, this study can

lessen the pollution in our country.

We all know that one of the most common pollution that exists

everywhere is the air pollution. In some part of the philippines they use

coals to produce electricity but this product utilizes kinetic energy, a

renewable resource.

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