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Formative task

Australia is the second consumer The workers are not in good Is fast fashion a bad thing for our
of fabric in the world environment conditions environment?

The wages for workers are very low the people interviewed were very What impact does fast fashion
honest with their spending’s have on us?

Fast fashion sells trends quickly I think there should be better ways does fast fashion affect the well-
and cheaply to recycle fabrics being of workers?

Fatema Mohammed bin haider

• What is fast fashion? How are our definitions extended or challenged by these videos?

Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk, that have a huge impact on the environment. These garments appeal to
shoppers because they are affordable and trendy.

• What are the pros and cons of fast fashion?

Pros: affordable prices, instant gratification for consumers, democratization of stylish clothing, more profits for companies

Cons: Child labor, Water pollution, poor working conditions, low wages

• What are the human, geographic and environmental issues highlighted by these short films?

These films illustrate the human problems by showing employees who were underpaid and put in a lot of overtime. Fast fashion has an adverse effect on the environment
due to the exhaustion of non-renewable resources, the release of greenhouse gases, and the large use of water and energy. Environmental corners are more likely to be cut
as a result of the drive to decrease costs and accelerate production. The use of inexpensive, poisonous textile dyes in fast fashion contributes to its detrimental effects,
making the sector one of the worst worldwide pollutants of pure water, right alongside agriculture.

• Why is addressing fast fashion challenging?

Fast fashion is very popular these days; people love the idea of getting a trendy t-shirt for a cheaper price. Many people support fast fashion since it is affordable for them,
thus, they won’t care about the disadvantages of fast fashion.

• Who can make a difference?

I believe that all of us can make a huge difference. And that can happen by spreading awareness about fast fashion and spilling out the truth about it. We can do that using
social media platforms.

You have to prepare a fast fashion mind map graphic organizer:

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