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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Telogorejo Semarang

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Nama :
1. Ade Reza Dwi F (120002)
2. Adinda Trophy H (120003)
3. Aisya Filzah T (120006)
4. Ajeng Kalpiko H.M (120007)
5. Andrew Renald S (120010)
6. Anggun Puspita A. (120011)
7. Atik Marzanda (120014)
8. Aulia Chaeruneka S (120015)
9. Bagus santoso (120018)
10. Bellavista Novalinda P (120019)
11. Citra Dewi W (120022)
12. Clara Ananda A (120023)
13. Devi Laila A (120026)
Kelas/SMT : B/ 5
Dosen : Bu Siti Nafisah, M.Kep
Leader : Bagus santoso
Sceraber Aisya Filzah T

Modul : C1-5 Bahasa Inggris

Kasus Skenario A
A 5 year- child came to emergency room with high fever. The child came with her
family. The family said that she had a cough for one week and fever. She also lost her weight.
The nurse said that she will be tested a Mantoux test. The result of Mantoux test is positive.
What probably caused of her high fever? What does nurse diagnose and outcomes?
Analisa :
No Objek Pembahasan
1. Find difficult words 1. (Reza) Mantoux test: tests performed to
diagnose tuberculosis (Anggun)
2. (Citra) high fever: High fever is a condition
where the body temperature rises to 39(thirty-
nine) degrees Celsius or more (Bella)
3. (Devi) the Mantoux is positive: The
examination result is positive. That is, found
germs that cause TB in the body or have been
exposed to TB germs before (Clara)
2. Look for problems in cases 1. (Ajeng) why does the patient have a cough and
2. (Anggun) Why would the patient be tested for
the mantoux test?
3. (Adinda) where did the bacteria come from to
make the child cough?

3. Analyze problems 1. (Atik) because the patient has tuberculosis

- (Andrew) Fever accompanied by a cough
can be caused by a respiratory tract
infection, which can occur due to viral,
bacterial, and other infections.
- (Anggun) Because the immune system
reacts against bacterial infections and
bacteria continue to grow in the respiratory
tract, causing coughing
- (Clara) due to infection such as viruses,
fungi, bacteria, and parasites. So that the
patient can get tuberculosis
- (Aisya) because there is an infection with
viruses, bacteria, and others. Can also attack
the breath that causes coughing and fever
- (Aulia) Fever can be caused by various
conditions, such as: Infectious diseases, such
as viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic
infections. Diseases that cause chronic
inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis
2. (Atik) To find out whether the child has ever
been exposed to tuberculosis bacteria or not.
- (Bella) because the patient has successive
coughs and fevers, this test is done to see if
a person has developed an immune response
to the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.
- (Citra) The patient is on the Mantoux test
because the patient has a fever and cough
for one week where this test is carried out to
test for tuberculosis which can support the
- (Andrew) The Mantoux test is an
examination that aims to determine the
presence of germs that cause tuberculosis.
- (Devi) an examination carried out to
determine whether or not there is exposure
to TB germs in the body.
- (Bagus) To identify whether the patient
really has tuberculosis
3. (Ajeng) cough bacteria come from patients
breathing dirty air or air that has bern exposed
to bacteria
- (Clara) This is because the transmission
comes from saliva. When talking, laughing,
coughing, or sneezing, saliva will come out
of the mouth. The virus in these saliva
droplets can be inhaled by other people's
noses. The flu virus can also stick to objects
around us.
- (Bella) Bacteria come from air pollution
(cigarette smoke), unhealthy food,
contracting the flu and allergies
- (Aisya) Whooping cough or pertussis is
caused by bacteria that infect the lungs and
respitory tract. Bordetella pertussis is a type
of bacteria that is the main cause of coughs
- (Bagus) maybe because of the bad
- (Reza) Bacterial infections can occur due to
infection through other people, exposure to
bacteria and dirty air in the surrounding
environment and can be caused when
consuming unclean food or drinks.
- (Atik) from air contaminated with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
4. Discuss with arguments 1. (Adinda) because the immune system reacts
againts bacterial infections scan be caused by a
respiratory tract. there is an infection with
viruses can also attack breath the causes
coughing and fever
- (Aisya) cough and fever due to a bacterial
viral infection and accompanied a immune
2. (Bagus) Because the patient has succesive
cought and fever this test is done to see a person
has developed an immune responden and to find
out wheter the child has ever been exposed
- (Ajeng) The patient was tested for Mantoux
because the patient had a fever and cough
because there was a suspicion of
tuberculosis, so a tuberculosis examination
was carried out
- (Adinda) to the identify whether the patient
or not to TB germs in the body
3. (Citra) The occurrence of coughing is the
presence of bacteria that begin to enter through
dirty air, cigarette smoke, and bacteria that enter
the lungs so that they infect the respiratory tract,
this causes repeated coughing
- (Anggun) Bacterial infections can occur due
to infection through other people, exposure
to bacteria and dirty air in the surrounding
environment and can be caused when
consuming unclean food or drinks,from air
contaminated with Mycobacterium
5. Make questions 1. (Citra) How ia the process of transmission of
2. (Adinda) what if tbc doesn't take medication
3. (Reza) How do you distinguish between a
normal cough and a tuberculosis cough?
4. What does nurse diagnose and outcomes?

6. Self Study 1. Transmission through inhalation. Being close to

someone with TB can allow us to catch it. In
addition, even when a TB sufferer coughs, it
could be a means of transmission of TB. In
addition, sharing personal items with active TB
sufferers, such as cups and spoons, can act as a
bridge for TB transmission. (Moya, E. M.
2. Allows for the resistance of pulmonary TB
germs to anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT), thereby
increasing the spread of pulmonary TB disease,
increasing morbidity and mortality from
pulmonary TB.(Junita F.2012)
3. By looking at the symptoms that arise in the
form of a cough that lasts a long time (more
than 3 weeks), usually phlegm, and sometimes
bleeding, you can do a sputum examination to
find BTA germs or not.(Danusantoso, H.
4. Diagnosis
Ineffective airway clearance related to
respiratory tract infection (D.0001)
Airway Management (I.01011)
a) Observation:
1. Monitor breathing pattern (frequency, depth,
respiratory effort)
2. Monitor additional breath sounds (eg
gurgling, wheezing, dry rhonchi)
3. Monitor sputum (amount, color, aroma)
b) Therapeutic:
1. Maintain road patency breaths with headtilt
and chin-lift (jawthrust if cervical trauma is
2. Position semi-fowler or fowler
3. Give a warm drink
4. Perform chest physiotherapy, if need
5. Do mucus suction less than 15 seconds
6. Perform hyperoxygenation before suction
7. Remove the blockage on the object with
McGill forceps
8. Administer oxygen, if necessary
c.) Education:
1. Encourage fluid intake of 2000 ml/day, if not
2. Teach effective coughing techniques
d) Collaboration:
1. Collaborative giving bronchodilators,
expectorants, mucolytics, if necessary
(SIKI, 2018).
7. Group discussion

Moya, E. M. (2010). Tuberculosis and stigma: impacts on health-seeking behaviors and
access in ciudad Juárez, México and El Paso, Texas.The University of Texas at El Paso.
Junita F. The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes and Compliance with Taking
Anti-Tuberculosis Medication in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at the Jatinegara District
Health Center in 2012. Stikes Medistra Indonesia, Bekasi; 2012.
Danusantoso, H. (2016). Pulmonary Tuberculosis. In: Handbook of Disease Science Lungs,
Issue 2. Jakarta: EGC.

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