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Nama:Miranti Athaya R

Nim: 120067
kelass: B
Skenario A (Modul C1-5 Bahasa Inggris)
A 5 year- child came to emergency room with high fever. The child came with her family.
The family said that she had a cough for one week and fever. She also lost her weight. The
nurse said that she will be tested a Mantoux test. The result of Mantoux test is positive. What
probably caused of her high fever? What does nurse diagnose and outcomes?
Step 1 (Term Classification)
1. (Nadia) Mantoux test : (Fia) The Mantoux test is an examination carried out to
determine whether or not there is exposure to TB germs in the body.
2. (Nadila) High fever : (Diah) increase in body temperature
3. (Tyas) Emergency room : (Yunia) room for emergency patients (Miranti) unit in the
hospital for initial treatment of patients.

Step 2 (Problem Identification)

1. (Zaky, Dina) What caused the child's fever for 1 week ? What is the cause of the high
fever in the child ?
2. (Gifi) What should we do when we have a high fever?
3. (Yunia) Why is the patient having a Mantoux test?
4. (Miranti) Why do TB sufferers lose weight?
5. (Diah) what causes pediatric to lose weight ?
Step 3 (Answer the Question Step 2)
1. (Nadila) Fever indicates that the immune system is reacting against a bacterial
infection. This is why TB sufferers often feel a fever in the early stages of active
(Fia) Fever is the body's natural mechanism for fighting infection. The appearance of
a fever in children indicates that the child's immune system is working to fight the flu
or other infections.
(Tyas) Because symptoms or the body response to infection or disease.

2. (Dina) Drink lots of water, because fever can cause fluid loss and dehydration, get
enough rest and warm compresses.
(Zaky) Paracetamol can be consumed as an initial treatment for fever.
(Miranti) the cause of the high fever experienced by the child is that it could be a viral
infection, dehydration and allergies.
(Fia) compress the body with warm water, consume lots of water, consume fever-
reducing drugs.
(Gifi) drink lost of water,consumption of febrifuge and warm compreses.
3. (Nadia) Mantoux test is used to see if you have been infected with the germ (bacilli)
that couse tuberculosis (tb).
(Nadila) To find out whether the child has ever been exposed to tuberculosis bacteria
or not.
(Tyas) to find out the possibility of the presence of TBC bacteria in the body.
(Yafet) to determine whether a person has developed an immune response to the
bacteria that causes TB.
4. (Yunia) due to the presence of bacteria in the body, which causes the body to
experience weight loss.
(Diah) TB sufferers lose weight because their bodies fight chronic disease. Can also
effect decreased appetite.
(Nadia) It turns out that people with tuberculosis can experience weight loss. This is
because TB suppresses the immune system when the complications of the disease
have reached a severe.
(Popy) This is because TB suppresses the immune system when the complications of
the disease have reached a severe stage.
5. (Dina) Because tuberculosis suppresses the immune system when the complications
of the disease have reached a severe stage, tuberculosis can affect the hormone leptin
which is involved in weight regulation.
(Tyas) due to an infection caused by a virus or bacteria.
(Diah) because the patient feels that he has no appetite because the body is fighting
the TB virus.
Step 4 (Creating Questions Step 3)
1. (Yunia) The child have loss weight because the presence of bacteria in the body, their
bodies fight chronic deases, supresses immune system when the complication disease
have reached a severe
2. (Fia) the conclusion is to compress the body with warm water, consume lots of water,
because fever can cause fluid loss and dehydration, take fever-reducing drugs.
3. (Miranti) Mantoux test used see have been infected and to find out ever been exposed
to tuberculosis bacteria or not.
4. Same no 1
5. (Nadia) Tb suppresses the immune system when complications of disease due to an
infection caused by a virus or bacteria.
Step 5 (Creating Questions Step 4)
1. (Gifi) What is normal body temperature??
2. (Popy) what is the purpose of the mantoux test?
3. (Yafet) what is the nursing diagnosis?
4. (Dina) Can Tuberculosis disease be transmitted? If so, how is it transmitted?
5. (Nadia) What does a tuberculosis test include?

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