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NAME: Jesson Bulilan Tangcaag DATE: November 08, 2021




Let’s Begin!

Activity I.

Direction: Answer the following question.

1. In your own understanding, what is bread?

In my own understanding, bread is the product of baking a mixture of flour, water,

salt, leavener, yeast and other ingredients. There are 2 Kinds of bread that may be
classified according to the type of leavener: Yeast bread and Quick bread. The basic
process involves mixing of ingredients until the flour is converted into a stiff paste or
dough, followed by baking the dough into a loaf. Bread is a food that can be used for
thousands of different things. It can be used to make a sandwich, as a side, desserts
and even breakfast. Bread has been a famous delicacy for thousands of years.

How Far Have We Gone?

Activity II.

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the methods of mixing bread dough’s?

There are two common methods of mixing dough: Straight dough method. Sponge
dough method.

2. What are the ingredients in bread making?

The ingredients in making bread are flour, leavener, water and milk. Other
ingredients like sugar, salt, and shortening may be butter, margarine or vegetable
shortening added to make the dough easy to handle during kneading; it
contributes to the elasticity of the dough and improves the bread texture and

Walk the Extra Mile!

Activity III.

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the types of yeast available in the market?

The types of yeast available in the market are active dry yeast and compressed
2. Give the steps in bread making.

Steps in Bread Making

Preparation of bread may be done by hand, machine, or combination of hand and


a. Assemble all utensils and measure all ingredients accurate. Scald milk if
necessary, and cool to required temperature. Hot milk when added to yeast mixture,
will kill the yeast.

b. Prepare the yeast mixture by following accurately the specified amounts in the
recipe. Be sure to have the correct water temperature.

c. Mix the ingredients following the straight dough or sponge method. Proper mixing
will slowly develop the gluten.

d. Kneading, folding and pulling of the dough will make it elastic an ty Smooth to

e. Place the dough in a large bowl and cover it with a clean towel. Let the dough rise
in a place free from draft. Observe proper temperature and time as these will affect
the dough. Rising gives us a “young” or an “old” dough.

f. When the dough has doubled in size, “punch” it down. This is done by pressing
your clenched fist into the center of the dough.
g. Prepare the dough for baking by dividing the dough into the required pieces,
shaping or molding the, and placing the shaped dough into the pan.

h. In some cases, like in ensaymada, the rolled dough is brushed with melted butter,
then rolled like a cigar and placed in molds.

i. Let the dough rise and rest in the pans. Bake in a pre-heated oven. Cool bread
completely before packing and storing.

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