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At the end of the lesson the student should have:
A. Discussed the importance of levels of food chain in the environment.
B. Describe the flow of energy through the food chain using a diagram.
C. Construct a food chain through drawing utilizing 5 organism present in the
immediate environment.
Topic:Food Chain:Energy Transfer
Materials:Visual Aids
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
Last meeting, we discussed about ecosystem.What is ecosystem?
B. Motivation or (activating prior knowledge).
Before we start our lesson, let us have a short devotional entitled “The Beauty of
God’s Creation”.On the 6TH days God create animals and human.Everything that
God’s create has its own purpose and importance .Insects, bee, butterflies,including
pest and predators are essential to balance the biodiversity in our environment. Learn
to respect and value every single creation because God created everything
for the benefits of us. Learn to appreciate and take good care of his creation.
Now before we start our class discussion. Lets have an activity first, as you can
see there are 3 words indicate in the blackboard which is producers, consumers and
decomposers. I have here a mixed pictures of living organisms. Each of you will be
given a picture and you will paste it on where did they belong.
C. Activity or (acquiring new knowledge).
Based on our activity class all of your answers are correct. Let discussed the
importance of levels of food chain in the environment.
What is Food Chain?
-A food chain is the transfer of food energy from plants to an animals and then to
another animals. Food chains are important in the environment it is because they show
the intricate relationship in ecosystem. They can reveal how each organism depends
on someone else for survival.
Levels of food chain:
Producers-are the organisms that make their own food by the process of
photosynthesis. They usually include green plants.Producers are important in the
environment it is because they provide energy to the entire system. They do not rely
on other organisms for food but instead they get energy from the sun, which they
convert into useful chemical energy.
Consumers-livings things that have to hunt, gather and eat their food are called
consumers.Consumers have to eat to gain energy or they will die.Consumers play a
vital role in an environment by regulating the population growth of organisms and
providing energy to other organisms.
Decomposers- are organisms that break down dead plants or animals into the
substances that plants need for growth.Decomposers are important in the environment
because they perform a valuable service as earths clean up crew.Without
decomposers.dead leaves,insects,animals would pile up everywhere.
Now lets describe the flow of energy through the food chain using a flow diagram

All of the energy that travels through food chains comes from the sun.
Autotrophic organisms like plants and protists convert solar energy into chemical
energy through the process of photosynthesis. Because photosynthetic organisms
produce their own food, they are called producers. Producers are found at the
beginning of food chains and the bottom of food pyramids. Heterotrophic organisms,
like animals ingest or absorb nutrients from the environment. Because heterotrophs
consume food energy, we call them consumers. Primary consumers are the first
consumers to eat plants or algae. Because primary consumers eat plants, they are also
classified as herbivores. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers. Because
secondary consumers eat meat, they are also classified as carnivores.
Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. The final carnivore in a food chain in
known as the apex predator. Only about 10% of the energy found in one trophic level
is passed to the next level. Much of the rest of the energy is to the environment as a
D. Application
Now its time to look around, you will be going to create a food chain utilizing 5
organism present in the immediate environment.
E. Generalization
All living things need food for growth and survival. Producers are capable of
producing their own food, they are the green plants and consumers are the one who
cannot manufacture their own food. They are the animals. Decomposers are the
bacteria and fungi that breakdown waste in simplest form that change substances into
something that can be used by plants for their growth.
Get 1/4 sheet of paper. Read the question carefully. Write the letter of the correct
1. Which of the following is an organism that uses the sunlight to make its own
A. Producers B. Decomposers C.Consumers D.All of the above
2. It is refers to the transfer of food energy from plants to an animals and then
to another animal.
A. Food Chain B.Food Web C.Consumers D.Decomposers
3. In an ecosystem, decomposers break down______
A. Waste B.Wood C.Energy D.All of the above
4. Which is an example of producers.
A. Plants B.Bacteria C.Fungi D.Frog
5. Food chain consist of
A. Producer,consumer and decomposer
B. Producer,carnivore and decomposer
C. Producer and primary consumer
D. All of the above
Read and study about Food Web.

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