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Lutheran beleifs
The clergy are regular people and should be treated the same
Transubstantiation is not real - Christ is only spiritually present during mass.
Justification by faith alone - e.g. don't need good works/ charity to get to heaven

- Christ did it for us by his crucifixion.

This meant much of what the church did was not needed.
e.g. indulgences
Bible needed in peoples own language
Some English followed the church of Zwingli - a Swiss reformer who said

the Eucharist/ mass was simply a memorial

Bible should be basis of belief not Catholic church's interpretation of it
Reject any ideas/ ceremonies that didn't come form bible

Lutheranism in england
Lutheran ideas were not popular - many fled to abroad like Tyndale.
Writings came form merchants and sympathisers.
Lutheranism had little impact outside Cambridge university.
Some ideas filtered to London and East Anglia through trade.
Lutheranism wasn't going to find support at the court of a king labelled "defender of the faith".
Tyndale published his new testament abroad in 1525
None of the nobility were Lutheran - in Germany it got support form nobility who then challenged a

weak monarch.
Many challenged heresy e.g. Thomas More wrote in 1526 "a dialogue concerning Heresies" which

attacked Tyndale's new testament.

More also wrote his "supplication of souls" to refute Fish's "supplication of beggars (1529)

Lutheran writing Key Lutherans in England

Luther's 95 theses - 1517 White horse group
Luther translated New testament in German
Based out of the white horse

in 1522 tavern in Cambridge.

Tyndale's new testament in English 1525 Robert Barnes led this group
Fish's "supplication of beggars - argued the
Many future big Lutheran leaders

church was too corrupt and powerful and the

were at Cambridge at this time -

king should stop it. Tyndale, Hugh Latimer,

Thomas Cranmer
Tyndale published his English new

testament abroad in 1525 which was

contradicted by Thomas More.

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