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What religious changes were made 1535-1547?

Changes under Cromwell

Bishops book 1537
The ten articles 1536
Ten articles All sacraments return - but

In Eucharist it declared

the other 4 less important.

Christ's body and blood was

lacked royal approval - Henry

present ‘substantially’. This

eventually read it an asked

could be seen as Catholic or

for 250 changes

It suggested entry to heaven

could be on charity - it stated

faith joined with charity. Cromwell's injunctions 1536

Only 3 sacraments mentioned
The clergy had to teach the our

- Eucharist, baptism and

father, the articles of faith and ten

penance commandments to congregations

Only passed through

and young people.
convocation - not statute law Reduction in holy days

Command to provide English bibles

for people to read - but didn't

happen straight away
Cromwell's injunctions 1538
Images that were the object

of pilgrimage were to be

candles before images were

sermons preached against

the veneration of images and


English bible

1538 injunctions tried to bring a bible

into every church - new bible created -

Bible was work of Cranmer and Cromwell

What religious changes were made 1535-1547?

Changes from 1538
Henry had become concerned, in 1539 about an alliance between Francis I and Charles V and that

they might respond to Pope Paul III’s call for a catholic crusade against the recently

excommunicated king of England.

Henry was also getting older and genuinely concerned about his soul and what would happen when

he did, he was persuaded that reform had gone to far.

Trial of John Lambert - 1538 The Six articles - 1539

Lambert was accused of
Denial of transubstantiation was made

denying the real presence in the

punishable by burning.
Eucharist (mass). Denial of clerical celibacy, communion for

Henry oversaw trial laymen, masses for the dead were all

Lambert was burnt alive on 22

punishable by hanging or life

November 1538. imprisonment.

After the vague moves towards

Protestantism – this was clearly Catholic.

Catholic doctrine was been enforced by

parliamentary law, the highest form of law.

The Cleves marriage/ fall of Cromwell

Though passing the six articles was a clear move to reverse the reformation, the king was still

pursuing negotiations with protestant princes.

Cromwell has persuaded the king, due to the threat of invasion, to a marriage alliance with

Charles V’s German opponents.

Henry sent Hans Holbein to take the portraits of many women and
Anne of Cleves portrait was very flattering and Henry agreed to the match. (wife 4)
Henrys enthusiasm led to him going to meet Anne, disguised, however possible the way Anne

looked, or how she acted at this encounter, put Henry off.

He called her a fat Flanders mare but had no choice but to go through with the marriage.
Soon the diplomatic reasons for the marriage disappeared as Charles and Francis fell out

Cromwell, was blamed for the marriage, and now under pressure to end it.
Cromwell had already been undermined by the six articles and as a special commission was

set up on the spread of heresy from Calais which hinted Cromwell as aware of the heresy but

wouldn’t enforce the six articles.

The Duke of Norfolk, looking to exploit the kings marital unhappiness, dangled one his young

nieces, Catherine Howard, in front of Henry.

Henry was infatuated with her and helped grow Norfolk's power as a result, this had been limited

since the fall of Anne Boleyn.

This would once again, would prove disastrous for Norfolk, but in the short term, it allowed

Norfolk and Suffolk to work against Cromwell.

Gardiner, and other Bishops saw their chance to also be rid of Cromwell the man who had

created the faction fighting.

The king was not quite ready to throw Cromwell to the wolves, in April 1540, the king made him a

noble. Earl of Essex.

On 28 June Cromwell was executed at tower green, two days later, 3 protestants were executed,

further evidence the reformation would go no further.

What religious changes were made 1535-1547?
This was a through revision of the
The bible after 1540
bishops book was the king had refused to
Access to the bible was

endorse 6 years earlier. restricted.

The importance of the bible was played
You had to have a licence.
down Later on the king complained

The importance of mass,

of men debating the world of

transubstantiation and confession were

God in alehouses.
reemphasised. In 1543 – the act for the

Images made a partial comeback as long

advancement of the true

as they were without superstition. religion condemned craft,

Renewed attention was paid to obedience

false and untrue versions of

and good works in achieving salvation the bible and limited its

Salvation through faith alone – a Lutheran

reading to powerful people.
and protestant idea, was completely

The kings book had more authority than

the bishops book as passed by



1544 - All church services in English

1545 - Kings Prymer - written by Cranmer -

replaces Catholic book of prayer in churches

1546 - Chantries act abolished chantries but not


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