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Cha. Sa. Soo.

Charak Samhita Sootrasthana

Cha Sa. Chi. Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana
Su. Sa. Soo. Sushruta Samhita Sootrasthana

Su. Sa ka. Sushruta Samhita Kalpasthana

Su. Sa. Utr Sushruta Samhita Uttaratantra
As. Sa. Soo. Astanga Sangraha Sootrasthana
As. Sa. Chi. Astanga Sangraha Chikitsasthana
Ma.Ni Madanpaal Nighantu
Ra. Ni. Raaj Nighantu
Ka. Ni. Kaiyadev Nighantu
Bha. Ni. Bhavprakasha Nighantu
Ch.Ni Chandra Nighantu
Ne. Ni Nepali Nighantu

Ayurveda is made up of two words: Ayu&veda. Ayu means life and Veda
means the shastra (science).

æcfo'iff] j]bMcfo'j]{bM . —Su. Sa. Soo. 1/15

Thus, the detailed study related to ayu is known as Ayurveda.

æz/L/]lGb|o;TjfTd ;+of]uf] wfl/ hLljtd\ .
lgTouZrfg'aGwZrkof{o}/fo'¿Rot] ..Æ – Cha. Sa. Soo. 1/42
The combination of Shareera (body), indriya
(karmendriya&gyanendriya), mana (mind) and aatma (soul) is known as ayu.

Synonyms of ayu:
Dharee, Jivit, Nityag&Anuvanda are synonyms of ayu.

ljb\ 1fg] Ö j]lQ .
ljb\ ljrf/0f] Ö ljGt] .
lj6\ ;Qfofd\ Ö ljBt] .
ljb\n[nfe] Ö ljGblt, ljGbt] jf .

The second word veda means the science of knowledge. So ayurveda is
the science that imparts all the knowledge of life.

æcfo'Msfdodfg]g wdfy{:f'v:ffwgd\ .
cfo'j]{bf]kb]z]if' ljw]oM k/dfb/M..Æ–As. Sa. Soo. 1/5

Person who desires the ayu (life), which means to gain dharma
(righteousness), artha (wealth) &sukha (happiness), should bestow utmost faith in
teachings of ayurveda.

ælxtflxt+ ;'v+ b'Mvdfo':t:olxtflxtd\ .

dfg+ r tRroqf]Qmdfo'j]{bM ; pRot] ..Æ-Cha.Sa. Soo. 1/41
In Ayurveda four types of ayu, i.e.hitayu (useful/ solidary life), ahitayu
(harmful/malignant life), sukhayu (happy/joyful life) &dukhayu (unhappy/unjoyful
life) with hitakar (useful/wholesome) &ahitakar (harmful/malignant) aspects of
life like; medicines, foods, bihara (special activities) etc. have been described.
Where the different types of ayu (life) with its mana (scalar value) and
its wholesome and malignant aspectsare mentioned; that's ayurveda. In short, it
discusses in detail all the aspects of life.

Purpose of Ayurveda:
æwft' ;fDols|of .Æ – Cha. Sa. Soo. 1/53
æk|of]hg+ rf:o :j:y:o :jf:y/If0fdft'/:o ljsf/k|zdg+ r .Æ -Cha. Sa. Su. 30/26
The two main purpose of Ayurveda are as follows:
· Swasthyarakshanam(Promoting and preventive health)
· Vikaraprashanam(Curative health)

AcharyaSushruta also elaborated the two purpose of Ayurveda in
Sushrutasamhita in same way.
……Ox vn' cfo'j]{b k|of]hg+ JofWo'k;[i6fgf+ Joflw kl/df]IfM :j:y:o /If0fd+
r .Æ-Su. Sa. Soo. 1/22

Defination of Health:
æ:fdbf]ifM ;dflUgZr ;dwft'dnlqmoM.
k|;Ggfd]lGb|odgM :j:yOTolewLot]..Æ -Su. Sa. Soo. 15/41

The person having balanced condition of tridosha (vata, pitta &kapha),

manashikdosha (raja&tama), dhatu(tissue) and mala(excreta) with prashanna
(gleeful) state of aatma (soul), mana (mind) and indriya
(gyanendriya&karmendriya) is considered as healthy.

Modern Corelation:
Sama dosha + Sama agni + Sama dhatu + Sama Physical Health
Prashannaindriya Sensorial Health
Prashannamana Mental Health
Prashannaaatma Spiritual Health

According to WHO,
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and merely the absence of disease and infirmities."

Eight Branches/Specialities of Ayurveda:
æsfoafnu|xf]Wjf{ËzNob+i6«fh/fj[if}M..Æ–As. Sa. Soo. 1/10

Branches Correlation
Kayachikitsa Internal medicine

Baal/ Kaumarbhrittya Obstetrics, Gynecology,Pediatrics

Graha Demonology, Microbiology

Urdhwanga/ Shalakya ENT, Orodentistry, Ophthalmology

Shalya Surgery
Danshtra Toxicology
Jara/ Rashayantantra Rejuvenation, Geriatrics, Immunology
Vrisha/ Vajikarantantra Aphrodisiacs, Family planning

Introduction to Dravyaguna:
The word dravyaguna is made up of two words dravyaand guna. Here
dravya means medicinal herbs and guna means their different properties and

b|Jof0ff+ u'0fsdf{l0f k|of]ufMljljwf:tyfM .

;j{zf] oq j0o{Gt] zf:q+ b|Jou'0f+ lx tt\ .. - Priyavrat Sharma

Dravyaguna is termed as integral part of the branches of ayurveda,

which dealscomprehensively about rasa, guna, virya, vipaka&prabhava
(pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics)and the actions of medicinal plants
also.This also deals with identification, collection, storage and preservation of raw
materials plant origin.
People in the primitive days used to reside in the vicinity of nature. So
they studied the plants, their actions and uses. Plants were given many names
according to their morphological characters and actions. Besides ayurveda many
other medicinal systems like siddha, unani, homeopathy, naturopathy, allopathy
utilizes plants to cure diseases. So the proper knowledge regarding identification,
and proper uses of medicinal plants has become important.


Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. and Thoms.) is a large, deciduous

climbing shrub belonging to the family Menispermaceae. It is distributed
throughout the tropical Indian subcontinent. Across the country, the plant is
commonly known as Giloy. In Ayurveda, it is said to be one of the best Rasayana
(Rejuvenator). A special focus has been made on its health benefits in treating
various disorders and its potential as an immune booster and aiding in the
betterment of human life expectancy. It is also popular in Ayurveda medicine for
its immense therapeutic applications. Enormous information on the utility of the
herb in the management of various diseases is described vividly in classical
Description of actions and indications of Guduchi in different texts through
different time frames confirm the continued use of the drug since long time. New
actions such as Balya (~Strength promoting), Chakshusya (~beneficial for eye
health) and its use in Visarpa (~Spreading cellulitis/ Erysipelas), Pandu
(~Anemia), Krimi (~Worm infestation), Arati (~Distress), Bhrama (~Dizziness),
and Kasa (~Cough) were reported during later period.7 Charaka samhita has
considered Tinospora among four Medhya rasayana (~Intellect enhancer) drugs.
About 2400 Ayurveda formulations contain Guduchi as an ingredient. These
formulations, are made in more than 24 dosage forms like Kwatha (~Decoction),
Hima (~Cold infusion), Churna (~Powder), Swarasa (~Juice), Kalka (~Paste),
Gutika (~Tablet/Pill), Ghrita (~Medicated Ghee) etc

This herb is also being used as traditional medicine by indigenous groups
throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Vedic period:
Its antecedence dates back to very early times in Indian Medicine. It has been
advocated to keep it in every house to avoid and control entry of microorganisms.

Samhita & Nighantu period:

It is one of the non-controversial and extensively used herbs in Ayurvedic

medicine. Brihattrayi (the three major classical texts) mentioned the herb at several
times with important therapeutic applications. Charaka quoted it among the Agrya
dravyas (principal drugs).12 He also identified it as one of the best Medhya
Rasayanas (~brain tonics). By the period of Nighantu, the descriptions of Guduchi
in therapeutics have been increased to manifolds.

Historical Refrences

sfdnf /f]usf] k|ft sfndf lqkmnfsf] Sjfy, u'8"rLsf] Sjfy, gLdsf] kftsf] /; jf Sjfy, bf?
xl/›fsf] Sjfy dw' ;Fu ldnfP/ lr;f] kfgL;Fu lkpg] . Ca.Ci. 16/64

xnLds /f]uLn] e};Lsf] b"wdf u'8"rL:j/; tyf e};Lsf] b"wdf ljlwk"j{s ksfP/ lkpg] .
Ca.Ci. 16/134

uf]v?, u'8"rL, s'ny, lrqs cflb ›Jo ;dfg efu lnP/ hndf Sjfy ksfP/ 5fg]/ lkPdf lxSsf
/f]u lgsf] x'G5 . Ca.Ci. 17/95

bzd"n, u'8"rL, e'Ocdnf, ;f]+7 cflb ›Jo hndf ljlwk"j{s agfPsf] ojfu" kLPdf sf;,
x[bosf;, kfZj{z"n, lxSsf / Zjf; /f]u zfGt x'G5 . Ca.Ci. 17/102

cltbUwlrlsT;fdf bUw:yndf n]k nufPkl5 u'8"rLsf] kft jf pTknsf] kftn] 5f]Kg] . Su.Su.12/26

j|0f l;nfpg]-Suture_ a]nfdf u'8"rLsf] tGt'-Fibre_n] ag]sf] j]lNnts gfds ;Ljg-Continous

suture_ lbg] . Su.Su.25/21

u'8"rL, lrqs cflb cf}iflw cf/Ujwflb u0fdf kb{5g\ .


u'8"rL, s/~h4o cflb Zofdflb u0fdf kg]{ cf}iflwx? x'g\ . Su.Su.38/29

rGbg, u'8"rL, kf7f cflb k6f]nflb u0fsf cf}iflwx? x'g\ . oLgLx?sf] k|of]un] lkQ, skm, /
c/f]rs gi6 u5{ / Hj/ lgsf] kf5{ . Su.Su.38/33

u'8"RfL, lgDa, wlgofF, rGbg / kBs cf}iflwx? u'8"Roflb u0fdf kb{5g\ . o; u0fsf
cf}iflwsf] k|of]un] bLkg sfo{ ;fy}, x[Nnf;, c/f]rs, jdg, lkkf;f / bfx gfz u5{Gf\ .

u'8"rL, ljbf/LsGb, ;fl/jf, xn]bf] / >[ËL k~rjNnL u0fdf kb{5g\ . Su.Su.38/72

Astanga Sangraha by Srimad Vrddhavaagbhata (6th century)

ljif b"lift hndf u'8"rL, k|ltljiff, xl/›f cflb sf] eid kfgLdf xfn]/ kfgL :jR5
ug{ ;lsG5 . As.Su.8/77

cd[tf -u'8"rL Tinospora cordifolia Miers.) sf] d'Vo u'0f / sd{ ;+u|fxs, clUgbLkg,
jftfj/f]wzfds, in]idfj/f]wzfds tyf /Stfj/f]wzfds x'G5 . As.Su.13/3

u'8"rL jdg pkof]uL ›Jo xf] . As.Su.14/3

cd[tf cflb ›Jo lg?xjl:tdf pkofu x'G5g\ . As.Su.14/5

u'G›f -u'8"rL_, cZjs0f{, jfgL/ cflb lkQzfds ›Jo x'g\ . As.Su.14/11

u'8"rL, ;f]+7, lkQkfk8f, lr/fotf cflb ›Jon] t[i0ff zfGt u5{ .


Gud c along with P tal , Agnimantha, Bilva, Syon ka, K smarya, S laparni, Prisniparn
, Kantak ri, Bal , Goksura, Brhat , Eranda, Punarnav , Yava, Kulatha, Kola, Madana,
Pal sa, Kattrna, fats and salt-these may be used for non-unctuous enema in Udāvarta and
constipation. With this very group of drugs may be prepared unctous enema for
alleviation of v ta. As.H.Su. 3/12

Ghee prepared with R sn , Gud ci, Madhyuyasti, both (types of) Bal , J vaka etc along
with milk and added with honey is used as paste for alleviating discomfort in Raktav ta.
As.H.Su. 3/22

Qw tha of Gud ch taken with Pippal powder cures j rna jwara (chronic fever).

Qw tha of bark of Bilwa or Gud c taken with honey relieves chardi (vomiting) due to
increase in tridosas, qw tha of parpata relieves pittaja chardi (vomiting due to increase
in pitta). (Sa.Sa.Ma.Kha.2/83)


Here acharyas classified medicinal plants in arranged into classes. According to

the Ayurveda drugs are classified on the basic of their Udhbhava sthana (origin),
Guna(property).Karma (action), Swaroopa (morphology) etc.

 Charaka vayasthapana, daha prasamana, trishna nigraha

 Sushruta guduchyadi patolladi, aragvadadi, kakolvadi
 Bhavprakash guduchyadi

Name of Drug

Sanskrit name- Amrita,Chhinnruha

Latin Name–Tinosporaa cordifolia
More than 75 synonyms have been referred for Tinospora in Ayurvedic
literature inferring its importance in therapeutics. A few to refer to are:
1) chinna -Grows from the point where it is sliced
2Amritballari- If planted guduchi never die.
3 Chhinnaruha – when caught guduchi grows again.

4 Tantrika – The stem of guduchi resemble a rope.
5 Madhuparni – when crushed leaves give viscid juice like that a honey.
6 Chakralakshenika – when cut transversely the stem shows circular structure.
7 Chandrahaasa – the seed are semilunar shape.
8.Aamrita – Guduchi is very useful drug and possess the qualities like that a nectar
9 Rasayani – guduchi has rejuvenating quality.
10. Jwarnaseni – Very efficacious drug in fever.
11 .Watsadhani – calf easily eat it.
12 vranaha- helps in wound healing.
S.N synonyms Ne.Ni Ra.Ni Ka.Ni Bha.Ni

1 Guduchi + + + +

2 Maduparnni + + + +

3 kundali + + +

4 soma + + +

5 chinna + + + +

6 chinnakbhawa + + + +

8 Chinnaroha + + + +

9 Bayastha + + + +

10 Chakralakshyan + + +

11 chandrahasa +

12 Amrit lata +

13 Bhara +

14 Wastadini + +

15 Pindamrida +

16 Sattirupa +

17 Bichhina +

18 Kandarohini +

Vernicular Names;
The names in different languages helps in classification of the drugs ,local and
regional names are important which provides clue for the Sanskrit. Word Through
it is not correct in all cases but lingcistic.Pecularity of the local names may be
Nepali Gurjo, gurjelaharo
Hindi Gurcha
Bengali Gulancha
Guajarati Garo , galac
Marathi Gulvel
English Tinospora
Sanskrit Chakralakshanika
Telugu Goguchi
Latin name Tinosporacordifolia
Punjabi Gilo

Ayurveda - Guduchi

Siddha - Cintil Tantu

Unani - Gilo

Classical Classification
Here Acharyas classified medicinal plants in arranged into classes. According to
the Ayurveda drugs are classified on the basic of their Udhbhavasthana (origin),
Guna (property), Karma (action), Swaroopa (morphology) etc.

CharakSamhita Triptigna, stanyasodhan,

dahaparsaman, snehanupag,
trishnanigrah, sandhaniya,
SushrutaSamhita Aaragwadadi, guduchyadi, patoladi,
kakoladi, ballipanchamul
Vagbhata Guduchiyadi, patoladi, Aragwadadi
DhanwantariNighantu Guduchyadivarga
MadanpaalNighantu Abhayabhi Varga
RaajNighantu Guduchyadivarga
KaiyadevaNighantu Osadhi varga
BhavaprakashNighantu GuduchyadiVarga

Salikramnighantu Guduchyadivarga
Shodhalanighantu Guduchyadivarga
Amarakosa Vanaushadhivarga
Mahaushadhanighantu Bilwadivarga
Abhidhanaratnamala Tiktaskandha

Natural order

Kingdom – Plantae(plants)
Class – Tracheophytes
Sub class – Angiosperms
Genus - Tinospora
Species - cordifolia
Family - Menispermaceae
Order - Ranunculales
Division – Eudicots (flowering plant)
BinomicalName -Tinospora cordifolia
Morphology(Batanical Description).

 Habit : An extensive climber with corky, grooved bark with adventitious aerial

Leaves : Thin 7-nerved, cordate with a broad sinus, venis reticulate, petiole long.

 Inflorescence : A raceme, longer than the leaves, axillary, terminal or from the old
wood (cauliflorous).
 Flowers :
o Yellow, the male fascicled, the female usually solitary.
o Flowers appear when the plant is without leaves, pedicels slender, bracts
lanceolate, the lower sometimes foliaceous.
o Male flowers with sepals 3, outer small, ovate-oblong, acute, the 3 inner large,
thin, sub-orbicular, concave.
o Petals 6, each loosely embracing a stamen, claw wedge-shaped, limb trilobed and
reflexed at the apex, stamens 6, free.
o Female flowers  petals wedge-shaped, oblong with entire margins.
o Ovaries 3, stigma forked.

Fruit : A drupe, 1-3 convex, flat, red. Seeds thin and concave convex like a watch-

 Flowering and Fruiting Time : April - May

DhanwantariNihantu- 2types;

The plant distributed throughout the tropical region of Nepal and India up to
1,200m above sea level from kumaon to Assam, in north extending through West
Bengal, Bihar, Deccan, Kankan, Karnataka and Kerala. It is indigenous to areas of

India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Borneo,Vietnam, Bangladesh, North Africa, and South Africa.7-10 It is typically
grows in deciduous and dry forests at elevations up to 1000ft. Habitat


Rasapanch Madanapaalanig Bhavaprakashnig Rajnigha Kaidevnigh

aka hantu hantu ntu antu
Rasa Katu,Tikta, + Tikta, Tikta,
Kasaya Kasaya Kasaya,Katu
Guna Laghu + Guru Laghu
Virya Ushna + + +
Vipaka Madhura + + +
Dosha Tridoshasamaka + + +

1. Tinosporide.
2. Cordifolide.
3. Unosporin.

4. Tinosporon.
5. Tinosporic acid.
6. Cardifol.
7. Tinosporidin.

 Jwarhar
 Rasayana
 Krimighna
 Aamahara
 Kasahara
 Shangrahi
 Trishnahara
 Dahahara
 Pramehahara
 Kusthaghna
 Balya
 Chhardighna
 Arshoghna
 Hridya
 Medhya
 Chachhusya
 Bayasthapana

Therapeutic indication
 Jwara
 Vaatarakta
 Prameha

 Kustha
 Agnimandha
 Trishna
 Daha
 Kasa
 Krimi
 Chhardi
 Aarsha
 Netravikara

A few therapeutic applications as mentioned in classical literature:

1. Jvara (~Fever):

1. Decoction of the cold infusion of Guduchi should be taken.

2. Kamala (~Jaundice) and Halimaka (~Hepatitis)

1. One suffering from jaundice should take buffalo’s ghee processed with
Guduchi juice and milk.

2. The patient of jaundice should take decoction of Triphala or Guduchi or

Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) or Nimba mixed with honey in the

3. Chardi (~Vomiting)

1. In case of vomiting, a decoction of Guduchi should be taken.

4. Amlapitta (~Hyperacidity)

• Decoction of Guduchi, Nimba and Patola leaves mixed with honey alleviates

5. Kushtha (~Various Skin Diseases)

Juice or decoction or ghee processed with

Guduchi alleviates all types of skin diseases.

6. Kasa (~Cough)

Guduchyadi ghrita alleviates cough.

Systematic action:
External uses: Antisepetic and analgesic. Guduchyadi oil is used in common skin
condition and gout.
Internal uses
Digestive system: Controls emesis and thirst, appetite, digestive, eristaltic,
antihelminthic and anatacid
Circulatory system: Cardiotonic, haemopoetic and acts specially on Vata- rakta
Respiratory system: Anti-inflammatory and anti-secretary action is observed.
Reproductive system: Aphrodisiac
Urinary system: Anti-diabetic, promotive

Skin: Useful in number of common skin disease (should be used along with neem,
khadir and amla).
Temperature: Antipyretic, especially effective in chronic fevers.
Satmikaran: It is known to be a good restorative- Tiktan balya, Rasayana

External: Guduchi oil is used for massage in dermatoses, gout etc.
Digestive system: Useful in thirst, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, liver
disorder, jaundice, acid-peptic disorder, dysentery, spru and worms. It increases
Circulatory system: Raktavahasrotagami. Guduchi satwa is effective in cardiac
devility, blood disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly, gout and anaemia.
Respiratory system: Useful in cough
Reproductive system: Aphrodiasiac being shukragami, snigdha and madhur vipaka
Urinary system: Effective in prameha, mainly in diabetes and disorder of urinary
Skin: It is used in skin disorders like dermatoses and erysepales etc. It is also used
in syphillis, ulcer.
Temperature: Juice of Guduchi is used in chronic fever and typhoid fever. It
reduces burning normalies temperature, improve appetite and increases the
Satmikarana: Useful in weakness and phthisis and good Rasayana for all seven


Coṟi (~Pruritus), Curam (~Fever), Kaya noy

(~Tuberculosis), Kuruti alal (~Bleeding disorders),

Kuttam (~Hansen’s/skin diseases), Mekam (~Genital
diseases), Pinicam (~Sinusitis).


Humma (~Fever), Ishal (~Diarrhoea), Zaheer

(~Dysentery), Deedan-e-Ama (~Worm

Main kalpana/SP/preparation
1.Guduchisatwa– Prameha.
4.Amritaristha– Sarvajwara.
5. Amritaadhyaguggulu–Sthaulya.
8.Guduchighrita– Vaatarakta, Kustha.
9.Guduchitaila– Vaatarakta, Timir.
Satwa- 0.5-2gramVVV
Kwatha-50-100 ml
Churna-1-3 gram

It grows well in almost any type of soils and under varying climatic conditions.


The plant is cultivated by stem cutting in the month of May-June. It requires some
support preferably Neem and Mango trees, such plants are supposed to possess
better medicinal values.


Periodical hoeing is done, both in the nursery and field as per requirement.


The medicinal plants have to be grown without chemical fertilizers and use of
pesticides. Organic manures like, Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Vermi-Compost,
Green Manure etc. may be used as per requirement of the species. To prevent
diseases, bio-pesticides could be prepared (either single or mixture) from Neem
(kemel, seeds & leaves), Chitrakmool, Dhatura, Cow's urine etc.

The field after plantation should be irrigated periodically as and when required
weekly or fortnightly..

Mature plants are collected, cut into small pieces and dried in shad. YIELD
Approximately 8-10 q./ha.

The rate for a kg. of dried stem ranges from Rs. 15-20

Special information

T. cordifolia finds a special mention for its use in tribal or folk medicine in
different parts of the country. Almost all the parts of the plant are documented to
be useful in ethno botanical surveys conducted by ethno botanist. In folk and tribal
medicine, whole plant, powdered root and stem bark, decoction of root and stem,
juice of the root, juice or paste of the leaves, and stem of the T. cordifolia are being
used to treat various ailments viz. fever, jaundice, diarrhoea, dysentery, general
debility, cough, asthma, leucorhea, skin diseases, fractures, eye disorders, bites of
poisonous insects, venomous snake etc. The tribalsBaiga, living in the interior
areas of Naugarh and Chakia Block of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh make the
paste of stem of the Guduchi (T. cordifolia) and the roots of Bhatkatiaya
(Solanumsurattense). The pills are prepared and used in the treatment of fever for
three days. The tribals of Khedbrahma region of North Gujarat use the plant in
their day to day life as food or medicine. They use powdered root and stem bark of
T. cordifolia with milk for the treatment of cancer; decoction of root is used for the
cure of dysentery and diarrhoea and decoction of old stem is preferred in the
treatment of periodic fever30. In Dahanu forest division of Maharashtra, tribal
races, viz. Agaris, Bhils, Dhodias, Dublas, Khakaris, Rimoshis, Thakurs, Vardaris,
Vagharis and Varlis use the stem decoction with cold or hot water (about 3-4 gm)
in morning in an empty stomach as a tonic in general debility. Shirt of child is dyed
in juice of Guduchi and worn in balashosha (emaciation in children) by
theinhibitants of Banka Bihar).Two drops of leaf juice of allied species of Guduchi
(T. sinensis) is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Karna Shula (pain in ear) by
the local people of Patiyala (Punjab). The inhibitants of Badala (U.P.) take the
juice of stem orally with honey for the treatment of swasa (Asthma).

The scientific research on Tinosporacordifolia suggests a huge biological potential

of this plant. It is strongly believed that detailed information as presented in this
review on the phytochemical and various biological properties of the extracts
might provide detailed evidence for the use of this plant in different medicines. T.
cordifolia is widely used in ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various
ailments. It is reported that extract of T.cordifolia has good immunomodulating
effect. It also has the ability to scavenge free radicals induced membrane damage.
It also has the hypoglycemic activity and hypolipidemic activity. It also has ability
to protect the liver from various diseases. It is found that it is non-toxic in acute
toxicity studies. Various types of studies, which have been done on T. cordifolia,
reveal that it is an excellent drug, which could be a good remedy for various
aliments of animals as well as human beings yet the safety and the potential
indications in human beings and animals have to be established using modern


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