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Family and household

are two related concepts

Family within a household

Family within a household

United Nations (2014)

- "those members of the household who are related, to a specified degree, through blood, adoption, or



- "an arrangement in which one person makes provision for his/her own food/other essentials for living
without combining with any other person to form part of a multi-person household"


- "group of two or more persons living together who make common provision for food/other essentials
for living


- can either be a one-person household/multi-person household

Nuclear family and Extended family

Nuclear Family

Nuclear Family

made up of 2 adults and their children

made up of a group of people who are united by social ties

married couple + biological/adopted children

Extended family

3. 2 or more nuclear families that are related to each other, plus other persons related to at least one of
the nuclear families

1. A single nuclear family and other persons related to the nucleus

2. 2 or more nuclear families related to each other without any other persons
Extended family

- type of family whose members go beyond the nuclear family

- has the following forms:

Kinship of politics:

political dynasties and alliances


have also been influenced by kinship relations

Political Dynasties

- most politicians (in public offices and gov't positions) are relatives

Political Dynasty Bill of the House of Representatives

Political Dynasty Bill of the House of Representatives

there are no enabling laws that will prevent it and prohibit politicians from doing it

Despite the 1987 Philippine Constitution, political dynasties continue to exist

Political Dynasty exists when.....

"two or more individuals who are related within the second degree of consanguinity"

Political Alliances

Political Alliances

political parties tend to align and forge cooperation with other stronger parties to ensure victory in
elections or guarantee the passage of a legislation

having alliances, politicians would continue to recieve more funds, resources and support from the
ruling party/administration party

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