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Why do we philosophize?

Learning the history of philosophy amazes me. I did realize that history has value and meaning and
that there’s more to it. I remember having so many questions for everyone about different things
when I was in elementary school, which have remained unanswered to this day. I think there are
some questions that have an answer, much like a mathematical question that always has a definite
and concrete answer, but there's also a question that has no answer or for which we can't find a
concrete answer, or better yet, the answer is also a question. The beauty of philosophy remains to
this day. We philosophize for every uncertainty that arises in our lives, for which we have always
sought to find a question, but then there’s another question in that question until another question
comes again. I have a philosophy of life, and that is "live life now or never," but that doesn’t
necessarily mean that I am now a philosopher, just like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and many other
philosophers. Being philosophical like them has its certainties, like the fact that they question
everything. All philosophers have the capability of philosophizing to show different angles and think
outside the box. We philosophize to deepen our knowledge about the question that’s in front of us.
Like, what is the meaning of my life? 

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