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Saludo y Tema (Dafne): Hello, good afternoon, my name is Dafne and today we

will be explaining how to do the following experiment entitled

"lava lamp"
The specialists on this topic will be presented below:

NOTA: En esta parte cada quien se presentara, haciendo un saludo cordial y posterior a
esto diciendo su nombre

Materiales (Karlita): After the above we began the experiment. The materials that
we are going to use today are the following
 A clean 1L glass bottle
 250ml water (1c approximately) ……

Procedimiento (Angie): The process to carry out this experiment will be the
1. First, pour the wáter into the bottle………….

Resultados (Elian): As you can see the results of this experiment will be the
- When you add……

Conclusiones (Mafer): the salt dissoves…….

DESPEDIDA: Well, this experiment has been completed, we hope you liked it and
finally see you later

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