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LISA MACQUART, born in 1827, married in 1852 to 

Quenu, a healthy man with a well-balanced

mind.Bears him a daughter, dies in 1863 from decomposition of the blood. Prepotency of and physical
likeness toher mother. Keeps a large pork-butcher's shop at the Paris markets.14. GERVAISE
MACQUART, born in 1828, has three sons by her lover Lantier, who counts paralyticsamong his
ancestors; is taken to Paris, and there deserted by him; is married in 1852 to a workman, Coupeau,who
comes of an alcoholic stock; has a daughter by him; dies of misery and drink in 1869. Prepotency of
herfather. Conceived in drunkenness. Is lame. A washerwoman.15. JEAN MACQUART, born in 1831,
married in 1867 to Francoise Mouche, who dies childless in 1870;remarried in 1871 to Melanie Vial, a
sturdy, healthy peasant-girl, by whom he has a son, and who is again


. Innateness, as with Pascal and Helene. First a peasant, then a soldier, then peasant again. Still aliveat

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