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Sarong Demak Wrap

By Adrian Fatahilah - 121201013

Final Exams - Visual Nusantara & English II

Why did I chose this creation?
At first, when i was at National Museum, i actually want to
make a product with idea based on Ganesha. Since too many
people using it so i decided to change my idea to Masjid
Demak as my benchmark to make an product.

It was quite interesting that masjid demak was one of iconic

mosque in indonesia with unique architecture. So lets continue
our discussion shall we?
With the unique
architecture and ornament
1. Composing of Masjid Demak. I arrange
some motives based from
Motive the rooftile and the
This is the result of my composing motives, what you think about it?
After i do the composing
motives. The next step is
2. Doing the making the repetition. I do
make some repetition
repetition based on the motives that i
already compose
This is the result of my repetition motives, what you think about it?
The Mix
This is the mix and match of motives
repetition plus the color palette that i use
before i make the product
This is the result of 1st my mix & match, what you think about it?
Final Creation
After those mix and match. I choose one
of them and then put it into mockup of

My discoveries
Why did i choose this as my final

1. The motives that i choose is

represent of Masjid Demak and City
demak it self which is royal city

2. The color scheme is based on City

Demak and Mixed with Islamic Color
with strong psychology meaning
(Peaceful, Stability, Happiness)
In conclusion. After doing this experiment, it is very hard to
making 1 product based on the iconic things in the City.
Because it should not be made carelessly let alone having to
deal with the city's traditional motif. I hope that this Wrap
prototype will be realized as a true product in the future.
Thank you

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