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Dilek Olga PARLAR - Ayşe ŞEKER

Bu kitap, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının

30.11.2015 tarihli ve 92 sayılı (ekli listenin 123’üncü sırasında) kurul kararı
ile 2016 - 2017 öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süre ile ders kitabı
olarak kabul edilmiştir.

ADA Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Ş.

Uğur Mumcu Mah. 1578. Cad. No.: 21 Ostim/ANKARA
tel.: (0 312) 385 54 10

Dil Uzmanı

Görsel Tasarımcı

Program Geliştirme Uzmanı


Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uzmanı


Rehberlik/Çocuk Gelişim Uzmanı


ADA Matbaacılık
Ankara -2017


Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Bastğn yerleri toprak diyerek geçme, tan:
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. Düşün altndaki binlerce kefensiz yatan.
O benim milletimin yldzdr, parlayacak; Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazktr, atan:
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Verme, dünyalar alsan da bu cennet vatan.
Çatma, kurban olaym, çehreni ey nazl hilâl! Kim bu cennet vatann uğruna olmaz ki feda?
Kahraman rkma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Şüheda fşkracak toprağ sksan, şüheda!
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarmz sonra helâl. Cân, cânân, bütün varm alsn da Huda,
Hakkdr Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl. Etmesin tek vatanmdan beni dünyada cüda.
Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadm, hür yaşarm. Ruhumun senden İlâhî, şudur ancak emeli:
Hangi çlgn bana zincir vuracakmş? Şaşarm! Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli.
Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarm. Bu ezanlar -ki şehadetleri dinin temeli-
Yrtarm dağlar, enginlere sğmam, taşarm. Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.
Garbn âfâkn sarmşsa çelik zrhl duvar, O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşm,
Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Her cerîhamdan İlâhî, boşanp kanl yaşm,
Ulusun, korkma! Nasl böyle bir iman boğar, Fşkrr ruh- mücerret gibi yerden na’şm;
Medeniyyet dediğin tek dişi kalmş canavar? O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başm.
Arkadaş, yurduma alçaklar uğratma sakn; Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanl hilâl!
Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâszca akn. Olsun artk dökülen kanlarmn hepsi helâl.
Doğacaktr sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’n; Ebediyyen sana yok, rkma yok izmihlâl;
Kim bilir, belki yarn, belki yarndan da yakn Hakkdr hür yaşamş bayrağmn hürriyyet;
Hakkdr Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl!

Mehmet Âkif Ersoy


Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini,

ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir.
Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en
kymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek
isteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahlarn olacaktr. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti
müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atlmak için, içinde bulunacağn
vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok
namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek
düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili
olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatann bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün
tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün ordular dağtlmş ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil
işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere,
memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hyanet
içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini,
müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde
harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir.
Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâd! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen,
Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktr. Muhtaç olduğun kudret,
damarlarndaki asil kanda mevcuttur.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Describing what people do regularly

Making simple inquiries

Telling the time, days and dates

Accepting and refusing

Describing what people do regularly

Expressing likes and dislikes

Making simple inquiries

Describing places

Describing what people are doing now

Making comparisons

Making simple inquiries

Describing places

Describing the weather

Expressing feelings

Making simple inquiries

Describing places

Expressing feelings

Expressing likes and dislikes

Making comparisons

Stating personal opinions

Making simple inquiries

Stating personal opinions

Talking about past events

Describing what people do regularly
Expressing ability and inability
Making simple inquiries
Naming the days
Telling the time, days and dates

Describing what people are doing now

Expressing quantity
Making simple inquiries
Talking about locations of things
Talking about past events

Describing what people are doing now

Giving and responding to simple instructions
Making simple inquiries
Making simple suggestions
Telling someone what to do

Giving and responding to simple instructions

Making simple inquiries
Talking about past events
Talking about what people do regularly

Warm up
Look at the clocks and match the times with the clocks.

It’s ten past three.

It’s two o’clock.

It’s half past two.

It’s ten to four.

It’s a quarter past one.

1 Tell the times.

It’s half past four.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

2 Match the verbs with the pictures.

1. get up 4. wash face 7. get on the school bus

2. have breakfast 5. get dressed 8. play in the park
3. visit grandparents 6. leave home 9. help mother

10. watch TV 13. have a shower
11. do homework 14. take a nap
12. paint pictures 15. learn folk dance

3 Listen and choose the correct options.

Hi! My name is Paul. I live in London. I’m twelve years old and I’m a teacher .

I get up at 7.00 every morning. I have breakfast at 7.30.


cheese toast and a glass of milk

I have a for breakfast.
crisps and tea

I leave home at 8.00 .


My school starts at 9.30 and finishes at 2.30 p.m. I come home at 4.00 and have a rest.
8.30 2.15 3.00
I always do my homework dinner.

I have dinner at p.m. with my family.

I watch TV. I sometimes play computer games.


I go to bed at 9.30 .

4 Listen to the text again, write True (T) or False (F).

Paul lives in Paris. ____

He is a student. ____

He gets up at 7.00. ____

He doesn’t have breakfast in the mornings. ____

His school starts at 8.30. ____

He always does his homework before dinner. ____

He goes to bed at 10.30. ____

5 Read and match the times with the activities.

Hello! I’m Windy. I’m eleven years old. I’m a student. I go to

school at 8.00 a.m. everyday. My school finishes at 01.30 p.m.
and I come home at 2.00 p.m. After I have my lunch, I do my
homework between 2.30 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. I go to chess club on
weekdays. My course starts at 6.00 p.m. I learn chess there. I play
tennis on Saturday mornings. I arrive there at 9.00 a.m. and I play
tennis till 11.00 a.m. I go to tango courses at 7.30 p.m. and I learn
tango with my friends. Tango is an Argentinian folk dance. And also
I want to learn horon. It’s a kind of Turkish traditional dance.

• go to school ____

• come home ____

• play tennis on Saturday

b c
mornings ____

• chess club ____

• learn tango with

my friends ____
d e

Do you know the meaning of “chat-friend”?
What can you write about to your chat-friends? Circle.

I can write about...........................................................

my school my family both

Tom has a chat-friend. Read Tom’s email to his chat-friend. And answer
7 the question.

1) What does he do on Wednesday afternoons?

Daily routines

I get up at 7.30 a.m. and get dressed for school. I have breakfast
then leave home at 8.00 a.m. I walk to school everyday. My lessons
start at 8.30 a.m and finish at 1.30 p.m. I walk home with my
friends. Sometimes we play in the park near our school. I finish all
my homework before dinner. I help my mother and rest for a while.
After school on Wednesdays I go to zeybek dance course. It’s a
kind of Turkish folk dance. I like dancing. It’s great fun. I watch
TV with my parents till 9.00 p.m. I always go to bed at 10.30 p.m.

8 Read the email again and draw the times of Tom’s activities.

Tom get up start school finish school go to bed

Prepare a daily routine chart for yourself. And talk about your daily
9 actions to your classmates.

Activities Time

Sunday get up 7.00 Activities Time

Monday Thursday

Tuesday Friday

Wednesday Saturday

e.g. You: I get up at 7 o’clock on Sundays.

10 Listen to the CD. Put the pictures into the correct order.

11 Listen to the text again. And put a tick (✔) for True (T) or False (F).
True False

1. Timmy isn’t a school boy.

2. He goes to school at 7.45.

3. Classes start at 8.30.

4. After school he goes to a dance course.

5. On Saturdays he always takes guitar courses.

6. On Sundays he plays soccer with his friends.

12 What do you do after school? Talk about it. You can use these pictures.

e.g. I do my homework after school.

Walk around the class. Ask your classmates “what do you do after
13 school on .....?” and take notes on the table.

Who Activity When

Cem play computer games Mondays

What do you do after school

on mondays?

I sometimes play computer

games on mondays.

14 Talk about your friends’ after school activities as in the example.

Cem sometimes plays computer

games after school.

Work with your partner. Read the dialogue between Timmy and Angel.
15 Then act out similar dialogues.

Angel : What do you do at weekends?
Timmy : I go to dance course to learn polka.
Angel : What does “Polka” mean?
Timmy : It’s a Bohemian dance.
Angel : Can you repeat it?
Timmy : It’s a Bohemian dance. Polka.
Angel : I see.


Prepare a poster showing what your favourite singer /actor/ sports figure does after work.
Write what he / she does.

Warm up
Match the phrases with the pictures and say for yourself.
— get up at 7 — go to school by bus
— have breakfast — get dressed
— do homework — play basketball

e.g. “I get up at 7 o’clock.”

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

1 Listen and match the trays with the names.


Martina --------

C Edward--------

Liz --------

2 Listen again and tick (✔) the names of the foods you hear.

cheese cereal

olives bagel

honey sausage

jam blueberry

muffin egg

croissant pancake

bread butter

Choose the food items in activity 2 for you. Talk about your likes and
3 dislikes. Then ask your friend.

e.g. You : I like cheese and jam at breakfast.

But I don’t like olives. Do you like olives?
Your friend : No, I don’t. I like eggs.

4 Read the people’s preferences and write their names on the chairs.

I have breakfast at 6.45. I eat

omelette, sausage and cheese for
breakfast. I drink milk.

Britta I have breakfast at 8.00.

I eat croissants, butter and jam.
And I drink hot chocolate.

I have breakfast at 8.30. Pierre

I eat beans and a toast.
I drink tea.

I have breakfast at 7.30.

Sarah I eat cereal with milk. I
eat sausages and cheese.
I drink orange juice.


5 Complete the paragraph for you and say your friends.

I have breakfast at ___________ . I eat ___________ , ___________ and

___________ . I drink ___________ .

6 Work with a friend. Ask and answer and make a dialogue. And write.

Use these questions:

• What time do you have breakfast?
• What do you eat at breakfast?
• What do you drink?

You : ______________________________________________

Your friend : ______________________________________________

You : ______________________________________________

Your friend : ______________________________________________

You : ______________________________________________

Your friend : ______________________________________________

7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in activity 4.


You : Where is Pierre from?

Your friends : He is from France.

You : What does he eat at breakfast?

Your friends : He eats croissants, butter and jam.

You : What does he drink?

Your friends : He drinks hot chocolate.

Listen and write “J” for Jimmy, “M” for mother, “F” for father and “L”
8 for Lisa.

cereal croissant

tea orange juice

milk jam

sandwich pancake

omelette sausage

muffin bagel

Look at your chart in activity 8. Write Jimmy’s family members’

9 preferences. Then tell your classmates.

Jimmy eats ________________________________________


His mother eats ______________________________________


His father eats ______________________________________


His sister __________________________________________


10 Read the dialogue and act it out.

Alex : Mommy. I’m hungry. I want to have breakfast.

Mother : OK. Do you want some pancakes or muffins?

Alex : Yummy. I like muffins. And can I have some milk?

Mother : Of course. Milk is very nutritious.

Alex : Excuse me?

Mother : Nutritious. I mean it is very useful for your health. Look at its cartoon. There is
calcium and protein in it.

Alex : OK. I like it.

Mother : Enjoy it.

11 Read the dialogue again and write True (T) or False (F).

1. Alex is thirsty. ____

2. Alex likes muffins. ____

3. Alex wants to drink milk. ____

4. Milk isn’t useful for health. ____

5. There isn’t protein in milk. ____

12 Role play. Make similar dialogues.

Role Card A Role Card B

You are at home. You are in your friend’s house.

Your friend is with you. Answer your friend’s questions

Ask him/her about his/her food and say your preferences for

preferences for breakfast. breakfast.

13 Answer the questions.

1. What time do you have breakfast?

2. Where do you have breakfast? At home or in school canteen?

14 Listen to the conversation and choose the answer.

Are they having a. their lunch?

b. their breakfast?

Listen to the conversation again and find out their favourites.

15 Then complete their speeches.

Pierre : My favourite is __________ .

Hans : I like __________ at breakfast.

It’s my favourite.

Luisa : __________ are my favourite.

Pair work. Complete the dialogue and act out. Then make similar
16 dialogues.

You are a waiter at a cafe. One of your friends is the customer.

You : Welcome. Can I have your order, please?

Your friend : I want some ________________ .

You : Do you want ________________ ?

Your friend : No, thanks. I don’t like _______________ .

I want some ________________ .

You : OK. Enjoy it.


Prepare a poster. The poster shows and categorizes different food items and drinks that
you have at breakfast. Write their names.

Warm up
Look at the drawings. Describe the locations of the places. Use these:

between / next to / opposite / behind

There is a school opposite the library.

Listen to the text. Write the numbers on the pictures. Then match them
1 with the words.

........ hospital

........ mall

........ post office

........ zoo

........ bus stop

........ pharmacy

........ toyshop

........ restaurant

........ cinema

2 Answer the questions.

1. Where do you live? In a city or in a town?

2. What is your neighbourhood like? Are there any high buildings or green parks?

3 Look at the picture and describe it as in the example.

There are a lot of buildings. A boy is riding a bike.

There is a boutique on the

street. Two women are looking at
the shop.
4 Listen to the text and label their names.

5 Listen again. Then correct the sentences if it is necessary.

1. Patrick is waiting in line in front of the bank.

2. Tom is driving his car.

3. Thomas and his mother Lucy are shopping.

4. Linda is riding her bicycle.

5. Wilma is selling her books.

6 Game Time.
Work in pairs. Look at the picture for one minute. Now ask and answer the questions about
“what are the people doing at the moment?” and test your partner’s memory.

e.g. You : Are there any people in front of the post office?
Your friend : Yes.
You : What are they doing?
Your friend : They’re waiting in the queue.

Play a game. Work in groups of three. Use your mimes and gestures to
7 describe what you are doing.

Student A : What is she doing?

Student B : Singing?

Student C : No, she is dancing.

Read George and David’s dialogue on the phone. Then answer the
8 questions.
George : Hi, George. How are you?

David : Hi, not bad, what about you? Are you OK in New York now?

George : Yes, I’m happy. I love living in big cities. I think big cities are more enjoyable than
small towns.

David : No, I don’t agree with you. Big cities are more crowded than small towns and I don’t
like crowded cities.

George : David, please come and stay with me for a week. Then you see New York is more
beautiful than your town.

David : Oh, no thanks. People in my town are happier than people in New York. The life in my
town is cheaper than the life in NY. And also the life is easier for me.

George : Oh, that is enough. I can’t change your mind. OK, the life in a town is more relaxing
than the life in a city.

1. Where does George live?

2. Does David like living in a big city?

3. Does George like living in a town?

4. According to David which is more enjoyable? A city or a town?

5. According to George, is a big city better than a town?

9 Look at the example and make similar comparisons.


Living in a city is .........................................................................................

more enjoyable than living in a town.


Towns aren’t
............................................... cities.


Buildings in a city are building in a town.



Streets in a city are streets in a town.


Work with your friend. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer as in the
10 example to compare the two cities. You can use the clues.

İstanbul / Turkey Zurich / Switzerland

Is Istanbul more crowded
than Zurich?

Yes, it is.

İstanbul Zurich

buildings / high

weather / cold (hot)

11 Listen to the text. And choose the correct picture. Where does Tom live?

12 Listen again. Then complete the sentences to compare the two pictures.
Skyscrapes in a city are ............................................................................. houses in a country. (high)

The streets in a city are .......................................................................... the streets in a country. (crowded)

The life in a city is ............................................................................. the life in a country. (enjoyable)

The life in a city is ............................................................................. the life in a country. (healthy)

The life in a country is ............................................................................. the life in a city. (easy)


Prepare a poster comparing your hometown and another city in your country.

Warm up
Write the months of the year under the correct seasons. And ask and answer about them.

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

Spring Summer
_______ _______
_______ _______
_______ _______

Autumn Winter
_______ _______
_______ _______
_______ _______


You : How many seasons are there in a year?

Your friend : There are four seasons.
You : What is the first month of the year?
Your friend : It is January.

Look at the pictures and table. Then ask and answer about weather
1 conditions.

cloudy hailing
rainy sunny

windy foggy lightning


İstanbul Mu la

Ankara Erzurum

İzmir Bolu


You : What is the weather like in İstanbul?

Your friend : It is rainy.

Look at the thermometer and weather table. Complete the table and
2 talk about the weather conditions. Then compare the cities.

Warm London rainy
________ cold
8 °C



Athens ________ ________

16 °C

Sidney ________ ________

35 °C

Moscow ________ ________

0 °C


London is rainy and cold today.

London is colder than Athens.

Read the sample dialogue. And make similar dialogues. Use the
3 information in activity 2.
Father : What is the weather like in İstanbul, today?

Boy : It is cloudy and cool.

Father : What is the temperature?

Boy : It is 14 °C.

Read the climate for London. And underline the suitable clothes and the
4 average temperatures for seasons.

In spring, the weather is very pleasant.

It is generally warm but it is sometimes wet.
There are spring showers in March and April.
You need an umbrella and a raincoat. The
average temperature is 12 °C.

Summer is hot in London. The sun usually

shines every day. It is hotter than in spring
and it is usually dry but sometimes it rains.
So you need sunglasses, t-shirts and also a
raincoat. The average temperature is 26 °C.

In autumn the days are cool and wet. The
sky is often grey and cloudy. And it is sometimes
windy. It doesn’t snow in autumn but it rains a
lot. You need an umbrella and a warm jacket.
The average temperature is 15 °C.

In winter the weather is chilly and wet.

It rains a lot and it sometimes snows. The sun
doesn’t shine very much. It is often cloudy.
And there is always the risk of storms. You
need a sweater, a coat and boots. The average
temperature is 3 °C.

5 Read the text again and guess the meanings of the words.

a. too high temperature.

1. “pleasant” means
b. not too high temperature.

a. to rain heavily in spring.

2. “spring shower” means
b. a short period of rain in spring.

a. to give out bright light.

3. “shine” means
b. to fire.

a. a lot of snow.
4. “chilly” means
b. very cold.

a. bad weather with strong wind and heavy rain.

5. “storm” means
b. a lot of rain.

Read the text again and make dialogues about the suitable clothes for
6 different seasons.


You : What do you need in London in spring?

Your friend : I need a raincoat and an umbrella.

summer autumm winter

7 Listen and point to the countries.

Listen again and write the names of the cities according to the weather
8 conditions. And write the temperatures.

It is hailing in _________ .

It is _________ °C.

It is stormy and there is lightning in _________ .

It is _________ °C.

It is snowy and freezing in _________ .

It is _________ °C.

It is cloudy and cold in _________ .

It is _________ °C.

9 Listen again and choose the people’s emotions.

I feel _____ . I don’t like stormy weathers.

I am _____ because it’s –15 °C.
London is usually cloudy and
I feel _____ .

I feel _____ . I don’t like cloudy weathers.
Jack excited Zeynep

Talk to a friend. Look at the map in activity 9 again. Ask and answer
10 about weather conditions and temperatures in other countries.
You : Is it snowy in Egypt?
Your friend : No. It’s not snowy in the desert. It is dry.
You : I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?
Your friend : It is not snowy in the desert. It is dry.

11 Draw pictures about weather conditions and express your feelings.

It is sunny today. I feel happy.

12 Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Meg : I’m bored. Let’s go to park and ride a bike.
Tim : No. That’s not a good idea. Look at the outside. It’s cloudy.
Meg : But, it isn’t raining. We can go.
Tim : I don’t like cloudy weather.
Meg : How do you feel?
Tim : I feel sleepy. Let’s stay at home.
Meg : OK.

1. Who wants to go to the park? ___________________

2. Is it sunny outside? ____________
3. Is it raining? ____________
4. Does Tim like cloudy weather? ____________
5. How does Tim feel? ____________

Work with a friend. Make similar dialogues. Express your feelings in

13 different weather conditions.

e.g. You : You look moody. How do you feel?

Your friend : You are right. I feel moody because it
is foggy. I don’t like foggy weather.

14 Read your chat friend Matt’s email and answer the questions.

Dear friend,
Greetings from Australia. I’m in Sydney for holiday, now. It is a
fantastic place and it is really hot. It is fabulous. I’m wearing
a t-shirt and shorts in December. We are staying in a nice
hotel near the beach. Sydney is a beautiful city. My parents go
sightseeing everyday but I like spending my time at the beach.
I feel really happy.
Hope you are well.

1. Where is Matt now? _____________

2. What is the weather like? _____________

3. Is it cold in December in Sydney? _____________

4. How does Matt feel? _____________

15 Describe your holiday.

Imagine that you are on holiday in a fantastic place. Describe it and talk about weather,
your emotions, activities, etc.


Prepare a weather forecast poster and compare the weather conditions in different

Warm up
Find the words.

surprised / anxious / happy / scared / sleepy / excited / upset / bored / moody

b r
_____ a i s
_______ x d

c e
______ o d
_____ s y

a y
_____ ps
_____ u d

Look at the picture of a fair and match the names of things with the
1 words.

1. The Ghost Train 4. Roller Coaster

2. Ferris Wheel 5. Bumper Cars
3. The House of Funny Mirrors 6. Chairoplane

2 Look at the pictures and say how they feel.

She feels scared.

3 Look at the picture and choose: “How do they feel?”.

a. happy b. scared

Listen to the CD and circle: ”What do they think about the toys at the
4 fair?”.
the Ferris Wheel
Tina thinks is fantastic.
the Ghost Train

the roller coaster

Bill thinks is fantastic.
the carousel

5 Listen to the dialogue one more time and put a tick (✔) or a cross (X) .

1. Tina loves fairs.

2. Tina doesn’t like Ferris Wheel.

3. Bill hates Ferris Wheel.

4. Bill thinks roller coaster is more fantastic than Ferris Wheel.

5. Tina isn’t going on the ghost train.

6. Tina doesn’t like carousel. She thinks it is dull.

7. Bill thinks carousel is too boring.

8. Tina is going to try out all the rides until her money runs out.

Look at the pictures and express your feelings and personel opinions as
6 in the example. Then compare then.

e.g. A: I like carousel? I think they’re exciting.

B: I hate roller coasters. I think they’re horrible.

A: I hate carousels. I think they are more boring than

roller coasters. I like roaller coasters.





dull exciting


Work with your partner. Look at the pictures and ask him/her what
7 he/she thinks about them. Use the adjectives in the box.

amazing horrible

e.g. You : What do you think about

Your friend : I think they’re boring.

Work in groups of three. Read the conversation and choose one of the
8 role cards. Then make similar conversations.

Tina : Let’s go to fair.

Bill : Oh, It’s a good idea. I think fairs are crazy. I like the roller coaster very much. I think
it’s fun.

Tina : I agree with you. It’s fun. And I also like the ghost train.

Suzy : I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Do you like the ghost train or the roller coaster?

Tina : I like both of them.

Suzy : I hate the ghost train. I think it’s terrifying. I like bumper cars.


You are at the fair. Suggest something to do your friend and

express your feeling.
Use: • Roller Coaster • The House of Funny Mirrors
• Ferris Wheel

Agree with your friend’s suggestion.

Use: I agree ____________

Yes, I think ____________

Disagree with your friend’s suggestion.
Use: No, I think __________ is more ____ than ____
I disagree __________
No, I hate __________
I am sorry. I don’t understand.

9 Read the dialogues and put True (T) or False (F).

Boy : I want a ticket for a ride.

Man : Oh, How old are you?
Boy : I’m eleven.
Man : No, you can’t buy a ticket for the
roller coaster. Look at the sign! It says it’s
not for the people under 13.
Boy : Oh, I’m sorry.

Girl : I want a ride for the roller coaster.

Man : How old are you lady?
Girl : I’m fourteen.
Man : And how tall are you? Look at the sign! It’s
not suitable for the people under 150 cm.
Girl : I’m 160 cm tall, sir.
Man : Then here you are. Have a nice ride!
Girl : Thanks.

1. The boy likes roller coasters. .....................

2. The boy wants to buy a ride for the ghost train. .....................

3. The man doesn’t sell the ticket because the boy is too young. .....................

4. The girl wants a ride for the roller coaster. .....................

5. The girl can get on the roller coaster. .....................

10 Match the signs with their meanings.

1. Fasten your seat belt.

2. Pets not allowed.

3. Don’t eat or drink.

4. For General Audiences.

5. Don’t take photos.

6. No mobile phones.

7. For 13 and over.


11 Read the information on the poster and answer the questions.


th th
July 7 - 9

10.00 a.m. - 11.00 p.m.

1 token = £ 1.00

All rides 1 token

1. Where is the fair?
2. When is the fair?
3. How much is one ride?
4. Would you like to go to the fair?
5. Do you like fairs? Why?

Make a questionnaire and learn about your classmates’ opinions, likes,
12 and dislikes. Follow the steps below.

• Ask questions to your 6 classmates.

• Take notes about their answers. Tick Yes (✓) No ( X ).

Repeat your questions when they don’t understand.

• Answer your friends’ questions.
• Tell your opinions.
• Ask for repetition when you don’t understand the

What do you think about... Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
1 2 3 4 5 6

roller coaster

bumper car


Make a poster and write a slogan for a ride at the fair.

Warm up
Answer these questions.
1. Do you like going on holiday?
2. Where do you usually go for holiday?

1 Look at the pictures and match them with the words.

1 forest

2 river

3 lake

4 mountain

5 seaside

2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about holiday activities.

Use these questions:

• Do you like winter holidays or summer holidays?
• What do you like doing on holiday?
• Do you like swimming on holiday?
• Do you climb trees and pick fruit?

You : Do you like winter holidays or summer holidays?
Your friend : I like winter holidays.

3 Look at the pictures and match them with the sentences.

1. He is opening the window.

2. He opened the window.

3. She is making a cake.

4. She made a cake.

Listen to the dialogue and choose the pictures for Andy and Lisa. Write
4 Andy or Lisa under the pictures.

Listen to the dialogue again and complete the sentences with their
5 names.

1. ________________ went to Antalya.

2. ________________ stayed at a big hotel.

3. ________________ didn’t go to a different place.

4. ________________ was in London.

5. ________________ swam a lot.

6. ________________ visited a few museums.

7. ________________ played at the beach.

8. ________________ went sightseeing.

9. ________________ learned playing tennis.

Draw pictures or show photographs and talk about your holiday

6 activities.


I visited Aspendos and I took

I swam and I played at the beach. photos last summer.

Read the dialogues, look at the pictures and find the people. Then
7 write their names.

Alex : What did you do Elizabeth : What did you do

yesterday? yesterday?
____ : I usually go swimming on ______ : I climbed trees and
Sundays but it was rainy picked fruit with my
yesterday so I went to brother.
the cinema.

Billy : Did you go for a picnic

Sandy : It was sunny and warm yesterday. last weekend?
Did you go sailing in the lake? ____ : Yes, I did. I usually stay
____ : No, I didn’t go sailing. I walked at home on Saturdays but
around the lake with my grandpa it was sunny this weekend
and I picked flowers. and I went for a picnic
with my family.

Robert Sue

Andy Mary

8 Complete the table for you and talk about yourself.

Last Sunday

get up early ✓ play with friends chat on the Net

go to school X do homework draw pictures

watch TV visit grandparents go sailing


I got up early. I didn’t go to school.

Look at the table again. Work in pairs. Make a dialogue with your
9 friend.


You : Did you get up early last Sunday?

Your friend : No, I didn’t.

You : What time did you get up?

Your friend : I got up at 9 o’clock.

10 Answer about you. Yes or No.

1. Did you go on holiday last summer? _____________

2. Did you swim in the pool? _____________

3. Did you have a good time? _____________

Read the dialogue and choose the pictures. Write “J” for Jack and “P”
11 for Pam.
Jack : Welcome Pam. When did you come back from holiday?
Pam : I came back yesterday.
Jack : Where did you go?
Pam : I went to Istanbul.
Jack : Really? What did you do there?
Pam : I went to the Grand Bazaar to do shopping. I had a boat tour on the Bosphorus and
I visited Topkapı Palace.
Jack : Can you repeat it, please? I didn’t understand.
Pam : I visited Topkapı Palace. It was fascinating. I enjoyed it. What about you? Did you go on
Jack : Yes, I did. I went to a camping holiday. I stayed in a tent. I climbed the mountain and
I walked along the river. And also, I picked flowers. I liked it very much. I took a lot of

12 Read the dialogue again and answer the questions.

1. Where did Pam go for holiday?

2. Did she do shopping at the Grand Bazaar?

3. Where did she visit in İstanbul?

4. Did Jack go to a skiing holiday?

5. Where did he stay?

6. What did he pick?

7. Did Jack have a good time on holiday?

13 Work in pairs. Look at the brochures and make dialogues.


• visit Underground
• visit fairy
chimneys • do shopping

• visit Göreme • visit Kayaköy

Open Air
• sw im
• take a balloon Fethiye
• take photographs
at Butterfly

Role Card A Role Card B

Imagine that your friend came Imagine that you came back
back from holiday. Ask questions from holiday. Answer your friend’s
him/her about his/her holiday. questions, talk about your holiday
and state your opinion.

Work in groups. Ask your friends about holiday activities. Take notes
14 and give a presentation to class.


You : What did you do last summer?

Your friend (Ali) : I had a trip in the Black Sea Region.

You :
Where did you visit? And what did you do?

Your friend (Ali) : I visited Sumela Monastery and I walked in the forests.

Name Holiday activity

Ali have a Black Sea trip, visit Sumela Monastery

You : Ali had a trip in the Black Sea Region, he visited Sumela Monastery and he walked in
the forest. . . .


Prepare a postcard and write about what you did on your holiday.

Warm up
Look at the pictures in activity 1. How many jobs can you name?

1 Listen to the CD. Point and match.

cook / architect / nurse / tailor / teacher / lawyer / hairdresser / traffic policeman /
engineer / manager / mechanic / waiter

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

Listen to the CD and try to find his or her job. Point to the picture.
2 Tell your friends.

What is my job? What do I do?

1 2

3 4

5 6

Read the speech bubbles and match them with the pictures. Then write
3 their jobs under the pictures.

Hi! My name is Lucy. I work at

Hello. I’m Tom. I can make school. I work from Monday to
dresses. I can cut and sew Friday. I can teach science.
fabric. I work at my shop. I
never work on Sundays.

Hello! I’m Dan. I work in a Hello! I’m Linda. I like helping

restaurant. I bring your food. sick people. I help doctors to
I can’t cook the food. take care of patients. I work at
a hospital. I also work at nights.

1 2

____________ ____________

3 4

____________ ____________

4 Tell your friends about people in your life.

What does your uncle do?

He’s a waiter. He works in a
restaurant. He serves food.

Think about one of your family members. Ask and answer about his/her
5 occupation.

What does your

father do? My father is a taxi driver.
He drives a taxi.

What does your

My aunt is a nurse.
aunt do?
She helps doctors.

6 Play a miming game.

Think about a job. Don’t tell it to your friends. Use your gestures and mimes. And answer with
only “Yes or No” to your friends’ questions.

Can you make dresses?

Can you cut hair?

You’re a hairdresser.

Can you cook?

Look at the picture. Try to guess the woman’s occupation. Then read the
7 dialogue.
What does she do?

John : Hello! Mrs. Watson. I have a task about occupations. I want to ask you some
questions about your job. Is it OK for you? May I ask you some questions for
my homework?
Mrs. Watson : Of course. You can.
John : Hello again. What is your job?
Mrs. Watson : I’m a saleswoman. I work at this department store. I work here on weekdays
from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
John : What do you do here? Can you explain me please?
Mrs. Watson : Sure. I help people to buy some clothes. I tidy the store. I tidy the clothes and
help people to try them on.
John : Can you make dresses?
Mrs. Watson : No. I can’t. I can just sell and help people to try
the clothes on. I assist customers.
John : When did you start to work as a saleswoman?
Mrs. Watson : I started in 1996.
John : Hmm.
Mrs. Watson : And I also work at a cafe as a singer at
John : Wow, Really? How nice!
Mrs. Watson : Yes. I like singing very much. I can sing and play
the instruments very well so I work at that
cafe at the weekends. I think singing is more
enjoyable than being a saleswoman.

8 Read the dialogue again, answer the questions.

1. What does Mrs. Watson do?

2. Does she like her job?

3. When does she work?

4. Does she have an extra job?

5. Does she like singing?

6. What is her favourite job, singing or helping the customers?

9 Describe Mrs Watson’s daily routines and occupation.

She is a __________

She works in a __________ on weekdays.

She helps __________ .

She sings ____________________

at __________ .

10 Listen to Tom and choose the correct options

2012 2002

Sunday Sunday

11 Say these years.

1923 1996 2000 2009

Look at the sample dialogue. And work in pairs. Ask and answer as in
12 the example.

When did you become I became a teacher in

a teacher? 1970.

doctor / 2002 engineer / 1989

architect / 2005 lawyer / 2010

Work with your partner. Choose one of the cards. Follow the
13 instructions on your card and make a dialogue.

• Ask his / her job. Choose a job for yourself. Answer your
• Ask what he / she can do. friend’s questions.

what he / she can’t do. Use:

• Ask when he / she works. “I’m a...... .”

• Ask where he / she works. “I can .................. but ...... . I can’t ...... .”

• Ask when he / she became... “I work on ...... .”

“I work at ...... .”
“I became a/an ...... in ...... .”


Find out the occupations of your family members. Draw and write what they do.

Warm up
Look at the pictures and answer:
“Where are they?”
on / under / next to / in / in front of / behind

The computer is ______ the table.

The rabbit is ______ the hat.
The ball is ______ the table.
The guitar is ______ the bed.
The man is ________ the bank.
The cat is ________ the aquarium.

Match the numbers with the words. Then say the ages of your family
1 members.
A) 18 ____ forty – two
B) 25 ____ fifty – four
C) 42 ____ eighteen
D) 54 ____ seventy – three
E) 73 ____ ninety – seven
F) 97 ____ twenty – five


My father is forty – one years old.

2 Answer the questions.
1. How many students are there in your class?
2. What is your teacher doing now?
3. Where are your English books?

3 Listen to the dialogues and number the pictures.

Dialogue ____ Dialogue ____ Dialogue ____

Listen to the dialogues again and complete the missing information.

4 Then answer the questions.

1. The glasses are on the ____________ .

2. Tina’s mother is ________ the cats.

3. ________ is drawing out cash from a cash machine.

4. John wants to buy a ________ and a ________ .

He needs ________ dollars.

1. How much does John need for a computer?

$ 2,300 or $ 3,200?


2. How much does John need for a mobile phone?

$ 2,200 or $ 1,200?


Match the numbers with the words. Then work with a friend, show and
5 say the numbers.
A. One thousand and seven hundred
1. 1,000
B. Four thousand two hundred and fifty
2. 1,700
C. One thousand
3. 4,250 D. One million

4. 9,310 E. Nine thousand three hundred and ten

5. 1,000,000 Five thousand two hundred

and twenty.

6 Look at the example. Make similar dialogues.

e.g. Look. It’s under

your desk.
I can’t find my rubber.
Can you help me?

7 Answer these questions.

1. Do you like watching films on TV?

2. What kind of films do you like?

8 Listen and choose the answer.

What is the film about?

It’s about ________ .

A. a robbery in a bank
B. an escape from the prison

9 Listen again and put the pictures into the correct order.

10 Listen again and choose the answers.
1. What does the robber have?
a. a magnifier b. a gun

2. How much money is the robber stealing?

a. five hundred dollars b. five thousand dollars

3. Where is the security guard?

a. in front of the bank b. behind the bank

4. What is the security guard doing?

a. He is running away. b. He is chasing the robber.

5. What does the detective have in his hand?

a. a magnifier b. a bag

11 Guess the meanings of the words and number the pictures.

1. A robber is a person who ________ .

a. protects a building b. steals money

2. “Chase” means ________ .

a. to run after someone to catch b. to run away

3. “Fingerprints” show ________ .

a. the lines on the finger b. the marks on the hand

4. “A security guard” is a person who ________ .

a. protects a building b. lends money

5. “A magnifier” makes ________ .

a. objects appear further b. objects appear bigger

12 Work in groups. Play a miming game.

What is she doing?

She is looking at something

through the binoculars.

Look at the pictures of Mr. Parker’s house and tell the story. Choose
13 the correct sentences from the list.

• Mr. Parker is sleeping in his bedroom.

• A burglar is opening the door.
• A burglar is breaking into the house.
• The burglar is stealing a diamond necklace.
• The burglar is stealing money.
• The dog is barking.
• Mr. Parker is chasing the burglar.
• Mr. Parker is calling the police.
• The policeman is taking the burglar’s fingerprints.
• The policeman is taking some photos.

Read the text and dialogues. Complete the missing information in
14 dialogue 2. Then act the dialogues out.

A burglar broke into Mr. Parker’s house last night.

The burglar stole 1500 dollars and his watch.
The detective investigated the burglary and he talked to Jack and Sam, two possible suspects.

Dialogue 1
Detective : Where were you yesterday evening?
Jack : I was at home.
Detective : Were you alone?
Jack : Yes, I was.
Detective : What did you do?
Jack : I cleaned my house.
Detective : Were you tired?
Jack : Yes. But, my friend helped me.
Detective : Thanks for your answers.

Dialogue 2
Detective : _____ you at home yesterday
Sam : No, I wasn’t. I was at the
A horror film was on. I watched
Detective : Were you _____ ?
Sam : No, I wasn’t. I was with my
Detective : Did you come back home
_____ ?
Sam : No. I came back home late. I
went to a restaurant.
Detective : Can you give me the restaurant’s
Sam : Yes, of course.
Detective : Thanks for your help.

15 Read the dialogues again and write True (T) or False (F).

1. Jack was at home. _____

2. Sam was at the theatre. _____

3. Sam watched a film on TV. _____

4. Jack cleaned his house. _____

5. Sam was alone. _____

6. Jack was with his friend. _____

Answer this question: “Who is telling a lie, Jack or Sam?” Tell your
16 classmates and give your reason.

_____ is telling a lie because ____________________________________

______________________________________________________ .

17 Work with your partner. Choose a role card and make a role play.

Role Card A Role Card B

• Ask your friend where he / she • Answer your friend’s questions

is now and what he/she is doing. and change roles.
• Ask your friend where he / she
was yesterday.


Become language detectives. Take photos of English words you see around you and prepare
a poster.

Warm up
Have a look at the pictures and match the expressions with the pictures.

A. Air pollution B. Ozone layer C. Recycle

Look at the given part of the picture. Try to guess the answers of the

1. Where are they?

2. What are they doing?

2 Look at the picture below. Then ask : “What are they doing?” and answer.
Use these words in your questions and answers.

clean dirty rubbish garden glass paper

e.g. happy box

You : What are they doing?

Your friend : They are picking up rubbish.
You : Where are they?
Your friend : They’re at the school garden.

3 Read the sentences below. And put a tick (✔) if they’re true.

1. It’s Earth Day at their school today.

2. They aren’t happy.

3. They’re picking up rubbish and putting it into the waste bin.

4. They’re at the city park.

5. They don’t want to take care of our planet.

6. They don’t use recycle box.

4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions as in the example.

e.g. You : What is she doing?

Your friend : She’s sleeping.

“What should we do to save our world?”. Look at the sentences and
complete them with the verbs. Use “should” or “shouldn’t. ”

recycle save buy turn off leave

drop waste help ride stop

shouldn’t drop
I ________________ litter.
I ________________ paper, glass, plastic and cans.
I ________________ the water.
I ________________ plastic bags.
I ________________ the electricity.
I ________________ animal in danger.
I ________________ the lights when I leave the room.
I ________________ the water running when I brush my teeth.
I ________________ walk or _________ my bike to school.
I ________________ the pollution.

Work in groups. Think about a problem in your area. And make

suggestions as in the example.

You : What do you think about air pollution? What should we do?
Your friend 1 : We should use public transportation.
Your friend 2 : We should cycle.

Look at the phrases. Put a ( ) or a ( X ). Then tell what to do or

what not to do to protect the environment.

waste water plant trees waste electricity

use public use bicycle for put the rubbish
transport transportation out

use recycle put the dead save

bins batteries out energy

use eco-friendly use more save the

bulbs chemicals animals in danger

Don’t waste
water! unplug the

Plant trees!

Think about an environmental problem and make a presentation on the


We shouldn’t waste water.

We should turn off the taps.

9 Answer the questions.

1. Do you watch documentary programs about preserving our earth?

2. Are you an environmentalist?

3. What are you doing to save our earth?

10 Listen to the CD. What is it about? Choose the correct item.

a. protect environment b. nuclear power

Linda is planning an environmental campaign against the pollution in her

11 school. She wants to inform her friends. Listen to the CD again. Then
find the slogan of her campaign.
Save the planet.

Listen to the screams of our earth.

Do something for earth.

12 Listen to the CD again. Put True (T) or False (F).
1. Linda is an environmentlist. ...............................................

2. She wants to protect the earth. ...............................................

3. She doesn’t want to use electricity or water carefully. ...............................................

4. She wants to waste water and electricity. ...............................................

5. She doesn’t like recycling. ...............................................

6. She doesn’t believe in public transportation. ...............................................

7. She thinks we should use less chemicals. ...............................................

What should we do to save our world? Make some suggestions as in

13 the example.

We should keep the environment clean.
We shouldn’t waste water or electricity.

14 Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Mr. Brown : Hey! Look out!

Timmy : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : What are you doing?

Timmy : Iııııh...

Mr. Brown : You’re throwing your rubbish on the


Timmy : Oh, I’m sorry.

Mr. Brown : You shouldn’t throw your rubbish on

the ground. Put your rubbish in a bin.

Timmy : Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry.

1) Where are the boy and the man?

2) What is the boy doing?

3) What does the man want?

4) Is the boy embarrassed?

Look at the picture and complete the dialogue. Then act it out. Use
15 these words.

should shouldn’t Don’t I’m sorry TV on

Mother: Hey! Jason!

Jason: Yes, mum.

Mother: Where are you going?

Jason: To my room.

Mother: But ........ is still ........ .

Jason: Oh, yes. ........... .

I forgot it.

Mother: You ................ waste electricitiy. You

............... turn off all electrical devices when you’re
leaving the room. .................. do that again.

Jason: No, I won’t. Sorry.

16 Work in pairs. Choose one of the role cards and make a dialogue.


You’re planning an environmental campaign. Make a speech to your friends. Use your gestures
and mime to explain when your friends don’t understand.


Ask for the meaning and for the repetition when you don’t understand.


You: Earth Day began in 1970. Every year in April we remember to take care of our planet.
We can keep Earth clean by using 3R rules: “Reuse, recycle and reduce.”

Your friend: Sorry, what does “recycle” mean? I don’t know it.

You: It means making something new from something old.

Your friend: I don’t still understand. Can you show that please?

You: (Use your mimes and gestures to explain.)


Students prepare slogans / notes / posters about saving energy at school and hang them on
the walls.

Warm up
Read the text, look at the table and tell Ali’s daily routines.

This is Ali. He is twelve. He is a 6th grade student. He plays basketball in the

school team and also he is the captain of the team. He is good at playing basketball
and he is a responsible and respectful boy so all the players in the team like him.
Ali always helps his friends and he respects others’ rights.

07.00 get up 17.00 take a shower

07.30 have breakfast 18.00 do homework

08.00 go to school 19.00 have dinner
12.00 have lunch 20.00 watch TV
15.00 go to basketball 21.00 read a book
court for training 22.00 go to bed
16.30 come back home

e.g. Ali gets up at 7 o’clock.

1 Answer these questions.

1. Are you in class 6/A? __________ .

2. What is your class president’s name? __________ .

2 Read the dialogue and act it out. Then complete Jack’s note.

Jack : Daddy, I need your help.

Father : What is the problem?
Jack : Not a problem. We have an election at
school for classroom presidency.
I want to be a candidate but I don’t know
what to do.
Father : You can be a good class president.
Jack : Sure? What should I do?
Father : You should show everyone that you are a
responsible person to be a class president.
Jack : I don’t understand. Say that again please.
Father : You should be a responsible person. And
also you should be hardworking. It’s important.
Jack : What else?
Father : You shouldn’t be rude to your friends. You should be nice to everyone and respect
others’ rights.
Jack : Thank you, daddy.

To be a good class president :

• be responsible

3 Work with a friend. Ask and answer these questions.

1. What should a good class president do?

2. What shouldn’t a good class president do?

Remember the last election for classroom presidency in your class and
4 answer.

1. What did your class president do?

2. What did he/she say?

3. Did he/she make a poster?

4. What was his/her slogan?

5 Listen to the conversation and choose the answer.

What are they talking about?

A. preparations for the class election

B. planning a competition

6 Listen to the conversation again and tick (✔) the sentences you hear.

Are you a candidate for the class presidency?

We are selecting our class president.

Who is your candidate?

You must prepare posters and notices.

Can you put up posters?

You should make a speech.

You should respect others’ rights.

You should vote.

I prepared a poster.

Did you find a slogan?

7 Listen to the conversation again and complete Jack’s poster and slogan.

• talent __________

• casual __________

• __________ box

Thank you for your support!

VOTE JACK FOR __________________________


8 Work in groups.

Role Card A Role Card B

Imagine that you are a candidate Imagine that your friend is a
for classroom presidency. candidate for classroom presidency.
Tell your friends your preparations Ask him/her some questions about
for election. his/her preparations for election.

9 Find and write a slogan.
Imagine that you are running into the election for class presidency. Write a slogan into the

10 Prepare a poster and put it up on the wall.

Talk about selecting your classroom president. Use the answers of

11 these questions.

1. When did you select your classroom president?

2. Did you have an election?

3. How many candidates were there?

4. Who was your candidate?

5. Did he/she create an election campaign poster or slogan?

6. What was his/her slogan?

Take your notes here for your speech.







12 Read the dialogue and write True (T) or False (F). Then, act it out.

Sandy : Who is your candidate?

Betty : Lucy is my candidate.

Sandy : Can she be a good class president?

Betty : Yes. Because she is a respectful person. She respects others’ rights. She is always
kind and she always asks about our opinions. She is not rude.

Sandy : You are right. Lucy is my candidate, too.

1. Sandy’s candidate is Lucy. ____

2. Lucy is a selfish person. ____

3. Lucy never asks about her friends’ opinions. ____

4. Lucy is kind. ____

5. Sandy’s candidate is Brad. ____

13 Make similar dialogues.

Imagine that you are having an election for the class presidency. Ask and answer about the

14 Listen to the CD and put the pictures into the correct order.

Listen to the CD again and match the sentences with the pictures in
15 activity 14.

We have three candidates.

Write your candidate’s name on a paper.

Fold the paper.

We have a ballot box.

Put the paper into the ballot box.

16 Answer this question.

Who is the new class president?


17 Read about election in Jack’s class and correct the mistakes.

There were two candidates for classroom presidency. The students chose their candidates and

they wrote his/her name on the board. They had a ballot box. They put the paper into the ballot

box. They voted. After everyone voted, their teacher counted the votes. Then, she announced the

result. Brad was the new class president.

Read the following question. What do you think about it? Make a brief
18 speech about it and share your opinions with your classmates.

What do you think about voting in elections? Is it a duty as a citizen?

Imagine that you are selecting your classroom president. Talk about
19 what to do in the election.


Prepare slogans and/or posters to elect an imaginary super hero.

sausage, -s stormy
nutritious windy
diary, -ies anxious
folk dance UNIT 3 moody
hang busy sleepy
around crowded temperature
out compare
neighbourhood downtown
learn kiosk, -s amazing
rest less bumper car, -s
take a nap more carnival
take care of something queue/line carrousel, -s
courses sell chair plane
visit skyscraper, -s crazy
friends town, -s dull
my uncle traffic jam fantastic
traditional dances wait Ferris wheel
ghost train, -s
UNIT 2 UNIT 4 horrible
bagel, -s spring showers roller coaster, -s
bean, -s average terrifying
blueberry, -ies need thrilling
cereal shine fascinating
croissant, -s chilly amusement park
egg, -s scared water ride
healthy cloudy free
jam fabulous
junk food freezing
muffin, -s hailing forest, -s
pancake, -s lightning flower, -s

fruit cash trash
lake, -s chase turn off
mountain, -s drawer, -s waste
picking escape
river, -s fingerprint, -s
sailing follow ballot box, -es
seaside into campaign, -s
sightseeing investigate candidate, -s
skiing magnifier, -s election, -s
tree, -s prison fair
robbery fold
UNIT 7 security guard law, -s
architect, -s steal make/give a speech
cook, -s thief nice
engineer, -s president
hairdresser, -s
UNIT 9 respect
help air pollution respectful
lawyer, -s chemicals responsible
make dress cut down right, -s
manager, -s damage rude
mechanic, -s electrical device, -s select
salesperson, -people garbage vote
self-employed harm
sew fabric leave
waiter,-s/waitress, -es litter
worker, -s ozone layer
plug (unplug)
UNIT 8 pollution
behind recycle
binoculars reduce
break rubbish
burglar, -s save

Alderson, A. D.; Fahir İz, The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, ABC
Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1978.

Balton, David; Noel Goodey, English Grammar In Step, Richmond Publishing, London, 1997.

Bruni, Cristiana, Susannah Reed, English Adventure Starter, Longman, China, 2005.

Cant, Amanda, Junior’s Club, Longman, England, 2001.

Dean, Michael, English Grammar Lessons, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993.

Hughes, Glyn S., A. Handbook of Classroom English, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.

Kocaman, Ahmet, Ardıç Sözlük, Hitit Publications, Ankara, 1989.

Larsen Freeman, Diane, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford University,
Oxford, 1986.

Murphy, Raymond, English Grammar In Use, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.

T.C. MEB Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı İlköğretim Kurumları (İlkokullar ve

Ortaokullar) İngilizce Dersi Öğretim Programları, Ankara, 2013.

Türkçe Sözlük, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara, 2011.

Yazım Kılavuzu, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara, 2012.
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Kitap genelinde görseller adresinden telif ücreti ödenerek alınmıştır. (13.12.2015)


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