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Nome: Ian Nunes Padilha

Série: 2° ano
1. Read the sentences. Observe the underlined words. Are they NOUNS or
Leia as frases. Observe as palavras sublinhadas. São SUBSTANTIVOS ou
a. My parents are honest. adjective
b. I work in a big school. noun
c. The blue house belongs to the old man. noun
d. Paris is a beautiful city. adjective
e. The whale is a big animal. adjetive
f. Flowers are a very expensive gift. noun
g. Dogs and cats are friendly animals. noun
h. This painting is authentic. noun
i. He helped the old man. adjective
j. They are very dedicated students. Noun

2. Check the correct tag questions. Marque um x nas tag questions corretas.
a. You study at Colégio Acreano, don’t you?. ( ) do you? (X) don’t you?
b. Carlos didn’t help his friend, did he? ( ) didn’t he? (X) did he?
c. The girl doesn’t work here, does she? ( ) doesn’t she? (X) does she?
d. We need new cars, don’t we? (X) don’t we? ( ) do we?
e. I didn’t close the windows, did I? (X) did I? ( ) didn’t I?
f. He lives in Acre, didn’t he? (X) didn’t he? ( ) doesn’t he?
3. Read the strip and write the sentence which has a tag question. Leia a tirinha
e escreva a frase que tem uma tag question.
R: “Looks pretty good, doesn´t it?”

a. What is the text about?
(X) opinions ( ) impressions ( ) people
b. Check what is mentioned in the paragraph. Marque um x no que está escrito
no parágrafo.
(X) We all have opinions. ( ) Opinions never change.
(X) Some people have strong opinions. (X) The first impression is the initial
(X) Opinions change when we get older. ( ) It’s not important to listen to other
( ) It’s not important to have opinions. ( ) We don’t need to have opinions

c. Find two adjectives and two nouns in the paragraph and write them in the line
below. Encontre dois adjetivos e dois substantivos no parágrafo escreva-os na
linha abaixo. (Em inglês)
R: “Strong, older” , “People, Kind”
d. What is the correct tag question for the sentence below? Qual a tag question
correta para a frase baixo?
People have different opinions, _____________ ( ) don’t you (X) don’t they?

e. What’s your opinion about studying different languages? Qual a sua opinião
sobre estudar idiomas diferentes?
R: “É algo muito útil, para diferentes trabalhos.”
f. English is easier than Portuguese, isn’t it? What’s your opinion? Inglês é mais
fácil do que português, não é? Qual a sua opinião?
R: Sim, inglês é mais fácil.

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