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I. Objectives:
1. Identify simple sentences from non-sentences or phrase
2. Admired the crow for thinking of a smart way to solve his problem
3. Write simple sentences and phrases

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sentences from Non-sentences
References: CG.EN3G-la-1.1, LM p.2-3
Materials: Pictures, Manila Paper, Colored Paper, chalk and Chalkboard

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Song
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Setting of Standards
6. Drill/Review
Do you still remember the story “The Crow and the Pitcher”?
What happened to the crow?
B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Show again the picture of the crow and the pitcher to the pupils.
(Let the pupils give the details about the story)

2. Presentation
I wrote them on the board.

1. thirsty crow 1. A thirsty crow looked for water.

2. narrow pitcher 2. Where is the narrow pitcher?
3. can drink 3. Now, the crow can drink.

3. Discussion
Read number one in column A. read number one in column B.
Which tells more about the crow? What else do you notice about B1?
(B1 begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.)
This is what you call a sentence.
Sentence- expresses a complete thought.
Is A1 a sentence? Does it share a complete thought?
Does it begin with a capital letter? Does it end with a period?
This is what you call a phrase.
Phrase – doesn’t express a complete thought and it does not end with a
Punctuation mark.

4. Application
Divide the class into small groups. Each group will combine
phrases to make sentences. The sentences should make sense.
Each sentence should begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
(Refer the pupils to LM-Activity1Bp.2)

5. Generalization:
What is a sentence?
What is a phrase/non-sentence?

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct WH word to complete the sentences.
______do you live? I live in the Philippines.
______ is that girl? She’s my sister.
______ do you go to school? I go by riding a bus.
______ do banks open? At eight o’clock
______ are you wearing that a coat? Because it’s hot.

V. Assignment:

Where do you get water to drink? Draw on a clean sheet of paper. Write a sentence about your drawing.

Prepared by:


Teacher-1 Observed by:

School Head

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