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Inntroduction: This paper contains 7 pages, 10 MCQ, 1 structured essay and essay. Answer
all the questions.
Write your index number in the space provided,
In part I question from 1 to 10 select the most appropriate answers from (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)
Universal gas constant R = 8.314 J K -1mol-1

Avogadro constant Na = 6.022×1023 mol-1

Plank’s constant h= 6.626×10-34 Js

Velocity of light c = 3×108 ms-1

1) In which of the following hybridization differs from others
(1) CO2-
3 (2) NO-3 (3) IO-3 (4) BO3-
3 (5) NO-2
2) Which of the element stated below can have the following set of quantum numbers(3,2,0,− 2)
(1)Si (2)Mg (3)P (4)As (5)Cl

3) What is the IUPAC name of the given compound O

║ ║
H−C≡C−C−CH 2−CH2−C−O−CH3
(1) 1-methylhex-5-yn-1,4-dione.
(2) methyl 4-oxohex-5-yn oate.
(3) methyl 4-onehex-5-ynoate.
(4) methyl 4-fornylhex-5-ynoate.
(5) Methyl 5-oxohex-6-ynoate


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4) Aromatic compound A has the molecular formula C8H802. It shows the following
 Reacts with Na and form H2
 Does not react with Na2CO3
 Gives violet colouration with Fe3+
From the following observations state what is the possible structure of A

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

5) Consider the following reaction CH3 OH

X2 +Y2 ⇌ 2XY
It is a single step reversible reaction. Activation energies of forward and reverse reaction are
250kJmol-1, 170kJmol-1. By using a proper catalyst the activation energy is decreased by
90kJmol-1. Find the enthalpy change of reaction when the catalyst is present

(1) -80 kJ mol-1 (2) -30 kJ mol-1 (3)+80 kJ mol-1 (4)+190 kJ mol-1 (5)+30 kJ mol-1
6) Which of the following pair of molecules change the colour of blue litmus as red
(1)NH4NO3, NH4ClO3 (2)CH3COONa, Na2CO3 (3)NH4Cl, HCOONa

7) Which of the following statement/s is/are true

a) An exothermic reaction with increase in entropy is always non spontaneous
b) An endothermic reaction with decrease in entropy is always spontaneous
c) An endothermic reaction with increase in entropy is spontaneous at high temperature
d) An exothermic reaction with decrease in entropy is spontaneous at low temperature
8) OH Consider the following reaction
dil NaoH │
CH3CHO ሱۛۛۛۛሮ CH3−CH−CH2−CHO
(p (q
a) CH3CHO contains 4α Hydrogens
) )

b) α Hydrogen in Cp carbon can be easily removed by base

c) It is a nucleophilic addition reaction
d) The carbon atom Cq is in sp3 hyberdization

9) St 01:- At any of condition Zn reacts with H2SO4 and form H2

St 02:- In electro chemical series Zn is above H2

10) St 01:- At a chemical equilibrium if Qc>Kc the equilibrium shifts in forward direction
St 02:- The Kc value of an equilibrium depends only on the temperature


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Structured essay
a) Consider the following elements
Cr, Be, Cl, N, O, F, Ne, S
i. An element with three allotropes
ii. Which elements chloride reacts with water and form a solution
which is a dehydrating agent
iii. The element which easily reacts with NaOH and release a gas
which can burn
iv. An element which can form 2 different oxi anions with same
oxidation state but with different colour
v. Element which form compounds with highest oxidation state
vi. Element which reacts with Na2SO3 and form a substance which is
commonly used in iodometric titration

i. Draw a suitable lewis structure for the molecular formulae
C2H3N3O. Its skeleton structure is given below
│ │
H – C − C−N−N−N

NOTE: - CN ̂ N bond angle is approximately 118° and N-N bond
lengths are not equal to each other

ii. Stable Lewis structure of C2H3O5N is given below. Draw another 2

resonance structures for it and identify the unstable structure and
mention it as unstable below the structure H :O: :O:
/‫║ – ׀‬
H−C / – .O. – .O. −N−O
C / . .:

‫׀‬ . . . . + ..-


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iii. Considering the Lewis structure fill the following details regarding
N, C, O in the table
 VESPER pairs around the atom
 Electron pair geometry around the atom
 Shape around the atom
 Hybridization .. - .. .. ..
.N. = ./C. – .O. – O
. .– O
. .− H

Atoms are numbered as mentioned below
1 2 3 4 5
1 − C1 – O
1 – O1 – O1− H

Atom N1 C2 O3 O5
VESPER pairs around the
Electron pair geometry
around the atom
Shape around the atom

iv. Indicate the atomic or hybrid orbitals involved in the formation of

δ bonds of following for the Lewis structure stated in (II) above
1) N1 − C2 N1 C2
2) C2 − O3 C2 O3
3) O3 − O4 O3 O4
4) O4 − O5 O4 O5
5) O5 − H O5 H

v. Indicate the atomic or hybrid orbitals involved in the formation of

π bonds of following for the Lewis structure stated in (II) above
1) N1 − C2 N1 C2
2) O3 − O4 O3 O4


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c) Arrange the following in the increasing order of the property

mentioned in brackets
i. H2O2 , HF , NH3 , H2O (Melting point)

ii. CO , CO2 ,CO32- , C2O42- (C-0 bond length)

iii. Li, Na, Mg, Ca (2nd ionization energy)



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a) M is a 3d transition element. It reacts with dil.HCl and form a solution A
which is pink in colour and a colourless gas B. When solution A is allowed to
react with Pb2O in the presence of concentrated HNO3 a violet colour
solution C is formed. When solution C is is reacted with con.KOH(aq) a
green colour solution D and a colourless gas E. when limited amount
KOH(aq) is added to A a white colour precipitate F is obtained. When H202 is
added to F a brown colour precipitate G is obtained. G gives a colourless gas
H when reacted with Con.HCl. When acid is added to green coloured
solution D a violet colour solution C and brown precipitate G is formed
i. Identify solutions A,B,E,F,G,H and anions C,D
ii. Write the balanced equations for the reactions mentioned above

b) In a mixture X there are 3 cations and 1 anion. Following tests are carried out
to identify those 3 cations and the anion
Experiment Observation
1 (CH3COO)2Pb is added solution X and White colour precipitate is
heated obtained which dissolved
when heating
2 NH4Cl/NH4OH is added to solution X A coloured precipitate and a
and filtered colourless solution is obtained
3 To the filtrate obtained in 2 above H2S White coloured precipitate is
gas is passed formed
4 The precipitate obtained in 2 is A brown precipitate and
dissolved in NaOH and filtered colourless filtrate is obtained
5 To the brown precipitate in 4 H2SO4 is Violet coloured solution
added and then salisilic acid is added formed
6 For the colourless solution obtained in White colour precipitate is
4 NH4Cl is added obtained
7 For the white precipitate obtained in 6 Precipitate dissolved and
above excess NaOH is added formed colourless sollution


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8 HCl is added first for the white White coloued precipitate is

precipitate obtained in 3 and NaOH is formed
added drop wisely

i. Identify the anion

ii. Identify the 3 cations
With reasons
c) In a well a bad smell is felt by mixing of H2S. In this well a sample water is
taken and it was found that the concentration of H2S is 68ppm. In a water
tank containing 2000dm3 of well water Cl2(g) is added and all H2S is
removed. Here excess Cl2 is passed. To find the amount of Cl2 passed in
excess the following procedure is done. 50cm3 of water is taken and excess
KI is added. The iodine evolved is titrated with 0.01moldm-3Na2S2O3 in the
presence of starch indicator. The volume of Na 2S2O3 needed was 10.0cm3
i. Give the balanced chemical equations for the reactions mentioned above
ii. Find the minimum mass of Cl2 needed in grams for the removal of H2S
iii. Find the mass of Cl2 used in excess
iv. Find the total mass of Cl2 passed (Cl=35.5gmol-1)


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