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Grader - Instructions Word 2016 Project

GO16_WD_CH06_GRADER_6F_AS - Publicity Rights 1.2

Project Description:
In this project, you will edit a document that explains publicity rights issues by creating and deleting comments, inserting text,
applying formatting, and accepting changes made by others.

Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions

1 Start Word. Download and open the file named 0

go16_wd_ch06_grader_6f_as.docx. On the Review tab, in the
Tracking group, change the Display for Review to All Markup, if
2 At the end of the second paragraph, select the text state of Texas. 15
Insert a new comment, and then type Check state law (the current
user name will display). Delete the James Grant comment.
3 Turn on Track Changes. Select the first paragraph, and then apply the 8
Heading 1 style.
4 With the first paragraph selected, change the Font Size to 18, and then 10
change the Font Color to Green, Accent 6, Darker 25%.
5 In the paragraph that begins It’s vital, delete the text and likenesses. 5

6 At the end of the document, in the blank paragraph, change the Font 10
Size to 12, and then type Contact James Grant, Senior Partner, for
further information. Be sure to include the period.
7 Press CTRL+HOME, and then in the Changes group, click Accept All 12
Changes and Stop Tracking. Save your changes, and then Close the
document but leave Word open.
Note, Mac users leave the current document open.

Display the Combine Documents dialog box. For the Original

document, select the downloaded file
go_wd_ch06_grader_a2_Edited.docx. For the Revised document,
select the file go16_wd_ch06_grader_6f_as.docx. Click More, and
then select the New document option. Click Less, and then click OK.
8 Select and then copy all the text in the CombineResult1.docx. (Mac 15
users, Document1.docx). Open the file
go16_wd_ch06_grader_6f_as.docx. At the end of the document, press
CTRL+ENTER, and then Paste the copied text. Close the
CombineResult1.docx without saving the changes.

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 GO16_WD_CH06_GRADER_6F_AS - Publicity Rights 1.2

Grader - Instructions Word 2016 Project

Step Instructions

9 In the Changes group, click Accept All Changes and Stop Tracking. 10
On Page 2, Delete the comment Check state law.
10 Change the Page Color to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80%. 15

11 Save the document, and then Close Word. Submit the file 0
go16_wd_ch06_grader_6f_as.docx as directed.
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 2 GO16_WD_CH06_GRADER_6F_AS - Publicity Rights 1.2

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