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The idea of the church about the actions of people, usually bring
consequences, people of religions, cultures, or certain societies can become
very extremist just because of belief or faith in something, this does not
mean that everything they say whether true or correct, they have no
limits, and they can even lose some humanity for it, in many of these
religions, cultures, etc. it is not allowed to live, it is only allowed to breathe.

Children are usually insecure, sensitive and often easy to handle, and end
up being like the people who raise them, there is psychological bullying and
cyberbullying, and they are the most difficult to detect, since the
consequences are not visible. Many times this harassment can cause the
victims to suffer from illnesses such as depression and anxiety,

No child would have to worry about anything other than playing, eating,
sleeping and learning. No child should suffer harassment and ridicule for
any reason, the video reflects everything that happens today, although the
video shows prejudices about heterosexuality, today there are many
prejudices about homosexuality, all this occasionally, pursues and leads to
death and these problems should not exist, each one should allow and
respect what others want,

In this and many aspects, in ancient times society did not allow us to do
what we wanted. Over the years this has changed. It is our duty as a
society to continue changing this.

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