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Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology

Professor: Sir Magbuhos, Mark

Transcribe by: Gaurano, Kaye


TYPES OF MUSCLES • Skeletal muscle, or striated muscle,
 SKELETAL with its associated connective tissue, constitutes
 Attached to bones approximately 40% of body weight.
 Striated • Skeletal muscle is so named because
 Voluntarily controlled many of the muscles are attached to the skeletal
 CARDIAC system.
 Located in the heart • Some skeletal muscles attach to the
 Striaed skin or connective tissue sheets.
 Involuntarily controlled • Skeletal muscle is also called striated
 SMOOTH muscle because transverse bands, or striations,
 located in blood vessels, hollow organs can be seen in the muscle under the microscope.
 non-striated • Individual skeletal muscles, such as the
 involuntarily controlled biceps brachii, are complete organs, as a result
of being comprised of several tissues: muscle,
nerve, and connective tissue.

1. Movement
2. Maintain posture
3. Respiration
4. Production of body heat
5. Communication
6. Heart beat
7. Contraction of organs and vessels
• Contractility - the ability of muscle to
shorten forcefully, or contract
• Excitability - the capacity of muscle to
respond to a stimulus
• Extensibility - the ability to be
stretched beyond it normal resting length and
still be able to contract
• Elasticity - the ability of the muscle to
recoil to its original resting length after it has
been stretched
• A sarcomere extends from one Z disk
to the next Z disk.
CONNECTIVE TISSUE COVERINGS • The organization of actin and myosin
• Each skeletal muscle is surrounded by myofilaments gives skeletal muscle its striated
a connective tissue sheath called the appearance and gives it the ability to contract.
epimysium. • The myofilaments slide past each other,
• A skeletal muscle is subdivided into causing the sarcomeres to shorten.
groups of muscle cells, termed fascicles. • Each sarcomere consists of two light-
• Each fascicle is surrounded by a staining bands separated by a dark-staining
connective tissue covering, termed the band.
perimysium. • Light bands, consist only of actin, and
• Each skeletal muscle cell (fiber) is are called I bands that extends toward the
surrounded by a connective tissue covering, center of the sarcomere to the ends of the
termed the endomysium. myosin myofilaments.
• Dark staining bands are called A
MUSCLE FIBER STRUCTURE bands, that extend the length of the myosin
• A muscle fiber is a single cylindrical myofilaments.
cell, with several nuclei located at its periphery. • Actin and myosin myofilaments
• Muscle fibers range in length 1 cm to overlap for some distance on both ends of the A
30 cm and are generally 0.15 mm in diameter. band; this overlap causes the contraction.
• Skeletal muscle fibers contain several • Actin myofilaments are made up of
nuclei that are located at the periphery of the three components: actin, troponin, and
fiber. tropomyosin.
• The sarcolemma (cell membrane) has • Troponin molecules have binding sites
many tubelike inward folds, called transverse for Ca2+ and tropomyosin filaments block the
tubules, or T tubules. myosin myofilament binding sites on the actin
• T tubules occur at regular intervals myofilaments.
along the muscle fiber and extend into the center • Myosin myofilaments, or thick
of the muscle fiber. myofilaments, resemble bundles of tiny golf
• The T tubules are associated with clubs.
enlarged portions of the smooth endoplasmic • Myosin heads have ATP binding sites,
reticulum called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. ATPase and attachment spots for actin.
• The enlarged portions are called
terminal cisternae. Note: Anaphy 1
• T tubules connect the sarcolemma to
the terminal cisternae to form a muscle triad. EXCITABILITY OF MUSCLE FIBERS
• The sarcoplasmic reticulum has a • The electrical charge difference across
relatively high concentration of Ca2+, which the cell membrane of an unstimulated cell is
plays a major role in muscle contraction. called the resting membrane potential.
• The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber is • Muscle cells (fibers) have a resting
called the sarcoplasm, which contains many membrane potential, but can also perform action
bundles of protein filaments. potentials.
• Bundles of protein filaments are called • The resting membrane potential is due
myofibrils. to the inside of the membrane being negatively
• Myofibrils consist of the charged in comparison to the outside of the
myofilaments, actin and myosin. membrane being positively charged.
THE SARCOMERE • Action potentials are due to the
• The sarcomere is the basic structural membrane having gated channels.
and functional unit of a skeletal muscle because RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL
it is the smallest portion of a skeletal muscle • The resting membrane potential exists
capable of contracting. because of:
• Z disks form a network of protein • The concentration of K+ being higher
fibers that both serve as an anchor for actin on the inside of the cell membrane and the
myofilaments and separate one sarcomere from concentration of Na+ being higher on the
the next. outside
• The presence of many negatively • Na+ channels close change back to resting
charged molecules, such as proteins, inside the potential.
cell that are too large to exit the cell
• The presence of leak protein channels
in the membrane that are more permeable to K+ NERVE SUPPLY
than it is to Na+ • A motor neuron is a nerve cell
• Na+ tends to diffuse into the cell and stimulates muscle cells.
K+ tends to diffuse out. • A neuromuscular junction is a
• In order to maintain the resting synapse where a the fiber of a nerve connects
membrane potential, the sodiumpotassium pump with a muscle fiber.
recreates the Na+ and K+ ion gradient by • A synapse refers to the cell-to-cell
pumping Na+ out of the cell and K+ into the junction between a nerve cell and either another
cell.  nerve cell or an effector cell, such as in a muscle
• To initiate a muscle contraction, the • A motor unit is a group of muscle
resting membrane potential must be changed to fibers that a motor neuron stimulates.
an action potential. • A presynaptic terminal is the end of a
• Changes in the resting membrane neuron cell axon fiber.
potential occur when gated cell membrane • A synaptic cleft is the space between
channels open. the presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic
• In a skeletal muscle fiber, a nerve membrane.
impulse triggers gated Na+ channels to open and • The postsynaptic membrane is the
Na+ diffuses into the cell down its concentration muscle fiber membrane (sarcolemma).
gradient and toward the negative charges inside • A synaptic vesicle is a vesicle in the
the cell. presynaptic terminal that stores and releases
• The entry of Na+ causes the inside of neurotransmitter chemicals.
the cell membrane to become more positive than MUSCLE COTRACTION
when the cell is at resting membrane potential. 1. An action potential travels down motor
• This increase in positive charge inside neuron to presynaptic terminal causing Ca2+
the cell membrane is called depolarization. channels to open.
• If the depolarization changes the 2. Ca2+ causes synaptic vesicles to
membrane potential to a value called threshold, release acetylcholine into synaptic cleft.
an action potential is triggered. 3. Acetylcholine binds to receptor sites on
• An action potential is a rapid change in Na+ channels, Na+ channels open, and Na+
charge across the cell membrane. rushes into postsynaptic terminal
• Depolarization during the action (depolarization).
potential is when the inside of the cell 4. Na+ causes sarcolemma and t-tubules
membrane becomes more positively charged to increase the permeability of sarcoplasmic
than the outside of the cell membrane. reticulum which releases stored calcium.
• Near the end of depolarization, the 5. Ca2+ binds to troponin which is
positive charge causes gated Na+ channels to attached to actin.
close and gated K+ channels to open. 6. Ca2+ binding to troponin causes
• Opening of gated K+ channels starts tropomyosin to move exposing attachment sites
repolarization of the cell membrane. for myosin.
• Repolarization is due to the exit of K+ 7. Myosin heads bind to actin.
from the cell. 8. ATP is released from myosin heads and
• The outward diffusion of K+ returns heads bend toward center of sarcomere.
the cell to its resting membrane conditions and 9. Bending forces actin to slide over
the action potential ends. myosin.
• In a muscle fiber, an action potential 10. Acetylcholinesterase (enzyme breaks
results in muscle contraction. down acetylcholine) is released, Na+ channels
DEPOLARIZATION close, and muscle contraction stops.
• change in charges inside becomes more + and ATP AND MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS
outside more – Na+ channels open. • Energy for muscle contractions is
• Energy is released as ATP → ADP + P SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBER TYPES
• ATP is stored in myosin heads •Slow twitch fibers
• ATP help form cross-bridge formation  contract slowly
between myosin and actin  fatigue slowly
• New ATP must bind to myosin before  have a considerable amount of
cross-bridge is released myoglobin
• Rigor mortis will occur when a person  use aerobic respiration
dies and no ATP is available to release cross-  are dark in color
bridges  used by long distance runners
MUSCLE TWITCH •Fast twitch fibers
• A muscle twitch is a single contraction  contract quickly
of a muscle fiber in response to a stimulus.  fatigue quickly
• A muscle twitch has three phases:  use anaerobic respiration
latent phase, contraction phase, and relaxation  energy from glycogen
phase.  light color
• The latent phase is the time between  used by sprinters
the application of a stimulus and the beginning • A muscle has a blend of types, with
of contraction. one type dominating. Humans have both types
• The contraction phase is the time of fibers
during which the muscle contracts and the • The distribution of fibers is genetically
relaxation phase is the time during which the determined 
• Muscle fibers are very energy-
demanding cells whether at rest or during any
form of exercise.
• This energy comes from either aerobic
(with O2) or anaerobic (without O2) ATP
• ATP is derived from four processes in
skeletal muscle.
1. Aerobic production of ATP during
most exercise and normal conditions.
2. Anaerobic production of ATP during
intensive short-term work
3. Conversion of a molecule called
• In summation, individual muscles 4. Conversion of two ADP to one ATP
contract more forcefully. and one AMP (adenosine monophosphate)
• Tetanus is a sustained contraction that during heavy exercise
occurs when the frequency of stimulation is so MUSCLE FATIGUE
rapid that no relaxation occurs. • Fatigue is a temporary state of reduced
• Recruitment is the stimulation of work capacity.
several motor units. • Without fatigue, muscle fibers would
be worked to the point of structural damage to
them and their supportive tissues.
• Mechanisms of fatigue include:
• Acidosis and ATP depletion due to
either an increased ATP consumption or a
decreased ATP production
• Oxidative stress, which is characterized
by the buildup of excess reactive oxygen species
(ROS; free radicals)
• Local inflammatory reactions
• There are two types of muscle • A tendon connects skeletal muscle to
contractions: isometric and isotonic. bone.
• The isometric contraction has an • Aponeuroses are broad, sheetlike
increase in muscle tension, but no change in tendons.
length. • A retinaculum is a band of connective
• The isotonic contraction has a change tissue that holds down the tendons at each wrist
in muscle length with no change in tension. and ankle.
• Concentric contractions are isotonic • Skeletal muscle attachments have an
contractions in which muscle tension increases origin and an insertion, with the origin being the
as the muscle shortens. attachment at the least mobile location.
• Eccentric contractions are isotonic • The insertion is the end of the muscle
contractions in which tension is maintained in a attached to the bone undergoing the greatest
muscle, but the opposing resistance causes the movement.
muscle to lengthen. • The part of the muscle between the
MUSCLE TONE origin and the insertion is the belly.
• Muscle tone is the constant tension • A group of muscles working together
produced by body muscles over long periods of are called agonists.
time. • A muscle or group of muscles that
• Muscle tone is responsible for keeping oppose muscle actions are termed antagonists.
the back and legs straight, the head in an upright
position, and the abdomen from bulging.
• Muscle tone depends on a small
percentage of all the motor units in a muscle
being stimulated at any point in time, causing
their muscle fibers to contract tetanically and
out of phase with one another.
• Smooth muscle cells are non-striated
small, spindle-shaped muscle cells, usually with
one nucleus per cell.
• The myofilaments are not organized
into sarcomeres.
• The cells comprise organs controlled
involuntarily, except the heart.
• Neurotransmitter substances,
hormones, and other substances can stimulate
smooth muscle. NOMENCLATURE
CARDIAC MUSCLE • Muscles are named according to:
• Cardiac muscle cells are long, striated, 1. Location – a pectoralis muscle is
and branching, with usually only one nucleus located in the chest.
per cell. 2. Size – the size could be large or small,
• Cardiac muscle is striated as a result of short or long.
the sarcomere arrangement. 3. Shape - the shape could be triangular,
• Cardiac muscle contraction is quadrate, rectangular, or round.
autorhythmic. 4. Orientation of fascicles – fascicles
• Cardiac muscle cells are connected to could run straight (rectus) or at an angle
one another by specialized structures that (oblique).
include desmosomes and gap junctions called 5. Origin and insertion. The
intercalated disks. sternocleidomastoid has its origin on the
• Cardiac muscle cells function as a sternum and clavicle and its insertion on the
single unit in that action potential in one cardiac mastoid process of the temporal bone.
muscle cell can stimulate action potentials in 6. Number of heads. A biceps muscle has
adjacent cells. two heads (origins), and a triceps muscle has
three heads (origins).
7. Function. Abductors and adductors are • Latissimus dorsi:
the muscles that cause abduction and adduction • lower back
movements. • extends shoulder
Note: Anapahy 1 table 10.1 • Flexor longus
• Flexor carpi radialis
• Flexor carpi ulnaris
• Temporalis • Flexor digitorum profundus
• Masseter • Flexor digitorum superficialis
• Pterygoids (two pairs) • Pronator
• Brachioradialis
Note: Anaphy 1 table 10.2 • Extensor carpi radialis brevis
• External intercostals: • Ischiocavernosus
• elevate ribs for inspiration • Bulbospongiosus
• Internal intercostals: • Deep transverse perineal
• depress ribs during forced expiration • Superficial transverse perineal
• moves during quiet breathing • Iliopsoas:
• flexes hip • Gluteus maximus:
Note: Anaphy 1 table 10.9 • buttocks
• extends hip and abducts thigh
• Rectus abdominis: • Hip
• center of abdomen • abducts and rotates thigh
• compresses abdomen MUSCLES OF THE UPPER LEG
• External abdominal oblique: • The quadriceps femoris is comprised of
• sides of abdomen 4 thigh muscles:
• compresses abdomen • The rectus femoris:
• Internal abdominal oblique: • front of thigh
• compresses abdomen • extends knee and flexes hip
• Transverse abdominis: • The vastus lateralis:
• compresses abdomen • extends knee
• Trapezius: • extends knee
• shoulders and upper back • The vastus intermedius:
• extends neck and head • extends knee
• Pectoralis major: • Gracilis:
• chest • adducts thigh and flexes knee
• elevates ribs • Biceps femoris, semimembranosus,
• Serratus anterior: semitendinosus:
• between ribs • Hamstring
• elevates ribs • back of thigh
• Deltoid: • flexes knee, rotates leg, extends hip
• shoulder • The rectus femoris:
• abductor or upper limbs • front of thigh
UPPER LIMB MUSCLES • extends knee and flexes hip
• Triceps brachii: • The vastus lateralis:
• 3 heads • extends elbow • Biceps • extends knee • The vastus medialis:
brachii: • extends knee
• “flexing muscle” • The vastus intermedius:
• flexes elbow and shoulder • extends knee
• flexes elbow • Tibialis anterior:
• front of lower leg
• inverts foot
• Gastrocnemius:
• calf
• flexes foot and leg
• Soleus:
• attaches to ankle
• flexes foot

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