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Table 3 shows the students' level of study habits in terms of taking notes.


statement "I take notes while reading my modules in mathematics" registered the

highest mean value of 4.23 (excellent) among all statements, indicating that students

are eager to learn mathematics through reading modules. Furthermore, the statement

“I send my notes in Mathematics through social media platforms to check

completeness and accuracy” was described as average with a mean value of 2.86,

implying that students will most likely keep the notes they wrote throughout the class

or in modules.

Overall, the level of students' study habits in terms of note-taking with a mean

value of 3.56 interpreted as “Good”. This implies that most of the respondents are

capable of taking notes even when using their modules in Mathematics. This result

confirms the study done by Osa (2012) who opined that note taking is one of the

activities that can aid learning and remembering as well as academic success. Notes

taking and writing or listening to the teacher and putting down point can enable the

students to achieve good academic success.

Table 3: Level of Study habits of the students in terms of note taking.


1. I take notes while reading my modules in 4.23 Excellent
2. I take notes in my lectures in Mathematics during 4.07 Good
online classes.
3. I review my notes before proceeding to the next 3.56 Good
4. I rewrite my lectures in Mathematics after my online 3.52 Good
5. I send my notes in Mathematics through social media 2.86 Average
platforms to check completeness and accuracy.
OVERALL 3.65 Good

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