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This chapter presents the tabulated data, its analysis and interpretation.

The tables are presented and sequenced in the same order by which the statement of

the Problems appear in Chapter I.

Part I. Student Respondents Demographic Profile

Table 1. Frequency distribution of respondents according to age.

Age Count Percent

8 years old 3 15.79
9 years old 9 47.37
10 years old 5 26.32
11 years old 2 10.53

As shown in table 1 in relation to the respondents age, 3 or a percentage of

15.79% belong to the age bracket of 8 years old, 9 or a percentage 47.37% belong to

the age bracket of 9 years old, 5 or a percentage of 26.32% belong to the age bracket

of 10 years old, and 2 or a percentage of 10.53% belong to the age bracket of 11 years

old. This implies that most of the respondents are in the age bracket of 9 years old.

Table 2. Frequency distribution of respondents according to sex.

Sex Count Percent

Male 11 57.89
Female 8 42.11
As shown in table in relation to their sex, there are 11 or a percentage of

57.89% male, and 8 or a percentage of 42.11% female. The table implies that the

respondents are balance according to their gender.

Table 3. Frequency distribution of respondents according to Grade Level.

Grade Level Count Percent

Grade 3 10 52.63
Grade 4 5 26.32
Grade 5 3 15.79
Grade 6 1 5.26

As shown in table 3 in relation to the respondents grade level, there are 10 or a

percentage of 52.63% grade 3 level students, 5 or a percentage of 26.32% grade 4

students, 3 or a percentage of 15.79% grade 5 students, there is only 1 or a

percentage of 5.26% grade 6 student. The table implies that majority of the

respondents of the study are in the grade 3 level.

Part II. Perception of respondents in the effectiveness of the Modular

Distance Learning Program

Table 4. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its

Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives Mean sd Remarks

Each lesson in the module is accompanied by specific 4.32 0.89 Good
The objectives are stated in behavioral terms. 3.63 0.90 Good
The specific objectives are measurable. 3.89 0.88 Good
The specific objectives are realistic. 3.53 0.90 Good
The specific objectives are attainable. 3.68 0.58 Good
TOTAL 3.81 0.14 Good

As seen from table 4, with regards to the mean perception of the respondents

with regards to the effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in relation

to its specific objectives. A Total Mean of 3.81 or an interpretation of “Good” was

garnered. Each lesson in the module is accompanied by specific objectives got the

highest mean of 4.32 or an interpretation of “Good”. The specific objectives being

realistic got the lowest mean of 3.53 or an interpretation of “Good”.

It can therefore be gleaned from the table and the perception of the respondents

that the specific objectives of the different subjects in the Modular Distance Learning

Program are clearly stated from the beginning, can easily be measured and attained by

the students because of it being easily understood and set forth in realistic manner.
Table 5. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its


Content Mean sd Remarks

Expected learning competencies are contained in the 4.21 0.85 Good
The lessons are presented at a pace that allows for 3.42 0.84 Average
reflection and review.
There is adequate presentation/discussion of content. 3.21 0.79 Average
The ideas, concepts and points presented are well- 2.95 0.62 Average
Supplementary activities enhance student’s 3.95 0.85 Good
understanding of the content.
TOTAL 3.55 0.52 Good

As seen in table 5, with regards to the effectiveness of the contents of the

Modular Distance Learning Program a Total Mean of 3.55 or an interpretation of “Good”

was garnered. Expected Learning competencies are all contained in the module got the

highest mean of 4.21 or an interpretation of “Good”. The ideas, concepts and points

presented are well explained got the lowest mean of 2.95 or an interpretation of


It can be gleaned from the table that although expected learning competencies

are contained within the module somehow some of the lessons lack pace that allows

some of the students to be able to reflect on it and review them better, being part of

distant learning program the teachers are not with the students thus the subjects lack

presentation and discussion and thus sometimes lack explanation, but it can be implied

that some of the expected learning competencies are retained by the students but

could be different when the learning is done in a Face to Face manner.

Table 6. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to the

Language Used

Language Used Mean Sd Remarks

The words used in the module are correctly used. 3.68 0.75 Good
The vocabulary used is suitable to the comprehension 2.95 0.71 Average
level of students.
Instructions to students are clear and easy to follow. 3.32 0.67 Average
The lessons are presented in paragraphs/sentences 3.79 0.63 Good
that are grammatically correct.
The module is accompanied by clear and specific 3.58 0.69 Good
directions for their use.
TOTAL 3.46 0.34 Average

As seen in table 6, in relation to the effectiveness of the language used in the

Modular Distance Learning Program a Total Mean of 3.46 or an interpretation of

“Average” was garnered. The lessons are presented in paragraphs/ sentences that are

grammatically correct got the highest mean of 3.79 or an interpretation of “Good”. The

vocabulary used is suitable to the comprehension level of students got the lowest mean

of 2.95 or an interpretation of “Average”.

It can be gleaned from the table with the means being mostly low, resulting to

an average interpretation in the Total Mean that somehow the language used by the

teachers in the Modules are somehow lacking meaning to most of them because of it is

not at par for their level of understanding yet. Although all statements are

grammatically correct the word used are somewhat too advanced for their own

vocabularies thus resulting to time needed to look up the meaning of the words used in

the modules.
Table 7. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its

Evaluation Activities

Evaluation Activities Mean sd Remarks

The module has provision for pretest, self-assessment 3.79 0.98 Good
and posttest in each lesson.
The tests/evaluation activities are easy to score. 3.63 1.07 Good
The items in the evaluation are congruent to the 3.42 0.84 Average
specific objectives.
There are test items which measure higher-order 3.95 0.97 Good
thinking skills (HOTS).
The test items cover the important competencies to be 4.05 0.91 Good
TOTAL 3.77 0.25 Good

As seen in table 7, in relation to the effectiveness of the evaluation activities of

the Modular Distance Learning Program a Total Mean of 3.77 of an interpretation of

“Good” was garnered. The test items being able to cover the importance competencies

to be developed got the highest mean of 4.05 or an interpretation of “Good”. The items

in the evaluation being congruent to the specific objective got the lowest mean of 3.42

or an interpretation of “Good”. The table implies that most of the time the evaluation

activities are good enough for the students to apply what they have learned and helps

them apply what they may have learned from the Modular Distance Learning Program

they are currently undergoing.

Part III. Parent Respondents Demographic Profile

Table 8. Frequency distribution of respondents according to age.

Age Count Percent

29 to 35 years old 8 53.33
36 to 42 years old 3 20.00
43 to 49 years old 3 20.00
50 years old and above 1 6.67

As shown in table 8 in relation to the parents age, majority are in the 29 to 34

year old age bracket with a count of 8 or a percentage of 53.33%, those in the 36 to 42

and 43 to 49 years old age bracket both got a count of 3 or a percentage of20.00%,

while those in the age bracket of 50 years old and above got a count of 1 or a

percentage of 6.67%. These shows that majority of the parents of the students are in

the middle years of their lives.

Table 9. Frequency distribution of respondents according to sex.

Sex Count Percent

Male 0 0.00
Female 15 100.00

As shown in table 9 in relation to the respondents sex all of them are female

implying that majority of the family member in the house watching the educational

needs of the students are the mothers, with majority of the father of the household

Table 10. Frequency distribution of respondents according to Educational


Educational Attainment Count Percent

Elementary Graduate 5 33.33
High School Undergraduate 6 40.00
High School Graduate 2 13.33
College Undergraduate 2 13.33
College Graduate 0 0.00
Post Graduate Studies 0 0.00

As shown in table 10 in relation to the educational attainment of the respondents

there are 5 elementary graduates or a percentage of 33.33%, 6 or a percentage of

40.00% high school undergraduate, both high school graduate and college

undergraduate got a count of 2 or a percentage of 13.33%. From the overall result of

the educational attainment of the parent of the students it could be implied that most

of them are educated enough to assist their children in their modules.

Part IV. Perception of parents respondents in the effectiveness of the

Modular Distance Learning Program

Table 11. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its

Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives Mean sd Remarks

Each lesson in the module is accompanied by specific 4.13 1.06 Good
The objectives are stated in behavioral terms. 3.60 0.99 Good
The specific objectives are measurable. 3.80 0.86 Good
The specific objectives are realistic. 3.67 0.98 Good
The specific objectives are attainable. 3.87 1.13 Good
TOTAL 3.81 0.21 Good

As seen in table 11, with regards to the effectiveness of the specific objectives of

the Modular Distance Learning Program got a Total Mean of 3.81 or an interpretation of

“Good” was garnered. Each lesson in the modules being accompanied by specific

objectives garnered the highest mean of 4.13 or an interpretation of “Good”. The

objectives are stated in behavioral terms got the lowest mean of 3.60 or an

interpretation of “Good”. The table implies that the parents of the respondents find the

objective of the module easier understood compared to their children. It also means

that most of them find the given objectives to be easier attained by their children

because they are set forth in the level of comprehension their children understand.
Table 12. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its


Content Mean sd Remarks

Expected learning competencies are contained in the 4.00 1.25 Good
The lessons are presented at a pace that allows for 3.47 0.92 Average
reflection and review.
There is adequate presentation/discussion of content. 3.53 0.64 Good
The ideas, concepts and points presented are well- 3.20 0.77 Average
Supplementary activities enhance student’s 4.33 1.11 Good
understanding of the content.
TOTAL 3.71 0.45 Good

As seen in table 12, in regards to the effectiveness of the contents of the

Modular Distance Learning Program got a Total Mean of 3.71 or an interpretation of

“Good” was garnered. Supplementary activities for students is able to enhance their

understanding of the contents of the modules got the highest mean of 4.33 or an

interpretation of “Good”. The ideas, concepts and points presented are well explained

got the lowest mean of 3.20 or an interpretation of “Good”. The table implies that some

of the ideas, concepts and points presented are not that well explained because some

of them are not really that well understood even by the parents. Although

supplementary activities are able to enhance the understanding of the module by their

children discussion and face to face explanation between the teachers and the students.
Table 13. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to the

Language Used

Language Used Mean sd Remarks

The words used in the module are correctly used. 3.87 0.92 Good
The vocabulary used is suitable to the comprehension 3.40 0.83 Average
level of students.
Instructions to students are clear and easy to follow. 3.60 0.63 Good
The lessons are presented in paragraphs/sentences 3.80 0.77 Good
that are grammatically correct.
The module is accompanied by clear and specific 3.60 0.91 Good
directions for their use.
TOTAL 3.65 0.18 Good

As seen in table 13, with regards to the effectiveness of the language used in the

Modular Distance Learning Program a Total Mean of 3.65 or an interpretation of “Good”

was garnered. The words used in the modules are correctly used got the highest mean

of 3.87 or an interpretation of “Good”. The vocabulary used is suitable to the

comprehension level of the students got the lowest mean of 3.40 or an interpretation of

“Average”. The table implies that both the students and parents find the vocabulary

used in the modules not up their level of comprehension making it time consuming for

them to understand easier the lessons contained in their modules.

Table 14. Mean perception of the Respondents with Regards to the

effectiveness of the Modular Distance Learning Program in Relation to its

Evaluation Activities

Evaluation Activities Mean sd Remarks

The module has provision for pretest, self-assessment 4.40 0.99 Good
and posttest in each lesson.
The tests/evaluation activities are easy to score. 4.27 0.59 Good
The items in the evaluation are congruent to the 4.13 0.83 Good
specific objectives.
There are test items which measure higher-order 4.20 1.01 Good
thinking skills (HOTS).
The test items cover the important competencies to be 4.47 0.92 Good
TOTAL 4.29 0.14 Good

As seen in table 14, with regards to the effectiveness of the evaluation activities

of the Modular Distance Learning Program got a Total Mean of 4.29 or an interpretation

of “Good” was garnered. The test items being able to cover the important competencies

to be developed got the highest mean of 4.47 or an interpretation of “Good”. The items

in the evaluation are congruent to the specific objectives got the lowest mean of 4.13

or an interpretation of “Good”. The table being able to get all good remarks from the

parents implied that the evaluation activities are what they expect and are satisfied with

what they children are being evaluated with.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation

of the study based on the problem raised in Chapter 1.


The findings of this study were divided into two categories which are the profile

of the students and their perception with regards to their preferences in learning style

and study habits.

Part I. Profile of the students

a. Age. Majority of the respondents belong to the age of nineteen with a

frequency of twenty-five (25) and percentage of fifty percent (50%).

b. There were a total of thirty-two (32) female and eighteen (18) male. It

shows that the majority of the respondents are female with a percentage

of sixty-four (64%).

Part II. Perception on the preferences on their learning style and study


a. Personal learning style and study habits. Majority of the respondents shows that

the interpretation of :sometimes” with a weighted mean of 3.47 on the different

items distributed to the respondents. It shows that the learning style and study
habits of the respondents are affected by how they choose personally on their

own time what they will be doing and what learning activities they will do and

give priority to. Availability of time and other factors also contribute on how they

go about the learning process. In general the data implies with regards to the

personal preferences of the respondents that they give imp0ortance to their own

time studying personally rather than have it disturbed by other activities.

b. Drive in studying and learning. This item obtained a weighted mean of 3.78 and

an interpretation of “often”. It shows that the drive and the inspiration that they

get from getting high grades and their parents play a big role on what they do

when they are studying and to what extent they will study. Therefore their drive

in learning is often influenced by low grades, by honors and by their parents.

c. Learning style and study habits at home. This item garnered a 3.32 weighted

mean and an interpretation of “sometimes”. The result implies that the

respondents such minor distractions as listening to music is needed so that they

can go about their study at a well balanced manner. It also implies that doing

academic requirements almost always comes first before other things thus plays

a big importance in the study habits and learning style for the respondents at

home. Therefore their learning styles and study habits at home are influenced

much by what are the different materials and activities they do at home.

d. Learning style and study habits of the respondents at the classroom. The result

went into a 3.47 weighted mean and an interpretation of “sometimes”. Implying

that most of the students would want to have memorization drills than analyze
on certain facts when having tests or quizzes. That most of them would rather

copy the works of their classmates than make their own assignments and

listening to the instructors when having a lecture is much more important to

them than taking down notes. The data found implies that the respondents put

high importance to the inputs that are given by their instructors.

e. Relation with other people or their classmates and its effect on their learning

style and study habits. Majority of the respondents interpreted this item as

“sometimes” with a total weighted mean of 3.30. It shows that it is important to

the respondents to have constant support and interaction with their classmates

and other people in order that there will be constraints while inside the

classroom. Having also a good support from friends and teachers alike would be

a great way to understand better what is taught in the classroom. The data

implies that the respondents depend much on the help of their classmates or

other people so as to understand better their lessons and to be able to have in

mind a better environment of study they mingle with their classmates and friends

in study sessions and reviews.

f. Effects on the learning style and study habits of the respondents by activities

outside the home and the classroom. This item obtained a 3.05 weighted mean

and an interpretation of “sometimes”. This implies that activities outside the

classroom but still in relation with their course and subject matter helps a little in

the learning process and stimulates the respondents so as to have a better

academic performance. Going out and fooling around a little rarely puts
importance on the priority list of the respondents but a breathe of little fresh air

outside the classroom would help a bit in easing the tension and pressure from

the academic needs inside the classroom. Therefore the respondents get more

satisfaction and learning from the different activities that are conducted outside

the classroom.


In light of the above findings the researcher made the following conclusion.

Profile of the respondents

The researcher made use of fifty (50) respondents from the junior

management students of the University of the La Salette school year 2003-2004,

Santiago City, whose majority age, and sex belong to the following respectively

nineteen (19) years old, and female.

Learning style and study habits

a. Mean perception of the respondents with regards to their personal

learning style and study habits. With a weighted mean of 3.47

respondents find it important to have some time available so that they

would be able to learn better personally and most of the respondents

wanted to have their own space while studying and thus needs a little

time to concentrate on certain academic matter especially when a major

examination is coming. This is concluded by the researcher because the

perception came out with an interpretation of “sometimes”.

b. Mean perception of respondents with regards to their drive in learning

and studying, This obtained a weighted mean of 3.78 and an

interpretation of “often”. Respondents have the greatest part in what

they think and what drives them in the learning

c. Learning style and study habits at home. This obtained a weighted

mean of 3.32 and an interpretation of “sometimes”. From the

respondents came the reply that most of them prioritize their academic

needs first before doing other chores at home. It is also a fact from the

data found that most of the respondents need a little distraction from

studying so as not to make the learning process at home very

monotonous and boring. They need to divert their attention through

other ways like watching TV and reading pocketbooks so as to be aware

of certain topics that may be related to their course.

d. Learning style and study habits at the classroom. This item obtained

weighted mean of 3.47 and an interpretation of “sometimes”. The

researcher therefore concluded that the respondents give a lot of their

time in listening more in the explanation and the inputs of the teacher

in relation to them learning more than taking down notes while the

class is having a discussion. The researcher also concluded that the

respondents prefer to have tests that are memorized rather than have

an examination that they analyze the questions to have an answer.

e. Relation with other people or their classmates and its effect on the

learning style and study habits of the respondents. A weighted mean if

3.30 and an interpretation of “sometimes”. From this data a conclusion

that most of the respondents are sometimes depending on the help of

their classmates to understand their lecture and most of the

respondents are willing to ask questions to other people to be able to

grasp better the subject matter. Sometimes they would want better to

be with other people when discussing their lessons rather than be alone

and not have anyone when they don’t understand something and can

not ask questions and contest their opinions to.

f. Effects of activities outside the home and the classroom. This obtained

a weighted mean of 3.05 and an interpretation of “sometimes”. Thus

the researcher concluded that the respondents sometimes would like to

be outside the classroom to have and to improve their learning

experience. It is also found from the table that the respondents

sometimes find a little change of environment an important part of the

learning experience. Being exposed to different programs of learning

aside from the one in the classroom is a good way of stimulating the

respondents to do better in school.

In light of the aforementioned conclusions, the researcher came up with the

following recommendations:

1. A student should be more driven in getting good grades by improving their

learning styles and study habits so as to have a better chance of getting high

grades and acquire more knowledge on their field of expertise.

2. A student should be given a stronger drive so as to why they should study well

and get better grades. Encouragements should be given not only by the parents

but should be reinforced by their friends and especially the instructors of the


3. The school should try to involve the students much more in their learning

experience and break the monotony of classroom instruction. They should

remember that not everything can be taught in the classroom and students must

also be able to experience what is being taught to them so as to have a better

idea of the subject matter.

4. The students in return must try their best to get and acquire the needed

knowledge and know how so as to be a better student and as they go to their

senior years be able to cope up with the demands of a graduating student.

5. To the parents of the respondents they should also remember that students if

given ample encouragement and moral support could try to make it a point to

study better their lessons and to give more effort in their ;earning so as to get

higher grades in their academic requirements.

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