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Presented to
Undergraduate Program
English Education Program
Nurul Jadid University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor in English Language Education

Robiatul Adawiyah
NPM 1842300040



Adawiyah, Robiatul. 2022. The Effectiveness of Using Simon Say Game to Increase
EFL Learners Vocabulary Skill at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah. Undergraduate
program Nurul Jadid University. Advisor (I) Sofyan Adi Pranata, M.Li, Advisor
(II) Dr. Tirmidi, M.Pd.,

Key word: Simon Say Game, Vocabulary Skill

The research was aimed to study the effectiveness of using simon say game to
increase EFL Learners Vocabulary Skill. The population of this study was 20 students.
The research takes two classes as sample research from the basic level of student at At-
tarbiyatut Tijaniyah Institute. The research chooses group A of the basic level class as
Experimental class with 10 students and group B as control class with 10 students. In
this research, there are two variables, namely variable X is using Simon say game and
variable Y is Increasing EFL learners' vocabulary skills, in which researchers want to
know whether or not there is a difference before and after applying Simon say game. To
obtain research data, the researcher used a test instrument that required two tests. There
are pre-test and post-test to investigate both variables, achievement tests are used in this
The data was computed by SPSS 16.0. The results of the calculation of the
difference in the gain score of the experimental group and the comparison group using
the Mann-Whitney test are obtained that the significant obtained is 0.000. Because the
asymp. Sig (2-tailed) <0.05, this means 0.000 < 0.05 then Ha is accepted, and Ho is
rejected. So according to the basis of decision-making in the Mann-Whitney test it can
be concluded, the using of simon says game is effective to Increase EFL Learners
Vocabulary Skill at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah.


This chapter deals with background, problem of the research, the objectives of

the research, the significance of the research, and the scope of the research.

A. Background of the Study

English is used as the official language in some countries where there are few

descendants of native English speakers. It has also become the most important

language in international communication by acting as a lingual franca for people

who do not share a common mother tongue around the world. English is known as

an international language around the world has taken one of important role used in

so many sectors of life as communication of language those are technology, trade,

bilateral relations, science, and many others. Therefore, to profit from the

information, broader technology, and knowledge people should be master English

with a good understanding of studying.

English as a foreign language involves four language skills. They are listening,

reading, speaking, and writing, four language skills are developed from four

language components: vocabulary, structure, pronunciation, and spelling. In this

study, a subdivision of English in studying vocabulary became the researchers'

attention focused on the vocabulary.

In the process of knowing to instruct a language, vocabulary is the most

significant thing in learning English because vocabulary is the most primary skill to

master the language well. Vocabulary can be classified into language components.

Therefore, priority and attention should be given to other skills, because knowledge

of vocabulary is the key to understanding skills in English. “Without a grammar

very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed,” cited by

Thornbury1. This means that people study and learn English they have to know the

words related to the subject matter which in this matter is English. So, when people

learn English, they should know the cumulated of vocabulary in English.

Vocabulary is a collection of familiar words that are mastered by someone.

Vocabulary in general, is also closely related to the development of a person's age,

plays an important and very basic role in communication skills and ability

acquisition. In the realm of foreign/second language learning, vocabulary mastery is

a challenge for these learners. That's why this material is crucial.2

There are many ways to help students remember, and understand English

vocabulary. They are by using Flashcards, making pictures, making sentences,

practicing conversations, making small notes, breaking down a word, reading more

English texts, Using Mnemonics Technique, Using Suffixes, and Prefixes,

memorizing through vocabulary games, and many others. In the end, the teacher

should provide some encouragement to their students to be able to attach English at

the preliminary stages with some approaches. The teacher can give an approach to

their students by game, quiz, song, answering the question, game, poem, or story.

Thus, students are excited if they are given a little game before the lesson. An

example of a famous game that teachers often use is the Simon Say game.

Nurul Isnaini, Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners, (2019).
Fatimatuz Zuhroh, Vocabulary Buliding, (2020), Pages 1-2.

Simon Says game or usually called Simple Simon Says is one of a child's game

with the manner that it is needed three or more players whereabouts one of the

player takes the role of "Simon" and issues instructions (it is usually as physical

actions that are "jumping in the air" or "sticking out your tongue") to the other

players, which have to only be attended if anticipated with the phrase "Simon says".

Players are eliminated from the game by either subsequent instruction that is not

immediately predated by the phrase, or by defaulting to follow an instruction that

does include the phrase "Simon says". It is the ability to differentiate between

indigenous and imitation commands, rather than physical ability, in most cases, the

action just needs to be attempted. Where that is usually matters in the game.3

The player action as Simon is having the aim that is to get all the players out as

immediately as feasible; it is usually the last player who has successfully followed

all of the given commands is becoming the winner of the game. Occasionally, the

last players such as two or more may all be eliminated at the same time, thus

resulting in Simon winning the game. The Simon Say game also Includes a concept

and process that emphasizes full supervision. The concept of this game emerged as

a reaction to the non-formal learning curve principle. Therefore, it will give birth to

mastery so that the overall mastery of each will be spread from lowest, average, and


Therefore, the combination of adding English vocabulary by using the Simon

Say game can help students because it is well known that vocabulary is the most

important thing in learning English. It should be given priority and attention over
Winda Puspita, Improving Students’ Participation in Listening, (2018), Page 01.

other skills because knowledge of vocabulary is the key to understanding skills in

English. Students cannot convey their ideas in written and oral form without having

adequate vocabulary. So, it would not be wrong to say that there are only two things

we need to learn when learning a foreign language, namely words and how to string

them together into good sentences. However, using Simon say game can improve

student achievement in all language skills. This can make students feel relevant

when learning English. Teachers can make students active in using large objective

language, especially in learning English vocabulary. The learning model using the

Simon Say game is an effort in education that aims to motivate students to achieve

vocabulary mastery in certain competencies.

Based on the strategy that has been carried out by the teacher, the researcher

finds out several problems for basic level students of At-Tarbiyatut Tijaniyah

Kotaanyar Probolinggo who have not implemented the vocabulary memorization

system using the Simon Say game. First, students are lazy to memorize vocabulary.

Second, some students feel bored with the learning process. Third, most students

have a low Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in memorizing a lot of vocabulary.

Based on the problems above, the researcher is fascinated in applying the Simon

Says game to strengthen students’ vocabulary and will make the teaching-learning

process be fun and active. According to the foregoing statement, the topic will be

discussed by the researcher is “The Effectiveness of Using Simon Say Game to

Increase EFL Learners Vocabulary Skills at At-Tarbiyatut Tijaniyah”

B. Problem of the study

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research problem

as follow:

“Is the Simon say game effective to increase EFL learner vocabulary skill?”

C. Objective of the study

There is an objective in this research, as follows:

“To know the effectness of using the Simon say game in improving EFL learner

vocabulary skill at At-Tarbiyatut Tijaniyah Institute in Kotaanyar Probolinggo.”

D. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to provide theoretical and practical

benefits of research on the application of the Simon Say Game at the At-Tarbiyatut

Tijaniyah Institute in Kotaanyar Probolinggo, which will be described as follows:

1. Theoritically

It can provide information and add knowledge increasing the ability to

memorize English vocabulary by using Simon Say Game.

2. Practically

a. For Students

To improve the ability to memorize English vocabulary at the At-Tarbiyatut

Tijaniyah Institute, Kotaanyar Probolinggo. After the application of Simon

Say Game.

b. For Teacher

This study describes the use of games in teaching and learning activities for

teachers, namely as a design or a pattern used for teachers for students to

make it easy to understand and memorize English vocabulary such as using

the Simon Say game.

c. For Researchers

The result of this study is making the researchers easier in helping students

to memorize by using the Simon Say Game.

E. Theoretical Hypothesis

H1 = It means there is the effect of using Simon Say game to increase

EFL learners’ vocabulary skill.

H0 = It means there is no the effect of using Simon Say game to

increase EFL learners’ vocabulary skill.

F. Definition of Operational Key term

So that, this study can discuss more thoroughly so that it can achieve something

that is expected, it is necessary to limit the problem. So we feel the need to explain

the definition of the variables in this title as follows:

1. Simon Says Game

Simon says Game is one of activity as the way of teaching preposition and

associated vocabulary for students.

2. Memorize English Vocabulary

Memorizing English Vocabulary is a way for students to learn,

remember and understand English vocabulary. In the process of learning to teach

a language, vocabulary is the most important thing in learning English because

vocabulary is the most basic skill to master the language well.

G. Previous Research

Several studies from the previous researchers related to the research to be carried

out, such as: In this section, it will mention several studies from several previous

researchers related to the research to be carried out in order to avoid

misunderstandings. The research includes:

1. In the research entitled “Students’ Perspectives of Simon Says Game to

Practice Listening Skill at Grade Eight Students of MTS Madinatussalam”

The application of the using Simon Says Game have positive perspectives for

students and invited students to make them easier in practicing their listening

in a fun way. 4

2. In the form of a journal entitled "Improving Students’ Participation in

Listening Comprehension Class Using Simon Says Game ", based on the

results of this study using Simon Say Game to increase student participation

in class listening comprehension can make them motivated. It is proved when

the students were able to be active and participate in the teaching-learning

process. 5

3. In the form of a journal entitled "Improving Asy-Syafi'iyah International

Students' Vocabulary Through Simon Says Game". This study uses the same

learning model, namely the Simon Say Game. This study focuses on students'

difficulties in learning vocabulary through the game Simon said to be the

difference in this study and this study uses a qualitative descriptive method to

describe students' abilities by using interview techniques and observation


Based on the above research, there are several studies that use Simon Says

Game to train and improve Student Participation in Listening Comprehension and

also to improve students' Vocabulary, proving that using Simon Says Game is not

only useful in one skill but also in other skills. This study may be similar to one of

the three studies but also has differences. In this study the researcher will try to use

Angghi Anggraini Nasution, Students' Perspectives of Simon Says Game to Practice, (2020),
Page 01.
Winda Puspita, op.cit, Page 01.
Mely Indriani, Improving Asy-Syafi'iyah International Students' Vocabulary Through Simon
Says Game, (2019), Page 01.

the Simon Says Game to prove that this game can improve students' vocabulary

skills, not make it difficult for students to memorize vocabulary with the Simon

Says game.



The discussions in this chapter is a detailed review of the existing

literature related to the topic that the researcher created, about knowledge and

findings from the existing literature that is relevant to the topic.

A. Theorical definition

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the number of words in the language as the most

important element that needs to be understood and learned to be used

properly and correctly. Based on Longman Dictionary (2002:580),

vocabulary is a set of lexemes, consisting single words, compound

words, and idioms that are typically used when talking something. To be

able to speak fluently and accurately, speaker of foreign language should

master enough vocabulary and has capability to use it accurately.7

Vocabulary can be defined as the collection of all the words

understood by the person or all the words that the person is likely to use

to construct new sentences. Reading and memorizing vocabulary is the

key to learning English quickly and effectively. Control over a lot of

Kamalia Maulina, The Implementation of Riddle Game Media to Increase Students’ Ability in
Speaking for the Eleventh Grade Students of MAS. PP. Raudhatul Hasanah, Paya Bundung, Medan, Diss.
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, (2018).

vocabulary can help a person construct sentences and then a series of


The addition of one's vocabulary is generally considered as an

important part, both in the process of learning a language and developing

one's ability in the language he has mastered. According to Krashen and

Terrell stated in David Nunan book “The status of vocabulary has been

considerably enhanced. This has come about partly as a result of the

development of communicative approach in language teaching.”8 On the

other word vocabulary has become one of the object of the research in

the methodology of teaching till become as a result of the development

of communicative approach.

Vocabulary is knowledge of words and their meanings. However,

more vocabulary complex than this definition suggests. First, words

come in two forms: spoken and print. Spoken vocabulary includes words

we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Printed vocabulary

includes words that students recognize and use in reading and writing.

Second, word knowledge comes in two forms, receptive and productive.

Receptive vocabulary includes the words we recognize when students

hear or see them.9 Productive Vocabulary includes words that we

recognize when students speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is usually

Rizka Sari, The Implementation of Snake and Ladder Game to Improve Students' Vocabulary,
Izzah Mafruchah, Age Differences in Teaching and Learning, (2017), Pages 06-07.

larger than productive vocabulary and may include many words to which

students give some meaning, even if students don't know the full

definition and connotation.

From the various definitions of vocabulary terms above, it can be

conclude that vocabulary is a collection of commonly used words and

understood by a particular person or group, all words all language, a list

of words that are often and usually arranged alphabetically and defined

or translated, words used in a particular subject or field of activity and


b. Function of Vocabulary

In daily life, to communicate with the other people, we use

language to say something, to express our ideas, to express our telling,

etc. both is spoken language or written language. Relating to the

statement above, we can conclude that words are very important to use in

communication. By using word accompanied by rules of language, our

ideas feeling, emotion, thought can be expressed. Furthermore, the people

can understand what they say to us. Communication can run well if we do

not know or have a store of the vocabulary of the language.

The function of vocabulary is inseparable from the language

skills. In the speaking, the people need a words to communicate their

thought, feeling or ideas to the others people. 10 Choosing words

Nur Azyza Malik, The Effectiveness of Using Word Square Method in Teaching English,
(2020), Page 28.

accurately, and impressed as well as how people react them. In listening,

we need vocabulary to understand what someone says through his/her

words. In reading, it is very useful to understand the passage or the

meaning of the text. In writing, it is also important, therefore, the writer

should clearly and accurately in choosing words to express her ideas and

principle to the readers.

c. Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is not skill instantly required, especially with the

students who have different mother tongue or second language learner,

as matter a fact in daily teaching process, students often find themselves

difficult in memorizing vocabulary, and most students don’t know the

meaning of words when they learn English. There are two kinds of

vocabulary in language learning. Those are:

1. Active vocabulary can call productive, productive learning vocabulary

involve what is needed for receptive learning plus the ability to speak or

write needed vocabulary at the appropriate time.

2. Passive vocabulary is word that the students recognize and understand

when they occur in a context, but which cannot produce correctly


c. Strategies of Learning Vocabulary

Steve Kauvmann, Active and Passive Vocabulary in Language Learning, (2017).

There are two ways in which people learn vocabulary that are:

1. Direct Approach. In Direct vocabulary learning, students focus their

attention on learning words in lists or completing various vocabulary

exercises. Most learner use this approach to learn frequently used

words that are needed for survival skills in language. The direct

approach is time and effort-consuming; it is fortunate that the number

of words that are used with high frequency in this domain is limited.

2. Indirect Approach. In indirect vocabulary learning, your attention

will be focused on performing some other language task, such as

conveying or trying to understand a spoken or written message.12

2. Games

a. Definitions of Game

Game is an activity with rules, a goal, and element of fun, which

is divided into two kinds; competitive games, in which players or teams

race to be the first to reach the goal, and cooperative games, in which

players or teams work together towards a common goal. There is

timelessness in the pleasure. The using of game is to enjoy competing

alone or in groups against other players. 13

Maki Naemi, Vocabulary Acquisition through Direct and Indirect Learning Strategies, (2015).

.Aniatu Zahroh. The effectiveness of Simon Says game Towards Students’ Vocabulary (An
Experimental Research at the Second Grade of Mts Al-Fath Cilegon). Diss. Universitas Islam Negeri"
Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten, 2017.

The game consists of a set of rules that build a competitive

situation from two to several people or groups by choosing a strategy that

is built to maximize their own win or to minimize the opponent's win.

The rules determine the possible actions for each player, the amount of

information each player receives as play progresses, and the number of

wins or losses in various situations.

In addition, Lewis cited states playing games is a vital and natural

part of growing up and learning. Through games children experiment,

discover and interact with their environment. The results of the poll poll

aimed at 82.6% of young learners really need a fun and motivated

learning. The results of the next poll showed that 100% of young learners

were very interested in the game.14

It means that games are natural activity done by young learners as

they are growing up because they can discover and communicate with

everything around them. Furthermore, asserts that games teach children

about the importance of taking turns, following rules, sharing, winning

and losing. It means that game teach children about an activity with rules

which they can share anything around them. They also can be a winner

or even looser in the games.15

D Dewantara, M Wati, M Misbah, S Mahtari, and S Haryandi. The Effectiveness of Game
Based Learning on The Logic Gate Topics. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia, 2019.

Ratmanida Mardhatillah, Using ‘MIME GAME’ to Teach Vocabulary to Young Learners
Journal of English Language Teaching, (2016), Page 131.

Some definitions of games according to some experts:

1. John C Beck & Mitchell Wade,

Games are a proven gimmick. Games are great training

environments for the real world in organizations that demand

collaborative problem solving.

2. Samuel Henry,

Game is one form of entertainment that is often used as a

mind refresher from fatigue due to our activities and routines.

3. John Naisbitt,

Games are dynamic participatory systems because games

have a storytelling level that movies don't.

4. Andik Susilo,

Gaming is one of the addictions that is difficult to get rid

of, some even say that online game addiction is equivalent to


5. Websterʼs Dictionary, game means as:

a. An amusement or pastime;

b. The material or equipment used in playing certain games;

c. A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance

and played according to a set of rules for the amusement of the

players or spectators;

d. A single occasion of such an activity or a division of one;

e. The number of points required to win a game;

f. The score at particular stage in a game;

g. A particular manner or a style of playing a game;

h. Something requiring skill, endurance, or adherence to rules;

i. A trick or strategy;

j. Fun; sport; joke;16

From the several definitions above, it can be concluded that game

is an activity that is used pleasure or entertainment, and can be used as an

educational tool. Therefore, the existence of game is very important to be

implemented by students because it is functionable for them either in

having fun or educating them.

b. Genre of Game

Games are divided into several genres, including:

1. Action Shooting (shoot–shoot): games in this genre shows an action

that is quite high in violence content, where there is shooting, hitting,

and can also be stabbed, depending on the story and the characters in it.

In this type of game, players need speed in reflexes and good

coordination in playing it.

Kamalia Maulina, The Implementation of Riddle Game Media to Increase Students’ Ability in

Speaking for the Eleventh Grade Students of MAS. PP. Raudhatul Hasanah, Paya Bundung, Medan, Diss.

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, (2018), Page 24.

2. Fighting. There are those who group fighting genre games in the

Action section, but the author has a different opinion, this game does

require reflex speed and eye and hand coordination, but the essence of

this game is mastery of special moves or actions (memorized how and

smoothly executes them), character recognition and timing is very

important, combos are also a way to beat your opponent as quickly as


3. Adventure. This genre game is a game that explores such as climbing,

exploring the forest, jumping over cliffs separated by ravines, swinging

from tree to tree, wrestling against plants or wild animals in search of

clues or clues to the next obstacle. As for those who are adventuring

between urban streets just looking for wooden sticks or belts to make

tools for the next mission, those are some of the many things that

player characters have to do and go through in this type of game.

4. Strategy. Strategy video games usually give the player control of not

just one person but at least a group of people with various types of

abilities, to vehicles, even to the construction of various buildings,

factories and combat training centers, depending on the theme of the

story. Most strategy games are war games.

5. Simulation. Games of this type often depict real-world life and pay

close attention to various factors. From finding food to jobs, building

homes to cities, managing income taxes and city funds. Games of this

genre should live from the beginning of being born with nothing to

becoming a business tycoon and so on. There are also like conducting

experimental experiments between gene A against other genes to get

unique cloning results. In this type of game, making players must think

in establishing, building and overcoming problem with using limited


6. RPG (Role Playing Game). This game according to its translation, role

playing, has an emphasis on the character/role of the representative of

the player in the game, which is usually the main character, where as

we play it, the character can change and develop in the direction the

player wants in various parameters which are usually determined by

increasing levels, both from the status of intelligence, speed and

character strength, weapons that are getting more powerful, or the

number of friends and pets.

7. Education. Educational games are software packages that create

abilities in a game environment that are provided as a tool to motivate

or help students to go through game procedures carefully to develop

their abilities. Developers who make it, have to take into account

various things so that this game can really educate, increase knowledge

and improve the skills of those who play it. The target segmentation of

players must also be adjusted to the level of difficulty and visual design

or animation.

3. Simon Says Game

a. History of Simon Says Game

One of Simon Says game history version is beginning on history

in 1264, when King Henry III and the sequel candidate, Edward I in the

Battle of Lewes be under arrest by Simon Montford. Then, in the next

year any order King Henry III gave could have been countermanded by

the Simon Montford. The situation can to an end the following year

when The Battle of Evesham where Henry’s son Princes Edward took

Simon’s castle by force and used his flags as a means to surprise Simon

forces. Therefore, as Simon Montford ever gave a big influenced, it

created a game inspiration namely “Simon Says”17

b. Definitions of Simon Says Game

According to Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss in the thesis,

Simon says is the way of teaching preposition and associated vocabulary

is related to total physical Respond and consists of a series of rapid

commands which students follow only when the command when the

words Simon Says Through “Simon says” game, the teacher introduces

the vocabulary needed, and the students carry out the action; in duo

course the students may take over the ordering role. They are reacting to

Adrian Jobson, The First English Revolution Simon De Monfort, Design and Patents Act,

the new vocabulary with physical movements. They are doing something

that will help them to remember. Even in all variation of “Simon says”

the students can be required to make active, meaningful use of new

vocabulary immediately18.

c. The Role of Simon Says Game

Simon Says game or usually called Simple Simon Says is one of

a child's game with the manner that it is needed three or more players

whereabouts one of the player takes the role of "Simon" and issues

instructions (it is usually as physical actions that are "jumping in the air"

or "sticking out your tongue") to the other players, which have to only be

attended if anticipated with the phrase "Simon says".19 According to

Amy Buttner Zimmer in her book wrote that “Simon says is a good way

to get students to actively review vocabulary.”20

Players are eliminated from the game by either subsequent

instructions that are not immediately predated by the phrase, or by

defaulting to follow an instruction that does include the phrase "Simon

says". It is the ability to differentiate between indigenous and imitation

commands, rather than physical ability, in most cases, the action just

needs to be attempted. Where that is usually matters in the game.

Mely Indriani, op.cit, Page 20.
Winda Puspita, op.cit, Page 01.
Amy Buttner Zimmer, Activities, Games, and Assessment Strategies for the World Languages
Classroom, New York; Published by Routledge , (2015), p. 151.

The player action as Simon is having the aim that is to get all the

players out as immediately as feasible; it is usually the last player who

has successfully followed all of the given commands is becoming the

winner of the game. Occasionally, the last players such as two or more

may all be eliminated at the same time, thus resulting in Simon winning

the game. The Simon Say game also includes a concept and process that

emphasizes full supervision. The concept of this game emerged as a

reaction to the non-formal learning curve principle. Therefore, it will

give birth to mastery so that the overall mastery of each will be spread

from lowest, average, and best.

d. The Advantages of Simon Says Game to Teach Vocabulary

As we know that there are many techniques in teaching

vocabulary and game can be one of them. Some experts say that games

used for teaching vocabulary advantages.21 Gertrude in her book said

that: Game has proven to have advantages and effectiveness in learning

vocabulary in various ways:

1. Games bring in relaxion and fun for students, thus help them learn and

retain new words more easily.

2. Games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners


Mely Indriani, op.cit, Page 20.

3. Vocabulary games bring real word context in to the classroom and

enhance students’ use of English in a flexible, communicative way.

Games are highly motivating and they give students more

opportunity to express their opinions and feeling. It means that games

can help those who play to arouse their self-confident, more creatively

and decrease the anxiety from acquiring the language. In short, games

are effective and efficience to avoid boredom in vocabulary class. Base

on the statement above we can conclude that Simon says as a game in

learning vocabulary has advantages for teachers and students in learning

process especially in learning vocabulary.

e. The Disadvantages of Simon Says Game to Teach Vocabulary

The advantage of this game is from the teacher end of thing. It

means that the teacher has to be fast paced or it doesn’t work ,you have

to remember all the commends, use them all equally and make sure that

the student are only doing the actions at the approriate time.22

In conclusion, students are happy and relaxed when they play the

game while the teacher should be able in playing the game. In order that,

students can play while studying in the classroom so they don't get bored


Dr. Muhammad Dalimunte, S.Ag.SS. M.Hum, Maryati Salmiah, M.Hum and Abdul Muhsin Polem,
The Implementation of Simon Say Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Learning English at
MTs. Laboratorium UIN-SU Medan, (2018), Page 08.

D. Correlation Between Simon Say Game and EFL Learners’ Vocabulary


Vocabulary is the most important thing in learning English. It should

be given priority and attention over other skills because knowledge of

vocabulary is the key to understanding skills in English. Especially for

students who have not been able to accept the concept of abstract


In fact, learning English is not always taught concretely and is still

abstract knowledge. This is due, among other things, to the limitations of

the media, methods, and approaches used in teaching. It is difficult to

determine the suitable media and it is not easy to find a way to give direct

experience to students about the material being taught.

Therefore, the existence of Simon says game can be defined as

something or an instrument that is used to attract students’ motivation to

follow the teaching and learning process because Simon says can give

many advantages for teachers and the students either.

However, using Simon say game can improve student achievement in

all language skills. This can make students feel relevant when learning

English. Teachers can make students active in using large objective

language, especially in learning English vocabulary. The learning model

using the Simon Say game is an effort in education that aims to motivate

students to achieve vocabulary mastery in certain competencies.

Simon Say game is designed for students in Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah,

with simple rules that come with it. So that it will be easier for students to

remember the vocabulary that has been provided. This will provide more

interaction in class and faster-memorizing vocabulary. So learning and

memorizing vocabulary will not make students lazy to memorize

vocabulary and bored with the learning process.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the Simon

Say game in memorizing vocabulary, can improve the EFL learners in

Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah.



This chapter is a step that is owned and carried out by researchers in order to

collect information or data and conduct investigations on the data that has been

obtained. The research method provides an overview of the research design which

includes, among others: procedures and steps that must be taken, research time, data

sources, and with what steps the data is obtained and then processed and analyzed.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher conducted quantitative through Experimental

design. The experimental design is used to collect data in such a way that threats to

the reliability and validity of the research are minimized. Experiment research

emanates from the fact that experimental researchers in a given domain of nature are

spread out widely over space and time. This design is not only samples collecting

data, but also covers data analysis, and interpretation of the researched problem.

Experiments carried out in or relationship between variables. A variable, as the term

itself suggest, is anything that does not remain content. In the experiment research,

there are three types of research such as pre-experiment, quasi-experiment, and true

experiment. The researcher took quasi-experiment for research in the classroom, in

the research methods in the language learning book “quasi-experiment is had both

pre-tests and post-test, experimental and control groups, and not a random assignment

of the subject”. 23

David Nunan, Language Teaching methodology, (2018)

The research method used by the researcher is experimental research with a quasi-

experimental design method, the experimental design used is the Nonequivalent

Control Group Design pretest-posttest which is a form of quasi-experimental research

method. This study involved two classes, namely the experimental class, and the

control class. The experimental class and the control class received the same learning

treatment in terms of objectives, content, learning materials, and study time. This

design can be described as follows:

Table 3.1 Experimental Design Schematic

Source : The Easy Book of Understanding Research Methods (Page 159)

Note :

O1O: Pre-test experimental group

O2O: Experimental group final test

O3O: Pre-test control group

O4 O: Control group final test

X : Treatment

In this study, before the research was conducted, both groups were given a pretest

to determine their initial state. During the study, the first group was given treatment

using the Simon say game, and the other group was not treated with the Simon say

game. The group that was treated was made into the experimental group and the

group that was not treated using the Simon say the game was used as the control

group. Then at the end of the study, both classes were given a posttest to see how the

results were.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is overall the research subjects that if someone wants to

examine all elements within the study area, the work was a study population.

The researcher taken 20 students as population in the basic class of At-tarbiyatut

Tijaniyah Institute.

2. Sample

Sampling is concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from

within a statistical population to estimate characteristic of the whole population.

In this research, will be conducted take the nonrandom sampling methods are

also common in second language research.

The research takes two classes as sample research from the basic level of

student at At-tarbiyatut Tijaniyah Institute. The research chooses group A of the

basic level class as Experimental class with 10 students and group B as control

class with 10 students. Total of the sample were 20 students. The classes have

same level of English proficiency. The purpose of the basic class as a sample of

this research is based on the problems that occur in that class.

C. Research Variables

The research has two variable those are the using of simon say game and

increasing EFL learners vocabulary skill, such as :

1.) Independent variable (Variable X) is a variable that determines a certain

direction or change in the dependent variable, independent variable in this

research is using Simon says game.

2.) Dependent variable (Variable Y) is a variable that is influenced by the

independent variable. Dependent variable in this research is increasing EFL

learners vocabulary skill.

D. Research Instrument

Every research needs some instruments to collect data. The research aimed to

find the use of the Simon Says Game to increase students’ vocabulary skills. In this

research, there are two variables, namely variable X is using Simon say game and

variable Y is Increasing EFL learners' vocabulary skills, in which researchers want

to know whether or not there is a difference before and after applying Simon say

game. To obtain research data, the researcher used a test instrument that required

two tests. There are pre-test and post-test to investigate both variables, achievement

tests are used in this study. The pre-test gave to the students in the first meeting to

measure the students' initial ability in learning vocabulary skills, while post-test

gave and used the same test with pre-test after treatment to find out the students'

effectiveness in learning vocabulary skills . Because, the pre-test was intended to

increase the student's vocabulary before giving treatment, while the post-test was

undertaken to increase the student's vocabulary after treatment and the effectiveness

of using the Simon Says game to increase students' vocabulary. Before the test is

carried out, the test must first meet the requirements, while the requirements include

the following:

1. Validity Test

This instrument was tested on 20 Elementary level students at Attarbiyatut

Tijaniyah Kotaanyar, intended to determine the accuracy/validity and reliability of

measuring instruments that have been compiled and will be used in research.

The instrument validity test was carried out quantitatively using SPSS

version 16.0 software for Windows. Validity shows the extent to which the

question's relevance to what is being asked and what is to be measured in the study.

A question is said to be valid and can measure research variables if the value of the

validity coefficient is more than or equal to 0.30. The formula that can be used

using the original values is as follows:24

Sugiyono, P. D. "Quantitative, qualitative, and R&D research methods." Bandung:
(ALFABETA, Ed.) (2018).

After each item of the instrument is calculated the magnitude of the

correlation coefficient with the total score, then the next step is to calculate the

t-test with the following formula:

√n − 2
t count = √1 −r 2


t = value t count

r = correlation coefficient result r count

n = number of respondents

Next, compare the scores to determine whether the item is valid or not,

with the following conditions:

a. If t count < t tablethen the item is invalid.

b. If t count > t table then the item is valid.

Researchers used SPSS 16.0 for windows to test this validity. By

correcting the score on each item with a total score. After that, the correlation

value in the r-table is compared with the correlation value of the r-count. If the

value of r-count is smaller than t-table then it is stated that the variable is

declared invalid. Meanwhile, if the value of r-count is greater than r-table, it is

stated that the variable is declared valid. In this study, the r-table can be find in

Appendix 1 .

In Appendix 2 is the result of the validity value in this study. The

researcher used the r-table in this study was 0.444 because the researcher took

20 students as a sample using a significant level of 0.05. If the r-count value is

less than 0.444, it means that the item has a lower relationship with other

question items than the variables studied, so the item is declared invalid.

2. Reliability Test

Instrument reliability testing aims to see the level of reliability or

stability of a research instrument (level of consistency) or in other words the

extent to which the instrument can produce scores consistently 25. Instrument

reliability is an indicator of the extent to which the measurement results using

the instrument can be trusted. Instrument reliability is shown as the

consistency of scores obtained by research subjects with the same instrument

under different conditions. The degree of consistency is a proportion of the

variance of the subject's acquisition score. In this case, the acquisition score

consists of the pure score and the error score in the measurement. To find out

whether a test has high, medium, or low reliability, it can be seen from the

value of the reliability coefficient with the formula:26

Numiasari, Irma. Personal-Social Guidance Program based on a Humanistic Approach to
Develop Learners' Self-Concepts. Diss. Indonesian University of Education, 2013.
Koo, Terry K., and Mae Y. Li. "A guideline of selecting and reporting intraclass correlation
coefficients for reliability research." Journal of chiropractic medicine 15.2 (2016): 155-163.

= 1-


= Reliability coefficient

= Standard deviation of item i

= Standard deviation of item i

= Number of test questions given

In this study, researchers used formulas and the help of SPSS software

version 16.0 for Windows to simplify calculations and decision making. The

test criteria are as follows:

Using the formula: If , then the item is reliable. If 𝑟count≥𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙e,

maka item tersebut reliabel. If 𝑟count <𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙e, then the item is not reliable.

Steps to use the formula and help SPSS 16.0: (Analyze ˃ Scale ˃

Reliability Analysis). If 𝑟count on Conbach’s Alpha ≥𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙e, then the item

is reliable. If 𝑟count on Conbach’s Alpha <𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙e , then the item is not


Based on the calculation of the formula, the results of the reliability

test of vocabulary skills using the results of the reliability test on vocabulary

skills using software SPSS version 16.0 for Windows Cronbach's Alpha

coefficient for vocabulary ability is obtained 𝑟count=0,822. The full

calculation can be seen in (Appendix 03). Then 𝒓count is compared with

𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e. The value of 𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e for an error level of 5% with n = 20 obtained

𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e = 0,444 (Appendix 01). If 𝒓count≥𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e, then the item is reliable.

If 𝒓count<𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e, then the item is not reliable. Because (𝒓count = 0,822 ≥

𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍e = 0,444), the question instrument is reliable.

The starting point for measuring the reliability coefficient is the

correlation coefficient guideline from Sugiyono which is presented in the

following table:27

Table 3.2


Reliabilitastes Evaluasi

0.80 < ≤ 1.00 Very High

0.60 < ≤ 0.80 High

0.40 < ≤ 0.60 Medium

0.20 < ≤ 0.40 Low

0.00 < ≤ 0.20 Very Low

(Source : Sugiono,2018)

Based on the results of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient obtained (α = 0,822)

and referring to the benchmark point in table 3.2, it can be concluded that the

Sugiyono, P. D. "Quantitative, qualitative, and R&D research methods." Bandung:
(ALFABETA, Ed.) (2018).

Simon Say Game instrument has a very high level of reliability. The result of

reliability tes can be find in Appendix 3.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the researcher had given the same test for both class

(Experimental group and Control group) in pre-test and post-test. The procedure of

the test as follows:

1. Pre-Test

Pre-test is done at the beginning of the class. In pre-test, the

students gave the test for experimental class and control class before

treatment to measure the students ability in vocabulary skill before the

researcher apply the method, it aimed to knew the students previous ability.

There are several things that researcher has to do in the pre-test.

Before of all, the researcher is required to prepare the students, both

psychologically and physically to join in the teaching and learning process.

First, the researcher can start the lesson by greeting the students in order to

catch their first attention, asking students’ condition and asking them

praying. Then, the researcher explains the function of the pre-test to the

students. After that, the researcher gives the model of pre-test by giving

them vocabulary book and ordered them to learn two theme of vocabularies

that have been chosen by the researcher. Before that the researcher orders

them to repeat the vocabularies for about 5 times after the researcher

reading the vocabularies. Then,the researcher ordered one by one of them

come forward to storage the two theme of vocabularies. The last, they

answers the questions about two theme of vocabularies that has storaged.

2. Treatment

Before having post-test, the students must through Treatment.

Treatment means that the researcher used the game that is Simon Says

Game. By the existence of this game, it can help students to memorize the

vocabularies quickly. Therefore, this research is using for 3 meetings for


a. Experimental Group

When the treatment, the researcher use simon say game in 3

meetings. The procedural of the treatment followed the several steps


1. For the first meeting, the researcher introduces the Simon Says Game

to the students when the students have already understood the game,

the researcher ordered them to read a theme of vocabularies that has

been chosen by the researcher. After that, the researcher be “Simon”.

Simon only requests easily by the existence of three theme of

vocabularies, know action from the group. For example, the

vocabulary talks about the verb that is clap. So, “Simon says, clap

your hands”. It is alright for the caller to also model the action while

giving the direction. Then students should join what has the Simon

say. Ideally, the action called for will sometimes have entertainment

value. Then, the researcher does that until all students learn a theme

of vocabularies.

2. For the second meeting, the researcher gives a theme of vocabularies

while using the Simon Says Game. The researcher model within the

group should respond quickly and clearly after every direction Simon

presents. For students who are wrong in playing this game, they

should out from the game.

3. For the third meeting, the researcher gives a theme of vocabularies

and plays with the same game. If the students have fun with a

response (maybe you said “ Jump like a frog”, and they added in a

tongue thrust), join in their fun. Laugh with them. Enthusiastically

praise players when they demonstrate the actions. Then instruct them

to come forward and deposit vocabulary to the researcher.

b. Control Group

In the control group, the student taught using the researcher’s

method. Students in learning vocabulary without using simon say

game. The researcher implements the usual learning for the three

meetings during the treatment. 28:

3. Post-Test
Zainal Aqib, Model, media dan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual (inovatif). Bandung: yrama
widya (2013).

The researcher explained the purpose of Post-test. Then, just give the

Post-test to the students. the researcher gives two theme of vocabularies to

the experimental and control group while they should listen what has

already spoken by the researcher. For experimental group, after that plays

with the same game and continue calling out action for up to a minute or so,

or until the researcher see the first signs decreased motivation. If that is

enough “steam”, allow the student the most capable, or most interested to

be Simon. It means that if students are still spirit to play Simon says game,

the researcher can allow the students to be Simon. If a student “ Simon”

does not yet understand the expectation for the role , its ok, the researcher

can use some words to prompts (tell them what to say) It means that if the

student is confuse, the researcher can help the students who want to be

Simon to tell them what to say about words. Then instruct them to come

forward and deposit vocabulary to the researcher. The last they answers two

theme of vocabulary that has been storaged before. There was only one

aspect to measure on student’s learning performance, it is fluency. For both

of experimental and control group, the score based on criteria which

classify as follow:

Table: The Score of Fluency

No Criteria Score Classificatio

1. Students are fast in memorizing vocabulary 80-100 Very Good

2. Students can memorize the vocabulary 66-79 Good

3. Students rather memorize the vocabulary 56-65 Fair

4. Students are less in memorizing vocabulary 40-55 Poor

5. Students are difficult in memorizing vocabulary <39 Very Poor

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data

obtained from interviews, field notes, and documentation, by organizing the data into

categories, breaking them down into units, synthesizing them, arranging them into

patterns, choosing what is important and what is important to be studied, and draw

conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others.29

In this study, researchers used quantitative data analysis techniques. Quantitative

data analysis is carried out by using statistical tests to calculate quantitative data or

which can be realized by numbers obtained from the field. Quantitative data is data

expressed in the form of numbers.30 There are several analyzes that can be used,


1) Descriptive Analysis

Sugiyono, P. D. "Quantitative, qualitative, and R&D research methods." Bandung:
(ALFABETA, Ed.) (2018).
Taniredja, Tukiran, and Hidayati Mustafidah. "Quantitative Research." Bandung:
Alfabeta (2012).

Data analysis is an activity after data from all respondents or other data

sources have been collected. Activities in data analysis are grouping data based

on variables and types of respondents, tabulating data based on variables from all

respondents, presenting data for each variable studied, performing calculations to

answer the problem formulation, and performing calculations to test hypotheses

that have been proposed.

2) Hypothesis Analysis

a. Data Normality Test

The normality test was carried out to find out whether the data research is

normally distributed or not. Normal data is an absolute requirement before we

perform parametric statistical analysis (test paired sample t-test and

independent-sample t test). In statistics, there are 2 types of parametric

normality tests that are often used, namely the test Kolmogorov Smirnov and

Shapiro Wilk test.

b. Paired Sample t-Test (if the data is normal)

The paired sample t-test is used to find out whether there is a difference in

the mean of the two paired samples. Condition In the paired-sample t test, the

data is normally distributed. For homogeneous data, variance is not a

requirement in the test paired sample t-test. Paired sample t-test in this study

was used to answer the problem formulation "To prove" the effect of

mathematics teaching aids on learning outcomes?” To answer the formulation

of the problem, the paired sample t-test is carried out to the experimental

class pretest data with the post-test class Experiment using Simon says game.

c. Wilcoxon test (if data is not normal)

This test is used to test the significance of the hypothesis comparison of

two correlated samples when the requirements normal distribution is not met,

or if the processed data includes data group is ordinal.

d. Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test aims to determine whether a variance of data from

two or more groups is homogeneous (same) or heterogeneous (not the same).

Homogeneous data is one of the requirements (not absolute requirements) in

the independent sample t test.

e. Test Independent Sample t-Test (if the data is normal)

Independent sample t test is used to find out is there a difference in the

mean of the two samples that do not in pairs. Basic requirements in the

independent sample t test are data with normal distribution and homogeneous

(not absolute).

f. Mann Whitney test (if data is not normal)

The Mann-Whitney test was used to test the difference in mean of two

independent sample groups if one or both the sample group is not normally

distributed. To analyze the data in this study, the researcher used a

nonparametric comparative analysis model based on the Mann-Whitney U-

Test analysis technique with the help of the SPSS 16.0 application for


Comparative analysis is a form of research data analysis to test whether

there are differences or comparisons between the existences of variables from

two or more data groups. The results of the analysis are whether the research

hypothesis can be generalized or not, if the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, this

means that the research results state that there are differences between

variables. Basic students in the Institute of At- Tarbiyatut Tijaniyah.



This chapter discusses the results of the study based on data analysis and

the discussion of the research findings.

A. Findings

In finding section, the researcher presents finding based on the data

collected during research. The aimed of this study would to find out the

significance different between of the students speaking accuracy who are

taught through the use of Simon Say Game and those who is not taught

through the use of Simon Say Game. The explanation can be seen as follows:

1. Overview of the Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Foundation

a. A brief history of the establishment of the Attaarbiyatut Tijaniyah


Kotaanyar Village is a place that is far from the Place of

Religious Education, so it is very suitable to establish a place of

education. The arrival of K.H. Yupno Sag, MPdI on 1412 h. / 1982 in

Kotaanyar Village, Kotaanyar District, Probolinggo Regency initially

did not intend to establish Islamic Boarding Schools. But he just

conveys religious activities, especially Islam according to the abilities

they have. After getting the blessing and orders from K.H. Abdullah

Abuhasan, Caretaker of PP Membaul Ulum Sukodadi Paiton, K.H.

Badri Masduqi Caretaker PP. Badrid Duja Kraksaan, Al-Habib Ja'far

bin 'Ali al-baharun PP Caretaker. Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah, Berani Wetan

Village, Maron District, Probolinggo Regency, then on January

2, 1997 the groundbreaking for the construction of Zawiyah Al-Arofah

was carried out at the Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah location at the location of

Mr. Purwo's land RT.09 RW.02 Kerajan Orchard, Kotaanyar Village,

Kotaanyar District, Probolinggo Regency by Abuya Alhabib Jakfar bin

Ali Albaharun.

b. Geographical Location of Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah

The Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Foundation is located at Kotaanyar

Street Krajan Orchard RT/RW: 09/02 Desa Kotaanyar, Kecamatan

Kotaanyar, Kabupaten Probolinggo was established on January 2, 1997

by K.H. Yupno SAg.MPdI as Caretaker of Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah

Foundation with the blessing of Al-Habib Ja'far bin 'Ali Al-Baharun

(Caregiver of Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Islamic Boarding School in Berani

Wetan Village, Maron District, Probolinggo Regency). For more

details, the profile of the Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Foundation is as



2. NSS : 510035130340

3. Caregiver Name : Yupno, S.Ag, M.PdI

4. Address

A. Street : Jl. Kotaanyar Dusun Krajan RT/RW: 09/02

B. Village : Kotaanyar

C. Regency : Kotaanyar

D. District : Probollinggo

E.Province : East Java

5. Foundation Name :Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Alhasani

6.Chairman of the Foundation: Nurul Hidayatullah

7. Student Data : 60

8.Year of Establishment : 1997

c. Vision and Mission of Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah

The Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah has the following vision, mission and



" The Establishment of a Generation of Islam with Three-

Dimensional, Faith-Science-Charity with Balanced Imtaq and

Ipteks with Local Wisdom with Environmental and Global


B. Mission

To achieve the expectations to be achieved as implied in the

vision of Ponpes Attarbiyatut tijaniyah Kotaanyar, it is formulated

in the form of a mission as follows:

A. Streamlining the implementation of the learning and guidance

process by integrating the values of Faith and Taqwa

(IMTAQ), Science, Technology and the Arts (IPTEKS)

through Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Fun


B. Fostering, training, and growing understanding and appreciation

of the teachings of Islam to form people who are tafaqquh

fiddin and have noble character.

C. Improving the development of Tahsinul Qur'an and Tahfidzul

Qur'an for students/students.

D. Improving students' Arabic and English language skills.

E. Intensifying the implementation of Extracurricular as a forum

for Self-Development of the Interests and Talents of the


F. Fostering the characteristics of the ability of students/students

through groups of lovers of Religion and General subjects.

G. Foster a culture of love for the environment and a sense of

responsibility for the prevention of damage, protection,

maintenance, and management of the environment.

H. Fostering cooperation and example.

I. Empowering partnerships with communities and stakeholders in

harmonious reciprocal development.

d. Teacher Condition

A) teacher’s Name


Male Female
1. Yupno, S.Ag.M.Pd.I √ Kotaanyar
2. Muhammad Ghazali Abdah, M.Pd √ Kotaanyar
3. Nur Habibah √ Kotaanyar
4. Robiatul Adawiyah √ Kotaanyar
5. Nurul Hidayatullah √ Kotaanyar
6. Hamdani, S.H √ Kotaanyar
7. Abd. Rozaq √ Triwungan-Kotaanyar
8. Riski Muhammad Zaini, S.Pd √ Sumberejo-Paiton
9. Alwi √ Sukorejo-Kotaanyar
10. Dimas Wijanarko, S.T √ Kotaanyar
11. Ari Gunawan, S.Pd √ Sumberejo - Paiton
12. Hadi Pramoko, S.S √ Sumberejo - Paiton

B) Teacher Status
Teacher Education
No Teacher Status SLTA D-1 D-2 D-3 S-1 S-2 Total
1. Permanent Teacher 3 3 2 8
2. Non-Permanent Teacher 4 4
3. Civil Servant Teacher
4. Staff 1 1 2

B. Test Instrument Requirements / Data Presentation

To obtain valid data, this data will be presented about the results of

research conducted at the Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Foundation in Kotaanyar

Probolinggo regarding The Effectiveness of Using Simon Say Game to Increase

EFL Learners' Vocabulary Skills at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah. This study uses an

oral test instrument to determine their vocabulary skills in learning English for


Thus, it can be concluded that this study uses nonparametric comparative

analysis with the Mann-Whitney U-Test technique, as listed in the following


Tabel 4.1

The Result of Pretest and Posttest Experimental Class in Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah

GROUP Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 Nur Azizah A 55 87
2 Qoriatus Sholawah A 73 93
3 Aurel Aprilia W. A 65 85
4 Mutmainah A 80 83
5 Halimatus Sa’diyah A 70 70
6 Malihatul M. A 68 86
7 Annisaul Mufidah A 76 90
8 Alfiah Zahrotul J. A 70 86
9 Nayla Qurrotul Aini A 70 80
10 Diana Hafsawati A 58 85

Tabel 4.2

The Result of Pretest and Posttest Control Class in Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah


GROUP Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 Diah Fika Ramadani B 54 53
2 Fiska Amilia Putri J. B 45 48
3 Amalikatuz Zahro B 47 48
4 Cinta Aulia B 50 52
5 Mega Dinda Ayu A. B 44 45
6 Fitriyah Nur Jannah B 42 45
7 Umi Aprilia Salama B 35 38
8 Ruska Febina C.H. B 54 54
9 Imarotus Sholihah B 40 45
10 Kholilatun Najah B 70 65

Tabel 4.3
0-39 40-55 56-65 66-79 80-100

Experimental Class Control Class

Tabel 4.4


0-39 40-55 56-65 66-79 80-100

Experimental Class Control Class

The result of pre-test and post-test in this research was analyzed to increase

their vocabulary skill. From this analysis, the root of problem could be seen as a result

of students’ learning.

C. Data Analysis

The data that will be presented in this study is data on the effectiveness of

using the Simon Say Game to Increase the Vocabulary Ability of EFL Students at

Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah Kotaanyar Probolinggo. The method used by researchers to

determine the effectiveness of using the Simon Say Game to Increase the

Vocabulary Skills at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah EFL Students is to conduct an oral

test to 10 students as the experimental class and 10 students as the control class.

Overall, 20 students were sampled. After getting the score of the oral test results,

the sum of the test results of each student is entered into the SPSS application,

then tabulated the data.

D. Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis testing is done to find out which hypotheses can be accepted in

this study. In quantitative research, the research hypothesis is divided into two,

namely the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis (Ho). The

hypotheses in this study are as follows:

1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) This means that there is an effect of using the

Simon Say game on increasing the vocabulary skills of EFL students.

2. The null hypothesis (Ho) means that there is no effect of using the Simon Say

game on increasing the vocabulary skills of EFL students.

As for this research, hypothesis testing is carried out in several stages, one

of those is:

1. Different Test of Experimental Group and Control Group

To find out the difference in filling out the pretest and posttest

questionnaires for the experimental group and the control group, the Mann

Whitney test analysis technique was used. However, before filling out the

pretest and posttest questionnaires from the experimental group and the control

group were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test, the data can be grouped as


Table 4.5

Summary of Vocabulary Learning Questionnaire Calculation Results

Pretest and Posttest and Score

Eksperiment Class Control Class

No Pretest Posttest Gain No. Pretest Posttest Gain
. Score Score
1 55 87 0.71 1 54 53 -0.02
2 73 93 0.74 2 45 48 0.05
3 65 85 0.57 3 47 48 0.01
4 80 83 0.15 4 50 52 0.04
5 70 70 0.0 5 44 45 0.01
6 68 86 0.56 6 42 45 0.05
7 76 90 0.58 7 35 38 0.04
8 70 86 0.53 8 54 54 0.0
9 70 80 0.33 9 40 45 0.08
10 58 85 0.64 10 70 65 -0.16

The The The results of the calculation of the gain

score in the table are processed using the Mann Whitney test analysis

technique, because it is carried out based on the requirements in using the Mann

Whitney test that have been met in this study, which are as follows:

a. The number of research samples is small, which is less than 30 samples (in

this study the number of samples was only 20 samples).

b. The data does not have to be normally distributed (in this study the data is

normally distributed).

c. Used to test one categorical data variable and one interval data variable (in

this study the examiner compared the differences between the experimental

group and the control group).

The basis for making decisions on the Mann Whitney test, as follows:

a. If the acid value. Sig (2-tailed) < 0.05 then there is a significant difference.

b. If the acid value. Sig (2-tailed) > 0.05 then there is no significant difference.

In this study, the data analysis technique was calculated using the SPSS

(Statistical Package for Social Science) version 16.0 program. The results of the

calculation of the difference in the gain score of the experimental group and the

comparison group using the Mann-Whitney test are obtained as follows:

Tabel 4.6

Gain Score Difference Test for Research Samples

Using the Mann-Whitney Test

Output 1
Test Statisticsb
the Test
Studying Result

Mann-Whitney U .000
Wilcoxon W 55.000
Z -3.790
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .000a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Class
Statisticsb output SPSS 16.0 table above, the significant obtained is 0.000. Because

the asymp. Sig (2-tailed) <0.05, this means 0.000 < 0.05 then Ha is accepted,

and Ho is rejected. So according to the basis of decision-making in the Mann-

Whitney test it can be concluded, the using of simon says game is effective to

Increase EFL Learners Vocabulary Skill at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah.

E. Discussion

The findings above show that there is a significant effect of the Simon Says

game for EFL learner’s to increase student vocabulary skill at Attarbiyatut

Tijaniyah. In the post-test, the scores of students in the experimental class were

better than the scores of students in the control class. The learning vocabulary

ability of the experimental class and control class students was almost the same

based on the pre-test scores. This shows a significant difference between students

who are taught using the Simon Says Game and those who are not.

As well as the research was done by Nasution who observed Simon Says game

on the students’ Practice Listening Skill and Winda Puspita who observed Simon

Says game on the students’ Listening Comprehension. This research also has the

same result with them even though the researcher was applied Simon Says game

on students’ learning vocabulary skill where there is a significant effect of using

the Simon Says game on the students’ learning vocabulary skill.

The researcher taught the experimental class and the control class in three

meetings. The researcher use the Simon Says game as a method of learning

English in the experimental class. While the researcher did not use the Simon

Says game in the control class. So, the researcher found some differences between

the two classes. Here are the explanations:

First, the researcher found that the experimental class had a higher

improvement than the control class. This can be proven by looking at the pre-test

and post-test scores that have been achieved by students in the two classes. It can

be find in table 4.1 and 4.2.

Second, because of the intense and meaningful training, the researcher found

that this game had become the center of the EFL learner in increasing vocabulary

skill as teacher technique in the experimental class. Students can get the material

in a simple and interesting way and students can achieve some points through the

Simon say game method used by the researcher. In the Simon Says game method,

students practice the words conveyed directly.

Third, the researcher found that the students enjoyed the learning process. By

applying the Simon Says game, students become excited and concentrate more on

memorizing and remembering English vocabulary. As Prensky said that games

can create great interest through realistic participation because these games

involve students directly.31

Fourth, it was easier for students to learn to what they hear through the

research that has been done. Simon Says game could make the students

confidents and paid attention to the materials, so the materials could be delivered

well. According to Thomas, Tomlinson and Masuhara, interactive games promote

positive attitudes towards the course.32 It means Simon Says is effective technique

to teaching-learning activity especially in memorizing vocabulary.

As the final conclusion of this study, it is proven that there is a significant

effect of using Simon Says game for EFL learners in increasing vocabulary skill

Beavis, Catherine, et al. "Teachers' beliefs about the possibilities and limitations of digital
games in classrooms." E-learning and Digital Media 11.6 (2014): 569-581.
Tomlinson, Brian, and Hitomi Masuhara. The complete guide to the theory and practice of
materials development for language learning. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

in Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah as new and creative media in the teaching and learning




A. Conclusion

After the researcher conducted this research about “The effectiveness of

Using Simon Says game to Increase EFL Learners Vocabulary Skill at

Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah, the researcer concluded:

1. The students’ vocabulary for Elementary Class at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah

before given the treatment is low, while the students’ score after given the

treatment was high, and the used of Simon Say game strategy more effective on


2. The application of Simon Says game in students’ vocabulary for Elementary

Class at Attarbiyatut Tijaniyah can be used create more interesting activity in the

learning process. Students then have time to work independently to feel in there

Simon Says game. Simon Says game is one of strategy of teaching which can

give positive effect on students’ vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

Based on conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions that might

be useful. The suggestion are for teacher, students, and for researcher. As follow:

1. For the teacher

A. The teacher must look for some interesting ways to teach vocabulary in

order the students do not feel bored in learning vocabulary.

B. The teacher should be active and creative in order the students do not feel


C. Game will increase the students’ creativity in learning English lesson.

2. For School

A. Add the equipment that can support the effectiveness of study and teacher in

teaching and learning process. Especially in English lesson such as

language laboratory, media, comfortable class.

B. Develop the students’ skill through some activities that can increase

students’ ability in vocabulary such as puzzle competition, English club,

playing educated game and many more.

3. For the next researcher can continue this research in the future, it’s suggested to

other researcher to carry out to further studies of memorizing vocabulary.


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