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Eng 613 Methods for TESOL

Professor Jun Liu

Teaching Demonstration

Course Level : Senior High School

Lesson : The best experience
Skill Focus : Speaking [main focus] / Integrated [all]
Time :
Objective : By the end of the class, students are able to telling their best experience
in the front of the class.
I. Motivating Strategies:
a. T shows a picture of __________________, and asks questions or provides related
info about him/her.
b. T provides another example of “Identitas Pribadi” by telling about personal
information of one of the class members.
c. T asks questions about personal information to one other student in the class.

II. Presentation:
a. T exposes Ss to “identitas pribadi” and conversation on “Perkenalan” by:
1. Showing a grid consisting of names of several Individuals, including a student’s
name and the teacher’s name. T completes personal information under his name
while explaining briefly by using available context and realias.
2. Completing personal information under a student’s name while checking Ss’
comprehension. T may invite Ss to complete the information together.

b. T shows an example of a conversation about “Perkenalan” by using the completed

personal information in the previous grid [T and S]. T helps Ss understand the
conversation by providing short explanation on some key expressions or
vocabularies. T reads the conversation for providing better comprehension and
model of pronunciation to Ss.
c. T shows another version of conversation on “Perkenalan” to Ss [about ‘looking for
someone’. T helps Ss understand the conversation by providing short explanation on
some key expressions or vocabularies. T reads the conversation for providing better
comprehension and model of pronunciation to Ss.

III. Skill Practice:

a. T asks Ss to practice both conversations the T just showed in pair.
b. T and 2 other students take turns to read personal information of other individuals in
the grid. Other Ss complete their personal information while listening to the personal
information read by the T or their classmate. The completed grid is checked by the T
and Ss.
c. T breaks the class in 2 groups. Each group is given a bunch of jumbled
sentences/expressions, which if arranged correctly will become a good conversation on
“Perkenalan”. Each group is given limited time to arrange the sentences/expression
into a good conversation and to stick them on the whiteboard.
d. After checking and providing corrections [if exists], the T asks 2 volunteers from each
group to practice the conversations.

IV. Wrap-Up:
T wrap- up today’s lesson by summarizing or asking questions on “Identitas Pribadi” to
or initiating a conversation on “Perkenalan” to a member of the class [Short Review].

V. Assessment:
T gives each S a new name and a name of someone to look for around the class. Every S
walks around the class to look for someone whose name is given to him/her. Each S is
supposed to perform an appropriate conversation for “Perkenalan” until he/she finds the
person whose name is given to him/her.

VI. In-Retrospective:

Prepared by: Abdul Hadi

Feb 14, 05

Nama Maya

teacher student

Pekanbaru duri

Jl. GS ….no.
Alamat 75Pekanbaru
Percakapan I

AH: Selamat Sore. Saya Hadi,…. Abdul Hadi…

YK: Selamat Sore. Senang bertemu anda, Hadi. Saya Yuksel Keskin.
AH: Mmmh, anda juga mahasiswa di Universitas Arizona Pak Keskin.
YK: Oh… iya. Panggil saja saya Yuksel. Saya mahasiswa S2 di Jurusan English Language/Linguistics.
Anda sendiri?
AH: Saya juga Mahasiswa S2 di Jurusan English Language/Linguistics. Kebetulan sekali kita sama-sama mahasiswa dijurusan
yang sama.
YK: Anda berasal dari mana?
AH: Saya dari Pekanbaru, Indonesia.
YK: Ooh ya…Saya sendiri berasal dari Istanbul, Turki.
AH: Ini alamat saya, Jalan Alvernoon No. 112 Tucson . Silakan mampir ke rumah kapan-kapan ada waktu luang.
YK: Terima kasih. Saya tinggal di Jalan Country Club No. 125 Tucson.
AH: Baiklah. Senang sekali bertemu dengan anda, Yuksel. Sampai jumpa lagi.
YK: Saya juga senang bertemu dengan anda. Sampai jumpa. Daa……

Percakapan II

R: Permisi, apakah anda Siska Damayanti?

Y: Oh, bukan. S: Ya benar. Saya Siska Damayanti.
R: Maafkan saya. R: Senang berjumpa anda Siska Damayanti. Saya Rano Kar-
Y: Nggak apa-apa. Nama saya Dina Muthahhari. Panggil saya Dina. no. Panggil saya Rano.
R: Saya Rano…., Rano Karno. Senang bertemu anda Dina. Apakah S: Oh , panggil saja saya Siska. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
anda guru di sekolah ini? R: Saya kesini untuk mengantarkan surat ini.
Y: Benar. Saya guru disini. Anda sendiri? S: Terima kasih. Apakah anda berasal dari Bandung, Rano?
R: Saya bekerja sebagai Pustakawan di Jakarta. R: Oh tidak. Saya dari Jakarta. Saya bekerja sebagai Pusta-
Y: Apakah Rano berasal dari Jakarta? kawan di Jakarta. Apakah anda sekretaris di kantor ini?
R: Tidak. Saya berasal dari Surabaya? Anda sendiri berasal dari mana? S: Ya.. . saya sekretaris di kantor ini.
Y: Saya dari Bandung. R: Sepertinya Saya harus segera berangkat. Sampai ketemu
R: Okay, Dina senang berjumpa anda. Sampai jumpa lagi. lagi.
Y: Saya juga. Daa… S: Terima kasih ya… Sampai jumpa lagi..

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