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TOPIC: Collective push against cyber bullying

STAND: It is Important


- To help more victims to voice out.

- To help lessen the possible victims.

- To help the victims cope up from it.

THESIS STATEMENT: The collective push against cyber bullying is important because it can

help the victims to voice out their experiences about it, to help victims to cope up from these bad

experiences, and to help lessen the possible victims in the future.


I. To help victims voice out

A. To ensure the safety of the victims that voiced out.

B. To help the victims file a criminal case against their oppressor.

II. To help victims cope up from the bad experience.

A. To give them counseling

B. To give the victims advice of life

III. To help lessen the possible victims in the future.

A. To give a warning to everyone

B. To give safety precautions for everyone to reflect on

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