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Primary research task sheet…

You are required to conduct a survey with a sample size of at least ten people, asking them
the three questions listed in task one. Complete the other tasks on here which follow it and
place them on your website in the “Research” section. Call the document/information you
produce for this sheet your PRIMARY RESEARCH.

Question 1: Name an example of an animation or scene which has made you feel
HAPPY. Explain WHY it did.

Question 2: Name an example of an animation or scene which has made you feel SAD.
Explain WHY it did.

Question 3: Name an example of a piece of audio you feel really added to an animation. It
could be a sound effect, voice actor, ambience or music. (U5, LO1, AC1.2)

Explain how you are going to ask these questions, how you will record the answers and
how you will represent them on your Weebly page.

Question 1: How are you going to ask these questions? (hint: methods of reaching
your audience)

Social media

Question 2: How will you record the answers?

Write them on a word document

Question 3: How will you interpret them and present this on your Weebly page?

Screen grab
When you’ve completed the survey, show evidence of it on Weebly. This could
 screen grabs of the questions and results
 A URL/link to the survey.


Write a short conclusion about what you’ve learnt from each question (maybe a common
pattern or trait?) and how the answers to each question might help you develop your
animation ideas.

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