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Ambient Loop research part one of two

Research and analysis of the audience for your ambient loop (U10:LO1_AC1.1)

1. Answer ALL of these questions. There are nine in total.
2. PROVIDE EXAMPLES for each one of them in the form of URLS and/or images.
3. Explain WHY you have chosen each one (what you like/don’t like: reflection).
4. You will be given a second part of this in a later lesson.
5. You will be expected to add small aspects of research to your weekly blog after doing
these sheets.

Question 1/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use Youtube as a whole and look for examples to
support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. Influencers
2. Marketing people
3. YouTubers

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I have chosen influencers as one of the groups of people who use YouTube because it’s their known
platform for them to expand their business or their channel, doing this makes them well known and puts their
lives or skills out there for everyone to see.
2. I have those marketing workers as an example because YouTube is a well known platform for adverts and
will make a lot of money when their advert is viewed.
3. I have chosen YouTubers themselves as an example because whether they are influencers or not they still
have to provide content for their viewers. YouTube is the platform of social media they rely on.

Question 2/9
Suggest at least 3 groups of uses for Youtube for music specifically and look for examples to support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. Singers
2. Bands
3. Marketing

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I chose singers as my first example because YouTube is the main platform that their music video goes to.
2.I chose bands for the same reason that their music and videos will get streamed and most viewed on it.
3.I chose marketing for a car insurance advert because the background music is an important part.
Question 3/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use ambient music and look for examples to support

Groups in society (research)

1. People who meditate
2. Workers in an office
3. Teachers

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)



Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1.I chose people who meditate as one example because to embrace themselves they need to do so in a quiet
environment and I feel like ambient music would really help them to think straight and to calm their emotions
down so they can meditate.
2.I chose people who work in an office as an example because if they are feeling stressed or if they are feeling
like they need to listen to some music to concentrate the best music for that would be ambient music as it’s
calm and soft and won’t be as distracting as loud and fast music.
3.I chose teachers as an example because the teachers at college put on background music to help students
feel more relaxed when working and it actually helps, it gives you something to listen to instead of being in
silence and can sometimes help you think better.

Question 4/9
List three genres of ambient music which you believe are popular on Youtube. Give examples.

Genres of ambient music (research)

1. Ambient techno
2. Ambient house
3.Dark ambient

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)

Reason why you chose each one (reflection)
1. I chose ambient techno because this is an option for a drum and bass version like the ambient loop I am
going to create.
2. I chose ambient house because this is a calming and warming type of music which is well suited for an
ambient loop which will stand out in people’s eyes.
3.I chose dark ambient as this is the ambient piece which creates the suspense and tension which builds up.

Question 5/9
List three genres, styles or sources of animation which you believe are popular for ambient loops on
Youtube. Give examples.

Genres/styles of animation (research)


Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1.I chose stick man as an example for a sad animation because of the background music, the colours in the sky,
the facial expressions and the way everyone starts acting cold when he goes missing.
2.I chose despicable me as an example for a happy animation because of the bright colours which are used and
the way the minions talk.

Question 6/9
List 3 animated ambient loops which you personally like. Talk about what you like specifically about the
animations for each.

Name of artist or original work (research)


Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)

Reason why you chose each one (reflection)
1.I chose the first one as an example because I liked the part where the bee flies into centre stage.
2.I chose the second one as an example because I liked the bright colours and the layout of the ambient loop.
3.I chose the third one as an example because I liked the theme and the fish jumping out of the water, which is
a similar thing to what I want to film.

Question 7/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is stopmo/keyframed.
Use screen shots to support this.
Description of stop-mo asset (research):

Image 1: the bee flying in the middle of the scene

Image 2: shadows walking around in the houses

Image 3: fish jumping out of the water

What you like/don’t like about it (reflection):

I liked all of these stop mos because they add attraction to the animation but I do feel like they can be
improved by adding more details such as facial expressions and noises to make them look more realistic

Question 8/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is tweened. Use screen
shots to support this.

Description of tweened asset (research):

Image 1: the boat

Image 2: the car

Image 3: the clouds

What you like/don’t like about it (reflection):

I liked how the boat moved with the waves and went in different directions as a tween how ever I feel like this
could be improved by making the boat turn around and go back and forth across the screen.

Question 9/9
Identify something which you think is an effect added after animating. Use screen shots to support this.

Description of post-animation effect (research):

Image 1: The background music

Image 2: The tone and the background colours

Image 3: The trees

What you like/don’t like about it: (reflection)

I was not too keen on the background music of the second ambient loop I chose, I think this because the music
was too quick for the genre and should of chosen a slower one to fit in with the boat moving with the waves.

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