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Ambient Loop research part two of two

Task 2/2: Interpret your research to help develop your product (U10:LO1_AC1.2)

1. Answer ALL of these questions. There are five in total.
2. Some are tasks which require collecting images together to form a MOOD BOARD.
3. PROVIDE EXAMPLES for each one of them in the form of URLS and/or images.
4. Explain WHY you have chosen each one (what you like/don’t like: reflection).
5. You will be expected to add small aspects of research to your weekly blog after doing
these sheets.

Question 1/5
Select three genres of ambient music you think your chosen audience could like. Pick your final choice and
say why you chose it.

Specific examples of music URLs (research):


Reason why you like each one (reflection):

1. I like guardians lost because it gives off the feel that I’m searching for in my project
2. I like the tower because it reminds me so much of my child hood when I’d hop the main hub
3. I like excerpt from the hope because it’d be the first thing I heard every time

Final choice and reason: I ended up choosing excerpt from hope because of the connection it had with me

Question 2/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 environment based sets of backgrounds which you like by selecting several images
per setting. Say where you got them from and why you like them. They MUST be from 2d animations.

Environment 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. Coffee Talk – Video Game
3. It’s a really interesting and relaxing game and I’d like to able to convey that through my animation it helps
me relax

Environment 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2.Hollow Knight - Video Game
3. The Reason I chose this scenery in this video game is because of the scene it is it has no character in it it’s a
lonely scene that I think will fit the music I have chosen

Environment 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. Castle crashers – Video game
3.I chose this

Final choice and reason: Enviroment 2 is my final option

Question 3/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 character styles which you like by selecting several images per setting. Say where
you got them from and why you like them. They MUST be from 2d animations.

Character type 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. Alan Becker stick person
3. I chose this animation because it’s unlike the other options I chose it’s more simple and achievable and it
shows that simplicity can be better

Character type 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
1. William Pellen -
2. Hollow Knight – Video Game
3.The reason I chose hollow knight is because of its character design it’s simple but effective so and that’s what
I wish to convey in mine

Character type 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. Elden Ring – Video Game
3. The reason I chose this video game in particular isn’t because of its character design or the art work it’s
because of the colouring in the game is some of the best I’ve seen and I’d love to replicate this kind of
colouring in my own work

Final choice/style and reason:

Question 4/5
Create three mood boards of AT LEAST 3 colour schemes which you might use on your chosen environment/style.
Ideally these would be schemes with a minimum of five colours in each. Say why you like them.

Colour scheme 1 (insert image here)

What you like about this scheme: I like the fantasy feel to it and I personally think this would fit into the idea I
had in mind the colours all go together very smoothly

What you don’t like about it: I do not like the background like where he is.

Colour scheme 2 (insert image here)

What you like about this scheme: I like the colour scheme I like that it has to do with space and the emptiness
of it all

What you don’t like about it the realism I want it to have a more cartoon feel and a more like water colour look
about it
Colour scheme 3 (insert image here)

What you like about this scheme: I really like the earthy feel to it as well as the broad and moody setting of the
clouds I also like the fantasy aspect of it

What you don’t like about it: I don’t like there’s no starts or like space aspect but I chose it because it give off
the vibe I’m looking for

Favourite potential choice for your animation and reason:

Question 5/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 post-animation effects which you like by selecting several images per setting. Say
where you got them from and why you like them.

Effect 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. The rain effect you can use on after effects
3. I chose this one because with the idea I had it would be very fitting to the animation that I would like to do

Effect 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2. after effects fog effect
3.I feel like this would or could e really fitting to my ambient loop and it could enhance it

Effect 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
2.after effects snow
3.this effect ands any effect that uses the natural weather would be fitting for my idea

Final potential choice for your animation and reason:

I’m going to use the colouring of hollow knight because I really enjoy the colouring of this game and I’m going
to use coffee talk as my background

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