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Offering Help/Service

offering service is an act of someone who offers something.

The social function of offering help and service is to help

interpersonal relationships between individuals with one another.

The goal is to politely offer assistance to others.

1.Offering help
Would you like to (have a drink, have a snack, drink some
soda, etc) ?
Can i help you?
Let me help you?
May i help you?
May i give you?
Would you like?

2.Accepting an offer
Yes please
Yes i really need it
Yes that would be great
Thanks iam very much obliged
Many thanks
Oh really
Id like it very much
3.Refusing an offer
No thanks
Í am sorry i can't
Oh i'd love to, but i don't
No, i really won't, thank you
Not for me, thanks
Caption is a brief description accompaying an ilustration,
especially in a news paper in a newspaper. Captions make reader
look back at the pictures. Readers reading a caption are attracted
by the ilustration. If the caption intrigues the reader, they will
look back at the ilustration to get more information on the event
depicted. Therefore, captions should arouse the readers curiosity.
Caption can be written in forms of words, pharases or sentences.
There are criteria for a good caption, as follows.

It is briefly.
It Clearly identifies the subject of the picture without
detailing obvious.
It provides context for the picture.
It establishes picture's relevance to the article.
It draws the reader to the article
It user simple present tense to describe action in the picture
or photo.

Application Letter, Curricullum
Vitae, and Job Vacancy
Application Letter
An application Letter is a formal letter written to apply for a job.
An application letter is important step has word someone's
employment status. The aplication letter commoniy countains.
Personal information and includes reason for applying the
position of the job. Note about the outline of aplication lettter
application adress
recepient or employers adress
opening paragraph
body or content of application letter

Job Vacancy

A job vaccancy is defined as a paid post what is newly created.

Unuccupied about to become vacant.
For which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared
to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside
the enterprise concerned and
Which the employer inteds to fill either immediately or within
a specific period of time.
A vacant post that is only open to internal candidates is not
treated as job vacancy. Whereas vacancies from temporary work
agencres are counted in the busines sector where the vacancy is
not in the agency
Curicullum Vitae
Basically, curiculum vitae is a kind of summary of a job
applicant's profesional experience and educational background,
along with other relavant information dealing with the
candidates qualification commonly. The curicullum vitae is
similar to a resume

Generic Structure CV
Address Information
Personal Information
Work Experience
Training and Courses
Profesional membership

Job Interview

A job interview is a meeting organized by a recruiter used to

evaluate a potential employee for pros pective employment at a
company commonly. Job interview typically precede a hiring
decision and often from part of the assesment center proces.
News Item
News item i's a text which informs readers, listeners, and viewers
about events of the day. the events are considered news worthy
or important.

Generic Structure Of News Item

Main event ( head line )
Elaboration ( background, participant, time place )
Resource of information

Purpose Of News Item

To informs the readers about news worthy
To present information the readers about news worthy or
important events of the day

Language Feature Of News Item

Focusing on circumstances
Using material process to reteil the event
Using saying verbs ( she said, informed, told, reported )
Using adverbs ( time, place, and manner )
Using past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact
now still happen or still in the former fact, then can use
simple present tense
Sometimes at the begining of news the scene is mentioned
Short, telegraphic information about story captured
Procedure Text
Procedure text is a text that explains a proces to make or use

Its social function. Is to describe how something is completely

done through a sequence of steps

Procedure text can be catagorized into 3 :

1. Recipes
2. Manual
3. Tips

In this chapter, we will learn about recipes.

Recipe is a set of in istruction use for preparing and producing a
certain food, dish, or drink.

The purpose of recipe is to have a precise record of the ingredients

used, the amount needed, and the wat they are combined

Generic Structure Of Procedure

Goal / aim : showing the purpose
Ingredients : telling the needed ingredients
Steps : Describing the steps to achieve the purpose

Language Features
Using simple present
Using imperative sentence
Using action verb, such as : add, cook, pour, etc.
Using time sequence or temporal conjunction such as : first,
second next after that etc.,
Meaning of the song
A song in English is a compastion of tone or sound art in a
seqvence combination and temporal relationship ( usualy
accomplained by musical instrument )
To produce a musical compostion that contains unity and

Generic Structure Of Song


Language Features Of Song


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