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Name: Alexander Yaruscuán Rodríguez

Date: 03-12-2022


We enjoyed the weekend a lot as a family. My family is very fun and

friendly. My mother always cooks delicious for everyone and I really like
her food. In my family we like to drink very little, we prefer to do fun things.

On Saturdays my mother likes to make hoe meat. At home my older brother

always plays video games. Dario my younger brother prefers to play with
the ball and exercise. My father prefers board games, he likes cards and
chess. I like to help my mother around the house and play pranks on my
brothers. On Sundays we prefer to visit places and eat outside the house.

Finally on Saturday nights we watch a movie and have coffee. My family is

very united and happy. I like to spend weekends at home. I study and only
see my family on weekends. My brothers work and they are also very busy.
Weekends are great to spend with the family.

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