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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

(Faisalabad campus)

Campus Coordinator UET Lahore, Faisalabad Campus

Dr. Syed Waqas Ahmed 18th November 2021,

Subject: Permission to Host Campus Girls' Get-together

I am writing to request your permission to host a girls' get-together outside of the campus
premises. The purpose of this gathering is to provide a platform for the female residents of the
campus to socialize, bond, and share their experiences in a different environment.
The get-together will be held after two weeks. The event will be organized and supervised by the
hostel's senior female students, and all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the safety and
security of all attendees.
We understand the importance of maintaining the decorum and discipline of the campus and
assure you that the event will be conducted in a manner that does not cause any inconvenience.
We also request you to arrange route for hostelite student so, they will be able to be a part of
We would be grateful for your approval and support for this initiative. Please let us know if you
require any further information or clarification.
Thank you for considering our request.
Aquila Community.

Signature of Campus Coordinator:

Signature of hostel warden:

Signature of Transport Incharge:


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