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We all know how pandemic covid 19 has hit us all in the worst way. Almost every aspect of our
lives is beings hut down. We cant travel, go to school and go to work. From usually doing all our
activities outdoor, we were suddenly being forced to stay at home almost 20 hours a day. The
pandemic then froces experts to get a way out. It is vaccine. Every dangerous level disease has its
own vaccine so that it prevents us to get infected in the future.

But, no matter how hard and helpful the experts are, there are alwas people being pesimistic and
hating. These people say that the vaccine for covid 19 has something in it that it might put people in
danger. They say it is some kind of microchip that can detect our activities, simply spying us. And I
think it does not make an sense. The people that they accused of spying can just use our
smartphones to spy, why bother using vaccine?

Their reason shows their pschological state, it ma be caused by the chaos in this pandemic. Well, I
must say that vaccine is the most efficient way to stop this pandemic. Everyone deserves the basic
protection to prevent from being infected. We must not let irrational and panicked people stand in
our way.

Thus, from those opinions, it is important to keep the project of vaccinating people in the whole
world if we do not want this disease keep spreading. We have to keep our action intact and

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