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During the start of the full-scale Ukrainian-Russian war in 2022 the world’s perception of Russia has

changed a lot. For example, in the past, Russian propagation channels always translated information
which was manipulated in a profitable for this country way and quite a lot people truly believed in that
information even in foreign countries. Russia always covers the truth about her actual actions at the
same time committing horrible crimes in relation to persons, nations and countries. This is particular
feature of Russian international policy. But in fact, many people from foreign countries had already
understood true face of Russia even before the war. Putin’s propagation was mostly created in order to
control domestic Russian audience and after full-scale Russian invasion many locals there finally opened
their eyes. But unfortunately their realization of this situation doesn’t create visible opportunities for
radical changes in their country because most of them really fear their authorities. Still, after Russia has
started this horrible war the world started to provide Ukraine with extreme humanitarian, financial,
political and military support. Other foreign countries started to block Russian channels on their TV
system and some of them even let our channels to be translated in their countries in order to support
us. Ukraine became the center of European resistance to aggressive Russian policy as a consequence
now we are really successful in defending and returning our territory. All that Russia managed to obtain
from this continuing war is small piece of our territory which our army successfully returning now and
world isolation that started to grow rapidly after the start of this full-scale invasion. Radical changing of
world’s perception of Russia created a huge coalition against Russia which now commits economical and
political pressure on country-aggressor. So the conclusion is that Ukraine has got a huge support from a
large quantity of countries and the only thing that Russia has got beside some of our lands is the world’s
pressure in different spheres.

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