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Many Loves:

An introduction to
O.M. Grey

Polyamory. Many Loves. The term and the lifestyle

are gaining popularity, even in the mainstream, and it’s no
wonder. More people are choosing a non-monogamous life-
style with each passing day. And who can blame them? With
over 50% of marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 75% of
third marriages ending in divorce, coupled with infidelity oc-
curring in upwards of 85% of marriages, people are realizing
that there must be a better way.
Monogamy and non-monogamy are both valid lifestyle
choices; however, with a lifestyle like polyamory, there are no
hard-and-fast rules. No one-size-fits-all, as is expected with a
“traditional” relationship/marriage:

Find your one true love and live happily ever

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