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*All of the members of each team are required to do every preliminary task given on each station. The
team cannot proceed to the main questions until they submit what is asked.

Station 1
Preliminary Task 1 : Recreate this emoji

(The Officer shall provide three emojis , one each team member to portray. After they gather the three
pictures as a team, one should send it to the officer and the main question will be provided shortly)

Preliminary Task 2 : WATCH your hand

(The Officer will provide hand signs which have a corresponding letter based on the given sign language
alphabet. These hand signs create meaning or thought when decoded and arranged. The team shall
send the arranged meaning/thought to the officer in charge)




Main Question : “What am I?” Riddle

(The officer shall provide 5 riddles and the team will get back to him/her with their answers)

1. Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What number am I?

Answer: 8

2. I am a word of six; my first three letters refer to an automobile; my last three letters refer to a
household animal; my first four letters is a fish; my whole is found in your room. What am I?

Answer: Carpet

3. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?

Answer: Telephone

4. I am strong enough to smash ships, but I fear the Sun. What am I?

Answer: Ice

5. You can hold me in your right hand but never in your left hand. What am I?

Answer: Left Hand

Piece of the Final Question to be given:

Code for the next station: JPIA WEEK 2021

Station 2
Preliminary Task: Take a picture with me

(The officer shall require each member of the team to provide a four/five/six-letter object that is found
at home and take a picture with it. After they sent a complete three photos of each member, main
question will follow)

Main Question: What’s Next?

(The team should send their answer through an illustration as to what is the next figure based from the
given picture)


Answer :
Answer :

The only shape that is important to note in this example is the orange triangle. It is positioned within its
square according to the square’s position in the image. The triangles in the left hand column are
positioned to the left, the triangles in the middle column are centred in their corresponding squares and
the same for the right hand side.

Correct Answer; B



This question is asking you to identify the relationship between the 3 shapes. The shapes on the left of
the scale represent the same value as those shapes on the right. From the first image we can work out
the 2 orange circles equate to one blue square. Similarly, two blue squares equate to one white circle.
Therefore: 1 white circle = 2 blue squares = 4 orange circles.
Correct Answer; D

Piece of the Final Question to be given:

Code for the next station: MAGSINADYA AKAWNTANSE!

Station 3
Single Task: Who’s Who?
(There is a case to be solved and clues to be given. The team should crack the codes in order to
find out who is the murderer.)
See another file.

Piece of the Final Question to be given:

Code for the next station: SCOUT REGIMENT

Station 4
Preliminary Task : Scavenger Hunt

(The officer will provide a list of items that each member of the team should search on their respective
home. After collecting all the items, each member should take a photo and one will send it to the officer
as a team.)

List of items:

 Your favorite mug

 Last book you read
 Any object related to Covid 19
 Any Cooking ingredient
 Favorite gift from someone

Main Question : “Guess the Gibberish”

(The team will read the groups of unrelated words and decipher them into real phrases. Reading aloud
can greatly help in solving.)

1. ha minch ease = ham and cheese

2. abe an an appeal = a banana peel
3. reef idge her ate her = refrigerator
4. high dance eek = hide and seek
5. boe day tote ships = potato chips
6. uke ant an dell tat truth = you cant handle the truth
7. sad herd day = Saturday
8. mise whims hoot = my swimsuit
9. hoe min proof mint = home improvement
10. shack cough alt trades = jack of all trades

Piece of the Final Question to be given:

Code for the next station: GARRISON REGIMENT

Station 5
Preliminary Task : The Voice
(Each member of the team should recite the theme of this year's JPIA Week through Voice
Message and send it to the officer)
Main Question: “Name that Emoji Song Title”
(Each team will name all the songs based from the emoji sequence displayed. Some will give
cryptic clues and others may spell out the song title)

1. Yummy
2. Dance Monkey
3. Cake by the Ocean
4. New Rules
5. Baby
6. 10,000 Hours
7. Call Me Maybe
8. Shout out to my Ex
9. Rewrite the Stars
10. Drivers License

Piece of the Final Question to be given:

Code for the next
 Which country
 features a
 Maple Leaf
 on its
 flag?

(I suggest that we’ll manipulate the word “maple leaf” and give it only when the
team have reached their last station since it is the key to the question and to
make sure no one can directly have the answer without finishing all of the

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