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I am privileged to introduce our guest and expert dispatch specialist who travelled from
the “Land of the Rising Sun”.

Our distinguished guest carries with him a wide spectrum of expertise in the fields of food
industries including processing of agricultural produce, packaging and distribution of
foods items including agricultural produce and commodification of local agricultural and
fishery produce.

Our distinguished guest applied his vast knowledge various East Asian countries like
Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China including his homeland. Almost two decades of
advocating the popular One Village One Product movement under Oita Prefecture
Agricultural and Fishery Industrial Technology Center and Agricultural Technology Center.
Some of his major achievements include pushing for the export of Niitaka pears to East
Asia countries under the Oita Brand Promotion Department and technological research
on the packaging and preservation of the freshness of fruits and vegetables for production
and distribution over wide areas, as well as overseas export under the Oita Industrial
Research Institute.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to introduce our expert dispatch specialist MR.
ASAKI Shoichi. Sensei?

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