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1)What is diction?
Ans: Diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively
convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. In literature, the words
used by an author can help establish a distinct voice and style.

2) Different styles of diction impact how different ideas are expressed.

There are eight common types of diction:
 Informal diction
 Formal diction
 Pedantic diction
 Colloquial diction
 Slang diction
 x
 y
 z

Fill in the empty spaces. (x,y,z)

Ans : X: Abstract diction

Y: Concrete diction
Z: Poetic diction
3) The most commonly known and used diction exercises are Tongue

(A) Letter ‘B’

Bill had a billboard.
Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill,
So Bill sold his billboard
And paid his board bill.
Then the board bill
No longer bored Bill,
But though he had no board bill,
Neither did he have his billboard!

Letter ‘B’
Betty bought a bit of butter, but she found the butter bitter,
so Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bitter butter better’

(B) Letter ‘H’

How was Harry hastened so hurriedly from the hunt?
In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen

Letter ‘P’
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper pick
If Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

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