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Name: Phan Đặng Bảo Trân

Class QT 21.2

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to request further information about the Russian Language class in Moscow that
has been advertised on the Tuesday’s edition of the Languages News.
Firstly, according to your advertisement, the location of the class is on the banks of the Moskva River.
However, the level of this course is not mentioned. I would appreciate it if you could tell me whether it is
a beginner level or a higher one, since this is the first time that I have learnt Russian.
Secondly, I would like to know if you could inform me of the amount of time we will learn per week and
also how much it would cost for this course.
What is more, you also acknowledge that there are only small groups in the classes. I would be grateful to
know the specific number of members participating in a single class.
As you mentioned in your advertisement, I am aware that family accommodation would be available.
However, I wonder if you could tell me the location of this accommodation, whether it is close to school.
Finally, although you have informed me of the class schedule for the evening and weekend, it would be
great if you could let me know the particular time.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Roselle Phan

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