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This chapter covers all about the related literatures and related studies regarding

this research study. It will discuss studies that may have of help in this study that the

researcher used as an additional idea and information.

Related Literature


Lettuce has a high market potential and is very popular in any parts of the world.

It makes the commodity a viable agribusiness option. And because it can be grown in

organic conditions, producing organic lettuce is even more viable investment opportunity.

Lettuce of good quality is tender and crisp. These characteristics can only be obtained

when adequate supply of nutrients and proper caring is applied. Applications of fertilizers

must be applied when the heads of the lettuce began to form. (Van Slyke, 2010).

Vegetables are naturally low in calorific value but it provides macronutrient, vitamins,

antioxidants, fibre and causes alkaline reaction inside human body. Different vegetables

have different climatic requirements and adaptation (Hazra, Chattopadhyay, Karmakar

and Dutta, 2011), furthermore there is no need to apply any fertilizer to vegetables which

are harvested relatively quickly after planting, but vegetables that takes long time to

mature will need extra fertilizer. Vegetables have some requirements before people can

harvest it (Hessayon, 2009), and vegetables that are in the peak of its maturity can

already be harvested and at this point, the crop must have its optimal size, and the texture

is good and acceptable (Parker, 2010).

Cultural Practices


Lettuce thrives well in cool weather and ample moisture. Quality is largely matter

of succulence; hence hot conditions may result in toughness and bitterness. Low

temperature is favorable for a good heading. When young lettuce will endure

considerable frost, well hardened plants may be set out as soon as the ground can be

made ready. Head lettuce that is near in maturity may be damaged by severe frost, but it

can tolerate light frost just fine (Work, 1997).

Site and Soil Management

Lettuce may do well in any kind of soil as long as it is rich in organic matter and

nutrients and retains moisture well. In warmer seasons heavy soils is favored. Muck soils

are preferred in cool climate and areas (Work, 1997). Open and sunny position is best but

some shade is also tolerable when temperatures are high and weather is dry. Lettuce will

be benefitted by applying some extra nitrogen in soil (Milne, 2010).

Spacing and Sowing

Row spacing should be 15-20cm for small varieties and 25-30cm for large types.

Lettuce is easy to sow too quickly. Germination is generally good. Do not let the plants

grow too much and become overcrowded before thinning out, as it could encourage

bolting (Milne, 2010).

Diseases and Insects

Lettuce may be inflicted with several diseases such as bottom rot, drop gray mold

rot, Downey mildew, yellows, brown blight, and tip burn (Work, 1997), and can be

infested by several insect pest such as aphids, root aphids, cutworms, root knot eelworms,

wireworms, leather jackets, slugs and snails (Milne, 2010).

Taking care of the Plant

Lettuce hates to be moved sow seed whenever the crop grows mature. Keep

unprotected plants watered, but soil under greenhouse glass should be on dry side.

Ventilate the lettuce that is glass-grown whenever possible. Water the plant regularly

each morning or midday, watering in the evening will increase disease (Hessayon, 1985).

Harvesting and Marketing

Any type of lettuce can be cut with a knife at ground level and taken away whole,

or a few leaves can be picked off and the main plants continue growing (Milne, 2010).

Markets prefer the size of 8 to10 or even 12 inches high. Heads should be cut when they

reach the degree of firmness that the market desired (Work, 1997).


Sound is a vibration or a mechanical disturbance which passes through an elastic

medium such as solid, liquid or gas, thus it may occur in those three phases (Colliers,

1996), however sound waves cannot exist in a vacuum like light and electromagnetic

does (Grolier, 1995). Loudness of sound can be measured by units of decibels which

indicate how strong the sound waves are (Addison, 1987).


Greenhouse is provided to control the environment, when the environment outside

is unfavorable (Parker, 2010). Rigid Panel such as fiber glass reinforced plastic is more

resistant to breakage and light intensity is uniform throughout the greenhouse when

compared to glass or plastic. It is also advised to put proper heating and cooling for this

greenhouse, because the desired growth of plants can be attained through a proper

temperature (Prasad S, Kumar V, 2012).

Related Studies

Valenova (2003) stated that lettuce is a famous vegetable crop in the Philippines

because of its high demand in many hotels, restaurants and any other food chain. This

crop grows well in cool temperature, and many other in other region, however its

production is low because of lack of knowledge on the crop production.

Meries (1993) stated that lettuce is cultivated in places where climatic condition is

favorable, primarily cool climate, low humidity and adequate moisture from irrigation.

Lettuce is raised in seed beds for about two weeks, and then it is transplanted to the fields

after seeding. The plant should be watered everyday in morning and afternoon.

Bache and MacAskill (1984) stated that plants that are planted along roads often

grow differently than plants planted in a silent environment.

Galston and Slayman (1979) stated that studies regarding the effect of sounds in

plants are controversial.

Singh, Jalan and Chatterjee (2013) stated that the growth of plant when exposed

to violin music shows optimum result in terms of height followed by traffic noise, and the

control is the worst performer of all treatment. This justifies that music really helps the

growth of the plants and plants that has no external sound being played showed slower


Creath and Schwartz (2004) stated that all five experiments, seeds exposed to

musical sound sprouted faster than the untreated control. Experiments indicates that

musical sound used in this study had significant effects on the germination of two

different types of seeds when compared to an untreated control.

Chivukula and Ramaswamy (2013) plants that are exposed in Indian Classical

music show better performance and better growth than the control group. It is clear that

sound and music has a significant effect on the growth of Rose. It can also be stated that

Vedic chants and Indian classical music are ideal choices while Rock music causes

detrimental effect which prevents the plant from growing to its fullest.

Collins and Foreman (2001) stated that upon completion of their tests, it was

observed that optimum plant growth occurred when the plant was exposed to pure tones

in which the wavelength coincided with the average of major leaf dimensions.

Hou and Mooneyham (1999) stated the basic principle of agri-wave technology is

to improve the yield and quality of plants such as vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees by

broadcasting sound waves of certain frequencies and spraying a compound microelement

fertilizer on the leaves.

Yiyaoa, Wanga, Xuefenga, Chuanrena , & Sakanishib (2002) reported that under

optimal stimulation conditions (100dB and 800Hz) the sound can enhance the growth of

Chrysanthemum callus. The content of soluble proteins and the absorption rate of

calcium increased and moderate stress stimulation can enhance the assimilation of tissues

or cells, improve their physiological activity and accelerate the growth of plants

Measures and Weinberger (1970) stated that the overall growth of plants that are

treated with 5 KHz of sounds is significantly larger than the control group.

Weinberger and Burton (1981) stated that jack pines exposed to sounds at 1 MHz

have more seedlings in the bigger size group than the untreated seedlings.

Tan and Huang (2007) noted that Zea mays exposed to classical music at 50dB

shows an increase in its height by 119.1% , increase in leaf area by 131%, and fresh

weight by 127.3%. And even the sound is decreased to 35dB, Zea mays exposed classical

music shows an increase in its height by 123.1%, increase in leaf area by 124.9%, and

fresh weight by 112.1%. The control is set to 100%.

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