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Name: Tyra Louise O. Maniacup                  Grade and Section: G8-KEMPT

I. Complete the table below to compare series from parallel circuits. Use the text


Basis of Series  Parallel


Current The current is the same The current splits between branches
through each component.
Potential The potential difference is The potential difference across each branch is the
shared between them same

Advantage 1.  Do not get heated 1. If there is a fault in one of the electric
easily. appliances, the current is able to pass
2. Uses small amount of through different paths of the circuit.
wire 2. We can connect or disconnect a new
electric appliance in the circuit without
affecting the other components in the

Disadvantage The more elements in a circuit, Uses a lots of wires

the less current available to

Complete the sentences using the words below. You can use words, once, more than

When we add another lamp into a series circuit, the total resistance 1) Increases, this means

that the total current decreases. Also, the potential difference across each of the lamps 2)

Decreases. This means that the lamps all become 3) Dimmer . When we add another lamp into

a parallel circuit in a new branch, the total resistance 4),Increases the current through each

lamp is the same. Also, the potential difference across each of the lamps 5) Is the same. This

means that the lamps have the same brightness.

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