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Supplementary angles and complementary angles 

are defined with respect to the addition of

two angles. If the sum of two angles is 180 degrees then they are said to be  supplementary
angles, which form a linear angle together. Whereas if the sum of two angles is 90 degrees, then
they are said to be complementary angles, and they form a right angle together.

Complementary Angles
When the sum of two angles is 90°, then the angles are known as complementary angles. In
other words, if two angles add up to form a right angle, then these angles are referred to as
complementary angles. Here we say that the two angles complement each other.

Facts of complementary angles:

 Two right angles cannot complement each other

 Two obtuse angles cannot complement each other
 Two complementary angles are acute but vice versa is not possible

Supplementary Angles
When the sum of two angles is 180°, then the angles are known as supplementary angles. In
other words, if two angles add up, to form a straight angle, then those angles are referred to
as supplementary angles.

Difference between Complementary and Supplementary Angles

Complementary Angles Supplementary Angles

Sum is equal to 90 degrees Sum is equal to 180 degrees

Two angles complement each other Two angles supplement each other

These angles do not form linear pair of angles These angles form linear pair of angles

Meant only for right angles Meant only for straight angles

The word triangle means three angles. The given triangle has three angles ∠A, ∠B and ∠C. Points A, B and C
are the vertices of triangle ABC. The sides of the triangle are AB, BC, and CA.

Triangles can be classified:

A quadrilateral is a closed shape with 4 straight sides

A polygon is a closed figure formed by connecting line segments. In polygon sides meets to from angles at the
vertices. Polygons are named according to the number of sides they have.

Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon

3 sides 4 sides 5 sides
3 angles 4 angles 5 angles
3 vertices 4 vertices 5 vertices

 Hexagon  Heptagon   Octagon 

6 sides 7 sides 8 sides
6 angles 7 angles 8 angles
6 vertices 7 vertices 8 vertices

Properties of Triangles
A. Find the sum of the angles in these triangles.

In all three triangles, the sum of the measures of the angles is 180°. This is a property of all triangles.

The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangles is always 180°.
You can check this out for yourself.

1. Draw and cut out a triangle.

2. Colour the three angles of the triangle.
3. Tear off the three corners of the triangle.
4. Place them together like this.
All three pieces fit together to from a straight angle.

∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180

Look at triangles ABC. The measures

of ∠A and ∠B are given. What is the measure of ∠C ?

In ΔABC, ∠A + ∠B = 60° + 80° = 140°

The sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°

So, ∠C = 180° – 140° = 40°

Answer: ∠C = 40°

1. The sum of all three angles of a triangle is 180°.
2. The sum of the length of two sides of a triangle is always greater then the third side

Construction of Triangles
It is possibles to draw a triangle even if you do not have all the information about it.

You will need

1. a compass
2. a ruler
3. a protractor
4. a well sharpened pencil

Quadrilaterals are four sided polygons. Here are some special quadrilaterals

Angles of Quadrilaterals
Look at these quadrilaterals.

Each has a diagonal that divides the quadrilateral into two triangles.
We know that the sum of angles in a triangles is 180°.

Since each quadrilateral has two triangles, the sum of angles in the quadrilateral = 180° × 2 = 30°.

Square ABCD has ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90°

Sum of the angles in Δ ABD = 180° (90° + 45° + 45°)

Sum of the angles in ΔBCD = 180° (90° + 45° + 45°)

Sum of the angles in ΔABD + Sum of the angles ΔBCD = 360°

Sum of the angles in square ABCD =360

What shape do these pictures remind you of?

All these objects remind us of the shape of a circle.

A circle is a simple closed curve. It is made of a curved line. ‘O’ is the Center of the circle. We can name the
circle by its center. This is circles O.

This is the radius of the circle. The radius is a line segment that runs between the circle and its center. This is
radius OP. We can have several radii all of the same length starting from O going to other points on the circle.
This is because all the points on the circle are at an equal distance from the center.

This is a chord. It is a line segment that joins two points on the circle. This is chord QR. A chord may or may
not pass through the center.

A chord that goes through the center of a circle is called its diameter. The diameter is the longest chord of the

The length of the boundary/curved line of the circle is called is called the circumference of the circle. It is
called the perimeter of the circle.

Question on Geometry
1. Fill in the blanks
i. ………………… triangle has all sides of equal length.
ii. A line has …………….. end points.
iii. Longest chord of a circle is ……………………..
iv. A quadrilateral has …………………… diagonals.
v. An angle of 890 is ………………… angle.
vi. An angle of 950 is ………………..angle.
vii. A line segment has ………………end points.
viii. A ray has ………………… end point(s).
ix. An angle of 1800 is called ……………. angle.
x. A triangle has one right angle is called…………….. triangle.
xi. An arc is designated with minimum ----------------points.
xii. Diameter of a circle is …………….. of radius.
xiii. The sum of all angles is 360∘ in a …………………….
xiv. The sum of all angles is 1800 in a ………………………
xv. The measure of each angle of equilateral triangle is …………………….
xvi. The acute angle lies between ……………………. degrees and
……………………. Degrees
xvii. The angle made by hour hand showing time 10: 10 on the clock
xviii. The measure of straight angle is …………………….
2. Put (True/False)
i. A rhombus is always square.
ii. Intersecting lines are always perpendicular.
iii. A line has fixed length.
iv. From a given point, infinite number of rays can be drawn.
v. A square is rectangle.
vi. Radius of circle is half of diameter.
vii. In complementary angles, Sum is equal to 90 degrees.
viii. In supplementary, these angles form linear pair of angles.

3. Multiple choice
i.  In a right-angled triangle one angle is 30∘30∘. Other two angles are
a. 80 & 70 in degree
b. 60 &100 in degree
c. 90 & 60 in degree
d. 70 & 60 in degree
ii. Which of the following has two pairs of parallel sides?
a. Square
b. Both square and Rectangle
c. None of these
d. Rectangle

iii. The sum of all angles is 3600 in a

a. None of these
b. Both square and Rectangle
c. Rectangle
d. Square

iv. Which of the following has all four sides equal?

a. Square
b. Circle
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle

v. The longest chord in a circle is

a. High chord
b. Diameter
c. Radius
d. Full chord

vi. The perimeter of the circle is called

a. Chord
b. Diameter
c. Arc
d. Circumference

vii.  Formula for measuring circumference is

a. πr
b. 2πr
c. 2πd
d. Πrh

viii. Half of a circle is called

a. Half circle
b. Half arc
c. Chord
d. Semi-circle

ix. Radius of a circle is 14cm. The circumference will be

a. 88cm
b. 154cm
c. 44cm

d. 56cm

x. The value of pie (π) is

a. 21/7 or 3.11
b. 22/7 or 3.14
c. 22/3 or 7.14
d. 20/7 or 3.36

xi. If radius of a circle is 7cm. Which of the following is wrong?

a. Diameter is 28cm
b. Diameter = 14cm
c. Circumference is 44cm
d. Circumference is2×227×7cm

4. Classify the angle (Acute/Obtuse/right angle )

5. Estimate angle of given figures

6. Classify the given triangle.

(i) Sides of triangle are 7 cm, 7 cm and 7 cm

(ii) Angles of triangle is 85°, 60° and 35°
(iii) Angles of triangle is 60°, 60° and 60°
(iv) Sides of triangle are 5 cm, 13 cm and 12 cm
(v) Angles of triangle is 120°, 25° and 35°

7. Match the following

(A) Maximum number of acute angles in a triangle
(B) Maximum Number of right angles in square
(C) Maximum number of obtuse angles in a pentagon
(D) Maximum number of obtuse angles in a triangle
1. One
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
8. Test with following values whether the triangle can be drawn or not .
AB= 2 cm, BC= 3 cm and CA= 4 cm.

9. Test with following values whether the triangle can be drawn or not.

AB= 12 cm, BC= 8 cm and CA= 4 cm.

10. Find angle of triangle if angle ABC and angle ACB if angle BAC is 85 degree and isosceles

11. Find angle of triangle that angle ABC is 3X and angle ACB is 2X if angle BAC is 80 degree.

12.  Find the complement of the angle 2/3 of 90°.

13. Find the supplement of the angle 4/5 of 90°

14. The measure of two complementary angles are (2x - 7)° and (x + 4)°. Find the value of x

15. The difference between the two complementary angles is 180°. Find the measure of the

16. Two angles are complementary. If one of the angles is double the other angle, find the two

Question of Tenses

A. Fill in the blanks

1. Sun ………….…in the east. (rise)
2. The flamingos …………. every year (arrive).
3. I am ……………… to the sweet shop (go).
4. Aayan………….  given me a pen. (has/have)
5. The boys ……... since morning (playing).


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