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Annexure ‘‘AAB-CD-01’


Course Code: HR 211 3 - - 2 3 4

Credit Units: 04

Level: UG (*L- Lecture *T – Tutorial *P – Practical *SW – Self work

*FW – Field work *PSDA - Professional Skill Development Activities)

Course Objectives:
The course is to familiarize the student with the basic structures, strategies, tactics, and techniques involved in collective bargaining and negotiations. It will help the students take a holistic view of the negotiator; it will help
equip them with knowledge of various models and frameworks to help understand negotiation skills and behavior of the negotiator and align the knowledge with formulation of appropriate negotiation strategies. Students
will learn about all aspects of collective bargaining, including the legal and political environment, the participants, the process of negotiations, and the outcomes/impacts of collective bargaining. The objective is to gain an
understanding of the theoretical and conceptual concepts of negotiation skills and collective bargaining and apply them to real life negotiation situations and practices.

Pre-requisites: Basic Knowledge of HRM.

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I –Introduction 10%
 Negotiation Skills for managers: Nature, Characteristics,
 Meaning, Definitions and Characteristics of Collective Bargaining;
 Strategy and Planning for Negotiation.
 Best Practices in Negotiation – Fundamental Structure of negotiation and Best alternative to a negotiated
Module II- Preparing the negotiations 20%
 Descriptors/Topics
 Pre-negotiation Process
 Designing a negotiation plan
 Creating a negotiation team
 Identifying your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) and ZOPA (zone of possible agreement)
 Assessing the other side, red-teaming
 Learning about catalysts and barriers of successful collaboration

Module III- Negotiation skills 20%

 The Negotiation Process: Communication Style; Breaking Deadlocks; Strategy and Tactics/Games Negotiators
Play; Closing Successfully; Negotiating Integrative Agreements; Reviewing
 Negotiation skills - Goal-setting: identifying your goals, options and criteria of success
 Models of Negotiation: Conflict-choice model of negotiation, A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiation.
 Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining,
 Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation;

Module IV- Issues in Collective Bargaining 20%

 Approaches and Phases in Collective Bargaining
 Coalition Bargaining and Fractional Bargaining
 Impasse Resolution o Contract Ratification
 Critical Issues in Collective Bargaining;
 Theories of Collective Bargaining: Hicks’ Analysis of Wages Setting under Collective Bargaining,
Module V- Collective Bargaining in India 20%
 Pre-requisites for successful collective bargaining in India;
 Collective Bargaining in Practice;
 Levels of Bargaining;
 Coverage and Duration of Agreements;
 Difficulties in the Bargaining Process and Administration of Agreements.
Module VI- Post Negotiation Process 10%
 Binding up the wounds;
 Post-negotiation – Administration of the Agreement,
 Grievance Management,
 Post Negotiation Report Preparation

List of Experiments (if any): NA

Course Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student should be able to:

CLO1: Comprehend the importance of Negotiation Skills in the actual corporate world.

CLO2: Understand and be able to apply a framework for analyzing collective bargaining and negotiations.

CLO3: Explain the role and function of management and union strategies and structures for bargaining.

CLO4: Describe the actions taken on different stages of negotiations; appreciate and explain the importance of pre-negotiation and post-negotiation phases.

CLO5: Evaluate the roles and functions in negotiation teams and develop skills for organizing and managing negotiation teams.

CLO6: Exhibit the skills of negotiation and collective bargaining in practical situations.

Mapping of Course learning outcomes (CLOs) with Graduate Attributes (GA).

Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CLO6

Graduate Attributes

Knowledge and Expertise of Organizational Change and Development

Self-directed and Active learning

Research and Enquiry

Information & Communication Technology Skills

Critical thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities

Communication Skills

Creativity, Innovation & Reflective Thinking

Analytical & Decision-Making Ability

Leadership & Teamwork

Multicultural Understanding & Global Outlook

Integrity and Ethics

Social & Emotional Skills

Employability, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

Lifelong Learning

Environment and sustainability

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

The course will employ lectures, PPT’s, video tapes, case studies and class discussions. The students of the course will be required to conduct a co research project which will focus on understanding negotiation skills
relating to a particular product, service, or other issues.

List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):

1. Make a presentation on emerging scenario in collective bargaining in India.

2. Analyse the issues and challenges in Negotiation and collective bargaining in any organization.
3. Make a report on labour laws related to negotiation and collective bargaining in India

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

40 60

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

(40%) Examination
Components Mid term HA Project Attendance
(Drop down) Exam

Linkage of NA Linked to Linked to

PSDA with PSDA 1 PSDA 2 & 3
Component, if
Weightage (%) 10 % 10 % 15 % 5% 60 %
Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:
Continuous Assessment/ Internal Assessment End Term Examination

Components Total


Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning Outcomes CLO1: CLO2: CLO3: CLO4: CLO5: CLO 6:

Assessment type/PSDA

Mid Term Exam      

PSDA 1     

PSDA 2     

PSDA 3 ✓    

Text and References:

 Singh, Kavita Counselling Skills for Managers, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi ,2010.
 Rao , S. Naranyan Counselling and Guidance, TMH, 2nd edition.
 Harry Katz, Thomas Kochan and Alexander Colvin, An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4 th Ed
 Deborah Kolb,  Judith Williams Everyday Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
 Kanika Bhutani Anand , collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills 2nd ed, 2020, Galgotia Publishing Company 
 Amit kumar Anand,Kanika Bhutani and Paswan, Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills, Galgotia Publishing Company (2017)

 References

 Mitchell and Counselling and Guidance, Pearson Education India,

 Michael R. Carrell and Christina Heavrin Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Public and Private Sector
 Berghoff, E. A. et al. (2007). The International Negotiations Handbook. Success through Preparation, Strategy, and Planning. PILPG and Baker & McKenzie. Online access: 20Business/Featured%20Services/bk_internationalnegotiationshandbook_12.pdf

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