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Math 3

I. Solve each word problem by answering the five guide questions.

1. Carlo is selling fruits in the streets. He earned ₱500.00 for the day. He bought 3 kilos of rice
for ₱145.00. How much money he has left?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

2. In Mang Rico’s strawberry farm, they harvested 964 baskets. A grocery store ordered 368
baskets. How many baskets of strawberries were left?
A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

3. There are 1,098 people inside the mall. Then after lunch, 468 people went home. How many
people are left inside the mall?
A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

4. Rina wants to buy a new mobile phone. She bought a new phone for ₱5,780.00 and gave the
cashier ₱6,000.00. How much is Rina’s change?
A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

5. Susan has 1,985 stamps. After giving some stamps to Steve, she has 1,037 stamps left. How
many stamps does Susan give to Steve?
A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

6. There are 2,136 people in the hall. 1,806 of them are males and the rest are females. How
many females are there in the hall?
A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

7. On Christmas Day, a store ordered 1,800 calendars to be given to their customers. After a
week, they had 498 calendars left. How many calendars were given away?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

8. In a day, a radio station plays 641 songs. If 109 of these songs are love songs, how many
songs are not love songs?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

9. At the end of a day, a fruit vendor had 237 fruits left. If he had 348 fruits before he started
selling, how many fruits were sold on that day?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

10. A university has 3,125 students for the school year 2019-2020. If 1,923 of these students are
girls, how many are boys enrolled in the university?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

11. In a seminar, 134 participants came. If 210 participants pre-registered, how many
participants did not come?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

12. There are 4,524 registered voters in a barangay. During the election, 4,146 of them voted.
How many did not vote during the election?

A: ______________________________________________________________

G: ______________________________________________________________

O: ______________________________________________________________

N: ______________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________

II. Solve each word problem by writing the solution and answer.

1. The postman delivered 1,957 letters last month. This month he delivered 368 letters fewer
than last month. How many letters did the postman delivered this month?
Solution: Answer:

2. In a factory, 3,245 workers held a mass strike in front of the head office. After 3 months, only
1,678 workers continued the strike. How many workers had left?

Solution: Answer:

3. Mrs. Garcia has ₱15,359. Mr. David has ₱10,254. How much more money does Mrs. Garcia
have than Mr. David?
Solution: Answer:

4. Sally will buy a new phone. If she gives ₱5,500 to the cashier and the phone costs ₱5,199,
how much is her change?
Solution: Answer:

5. A roll of string is 675 meters long. Three boy scouts cut 388 meters from it to use in fixing
their camp. How many meters of string remained?
Solution: Answer:

6. Jenny bought a camera and gave ₱15,500 to the cashier. If her change was ₱325, how much
did she pay for the camera?

Solution: Answer:


A: How much money he has left?
G: ₱500.00 / ₱145.00
O: Subtraction
N: 500.00 - 145.00 = N
A: ₱355.00

A: How many baskets of strawberries were left?
G: 964 baskets / 368 baskets
O: Subtraction
N: 964 - 368 = N
A: 596 baskets

A: How many people are left inside the mall?
G: 1,098 people / 468 people
O: Subtraction
N: 1,098 - 468 = N
A: 630 people

A: How much is Rina’s change?
G: ₱6,000.00 / ₱5,780.00
O: Subtraction
N: 6,000.00 - 5,780.00 = N
A: ₱220.00

A: How many stamps does Susan give to Steve?
G: 1,985 stamps / 1,037 stamps
O: Subtraction
N: 1,985 - 1,037 = N
A: 948 stamps

A: How many females are there in the hall?

G: 2,136 people / 1,806 of them are males
O: Subtraction
N: 2,136 - 1,806 = N
A: 330 females

A: How many calendars were given away?
G: 1,800 calendars and 498 calendars
O: subtraction
N: 1,800 - 498 = N
A: 1,302 calendars

A: How many songs are not love songs?
G: 641 songs and 109 love songs
O: subtraction
N: 641 - 109 = N
A: 532 songs

A: How many fruits were sold on that day?
G: 237 fruits and 348 fruits
O: subtraction
N: 348 - 237 = N
A: 111 fruits

A: How many are boys enrolled in the university?

G: 3,125 students and 1,923 students (or girls)
O: subtraction
N: 3,125 - 1,923 = N
A: 1,202 students (or boys)

A: How many participants did not come?
G: 134 participants and 210 participants
O: subtraction
N: 210 - 134 = N
A: 76 participants

A: How many did not vote during the election?
G: 4,524 registered voters and 4,146 did not vote
O: subtraction
N: 4,524 - 4,146 = N
A: 378 voters (that did not vote)


A: How many calendars were given away?
G: 1,800 calendars and 498 calendars
O: subtraction
N: 1,800 - 498 = N
A: 1,302 calendars

A: How many songs are not love songs?
G: 641 songs and 109 love songs

O: subtraction
N: 641 - 109 = N
A: 532 songs

A: How many fruits were sold on that day?
G: 237 fruits and 348 fruits
O: subtraction
N: 348 - 237 = N
A: 111 fruits

A: How many are boys enrolled in the university?
G: 3,125 students and 1,923 students (or girls)
O: subtraction
N: 3,125 - 1,923 = N
A: 1,202 students (or boys)

A: How many participants did not come?
G: 134 participants and 210 participants
O: subtraction
N: 210 - 134 = N
A: 76 participants

A: How many did not vote during the election?
G: 4,524 registered voters and 4,146 did not vote
O: subtraction
N: 4,524 - 4,146 = N
A: 378 voters (that did not vote)


1. 1,957 - 368 = 1,589 letters

2. 3,245 - 1,678 = 1,567 workers
3. ₱15,359 - ₱10,254 = ₱5,105
4. ₱5,500 - ₱5,199 = ₱301

5. 675 - 388 = 287 meters
6. ₱15,500 - ₱325 = ₱15,175


1. 1,957 - 368 = 1,589 letters

2. 3,245 - 1,678 = 1,567 workers
3. ₱15,359 - ₱10,254 = ₱5,105
4. ₱5,500 - ₱5,199 = ₱301
5. 675 - 388 = 287 meters
6. ₱15,500 - ₱325 = ₱15,175

ANSWERS – Math 3

A: How much money he has left?
G: ₱500.00 / ₱145.00
O: Subtraction
N: 500.00 - 145.00 = N
A: ₱355.00

A: How many baskets of strawberries were left?
G: 964 baskets / 368 baskets
O: Subtraction
N: 964 - 368 = N
A: 596 baskets

A: How many people are left inside the mall?
G: 1,098 people / 468 people
O: Subtraction
N: 1,098 - 468 = N
A: 630 people

A: How much is Rina’s change?
G: ₱6,000.00 / ₱5,780.00
O: Subtraction
N: 6,000.00 - 5,780.00 = N
A: ₱220.00

A: How many stamps does Susan give to Steve?
G: 1,985 stamps / 1,037 stamps
O: Subtraction
N: 1,985 - 1,037 = N
A: 948 stamps

A: How many females are there in the hall?
G: 2,136 people / 1,806 of them are males
O: Subtraction
N: 2,136 - 1,806 = N
A: 330 females


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