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Text copyright © 2021 by Stuart Lloyd

Cover illustration by Sam Iacob -
Back cover illustration by Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick
Hershley/Fat Games (

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Michael Reilly – who runs the brilliant Gamebook News website and also gave me some great advice on
what fonts I need to use to give this book an old school feel.

Colin Theriot – for helping me with water hexes.

William Caddell – for awesome ideas!

Jason Archer – for working on the website!

Louise Lee – for awesome proofreading!

The wonderful people that I have met in the SCRAWL online groups – their support has kept me going.

There will be more that I will add at a later time!

Lastly, any errors that you find in this book are all my own responsibility.
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... 3
Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Welcome to SCRAWL! ...................................................................................................................... 7
Creating your character(s) ................................................................................................................ 8
Abilities ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Powers ............................................................................................................................................... 17
The powers ................................................................................................................................... 19
Creating your own character(s)...................................................................................................... 29
Randomly generating a character .............................................................................................. 30
Starting character’s checklist .......................................................................................................... 31
Example characters .......................................................................................................................... 32
Standard starting characters ....................................................................................................... 32
Ordinary folk in the world.......................................................................................................... 35
Experienced adventurers in the world ...................................................................................... 36
Rules of SCRAWL ............................................................................................................................ 38
The core mechanic........................................................................................................................ 38
Ability tests ................................................................................................................................... 38
Tasks that can be automatically succeeded with an ability .................................................... 42
Creatures and combat ..................................................................................................................... 43
The number of creatures encountered ....................................................................................... 44
Creature special characteristics .................................................................................................. 45
Combat .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Outnumbered characters or outnumbered creatures .............................................................. 49
Avoiding combat.......................................................................................................................... 50
Precombat phase .......................................................................................................................... 51
Combat steps ................................................................................................................................ 52
Combat actions ............................................................................................................................. 54
Opponents who try to escape ..................................................................................................... 58
List of creatures ............................................................................................................................ 59
Ordeals ............................................................................................................................................ 112
Ordeals that the whole party can help with ........................................................................... 112
Fate rolls .......................................................................................................................................... 113
Double Fate rolls ........................................................................................................................ 113
Party Fate rolls............................................................................................................................ 113
Afflictions and death ..................................................................................................................... 114
Death ........................................................................................................................................... 116
Restoring Will and Vitality ........................................................................................................... 116
Equipment, services, weapons, armour and crafting ................................................................ 117
Buying and selling ..................................................................................................................... 117
Weapons...................................................................................................................................... 117
Armour ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Equipment................................................................................................................................... 122
Materials...................................................................................................................................... 130
Crafting items and cooking....................................................................................................... 131
Services ........................................................................................................................................ 140
Religious items and services ..................................................................................................... 144
Hirelings and followers ............................................................................................................. 148
Animals ....................................................................................................................................... 150
Animal items .............................................................................................................................. 152
Buildings ..................................................................................................................................... 153
Religion in SCRAWL ..................................................................................................................... 154
Your characters’ relationships with the deities ...................................................................... 155
Temples and shrines .................................................................................................................. 155
The Nameless Ones ................................................................................................................... 156
Disapproval of the deities ......................................................................................................... 157
Treasure........................................................................................................................................... 158
Mundane treasure ...................................................................................................................... 158
Potions, curiosities and scrolls ................................................................................................. 162
Quest treasures ........................................................................................................................... 171
Permanent magical items .......................................................................................................... 171
Experience and advancement....................................................................................................... 175
What a character can gain experience for ............................................................................... 175
What characters don’t get experience for ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
What can a character do with experience points? .................................................................. 176
How to play SCRAWL .................................................................................................................. 177
Appendix 1: Probabilities of success based on difficulty and number of rerolls ................... 179
Appendix 2: Probabilities of success based on difficulty, number of rerolls and being able to
reroll 1s. ........................................................................................................................................... 180
Appendix 3: Probability of rolling at least one 1 and/or at least 1 6 when X Fate rolls are
made. ............................................................................................................................................... 181
It’s the last game you will ever play! ........................................................................................... 183
Welcome to SCRAWL!
SCRAWL is short for Solo CRAWL and that’s what you will be doing lots of in this
game. Whether it’s hexes or dungeons or cities, you’ll be crawling all over them to
split skulls and steal treasure. If you’re looking for a simulationist experience in a
realistic representation of some historical period, then you might need to look

Rule 1 – The rule of simplicity and serendipity

In the interest of not getting bogged down in minutiae, I’ve sacrificed a lot of
complexity for the sake of quicker and easier play. For this reason, there may be a
situation which is not covered in the rules. For these situations, the rule of simplicity
and serendipity reigns supreme. The rule is:

If there is something in the rules that does not explicitly cover a situation that you
are in, just assume you are able to take the most favourable result for your

Rule 2 – The rule of voluntary complexity

To make this game accessible, a lot of detail has had to be sacrificed. For example, in
real life, food rots away after a certain amount of time, yet in the game, you could
buy some food and leave it in your character’s backpack forever. If you prefer a
more simulationist experience, or if you want a greater challenge, you may add
whatever rules you like. That’s fine too. So, rule 2, the rule of voluntary complexity

If you feel the rules do not work to your liking, feel free to rule what you think
should happen, even if it is to your detriment.

Feel free to apply rules 1 and 2 as much as you like, at the same time and as
consistently or inconsistently as you like. After all, this is a solo game experience, so
“cheating” isn’t going to affect anyone else and I won’t be there to complain. I would
prefer that you have an entertaining experience by bending the rules than have a
miserable one by following them.
Creating your character(s)
Your SCRAWL character(s) are people who will wander a fantasy world, encountering
dungeons, monsters and traps. They could be mighty warriors, cunning thieves, wise
spellcasters, or they could be simple peasants, or non-humans. Or you could just create
your own custom character(s). Here is an explanation of your character’s stats.

Your character’s abilities represent what they are good at. Throughout SCRAWL, your
characters will have ability tests. Ability tests list abilities that will be useful. For every
ability your character has that is listed, they get to roll an extra die and then take the best
roll. There are 36 abilities. Each character starts with 6 abilities and/or powers.

As characters gain experience, they may be able to learn more abilities. A character can
have a maximum of 12 abilities and/or powers combined.

A power is something a character can do, but it requires effort (in the form of losing 1 Will
whenever a power is used). Powers are usually more versatile than abilities, but the cost of
using them balances them out. Each character starts with 6 abilities and/or powers.

As characters gain experience, they may be able to learn more powers. A character can
also swap one power for another for a relatively small cost. A character can have a
maximum of 12 abilities and/or powers combined.

Vitality is a measure of the character’s endurance. Vitality is reduced through being
wounded or doing something physically demanding. In game terms, having a Vitality of
0 means death. A character’s Vitality cannot go above its initial score except by spending
experience points or through powerful magic. A character’s starting initial Vitality is 6.
A character’s natural initial Vitality has a maximum of 12 (though items can increase

Will is a measure of your character’s mental fortitude. Will is reduced through mental
exertion such as stress, loss or intense fear. Having a Will of 0 means mental exhaustion
and any further loss of will results in loss of Vitality. A character’s Will can never go
below 0. If a character has 0 Will and their Will is further reduced, those points are
subtracted from Vitality instead. A character’s starting initial Will is 6. A character’s
natural initial Will has a maximum of 12 (though items can increase that).
Experience points
The main ways your characters gain experience points is from Insights, for finding Clues
and for gaining Inspirations. Your character can spend experience points to improve
themselves or they can use them for ability tests. Each character starts with 0 experience
points. Characters can spend experience points to act as if they have certain abilities or
to improve their Will and Vitality and learn new abilities and powers. The minimum
value a character’s Experience points can get to is 0.

A character can gain experience if they have some Insights. An Insight is an event that
happens to the character which they can gain experience for after a rest.

A character starts with 3 Insights that they can get. These Insights have a tick box next to
them. If a character gets at least 1 of these Insights, tick the box. Then if they rest, delete the
tick and give them 1 experience point for every tick deleted. They can get these Insights

Here are the 3 Insights a character starts with:

• Critical success - if a character rolled a 6 in an ability test and succeeded at that test,
they gain the critical success Insight.
• Critical failure - if a character rolled a 1 in an ability test and failed at that test, they
gain the critical failure Insight.
• Application of abilities - if the character took part in an ordeal that they used an ability
for (either as a required ability, to reduce to cost of the ordeal or if an ability prevents
a penalty to the character) that day, they will gain the application of abilities Insight.

Once a character has gained a particular Insight, they cannot gain it again until it has been

Certain quests may have special Insights, so the character can gain more experience for
different things.

Clues are bits and pieces of information that your characters can pick up. Enough Clues can
lead them to a secret such as the location of a great treasure or to a realisation. Your
characters can spend Clues at certain points in the game to get these things. If a character
ever gets 3 or more Clues, they automatically gain 3 Experience points and the number of
Clues they have resets to 0.
An inspiration gives a character a great feeling of confidence – that they cannot fail at what
they do. A character may spend an inspiration before an ability test to reroll any 1s in that
ability test. They must do it before the ability test. As soon as a character has 3 or more
Inspirations, they automatically gain 3 Experience points and their number of Inspirations
resets to 0.

Fate Points
Fate points represent how lucky your character is. Some rolls you make cannot be
affected by abilities – only blind luck. These rolls are Fate rolls. Fate rolls involve rolling
1d6 and you can affect Fate rolls only by spending Fate points or Blessings (see below
for Blessings). If a character spends a Fate point, you can reroll a Fate roll. If you still
don’t get a roll you want, your character may spend another Fate point to reroll it. You
may do this as many times as your character has Fate points. Unlike spending
experience points to get extra rolls for ability tests, your character can spend Fate points
after seeing the result of a roll. Your character’s Fate points start at 0 and they have no
maximum – they can go to any value. The minimum score your character’s Fate points
can get to is 0.

A Blessing provides a character with good luck. If a character rolls a 1 in a Fate roll, they
may spend a Blessing to reroll it. As soon as a character has 3 or more Blessings, they
automatically gain 1 Fate point and their number of Blessings resets to 0.

Prestige and Infamy

When the party travel, tales of their deeds may spread. If they become known for being
noble and upholding the values of civilisation in a hex, they may become prestigious in that
hex. If they become known as a criminal in that hex, they may become Infamous. Being both
Prestigious and Infamous have their own risks and benefits. Each hex record sheet has a
place to record whether the characters are Prestigious and/or Infamous on that hex. Take
note that it is possible to be both Prestigious and Infamous on the same hex!

The typical currency for the game is measured in the silver piece (sp). Each silver piece
has 0 Encumbrance, so 50 of them have an Encumbrance of ½.
Encumbrance is a measure of how much a character can carry. A character can carry up
to 12 encumbrance points worth of items. This may not seem like much but take note
that some items have an encumbrance value of ½, such as bottles. Some items have an
encumbrance value of 0, such as clothes and jewellery. However, every 50 items with an
Encumbrance of 0 count as ½ encumbrance (if they have fewer than 50, it still counts as
0). This includes treasure. You need to keep track of the total encumbrance from all the
items and treasure that your character is carrying. If your character ever gets an item
that takes them over their encumbrance limit, then they must discard items until they
are at the limit or below it.

Time is measured in days, hours turns and rounds depending on what the characters are

Hours and days

When characters are exploring the wilderness or a site, their actions will take a certain
number of hours.

Their time will increase every time they travel, rest (not just sleep, but also do low
intensity things) or do other actions. There are 24 hours in a day. If a character rests for 8
hours, they can convert all of their Insights into Experience points. If they rest in a
shelter, they can restore 1 Will. If their Will is already at its maximum, they can restore 1
Vitality instead.

Once the time in hours reaches 24, reset it back to 0 and then add 1 to the party’s time in
days. If characters perform an action that takes the time over 24, add 1 to the days and
start counting the hours from 0 again.

When characters are exploring dungeons, time is measured in Turns. 6 Turns make 1 hour.

When characters are in combat, time is measured in rounds. A round is a few seconds long.

Action points
Action points are how a character measures their effort in combat rounds. Each
character has 3 Action points to spend per combat round.
Battle Order
Battle Order is important if there is more than one character in the party. It determines the
order that the characters walk in. Being the 1st person in the Battle Order is usually perilous
as that means being the first person to set off traps or face monsters in confined corridors.
Being the last person in the Battle Order is also perilous as that person is most likely to be

Sometimes a trap or an encounter will only affect a certain number of people. The encounter
will say which person(s) in the Battle Order will experience the encounter.

Sometimes the encounter will affect a random party member. If the encounter affects a
random party member, then make a Fate roll and consult the table below to determine
which party member is affected. Sometimes an encounter may affect more than one random
party member, in which case you roll that many times. If you roll the same person, reroll
until you get a different one. Obviously, if there is only 1 person in the party, you don’t need
to roll. The encounter will just affect that person. The maximum number of characters in a
party in SCRAWL is 4, because balancing bigger parties would be a headache. Don’t come to
me with your real-life nonsense.

Tables for determining which random party member is affected

If you need to determine which character in a party is affected by something, use the tables
to determine which position in the battle order is affected.

In a 2 character party
In a 2 character party, make a Party Fate roll.

Fate roll Battle order position

1-3 1st
4-6 2nd

In a 3 character party
In a 3 character party, make a Party Fate roll.

Fate roll Battle order position

1-2 1st
3-4 2nd
5-6 3rd
In a 4 character party
In a 4 character party, you need to make a Party Fate roll.

Fate roll Battle order position

1 1st
2 2nd
3 3rd
4 4th
5-6 Reroll

In some cases, the party may pick up a hanger on – a prisoner that they have saved or some
other companion. In this case, use the table for a 5 character party.

In a 5 character party
In a 5 character party, you need to make a Party Fate roll.

Fate roll Battle order position

1 1st
2 2nd
3 3rd
4 4th
5 5th
6 Reroll

In some cases, players will have to keep track of events that happen. This may include
keeping track of codewords or just stating something that happened.
There are 36 abilities in SCRAWL. These abilities represent training the characters
have in certain areas. As an adventurer, these abilities do not make them a
professional by any means. For example, having the Woodcraft ability does not
make your character a trained carpenter.

Most of the abilities are self-explanatory, but for the sake of completeness, here is a
quick description of all of them.

The ability to concoct potions and alchemical preparations from minerals.

The ability to know the monetary or cultural value of certain items. This will allow
the character to recognise more items of treasure and artefacts.

The ability to climb surfaces without falling off.

The ability to cook food.

An ability that covers several nefarious actions such as forgery and lying.

The ability to change appearance to go about unnoticed or to pass as another person.

The ability to get out of the way of things quickly.

The ability to find water or plant-based food in any area.

The ability to resist extremes of temperature and weather as well as diseases and

The ability to identify useful plants and make herbal preparations from them.

The ability to track game, catch it, skin it and obtain meat from it. This ability also
includes the ability to fish.

The ability to scare someone into doing something for the character.
The ability to obtain hides and pelts from animals and to make and repair items
from leather.

The ability to read and write and to decipher written scripts.

Melee Combat
The ability that grants a rerolls in hand to hand combat.

The ability to make and repair items from metal.

The ability to look after animals and plants and to have an affinity with them. It also
allows the character greater control when riding a horse.

The ability to jump long distances and balance well, such as on a narrow beam.

The study of the cosmic unknown and the study of creatures beyond the character’s
home plane.

Knowledge of navigation, map reading and geography.

The ability to spot hidden things, such as secret doors and traps.

The ability to perform in different ways, such as with storytelling, singing, playing
musical instruments or even creating art.

Ranged Combat
The ability grants a reroll when using ranged weapons.

The ability to spot patterns, understand how things fit together and make links
between seemingly disparate events. This is a good ability to solve puzzles and

The ability to prevent baneful magic and other mind affecting situations affect your

The ability to run both quickly and over long distances.
This is the ability to find things the character needs in civilised areas, either through
scavenging or knowing where to find the right people.

Sleight of Hand
Deftness of hands that allows the character to pick pockets and perform magic tricks.

The ability to sneak and hide.

The ability to make items from stone, mine stone for resources and find where those
resources are buried.

The ability to lift, carry and push more than most people.

The ability to swim.

Knowledge of the different deities and of religious rituals and relics.

The ability to identify, make and repair mechanical and clockwork contraptions. It
also helps to disarm mechanical traps and pick locks.

The ability to cut down trees and to shape items from wood.

The knowledge of the customs of people from different places and the ability to
speak most languages at a basic level.
Characters are also able to choose powers as well as abilities. A power is different as
it costs Will to use, but it can provide more benefits than an ability.

A character may use a power at any point when they have a relevant ability test or
when they are required to use the relevant item. When a character uses a power,
they must deduct 1 Will point. If they have 0 Will points, they can still use the
power, but they must lose 1 Vitality point instead. The power resolves before they
pay the cost, which means that the character can use the Drain power or Cure power
on themself with 1 Vitality and survive.

If a character uses a power for an ability test, they must use the power before you
roll the dice.

The exact aesthetics of each power is left deliberately vague. This is so that you can
customise your character more. Many powers could be interpreted to be mundane
skills or characteristics that cost a lot of effort. Others are quite obviously magical
spells. Note that in SCRAWL, powers can be activated by thought or an act of will.
They do not need hand gestures or spoken lines (although characters might like to
do them once in a while for effect).

Each power has a time, a target and a duration

This is the time needed to make the power happen.

0 Action points
This power can be used at any time. Usually powers that take 0 Action points to use can
only be used to react to certain circumstances, such as when an ability is required.

X Action points (where X isn’t 0)

These powers can be used in combat and take up the number of Action points stated. If used
in noncombat situations, the power is considered to take no time.

X Turns
These powers cannot be used in combat and take X Turns to use. If used in situations where
Turns are not being counted, the power is considered to take no time.

X hours
These powers cannot be used in combat and take X hours to use.
This is who the power targets. This is given in the description.

The effects of the power happen immediately.

X Combat rounds
The power lasts X combat rounds, including the combat round that it was used in.

X Turns
The power lasts X turns. If turns are not being counted, assume the power stops as soon as
the user performs an action that takes 1 or more hours.

X hours
The power lasts X hours. Some powers stop working after their effect has been used, or, if
the power’s effect has not being used, they stop working after a certain length of time (this
includes all the powers that provide rolls to ability tests). Some powers last for their
duration no matter how many times they are used (such as the Flame power).
The powers

Time: 1 Turn

Target: Every character in the party (including the character that used the power)

Duration: Instantaneous

Every character in the party (including the character who used the power) who has 0
Blessings sets their number of Blessings to 1.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: 1 opponent

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may use this power as a ranged weapon or they may use it as part of
their actions in a combat round. They may use this power in the precombat phase. It
automatically hits and deals 2 damage to 1 opponent.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: Every character that isn’t the character who used the power and every opponent in

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may use this power as a ranged weapon or they may use it as part of
their actions in a combat round. They may use this power in the precombat phase. It
automatically hits and deals 1 damage to all opponents and everyone in your party
who isn’t the character who used the ability.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Disguise or
Stealth abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Deception or
Worldliness abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on
1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

The power allows the character to act as if they have the Occult or Theology abilities for 1
occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1 ability test that has at
least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence does not occur within 1
hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task requiring 1 of the above
abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

The power allows the character to reroll all 1s on 1 ability test withing the next 1
hour. When used, the power wears off. If such an occurrence does not occur within 1
hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If the task takes longer than 1 hour
to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Hardiness or Resolve
abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1 ability test that
has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence does not occur within 1
hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task requiring 1 of the above
abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Herbalism or
Naturalist abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 1 Turn

Target: Any 1 character in the party (the character that used it can also be the target) or an
animal in the party.

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may use this power to restore 1 Vitality to the target. When targeting
another character, both the character using the power and the target must take 1

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 24 hours

The character does not need a light source to see properly for the duration of the
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Sleight of
Hand or Tinkering abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra
roll on 1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an
occurrence does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off.
If a task requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this
power cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Appraise or
Literacy abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: 1 opponent in combat.

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may use this power as a ranged weapon or they may use it as part of
their actions in a combat round. They may use this power in the precombat phase. It
automatically hits and deals 1 damage to 1 opponent. Then the character who used
this power gains 1 Vitality.
Time: 1 Turn

Target: Every character in the party (including the character who used the power)

Duration: 1 hour

This power affects everyone in the party (including the character who used the
power). For the duration of the power, whenever a character makes an ability test to
avoid losing Will from the Fearsome characteristic, they get 1 extra roll.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 24 hours

For the duration of the spell, the character counts as if they have the Animal characteristic
and the Breathe characteristic that they are wearing both furs and desert clothes and that
they are in a shelter.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Foraging or
Scrounging abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on
1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

For the duration of the spell, the character counts as if they own both a pick and a shovel. If
the task requiring a pick or a shovel takes longer than the remainder of the power’s
duration, the character cannot do that task.
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Leathercraft or
Woodcraft abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Climbing or
Nimbleness abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on
1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Dodging or
Running abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Perception or
Ranged Combat abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra
roll on 1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an
occurrence does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off.
If a task requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this
power cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Stonecraft or
Metalcraft abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 1 Turn

Target: Every character in the party (including the character that used the power)

Duration: Instantaneous

Every character in the party (including the character who used the power) who has 0
Clues sets their number of Clues to 1.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

The power allows the character to create a fire that can be used as a normal fire for its
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Perform or
Intimidation abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll
on 1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an
occurrence does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off.
If a task requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this
power cannot be used for that task.

Inner Strength
Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour (see below)

Choose 1 – the character that uses this may remove 1 Cursed, Despondency or Mania
affliction that they have; or the duration of the power, the character cannot gain the Cursed,
Despondency or Mania afflictions (this does not remove existing afflictions, however).

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Melee Combat
or Strength abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on
1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: All opponents

Duration: 1 combat round

A character may use this power as part of their actions in a combat round. If they do,
they may escape without having to roll an ability test to avoid their opponents’
blows for this round.
Time: 1 Turn

Target: Every character in the party (including the character that used the power)

Duration: Instantaneous

The character performs something – a saga, a song, some other art. Everyone in the
party (including the character who used the power) who has 0 Inspirations sets their
number of Inspirations to 1.

Sixth sense
Time: 0 Action points

Target: Every character in the party (including the character that used the power)

Duration: Instantaneous

This power can be used when the party encounters a creature or group of creatures.

If any of the creatures have the First Strike characteristic, this power negates the
effect of the characteristic.

If any of the creatures have a characteristic that involves taking an action in the
precombat phase (such as ranged attack X, ranged area attack X or summon), then
they cannot use that characteristic.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

For the duration of the spell, the character counts as if they own both some picklocks and a
toolkit. If the task requiring picklocks or a toolkit takes longer than the remainder of the
power’s duration, the character cannot do that task.

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour (see below)

Choose 1 – the character removes 1 Plague, Poison or Wound affliction that they have; or for
the duration of the power, the character cannot gain the Plague, Poison or Wound afflictions
(this does not remove existing afflictions, however).
Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Hunting or
Reasoning abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Alchemy or
Cooking abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1
ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character that used the power.

Duration: 1 hour

Choose one – the power allows the character to act as if they have the Pathfinding or
Swimming abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on
1 ability test that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence
does not occur within 1 hour of the power being used, then the power wears off. If a task
requiring 1 of the above abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power
cannot be used for that task.
Creating your own character(s)
Just choose the abilities and/or powers that you want your character to have and get
on with it. If you want to see how and when each ability and power can be, take a
look through this book first to see when each ability and power can be useful. One
place to look at is the combat manoeuvres section to see which abilities might help in

Obviously, you can follow rules 1 and 2 (which basically boil down to “do what you
like”), but having characters with 6 abilities and/or powers with a Vitality of 6 and a
Will of 6 is a good starting point.

If you want to play ordinary folk in the world, then having characters with 4 abilities
and/or powers along with having a Vitality of 4 and a Will of 4 would suit an
ordinary person.

If you want to play a seasoned adventurer who is capable of taking on dungeons

alone, then give the characters 9 abilities and/or powers and a Will and Vitality that
add up to 18.

In general, the more abilities and powers the better, but you could just choose a
small set of abilities and powers that make your character super focussed on one
Randomly generating a character
If you want to, you could partially or completely generate the characters’ abilities
and/or powers randomly. To do this make a Fate roll. On the roll of a 1-3, the make a
double Fate roll on the random abilities table. On the roll of a 4-6, make a double
Fate roll on the random powers table. If an ability or power is rolled up a second
time, just reroll on that table again.

Random abilities table

Fate Ability Fate Ability Fate roll Ability

roll roll
11 Alchemy 31 Leathercraft 51 Resolve
12 Appraise 32 Literacy 52 Running
13 Climbing 33 Melee Combat 53 Scrounging
14 Cooking 34 Metalcraft 54 Sleight of Hand
15 Deception 35 Naturalist 55 Stealth
16 Disguise 36 Nimbleness 56 Stonecraft
21 Dodging 41 Occult 61 Strength
22 Foraging 42 Pathfinding 62 Swimming
23 Hardiness 43 Perception 63 Theology
24 Herbalism 44 Perform 64 Tinkering
25 Hunting 45 Ranged Combat 65 Woodcraft
26 Intimidate 46 Reasoning 66 Worldliness

Random powers table

Fate Powers Fate Powers Fate roll Powers

roll roll
11 Bless 31 Diligence 51 Ignite
12 Bolt 32 Drain 52 Illusion
13 Burst 33 Embolden 53 Inner strength
14 Camouflage 34 Endurance 54 Might
15 Charm 35 Dousing 55 Mist
16 Commune 36 Excavate 56 Recital
21 Concentration 41 Fabricate 61 Sixth sense
22 Courage 42 Float 62 Telekinesis
23 Cultivate 43 Haste 63 Toughness
24 Cure 44 Hawksight 64 Track
25 Darkvision 45 Hew 65 Transmute
26 Deftness 46 Horoscope 66 Voyage
Starting character’s checklist
You have chosen your character and their abilities. Some abilities change other stats or give your
character items (for more details on items, go here), so here is a checklist to make sure you know
what you have. Remember, that, as with everything with SCRAWL, these are just suggestions.

Starting characters have the following items and stats:

Abilities: Choose 6 abilities and/or powers. Or however many you want. Write down all the
abilities that your character has. Starting characters can’t be experts in any abilities.

Powers: You may also choose powers from the powers list. Each power costs the same as one

Initial Vitality: 6

Initial Will: 6

Initial Fate: 0

Initial Experience: 0

Starting items: 3 raw provisions, 1 waterskin (full – containing 3 Water)1.

Initial treasure: 0sp (encumbrance 0).

Initial Encumbrance: Add up the encumbrance values of all the items the character has (3 from
the raw provisions and 1 from the full waterskin for a total of 4).

Initial time: Turns, hours and days all start at 0.

Action Points: 3

Clues: 0

Blessings: 0

Inspirations: 0

Insights: None

Notes: None

Titles: None

Number of characters: That’s up to you. Anywhere between 1 and 4. There is a limit to 4 people
per party (characters + hirelings).

Battle Order: If there is more than one character in the party, then the Battle Order needs to be

You can fill in all these detail on the character sheet to be found here.

1: No, you are not going to get starting equipment with a monetary value more than what a
peasant could earn in several years! You are getting a reasonable amount of equipment based on
what a starting character should get instead.
Example characters
In case you would like some inspiration, here are some example characters. I have split them
into 3 groups – standard starting characters (with 6 abilities and/or powers), ordinary folk
(with 4 abilities and/or powers, 4 Vitality and 4 Will) and experienced adventurers (with 9
abilities and/or powers and a combined Will and Vitality of 18). Enjoy!

Standard starting characters

Abilities: Alchemy, Tinkering, Reasoning, Literacy,

Powers: Telekinesis, Excavate

Abilities: Stealth, Disguise, Deception, Melee Combat,

Powers: Sixth sense, Camouflage

Abilities: Worldliness, Occult, Intimidate

Powers: Burst, Ignite, Inner strength

Abilities: Occult, Resolve, Perception

Powers: Telekenesis, Psychometry, Enchantment

Abilities: Melee Combat, Dodging, Occult, Literacy

Powers: Commune, Bolt

Abilities: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Strength, Hardiness, Literacy, Metalcraft

Wizard, abjurer
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Embolden, Inner strength, Toughness, Mist

Wizard, conjurer
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Ignite, Mist, Excavate, Cultivate

Wizard, diviner
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Commune, Horoscope, Sixth sense, Track

Wizard, enchanter
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Charm, Courage, Embolden, Recital,

Wizard, evoker
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Bolt, Burst, Ignite, Mist

Wizard, illusionist
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning, Sleight of Hand, Deception

Powers: Illusion, Mist

Wizard, necromancer
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Drain, Cure, Heal, Turn

Wizard, transmuter
Abilities: Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Camouflage, Fabricate, Haste, Float

Abilities: Stealth, Perception, Tinkering, Scrounging, Disguise, Sleight of Hand

Abilities: Hardiness, Theology

Powers: Cure, Heal, Turn, Bless

Abilities: Perform, Literacy, Worldliness, Deception

Powers: Charm, Recital

Abilities: Naturalist, Herbalism, Literacy,

Powers: Cure, Ignite, Hawksight

Abilities: Melee Combat, Strength, Hardiness, Dodging, Running

Powers: Courage

Abilities: Ranged Combat, Foraging, Naturalist, Pathfinding, Hardiness, Woodcraft
Abilities: Melee Combat, Resolve, Hardiness, Theology

Powers: Embolden, Bless

Abilities: Melee Combat, Dodging, Nimbleness,

Powers: Float, Haste, Might

Abilities: Melee Combat, Dodging,

Powers: Blast, Courage, Cure, Sixth sense

Abilities: Melee Combat, Theology, Literacy

Powers: Sixth sense, Hawksight, Courage

Elementalist, Fire
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Bolt, Burst, Ignite

Elementalist, Water
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Cure, Mist, Charm

Elementalist, Earth
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Excavate, Toughness, Dousing

Elementalist, Air
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Float, Haste, Hawksight

Elementalist, Darkness
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning

Powers: Commune, Drain, Charm

Abilities: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Naturalist, Strength, Worldliness, Literacy
Ordinary folk in the world
If you want to play ordinary people, for a challenge, then that’s great. Ordinary people in
the game start off with 4 Vitality, 4 Will and 4 abilities/powers.

Abilities: Deception, Disguise, Scrounging, Sleight of Hand

Abilities: Appraise, Hardiness. Metalcraft, Strength.

Abilities: Appraise, Woodcraft, Pathfinding, Hardiness

Abilities: Perform, Worldliness, Disguise, Nimbleness

Abilities: Foraging, Hardiness, Herbalism, Naturalist.

Abilities: Fishing, Swimming, Hardiness, Nimbleness

Abilities: Hunting, Ranged Combat, Running, Stealth

Abilities: Appraise, Cooking, Foraging, Scrounging.

Abilities: Climbing, Hardiness, Stonecraft, Strength

Abilities: Herbalism, Literacy, Reasoning, Theology.

Abilities: Deception, Worldliness, Literacy, Melee Combat

Abilities: Pathfinding, Climbing, Hardiness, Swimming

Abilities: Melee Combat, Strength, Hardiness, Running

Abilities: Appraise, Cooking, Hunting, Leathercraft

Abilities: Appraise, Deception, Literacy, Worldliness,
Experienced adventurers in the world
Experienced adventurers in this section have 9 abilities and/or powers and the sum of the
Vitality and Will is 18. An experienced adventurer could probably take on a whole dungeon
alone and would consider most overland encounters to be an annoyance rather than a
dangerous risk.

Experienced fighter
Abilities: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Strength, Nimbleness, Dodging, Running,

Powers: Courage, Might

Vitality: 11

Will: 7

Experienced rogue
Abilities: Deception, Disguise, Dodging, Nimbleness, Perception, Reasoning, Sleight of
Hand, Stealth, Tinkering

Powers: Sixth sense

Vitality: 9

Will: 9

Experienced cleric
Abilities: Theology, Hardiness, Resolve, Herbalism, Literacy, Strength, Worldliness

Powers: Cure, Bless,

Vitality: 8

Will: 10

Experienced wizard
Abilities: Occult, Literacy, Reasoning, Alchemy

Powers: Bolt, Burst, Mist, Horoscope, Charm

Vitality: 7

Will: 11

Experienced ranger
Abilities: Climbing, Cooking, Foraging, Hardiness, Hunting, Naturalist, Pathfinding,
Ranged Combat, Woodcraft,

Vitality: 11

Will: 7
Experienced Bard
Abilities: Deception, Disguise, Perform, Worldliness, Literacy

Powers: Recital, Charm, Cure, Illusion

Vitality: 9

Will: 9

Experienced paladin
Abilities: Theology, Hardiness, Resolve, Melee Combat, Strength,

Powers: Embolden, Bless, Might, Courage

Vitality: 10

Will: 8
Rules of SCRAWL
The core mechanic
The mechanics of this system revolve around the 6-sided dice (d6). You will need to roll 1d6
to determine the outcome of events. There are many situations where you can get rerolls. If
you are allowed to reroll, you may roll an additional 1d6 and take the best value from the
dice you have rolled.

Ability tests
Ability tests have a difficulty value. To succeed at an ability test, you need to roll a result on
a d6 that is equal to or higher than that difficulty value.

In parentheses there will be the ability(s), item(s) and codeword(s) that are relevant to the
tests. For each of these things in the brackets that apply to your character, you may roll 1
extra die (so if you have 2 abilities mentioned in the bracket, you may roll an extra 2 dice).

For example, the ability test to swim across a cold lake would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Swimming, Hardiness)

Another example would be an ability test to dig a hole. This would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Strength, shovel)

Another example is an ability test to convince a noble to take action would be easier if the
character had a prestigious reputation. The test would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Worldliness, Prestigious).

Some items or codewords will be used up in the process of getting the reroll (for example,
food). In this case, an asterisk (*) will be by that thing’s name. If the character uses
something with an asterisk by it to get an extra roll, you must remove it from their character

For example, if a character is trying to repair a strange machine, this process might be
helped by adding a contraption to it. The ability test would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Tinkering, contraption*).

In another example, if a character is looking for a secret door, they may have found a clue
earlier to help them find it. The ability test would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception, Clue*)

If the character uses the Clue, they get a reroll, but then they lose the Clue as that piece of
information is no longer useful.
In some ability tests, the character can only get an extra roll if they have 2 or more
items/abilities combined (for example a rope+grapple). In this case a plus sign (+) will be put
between the items/abilities to show that both (or more) are needed. The character may only
get an extra roll if all of the items and/or abilities apply.

For example, if a character is trying to climb a wall to get through a window, the ability test
would state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Climb, rope+grapple).

Some ability tests require the character to have an item, ability or codeword before they can
even attempt it. For example, a character cannot get a gem that is lodged in a stone cave wall
without a pick no matter how strong they are. These ability tests will have the required item,
codeword or ability in brackets after the test number with the phrase “Required:” before it.
The required item, ability or codewords will be before the other items codewords and
abilities that give rerolls. Required items do not give a character extra rolls. They are needed
to attempt the test at all.

For example, with the mining, it will state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Required: pick) (Strength).

If more than 1 item, ability or keyword is required could be used, but only 1 is needed, then
the item(s), ability(s) and keyword(s) will be listed with commas.

For example, when cutting through vines in the jungle, the ability test will state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Required: dagger, sword, axe) (Strength).

If two or more ability(s), item(s) or keyword(s) are needed, then there will be a + between
the words.

For example, if a character needs to write an entertaining saga, the ability test will state:

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Required: Quill and ink+Literacy) (Perform).

If a character does not have the required item, codeword or ability, they automatically fail
the ability test.

If a character spends 1 experience point, they can act as if they have an ability of their choice
on 1 occasion or you can get 1 extra roll for an ability test. This means that you can spend 2
or more experience points to get 2 or more extra rolls, 3 to get 3 extra rolls and so on. It also
means that if an ability is required, then a character can spend 1 experience to act as if they
have that ability, so that they can take the test.

Characters can also spend 1 experience point or 1 Inspiration to reroll the dice whenever
they roll a 1 for that ability test. Spending an Inspiration gives the character confidence in
the test, so they won’t make horrible mistakes.

Characters can spend experience points to get extra rolls and 1 experience point to reroll all
1s on a roll.
You must decide before you roll for the ability test if you want to spend an Inspiration or
experience points and how many experience points you will spend.

Spending experience and Inspirations costs 0 Action points when in combat.

Spending experience points to act as if your character has an ability is an equivalent of your
character having picked up a random talent or piece of information that just happens to be
useful in this situation. For that reason, spending experience points only works if the ability
test takes 1 hour or less. If it takes longer, then it requires specialist knowledge beyond what
spending experience points can do.

Keep an eye out for what kind of ability the test is for. Your character may have an item or
power that allows them to get an extra roll for it. Any abilities that will give your character
an extra roll will be presented in bold. For example, it may say ‘Make an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Climbing)’. If your character can use the Float power and spend 1 Will point
to do so, they will get an extra roll for this test. You must choose for your character to use
their powers before you roll for the ability test. Using a power only works if the ability test
takes 1 hour or less.
To succeed at an ability test, you need to get equal to or over the difficulty on a d6. If you
roll more than 1 die, you only need to succeed at 1 roll to succeed at the test.

You may choose your character to automatically fail an ability test. If you do so, they just
accept the consequences of failure without having to make a roll.

Here is the checklist for making an ability test:

1) Check if any item(s), keyword(s) or ability(s) are required for the test. If there are and
your character does not have them, they automatically fail. Turn to the relevant
section for failure. If there are no required item(s), ability(s) or keyword(s) or if there
are and your character meets the requirements, go to step 2.
2) Look at the difficulty number and the ability(s), item(s) and keyword(s) that provide
extra rolls.
3) Decide if your character wants to automatically fail the test. If they do, turn to the
section for failure. If they don’t, go to step 4.
4) Calculate how many dice you need to roll (1 + the number of ability(s), item(s) and
keyword(s) your character has and is willing to use) and then make sure whether
your character can reroll 1s or not. Then go to step 5.
5) Decide if you want your character to spend experience points to act as if they have a
particular ability, or, if your character has that ability, decide if you want them to
spend an experience point to reroll 1s for this roll. If you wish, your character can
spend 2 experience points – 1 to act as if they have a particular ability and 1 to reroll
1s for the ability test. Spending experience points takes no game time. Then go to
step 6.
6) Decide if your character wants to use any powers to act as if they have a particular
ability or if they want to use it to reroll 1s on the ability test. Using powers may take
time. Then go to step 7.
7) Roll the dice. If 1 or more of the rolls is equal to or greater than the difficulty of the
ability test, your character has succeeded. Go to step 8. If all the rolls are lower than
the difficulty of the ability test, then your character has failed. Go to step 9.
Remember, that if all the rolls are lower, but you have rolled at least 1 1 and your
character is able to reroll 1s, reroll those dice until you roll a number that isn’t a 1.
Then determine if your character has succeeded or failed.
8) Check your dice. If 1 or more of the dice has a 6, then your character gains 1
experience point. Then go to step 10.
9) Check your dice. If 1 or more of the dice has a 1, then your character gains 1
experience point. Then go to step 10.
10) Turn to the section instructed in the text.
Tasks that can be automatically succeeded with an ability
Characters can automatically succeed at some tasks if they have an ability. This usually
happens when the characters are performing a task in the absence of danger and other
distractions. For example, someone with the Literacy ability who is trying to decipher an
ancient tome in the comfort of their own tower will be able to do so without having to make
a roll. Characters can spend experience points or use powers to act as if they have the
relevant ability for these situations, but only if the task takes 1 hour or less. If it takes longer,
the little bit of experience that they have picked up in this area has no effect.
Creatures and combat
It’s not all exploration and treasure, you know. You’re going to have to deal with some
creatures eventually. On the plus side, deal with does not necessarily mean fight. I mean,
your character might be one of those rogue types who would rather sneak past monsters
whilst they sleep and steal their treasure. That’s perfectly valid, because I want all classes to
succeed here. Just don’t expect it to be easy. Or to work all the time.

The layout of a monster’s statistics is presented like this:

Type: Tells you what group the creature belongs to. Some powers and items affect particular
groups of creature.

Difficulty: The number you need to roll equal or above to hit the creature. Also tells you
which classes get rerolls.

Attacks: The number of attacks the creature has. The creature will distribute its attacks
evenly amongst the number of people in the party, starting with the 1st person in the Battle
Order, then the 2nd etc. If the creature has more attacks than the number of people in the
party, then it will focus more than 1 attack on a character. That character will need to make
as many ability tests as the number of attacks focused on them, but if they win more than
one, they can only damage the creature once.

Damage: The number of points of damage that the creatures deal with a successful hit.

Vitality: The vitality of the creature.

Items: The items that creatures leave behind if a character kills them. Characters cannot get
these items if the creature flees or if they avoid combat through other means.

Special: Any special characteristics the creature might have.

The number of creatures encountered
An encounter will give you the number of creatures encountered. Sometimes, the encounter
will state that the party encounters L creatures. L is the level that the characters are on in the
dungeon. This means that the deeper your characters go, the more monsters they will

Sometimes, you may come across the number X. In this case, X will be explained.
Creature special characteristics
A lot of creatures have special characteristics and this bit explains what they are. Some
characteristics are intrinsic to the creature and all creatures have to have them (for example,
all basilisks have the Magical Attack ability to represent their petrifying eyes). Other
characteristics are common to most creatures, which is why they are included, but some
characteristics can be added or removed based on circumstances. For example, goblins do
not normally have the Frist Strike characteristic, but if a goblin waits in ambush for the
party, it will.

A beserk creature fights in a rage, wildly swinging their weapons around. Characters who
roll against a beserk creature in combat get 1 bonus roll against them in melee combat. This
is a drawback, but beserk creatures usually do 3 damage with each hit and/or have at least 2

At the end of each combat round, check the creature’s Vitality and also how many members
of its party are still alive. This creature will attempt to escape if loses more than ½ of its
Vitality from when it started the combat (round up). It will also try to escape if, at the end of
the round, more than ½ of its party have either been killed or have escaped (round up). This
creature will attempt to escape at the end of the round where either of the conditions apply.

The creature can be convinced that it shouldn’t attack the characters.

If all of the creatures in the group have the Credulous characteristic, the characters may attempt
to deceive them in the precombat phase.

Each character must convince every creature in the group. This takes 3 Action Points. In game
terms, this means each character must make an ability test with a difficulty equal to each
creature’s difficulty (Deceit, Disguise). All of the tests must succeed for the party to avoid
combat. If 1 or more tests fail, the characters will have to fight.

Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (by a melee or ranged attack), in addition to
taking damage, they must make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the creature’s (Resolve).
Failure means they gain the Despondency affliction.
A distracted creature is not really paying attention to its surroundings for some reason. Maybe it
is usually a peaceful animal and is not looking for a fight. Maybe it is an inexperienced guard
that is just daydreaming.

If all of the creatures in the group have the Distracted characteristic, the characters may attempt
to sneak past them in the precombat phase. This takes 3 Action Points. Each character must try to
not alert every creature in the group. In game terms, this means each character must make an
ability test with a difficulty equal to each creature’s difficulty (Stealth, Disguise). All of the tests
must succeed for the party to avoid combat. If 1 or more tests fail, the characters will have to

It is possible to avoid combat with this creature by doing something that calms it. This can
be done in the precombat phase or in a combat round and it takes 3 Action Points. To calm
a creature, the character must make an ability test with a difficulty equal to the
creature’s (Naturalist). If the character fails, then the creature will deal damage as if
the character lost the combat round (unless it is the precombat phase) and that
character cannot attempt to calm the creature again. If the character succeeds, then
the creature will leave combat. It can be treated as if it ran away.

Fearsome X
A fearsome creature inspires terror in its opponents. At the end of each combat round, any
character that made a melee attack against a Fearsome creature must make an ability test
with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the creature (Resolve). Any character who fails
loses X Will.

Any creatures in the same group as a creature with Frenzy lose the Cowardly and Docile
characteristics for as long as that creature is alive.

First Strike
If your party faces a creature with First Strike, then they may not act in the
precombat phase.

The creature may not attack the party if they provide it with treasure. A character may do
this in the precombat phase or in a combat round and it takes 3 Action Points. The
characters need to offer the creature a combination of silver pieces and/or trinkets
equal to ½ its initial Vitality (round up). If they do, the creature will stop fighting. It
can be treated as if it had fled combat.

Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (by a melee or ranged attack), in
addition to taking damage, they must make an ability test equal to the difficulty of
the creature’s (Resolve). Failure means they gain the Curse affliction.
Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (in a melee or ranged attack), in
addition to taking damage, they make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the
creature’s (Hardiness). If they fail, the gain the Plague affliction.

As long as there is at least 1 creature with Inspire in the group, the other creatures get +1
Vitality (this means that 2 creatures with Inspire do not grant the bonus twice, but if there
are two creatures with Inspire and 1 dies, then the group still gets the Inspire bonus)

Any creatures in the same group as a creature with Lead lose the Cowardly and Timid
characteristics for as along as that creature is alive.

This is a feature that doesn’t cover the other special characteristics. It does not come up very
often. For example, mummies that take more damage if they are struck by a lit torch or lit

Ranged attack X
This creature has some kind of attack that it can make from a distance, such as a bow or fire

In the precombat phase, if the characters do not try to avoid combat with the creature the
creature will attack a random member of the party with its ranged attack. That character must
make an ability test with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the creature (Dodging). If they fail,
they lose X Vitality.

During combat, if all of the characters are being attacked by a creature without this creature
needing to attack a character (so if the characters are outnumbered or the characters are fighting
a creature than has enough attacks to damage all of them), then this creature will use its ranged
attack on a random character instead of joining the melee.

Ranged area attack X

This creature has a ranged attack that can damage all of the characters.

In the precombat phase, if the characters do not try to avoid combat with the creature the
creature will attack the whole party with its ranged attack. Each character must make an ability
test with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the creature (Dodging). If they fail, they lose X

During combat, if all of the characters are being attacked by a creature without this creature
needing to attack a character (so if the characters are outnumbered or the characters are fighting
a creature than has enough attacks to damage all of them), then this creature will use its ranged
attack on all of the characters instead of joining the melee.
A ravenous creature can be subdued with food. A character may attempt to feed a Ravenous
creature in the precombat phase or during combat. This takes 3 Action points. The character
must then give the creature a number of provisions equal to ½ the creature’s initial Vitality
(round up). If they do, the creature will no longer take part in the combat and it will count as if it
had fled.

Summon (Creature)
In the precombat phase, the creature will use their powers to summon the creature mentioned.

At the beginning of each combat round, if the creature is not in melee combat and there are no
creatures mentioned in the summon present, the creature with summon will use their power to
summon the creature mentioned. This will take up the whole round (so they can’t attack).

It is possible to intimidate this creature into not attacking the party in the precombat phase
or in a combat round. Intimidating such a creature takes 3 Action Points requires making an
ability test with a difficulty equal to the creature’s (Intimidation, Infamous). The character
needs to be Infamous on the hex that they are currently on. Any creature that is successfully
intimidated flees the combat. If the creature is not successfully intimidated, they hit the
character as if the character lost a combat round (unless it is the precombat phase) and they
cannot be intimidated again.

Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (by a melee or ranged attack), in
addition to taking damage, they must make an ability test equal to the difficulty of
the creature’s (Resolve). Failure means they gain the Mania affliction.

Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (by a melee or ranged attack), in
addition to taking damage, they make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the
creature’s (Hardiness). If they fail, they gain the Poison affliction.

Whenever an attacker is damaged by the creature (by a melee or ranged attack), in
addition to taking damage, they make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the
creature’s (Hardiness). If they fail, they gain the Wound affliction.

This is a creature that can be warded with certain words or actions in the precombat phase
or in a combat round. Warding such a creature takes 3 Action Points and is an ability test
with a difficulty equal to the creature’s (Occult, Theology). Any creature that is warded
flees from the combat. If the character fails, the creature will hit them as if the character lost
the combat round (unless it is the precombat phase) and that character cannot attempt to
ward that creature again.
If your party’s disagreements do come to blows, you are going to need to know how
to work it out.

Outnumbered characters or outnumbered creatures

In a lot of cases, the party will face a number of creatures that is different to the number of
characters in the party.

More characters than creatures

If there are more characters than creatures then the characters have a choice. Either the
excess character(s) can hang back and attack the creatures each turn with ranged weapons or
use powers and actions to aid their party members or the excess party members could aid
one of their comrades in melee combat.

If given an option, an outnumbered creature will focus its attacks on the character that is
easiest to hit (has the fewest rolls with its ability tests). In case all characters roll the same
number of dice, the creature will focus its attack on the character with the highest damage. If
that is equal, then the creature will focus on the character with the lowest Vitality. If all
things are equal, the creature will pick a random character to focus on.

If the outnumbered creature has 2 or more attacks, it will spread its attacks as evenly as

Some creatures have the same number of attacks as there are characters. They can damage
any characters fighting them that fail an ability test against them in combat.

More creatures than characters

If the party is outnumbered, then the creatures will spread themselves out as evenly as
possible amongst the party members. Excess creatures will focus their attacks in the same
way that outnumbered creatures do – first, the easiest character to hit, then the one that
deals the most damage, then the one with the lowest Vitality and finally a random character
if all other things are equal.
Avoiding combat
You may wish your party to just not fight opponents. That’s fine. We’re not judging. There
are usually ways to get around opponents without fighting them. If the characters do decide
to avoid combat through one of these methods rather than fight, then they will spend the
precombat phase doing so. This means that if the characters try to avoid combat, but end up
fighting anyway, they won’t have time to use a ranged weapon, use a power or do any other
precombat action.

There are many ways to avoid combat based on the special characteristics of certain
creatures (see above). Here are some other ways to avoid combat.

Cowardly creatures
Characters will have to fight cowardly creatures, but they will flee if they lose ½ their
Vitality (round up) or if ½ of their party is slain or flee (round up). Characters have the
option of chasing after them (see the entry) but may choose not to. If the characters don’t
want to leave witnesses or if the creatures have some treasure that the characters want, they
will usually chase them.

Credulous or Distracted creatures

The party can attempt to avoid combat with these creatures in the precombat phase.

Docile, Greedy, Ravenous, Timid or Wardable creatures

If a creature has one or more of the above characteristics, then characters can attempt to
avoid combat with them with an ability test, either in the precombat phase or during

Characters may have the option of escaping combat (see the combat actions below), If they
do, the creature(s) fighting the character have a chance for 1 last hit.

Characters can also attempt to escape combat as long as no creature they are facing has the
First strike characteristic. If at least 1 creature has the First strike characteristic, they have to
fight at least 1 round in melee. If no creature has the First strike characteristic, the characters
may flee. They do not need to make rolls to dodge melee hits, but if any creature has a
ranged attack or a ranged area attack, characters have to avoid those. Ranged attacks will
target random characters. Ranged area attacks affect all characters.

Peaceful interaction
Some creatures don’t want to fight. In some cases, their actions will be stated if the
characters just want to talk to them.
Precombat phase
1. Look up the creatures’ stats in the core rulebook (below).

2. Check if any creatures have First Strike. If at least 1 creature has First Strike, go to
step 5.

3. Check what characteristics the creatures in the group have. This will affect what
actions the characters can take.

4. Characters have 3 action points to perform an action. They can spend these Action
points on using powers, using items, using a ranged weapon or trying to avoid the
combat. To make a ranged attack, make an ability test against the target’s difficulty
(Ranged Combat). If the character succeeds, they hit their opponent and deal
damage as normal. If they try to avoid combat, decide how they will do this (see
above). If the characters end up having to fight, move to step 5.

5. The creatures will take any actions that they can take in the precombat phase, such as
using a ranged attack. When this is done, move onto step 6.

6. Move onto combat steps.

Combat steps
1. First of all, decide which character(s) is fighting which creature(s).

2. Each round of combat, each character has 3 Action points. Look at the combat
options below to decide how to spend them.
You will probably want each character to use their main weapon in every round, but
you have other options, depending on what abilities and powers they have.
If your character is fighting multiple creatures, they need to decide which creature
they are going to hit with their weapon(s).
Remember that spending experience points takes 0 Action points.
Some characters may not be able to join in with melee combat (because they are in a
narrow corridor and only the character in the front can fight for example). They can
still use ranged weapons against their opponents or they can use beneficial powers
on those characters fighting.

3. Any powers and items your character uses resolve now. This means that damage
dealing powers and items deal their damage to creatures now. This means that if
your character kills a creature, then they don’t need to fight it. However, if the
creature is cowardly and it has lost half of its Vitality, it won’t flee until the end of
the next round.

4. Make an ability test equal to the creature’s difficulty (Melee Combat). Remember to
include any other rerolls your character may have. Spending experience takes 0
Action points but it must be done before the roll is made. Repeat this process for
every creature your character is fighting.

5. If your character has succeeded in the ability test, they won’t be damaged by that
creature. If they succeed at an ability test against a creature they aimed an attack at,
they hit it. If your character failed an ability test against a creature, the creature hit
them. If the character aimed a blow at a creature they failed the ability test against,
they don’t hit the creature.

6. Adjust the Vitality of the character(s) and creature(s).

7. Repeat this process for each character in the party. Once you have completed this, go
to step 8.
8. After the melee combat rolls, creatures may be able to perform another action. If this
is the case, follow the instructions. Then go to step 9.

9. Any Creatures with the Cowardly characteristic, who, at the beginning of the round,
had lost more than ½ their Vitality or who had more than ½ of their group will flee.
A character may try to chase them. To catch them, a character must make an ability
test with a difficulty equal to the creature’s difficulty (Running). If they succeed, the
creature has to fight that character in the next round. If they fail, the creature escapes.

10. If all of the creatures have been dealt with, the combat is over and the characters
have won! If not, begin a new round and go to step 1.
Combat actions
Combat actions are what characters are allowed to do in combat. Below is a list of actions
characters can take in combat and how many Action Points they cost.

Requirements: Perception

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll 1s on their ranged combat roll.

Requirements: Stealth, can only be done against a distracted creature

Cost: 0 Action Points (but see below)

Ambush works 1 of 2 ways.

In the precombat phase, if a character is able to take an action, they may use an ambush action
against a viable opponent. They can attack with their regular weapon (using the normal number
of action points) and get 1 extra roll. If they hit, they will deal normal damage.

In combat, if a character attacks a creature that is aiming its blow at another character, they can
use the ambush action. They can attack with their regular weapon (using the normal number of
action points) and get 1 extra roll. If they hit, they will deal normal damage. If they hit this
creature, the creature will aim their melee attacks at the character that ambushed it to prevent
any more ambushes happening (so having 2 characters capable of an ambush would be fun!).

Requirements: Occult

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against any creature with the type outsider that they are
attempting to hit with their main hand weapon. This does not work against any other
creature type.

Requirements: Strength

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can make another attack against the same opponent or a different opponent that
will deal 1 damage.

Defensive fighting
Requirements: None

Cost: 3 Action points

A character is able to get 1 bonus roll against all of their opponents in combat. However, if
they succeed at the ability test, they deal no damage.
Requirements: Dodging

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll 1s on their melee combat roll.

Requirements: None

Cost: 1 Action Point

If a character uses this option in combat, they must make an ability test with a difficulty
equal to the difficulty of the creature they are fighting (Dodging, Running). If they fail, they
are hit and lose Vitality equal to the damage of the creature. The character must do this for
all creatures they are fighting.

If a character does this in the precombat phase, they must make an ability test with a
difficulty equal to the difficulty of the creatures present who have the Ranged attack or
ranged area attack characteristic (Dodging, Running). If there are several characters, the
creatures with the Ranged attack characteristic will target random characters. If they fail,
they are hit and lose Vitality equal to the damage of the ranged attack of the creature.

Requirements: Deception

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll all 1s on their combat roll.

Requirements: None

Cost: 2 Action Points

A character can move from one opponent to another. If they have enough action points left over,
they may attack the opponent.

Off-hand blow
Requirements: Nimbleness, dagger or sickle in off-hand or empty off-hand

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can make another attack against the same opponent or a different opponent. The
attack deals 1 damage.

Precise strike
Requirements: Perception+Strength

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can may get 1 extra roll against the creature they are attempting to hit with their
main hand weapon.
Requirements: None

Cost: 3 Action Points

A character can have 1 extra reroll in a Melee Combat ability test or a Ranged Combat ability
test (depending on whether they are using a melee or ranged weapon) in their next combat

Reckless attack
Requirements: None

Cost: 0 Action points

The character can get an extra roll and reroll all 1s against any opponent they aim a melee
attack against this round. However, all opponents that attack them will automatically hit

Requirements: Nimbleness+Reasoning

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against the creature they are attempting to hit with their
main hand weapon.

Requirements: Intimidate, target creature has Timid or Cowardly characteristic

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against the creature they are attempting to hit with their
main hand weapon as long as that creature has the Timid or Cowardly characteristic.

Requirements: Theology

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against any creature with the type undead they are
attempting to hit with their main hand weapon. This does not work against any other
creature type.

Requirements: Tinkering

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against any creature with the type construct they are
attempting to hit with their main hand weapon. This does not work against any other
creature type.
Spot weakness
Requirements: Perception

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll 1s on their combat roll.

Requirements: None

Cost: 0 Action Points

Subdue only works on creatures with the humanoid, monster or wildlife types. If a character
uses this option, they only deal 1 damage on a successful hit. However, if they reduce the Vitality
of an opponent to 0 when they are using the subdue action, they knock them out instead of kill
them. The opponent’s Vitality will be equal to the amount of damage they have done using the
subdue action. If they have a length of rope, they character can tie up the opponent and take
them prisoner.

Requirements: Reasoning

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll 1s on their combat roll.

Requirements: Perform

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can reroll 1s on their combat roll.

Use Item or power

Requirements: the required item or power

Cost: the number of Action points specified in the item or power.

A character can gain the benefits of the item or power their used.

Use main hand weapon

Requirements: None

Cost: 1 Action Point if using a light weapon or unarmed, 2 action points if using a medium
weapon or 3 action points if using a heavy weapon.

The character strikes at an opponent. If they win the ability test against that opponent, they
deal damage to them depending on the type of weapon they are using. they may also use a
ranged weapon to attack an opponent but only if they are not engaging in melee combat.
They may only use their main hand weapon once per round, even if using it does not use up
all of their action points.
Requirements: Deception+Dodging

Cost: 1 Action Point

A character can get 1 extra roll against the creature they are attempting to hit with their
main hand weapon.

Opponents who try to escape

Some opponents may try to escape under certain conditions. Characters may try to
pursue them. If they do, make an ability test equal to the difficulty of the opponent
(Running). If they succeed, they may continue the combat in the next round. If they
fail, or if they choose not to pursue their opponents, they escape.
List of creatures
Here is a list of creatures that the party might come across in SCRAWL. When characters encounter
creatures, this is where you look up their stats.

Adventurer, human, assassin

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Dagger, poison (1 bottle)
Special: Venom

Adventurer, human, barbarian

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: Axe Special: Beserk

Adventurer, human, magic user

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff, 1 component, Special:
Ranged area attack 1

Adventurer, human, ranger

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Bow, axe, dagger Special:
Ranged attack 2

Adventurer, human, rogue

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: dagger Special: First strike

Adventurer, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, shield, light armour
Special: None

Alchemist, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: L minerals, L random
alchemical preparations, Special: Timid, Cowardly

Animated archer
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Bow, Special: Ranged attack 2, Other – a
character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other – if killed,
characters can take 3 metal from this creature’s corpse.

Animated armour
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: none, Special: Other – a
character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other – if
killed, characters can take 3 metal from this creature’s corpse.

Animated armour, barbarous

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special: Vicious, Other – a character
with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other – if killed, characters
can take 4 metal from this creature’s corpse.

Animated object, small

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 1, Special: First strike

Animated object, swarm

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Special: First strike

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Animated stuffed animals
Type: Construct Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: First Strike

Ant, giant, worker

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Cowardly, Venom

Ant, giant, soldier

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,

Ant, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Frenzy, Venom,

Ant, queen
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: X, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Frenzy, Ranged
attack 2 Inspire, Summon ant, giant, soldier, Other – when an ant queen’s Vitality is reduced to 0, a
horde of ants will crawl out of it. The characters now need to fight an ant swarm, medium.

Ant swarm, large

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Ant swarm, medium

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Ant swarm, small

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None Special: Docile, Ravenous,

Ape, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None Special: Frenzy

Ape, colossal
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 18, Items: None Special: Distracted, Ravenous,

Ape, huge
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous
Ape, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None Special: Distracted, Docile,

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club Special:
Distracted, Docile, Ravenous

Apefolk, champion
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club Special:
Distracted, Frenzy

Apefolk, chief
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club Special:
Distracted, Frenzy, Inspire

Apefolk, shaman
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff Special:
Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Summon ape

Apefolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club Special:

Archer, human, recruit

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Bow, club

Special: Ranged attack 2, Cowardly, Distracted, Credulous

Archer, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Bow, club

Special: Ranged attack 2

Archer, human, sharpshooter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Bow, club

Special: First strike, Ranged attack 2, Vicious

Artificer, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Ranged attack 2, Vicious

Artificer, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Ranged attack 3, Vicious

Assassin, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Dagger, Special: First strike, Venom
Assassin, human, champion
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: First strike, Venom

Assassin, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Lead, First strike,

Assassin, human, neophyte

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Dagger, Special: First strike,
Venom, Cowardly

Assassin, human, sharpshooter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, bow Special: First strike,
Ranged attack 2, Venom, Vicious

Ball lightning
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Items: None, Special: Ranged attack 2

Bandit, human, ambusher

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: First strike,
Cowardly, Greedy

Bandit, human, archer

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Greedy, Cowardly,
Ranged attack 2

Bandit, human, captain

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club Special: Lead, Inspire

Bandit, human, champion

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Bandit, human, recruit

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Greedy, Cowardly,
Credulous, Distracted

Bandit, human, sharpshooter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: First strike, Ranged
attack 2

Bandit, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Greedy

Bandit, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Greedy

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Wardable, Demoralise,
Fearsome 1
Banshee, ancient
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Wardable, Demoralise,
Fearsome 2

Barbarian, human, chief

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe, Special:
Distracted, Beserk, Lead, Inspire

Barbarian, human, slaughterer

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: Two handed axe, Special:
Distracted, Beserk, Lead

Barbarian, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Distracted, Beserk

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Venom, Fearsome 1, Other –
At the end of each combat round, any character that made a melee attack against the basilisk must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve, mirror). Any character that fails loses 1 Vitality. If a character closes
their eyes, they can ignore the basilisk’s attack. However, they only have 2 Action Points per round.

Basilisk, giant
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Venom, Fearsome 1, Other –
At the end of each combat round, any character that made a melee attack against the basilisk must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve, mirror). Any character that fails loses 1 Vitality. If a character closes
their eyes, they can ignore the basilisk’s attack. However, they only have 2 Action Points per round.

Bats, flock
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Cowardly, Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Bat, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Docile, Cowardly, Ravenous, Distracted

Bear, brown
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None,

Special: Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If killed, characters can get up to 3 raw provisions and 3
bone. Any character with Leathercraft and a dagger can spend 1 hour to get 3 pelts.

Bear, polar
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If killed, characters can get up to 3 raw provisions and 3
bone. Any character with Leathercraft and a dagger can spend 1 hour to get 3 pelts.
Bear, young
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If killed, characters can get up to 1 raw provision
and 1 bone. Any character with Leathercraft and a dagger can spend 1 hour to get 1 pelt.

Beetle, Giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Beetle, Giant, deathwatch

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Fearsome 1

Beetle, Giant, Fire

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Ranged attack 1

Beetle, Giant, Scarab

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Vicious

Beetle, Giant, Slayer

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Beserk

Beetle, Giant, Stag

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Bee swarm, medium

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Venom

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Bee swarm, large

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Venom

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Blade grass
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: First Strike

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Blade grass, large

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: First Strike

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Blade grass, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: First Strike,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None,

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Distracted, Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 3 raw provisions
and 1 bone from this creature’s corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 1

Boar, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None,

Special: Frenzy, Ravenous, Other – if killed, characters can take 6 raw provisions and 3 bone from this
creature’s corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 2 leather.

Boar, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None,

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Distracted, Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 4 raw provisions
and 2 bone from this creature’s corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 1

Boar, primordial
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Ravenous, Other – if killed, characters can take 8 raw provisions and 4 bone from this
creature’s corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 3 leather.

Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Other – a character with the Tinkering ability may use the spot
weakness action against this creature

Brass cyborg
Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly.

Brimstone fish
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Cavefolk, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Cavefolk, human, cheif

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead, Inspire
Cavefolk, human, champion
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Cavefolk, human, lookout

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly

Cavefolk, human, shaman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Summon ghost,
Distracted, Cowardly

Cavefolk, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Distracted

Celestial, greater
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10 Items: None, Special: Lead, Inspire,
Fearsome 1

Celestial, large
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8 Items: None, Special: Fearsome 1, Lead

Celestial, medium
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6 Items: None, Special: Fearsome 1

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2

Centaur, chief
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2. Lead, Inspire

Centaur, reveller
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 14, Items: None Special: Distracted,
Ravenous, Beserk

Centaur, warrior
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2, Vicious

Centipede, devastation
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,
Venom, Vicious, Frenzy

Centipede, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

Centipede, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Ranged area
attack 1, Fearsome 1

Clockwork beetle, large

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Items: None, Special: Other – a
character with the Tinkering ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature.

Clockwork beetle swarm

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Other – a
character with the Tinkering ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Venom, Other – At the end of each combat round, any character that made a melee attack against the cockratrice
must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve, mirror). Any character that fails loses 1 Vitality. If a
character closes their eyes, they can ignore the cockratrice’s attack. However, they only have 2 Action Points per

Cockroach, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Cockroach, giant, spitter

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Ranged attack 2, Cowardly

Cockroach, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Infect

Crab, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Crab swarm
Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Crocodile, adult
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Vicious

Crocodile, giant, adult

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Vicious
Crocodile, Monsrous, adult
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Frenzy, Vicious

Crocodile, young
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,
Distracted, Cowardly, Vicious

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Greedy, Ravenous, Fearsome 1, Vicious

Type: Humanoid/Outsider/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None Special:
Distracted, Fearsome 1, Torment

Cthuloid, large
Type: Humanoid/Outsider/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: None Special:
Distracted, Fearsome 1, Torment

Cthuloid, giant
Type: Humanoid/Outsider/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Items: None Special:
Distracted, Fearsome 2, Torment

Cultist, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Distracted, Cowardly

Cultist, human, fanatic

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Cultist, human, initiate

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Cultist, human, zealot

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Distracted

Cultist, human, leader

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword

Special: Hex, Lead, Inspire

Cultist, human, mystic

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Hex, Cowardly

Cultist, human, seer

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff, Special: Cowardly

Cultist, human, sentry

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly

Dark delver
Type: Monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None Special: None
Deep one
Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: spear Special:
Distracted, Cowardly

Deep one, abomination

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: spear Special:
Distracted, Vicious, Fearsome 1

Deep one, corrosive

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: none Special:
Distracted, Ranged attack 3, Other – if a character is damaged by an corrosive deep one, starting with
the round after they lost Vitality, they will lose 1 Vitality at the end of every combat round due to acid
damaging them. They may spend 3 Action Points to clean off the acid. They can clean it off at the end
of combat.

Deep one, driver

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: spear Special: Lead

Deep one, giant

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: none Special:

Deep one, hunter

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: spear Special: Ranged
attack 2, Cowardly

Deep one, master

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: spear Special: Lead,

Deep one, psychomancer

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: spear Special:
Fearsome 1, Torment

Deep one, sentry

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: spear Special:

Deep one, warrior

Type: Humanoid/monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: spear Special:

Demon, bone
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1, Other - when a medium bone demon’s Vitality is reduced to 0, it will shatter
into bone shards which will fly out and may impale anyone nearby. Every character that made a
melee attack against it the round it was reduced to 0 Vitality must make an ability test with a
difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). Any character that fails will lose 2 Vitality.
Demon, crab
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1

Demon, darkness
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: First strike,
Fearsome 1, Other – a darkness demon can surround itself in darkness that will snuff out all light.
While the darkness demon still lives, characters have 2 Action Points per round instead of 3.

Demon, eye
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Fearsome 1,

Demon, four-armed
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Vicious

Demon, huge
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged area attack 1, Fearsome 1

Demon, ice
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1, Other – characters making a melee attack against the ice demon only have 2
Action Points instead of 3.

Demon, iron
Type: Outsider/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16 Items: None, Special:
Distracted, Wardable, Vicious, Fearsome 1

Demon, large
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Demon, medium
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Demon, primarch
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Ranged area
attack 1, Torment, Summon demonic spirit, Fearsome 1

Demon, rot
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1, Infect, Other – when a character fails an ability test to do a melee attack
against a rot demon, they will lose 1 provision.

Demon, servant
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1
Demon, slime
Type: Outsider/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6 Items: None, Special:
Distracted, Wardable, Fearsome 1, Other – if a character is damaged by an slime demon, starting with
the round after they lost Vitality, they will lose 1 Vitality at the end of every combat round due to acid
damaging them. They may spend 3 Action Points to clean off the acid. They can clean it off at the end
of combat.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Demon, small
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Ranged attack 1

Demon, sovereign
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Summon
medium shadow, Ranged area attack 1, Torment, Fearsome 2

Demon, spike
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1, Ranged area attack 3, Vicious

Demon, snake
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Fearsome 1, Venom, Infect

Demon, summoner
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Summon demonic spirit , Fearsome 1

Demon, tormentor
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Torment, Fearsome 1

Demonic spider, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Venom, Fearsome 1

Demonic spider, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Venom, Fearsome 1

Demonic spirit
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3 Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Torment, Fearsome 1

Diviner, human, accomplished

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 5, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Staff, Special: None

Diviner, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Timid,
Diviner, human, journeyman
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff, Special: None

Diviner, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 5, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Staff,

Special: Ranged magical attack 1, Lead

Dragon, fire, huge

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 2, Fearsome 2

Dragon, fire, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 2, Fearsome 1

Dragon, fire, medium

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 2, Fearsome 1

Dragon, fire, small

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Ranged area attack
1, Fearsome 1

Dragon, forest
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Venom, Fearsome

Dragon, forest, huge

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted, Venom, Vicious,
Fearsome 2

Dragon, forest, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Special: Distracted, Venom, Vicious,
Fearsome 1

Dragon, primal, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,
Vicious, Fearsome 1

Dragon, steam-powered
Type: Monster/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 14, Special: Distracted, Ranged
area attack 1, Fearsome 1, Vicious, Other - when a steam-powered dragon’s Vitality is reduced to 0,
some of its parts will animate and attack. At the beginning of the next combat round, the characters
now need to fight a 3 trashlings.

Dragon, swamp
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 1, Venom, Fearsome 1
Dragon, swamp, large
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 1, Venom, Fearsome 1

Type: Monster/humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Ranged
attack 1

Dragonfolk, sentry
Type: Monster/humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Ranged attack 1

Dragonfolk, warrior
Type: Monster/humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Ranged
attack 1

Drake, ice
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged area attack 2, Fearsome 1

Druid, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Distracted, Credulous,
Timid, Summon wolf, Cowardly

Druid, human, journeyman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Summon large
wolf, Frenzy,

Druid, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Summon brown bear,
Frenzy, Lead

Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Summon wolf, Frenzy, Torment

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe Special: Credulous, Distracted,

Dwarf, blaster
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Pick, shovel Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 3

Dwarf, miner
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Pick, shovel Special: Credulous,

Dwarf, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe Special: None
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Eagle, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Eagle, primordial
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Ravenous, Vicious

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Special: Ranged attack 1

Eldritch abomination
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Torment, Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Eldritch abomination, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Torment, Fearsome 2, Other - when an eldritch abomination’s Vitality is reduced to 0, some of it will
spring back to life. At the beginning of the next combat round, the characters now need to fight an
eldritch swarm.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Eldritch beast
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Torment, Fearsome 1

Eldritch crawler
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Torment, Fearsome 1

Eldritch eyebeast
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Torment,
Fearsome 1

Eldritch ooze, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Torment, Other – when a large eldritch ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze
reforms. At the beginning of the next combat round, the party must fight a medium eldritch ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Eldritch ooze, medium
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Torment, Other – when a medium eldritch ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze
reforms. At the beginning of the next combat round, the party must fight a small eldritch ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Eldritch ooze, small

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 2, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Torment

X = the number of characters fighting the creatur

Eldritch swarm
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Torment, Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Elemental, air, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters attacking the air elemental.

Elemental, air, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters attacking the air elemental.

Elemental, air, small

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3 , Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters attacking the air elemental.

Elemental, brine, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Special: Ranged magical attack 3, Venom

Elemental, earth, huge

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted

Elemental, earth, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted

Elemental, earth, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 9, Special: Distracted

Elemental, earth, small

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted

Elemental, fire, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted
Elemental, fire, medium
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted

Elemental, fire, small

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Special: Distracted

Elemental, magma, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted

Elemental, magma, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 9, Special: Distracted

Elemental, water, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted

Elemental, water, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted

Elemental, water, small

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Special: Distracted

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Elephant, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 20, Items: None

Special: Frenzy, Ravenous

Elf, wood
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Bow Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2

Elf, wood, sentry

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Bow Special: Ranged attack 2

Elf, wood, shaman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff Special: Distracted, Summon

Elf, wood, sniper

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Bow Special: First Strike,
Ranged attack 2

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 6 raw provisions and 3 bone from this creature’s
corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 2 leather.
Elk, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Docile 3, Cowardly

Energy being, tiny

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 2, Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 1

Energy being, small

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 4, Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 1,

Energy being, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Ranged area attack

Energy being, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 2

Evil Image
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: Same as the character, Attacks: 1

Vitality: Same as the character’s initial Vitality -2, Items: Same melee weapon as the character, but if
the character’s weapon was magical, this one is a nonmagical version (good try!). The image also has
the same armour and/or shield as the other character (the nonmagical versions!) but no other items.

Special: None

Explorer, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4,

Items: Axe, 2 raw provisions, 1 full waterskin, Special: Distracted, Cowardly

Eye, disenchanter
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Special: Fearsome 1, Other – whenever
any character uses a power in combat (even a character attacking other creatures), they must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve). If they fail, the power does not work, but they still lose 1

Eye, evil
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Special: Demoralise, Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Eye, radiation
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Special: Fearsome 1, Other – at the end
of each combat round, each character (including ones not attacking the radiation eye) must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). Any character that fails loses 1 Vitality.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Cowardly,
Fairy, curser
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Wardable, Hex

Fairy, monarch
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 5, Items: None, Special: Lead, Inspire,

Fairy, slasher
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 5, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Wardable

Fairy, tormenter
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Wardable,

Fighter, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: None

Fire vortex
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Spear, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Fishfolk, captain
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Spear, Special: Lead,

Fishfolk, champion
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Spear, Special: Lead

Fishfolk, harpooner
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Spear, Special: Cowardly,
Ranged attack 2

Fishfolk, lookout
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Spear, Special: Cowardly

Fishfolk, shaman
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Distracted,
Summon small water elemental.

Fishfolk, recruit
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Spear, Special: Distracted

Fishfolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Spear, Special: Distracted

Fishfolk, wavecaller
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Distracted,
Summon medium water elemental
Floating eyebeast
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 16, Special: Fearsome 1, Ranged attack 1,
Other – at the end of each combat round, each character (including ones not attacking the floating
eyebeast) must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). Any character that fails loses 1
Vitality, Other – whenever any character uses a power in combat (even a character attacking other
creatures), they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve). If they fail, the power does
not work, but they still lose 1 Will.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Fly, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Docile, Distracted,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Infect

Fly, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Distracted,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Infect

Fly, spitting
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Ranged attack 1,
Docile, Distracted, Ravenous, Cowardly, Infect

Flying weapon
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: none, Special: Vicious

Frenzied knotweed
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: None

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: none, Special: First Strike

Gang member, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club,

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Special: Ranged attack 1, Hex

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 14, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Vicious

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Demoralise, Fearsome 1

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Infect, Fearsome 1
Ghoul, acid
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Ranged attack 2, Fearsome 1, Other – if a character is damaged by an acid ghoul (ranged
or melee), starting with the round after they lost Vitality, they will lose 1 Vitality at the end of every
combat round due to acid damaging them. They may spend 3 Action Points to clean off the acid. They
can clean it off at the end of combat.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Maul

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Ravenous

Giant, frost
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Maul

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Ravenous, Vicious

Giant, frost, shaman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Maul

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Ravenous, Summon ice vortex

Giant, Hill
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Maul

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Ravenous

Giant, Rock
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: Maul

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Ravenous

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Vicious

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Credulous, Distracted,
Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly Other – if killed, characters can take 3 raw provisions and 1 bone from this
creature’s corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 1 leather.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: Dagger,

Special: Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Goblin, chief
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Sword

Special: Lead, Inspire

Goblin, sentry
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: Dagger,

Special: Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Goblin, shaman
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: Staff

Special: Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Ranged magical attack 1, Cowardly

Goblin, slinger
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: Dagger, sling

Special: Distracted, Greedy, Timid, Cowardly, Ranged attack 1

Goblin, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Dagger,

Special: Distracted, Greedy

Golem, bomb
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: none, Special: Distracted,
Other – when the bomb golem’s Vitality is reduced to 0, it will explode. Every character that made a
melee attack against it the round it was reduced to 0 Vitality must make an ability test with a
difficulty of 3 (Dodging). Any character that fails will lose 3 Vitality.

Golem, clay
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: none, Special: Distracted, Other
– a character with the Stonecraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other
– if killed, characters can take 10 stone from this creature’s corpse.

Golem, clockwork
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: none, Special: Distracted, Other
- when a clockwork golem’s Vitality is reduced to 0, a horde of clockwork beetles will swam out of it.
At the beginning of the next combat round, the characters now need to fight a clockwork beetle
swarm, Other – if killed, characters can take 3 metal from this creature’s corpse. If any character has the
Tinkering ability, they can also take 1 contraption.

Golem, flesh
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special: Distracted,

Golem, ice
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1

Golem, iron
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 18, Items: none, Special: Distracted, Other
– a character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other
– if killed, characters can take 18 metal from this creature’s corpse.

Golem, mud
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

Golem, sand
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special: Distracted,
Golem, slime
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

Golem, steam powered

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: none, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 3, Other – a character with the Tinkering ability may use the spot weakness action
against this creature, Other – if killed, characters can take 4 metal from this creature’s corpse. If at least 1
character in the party has the Tinkering ability, they may also take 1 contraption.

Golem, stone
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: none, Special: Distracted, Other
– a character with the Stonecraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other
– if killed, characters can take 12 stone from this creature’s corpse.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Venom, Fearsome
1, Other – At the end of each combat round, any character that made a melee attack against the gorgon must
make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Resolve, mirror). Any character that fails loses 1 Vitality. If a character
closes their eyes, they can ignore the gorgon’s attack. However, they only have 2 Action Points per round.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Cowardly

Granitefolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1

Guard, human, recruit

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Guard, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Cowardly

Harpy, hunter
Type: Humanoid/Monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: First Strike, Fearsome 1, Cowardly

Harpy, medium
Type: Humanoid/Monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Cowardly

Harpy, large
Type: Humanoid/Monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1

Harpy, primordial
Type: Humanoid/Monster Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Fearsome 2, Vicious

Hawkfolk, archer
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, bow

Special: Credulous, Ranged attack 2, Cowardly

Hawkfolk, medium
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Cowardly

Hawkfolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Distracted

Hellbats, flock
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Hellbat, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1

Hellbat, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2

Type: Outsider Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Hellhound, pack leader

Type: Outsider Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Wardable, Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Hermit, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Hidden beast
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: First strike
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 5, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 5 raw provisions and 3 bone from this creature’s
corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability and a dagger, they can also take 2 leather.

Horse nomad, human, mounted

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, bow, 1 waterskin (full), 3
raw provisions, Special: Greedy, Ranged attack 2, Cowardly

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 14, Items: None

Special: Venom, Fearsome 1, Other - the hydra restores 1 Vitality at the end of each round, up to a
maximum of 14, unless it was hit by a lit torch or a lit lantern, a magical weapon or damaged by a
power that round (such as Blast or Burst)

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Ice vortex
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Icecaller shaman, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly, Summon ice vortex

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Special: Distracted,

Imp, ice
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: none, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1

Imp swarm
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Insect swarm
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Invisible stalker
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 6, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: None

Jackal, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Jackal, medium
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Jackal, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy

Jaguar, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Jaguar, medium
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Jelly, acidic
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
– if a character is damaged by an acidic jelly, starting with the round after they lost Vitality, they will
lose 1 Vitality at the end of every combat round due to acid damaging them. They may spend 3
Action Points to clean off the acid. They can clean it off at the end of combat.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, corrupted
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Infect

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, infested
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
- when an infested jelly’s Vitality is reduced to 0, ooze will leak out. At the beginning of the next
combat round, the characters now need to fight a medium eldritch ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, multi-hued
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 24, Items: None, Special: Ranged area
attack 3, Venom, Infect, Other - when a multi-hued jelly’s Vitality is reduced to 0, ooze will leak out.
At the beginning of the next combat round, the characters now need to fight a large eldritch ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, poisonous
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, rot
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
– when a character fails an ability test to do a melee attack against a rot jelly, they will lose 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jelly, spotted
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged area attack 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Jungle hunter, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: None

Jungle tribesfolk, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly

Jungle sharpshooter, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, blowpipe Special: First
strike, Ranged attack 1, Cowardly

Knight, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Sword, Special: Lead, Inspire

Lava worm, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Lava worm, medium

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Lava worm, spawn

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Docile, Ravenous, Fearsome 1

Leech, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Items: None

Special: First strike, Other – When the giant leech has won a combat round against the opponent it
was trying to damage, in all subsequent rounds, it will continue to do its damage whether it wins or
not until it is dead.

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Ranged area
attack 2, Hex, Fearsome 1
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Lion, enraged
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None Special: None

Lithopede, adult
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,

Lithopede, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ravenous, Venom, Vicious

Lithopede, grub
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Lithopede, hydra
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Venom, Vicious,
Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Living slick
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Venom, Fearsome 1

Lizardfolk, archer
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Ranged attack
2, Cowardly.

Lizardfolk, chief
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead, Inspire

Lizardfolk, hunter
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly.

Lizardfolk, medium
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Distracted,
Timid, Cowardly.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If killed, characters can get up to 16 raw
provisions and 8 bone.
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Venom, Fearsome 1

Type: Undead/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None Special:
Distracted, Ranged area attack 1, Hex, Vicious, Fearsome 1

Type: Undead/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special:
Distracted, Fearsome 1, Vicious

Militia, human, recruit

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid Cowardly

Militia, human, captain

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Axe

Special: Lead, Inspire

Militia, human, sergeant

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Militia, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly

Militia, human, veteran

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: None

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: First Strike

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: two-handed club Special:
Distracted, Fearsome 1

Minotaur, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: two-handed axe Special:
Vicious, Fearsome 1

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage on a hit.

Mummy, warrior
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Vicious, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage on a hit.
Mummy lord
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None

Special: Fearsome 1, Hex, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage on a hit.

Mummy king
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None

Special: Fearsome 1, Hex, Infect, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage on a hit.

Mummy sandcaller
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Summon sand vortex, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage
on a hit,

Mummy, scarab
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern deals 3 damage on a hit, Other – when
a scarab mummy’s Vitality is reduced to 0, a horde of scarab beetles will crawl out of it. The
characters now need to fight a scarab beetle swarm.

Mummy scorpion caller

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword

Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Summon giant scorpion, Vicious, Other – a lit torch or lit lantern
deals 3 damage on a hit

Mushroom patch, grey

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Mutant abomination
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: X, Vitality: 12, Items: None

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Special: Distracted, At the end of combat, any character that was damaged by a mutant abomination
must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they fail, they catch a mutant plague
and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Mutant beast
Type: Wildlife/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Ravenous, Docile, Cowardly, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was
damaged by a mutant beast, they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they
fail, they catch a mutant plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!
Mutant beast, alpha
Type: Wildlife/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Fearsome 1, Vicious, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was
damaged by a mutant beast, they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they
fail, they catch a mutant plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Mutant humanoid
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was
damaged by a mutant humanoid, they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If
they fail, they catch a mutant plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Mutant hunter
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Cowardly, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was damaged by a mutant humanoid,
they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they fail, they catch a mutant
plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Mutant veteran
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club

Special: Lead, Fearsome 1, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was damaged by a mutant
humanoid, they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they fail, they catch a
mutant plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Mutant warrior
Type: Humanoid/Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Other - At the end of combat, if a character was damaged by a mutant humanoid,
they must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). If they fail, they catch a mutant
plague and must roll on the mutations table to see what happens!

Necromancer, human, accomplished

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff

Special: Distracted, Summon ghost, Hex, Cowardly

Necromancer, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Timid, Cowardly, Hex

Necromancer, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff

Special: Distracted, Summon wraith, Hex

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: First strike, Fearsome 2, Hex
Ninja, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Sword, Shuriken (As stones),
Special: First strike, Ranged attack 1, Venom

Octopus, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 4, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Ravenous, Greedy, Fearsome 1

Ogre, boss
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Lead,
Ravenous, Greedy, Fearsome 1

Ogre, chief
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Lead, Inspire, Fearsome 1

Ogre mage
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Club, Special: Distracted, Ranged area
attack 2, Fearsome 1

Ooze, large
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
– when a large ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze reforms. At the beginning of the next
combat round, the party must fight a medium ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Ooze, medium
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
– when a medium ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze reforms. At the beginning of the next
combat round, the party must fight a small ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Ooze, small
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 2, Items: None, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Orc, beserker
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe

Special: Distracted, Beserk

Orc, champion
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword

Special: Distracted, Lead

Orc, sentry
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe

Special: Cowardly

Orc, shaman
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff

Special: Distracted, Greedy, Summon ghost

Orc, warlord
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword

Special: Distracted, Lead, Inspire

Orc, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe

Special: Distracted, Greedy

Peasant, human, farmhand

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, ferry pilot

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: staff

Special: Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, herbalist

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: 1 sickle, L herbs, L random
herbal preparations, Special: Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, hunter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, bow, 1 waterskin (full), 3
raw provisions, Special: Credulous, Timid, Ranged attack 2, Cowardly

Peasant, human, insane

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: None

Peasant, human, kidnapper

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, lighthouse keeper
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, miner

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, pickaxe, shovel, 1 torch,
1 flint and tinder

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, mob member

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Sickle, lit torch

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, woodcutter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: 1 axe, 1 dagger, 1 full
waterskin, flint and tinder, 1 leather, 1 raw provisions, 1 wood, Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid,

Peasant, human, prospector

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Pickaxe, shovel, 1 torch,
flint and tinder, Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Peasant, human, trader

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: 1 provision, prepared, 1
waterskin, full, 1 bottle, empty. 1 flint and tinder, 1 torch, 1 mirror, 1 set of picklocks, 1 toolkit, 1
component, Special: Timid, Cowardly

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Pinefolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: None

Piranhas, shoal
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None,

Special: Ravenous, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Pirate, human, lookout

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club,

Special: Greedy, Cowardly

Pirate, human, recruit
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club,

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Greedy, Cowardly

Pirate, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe

Special: Greedy

Pirate, human, captain

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword

Special: Lead, Inspire

Priest, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4,

Items: 1 prepared provision, 1 full waterskin, Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None,

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Purple worm
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Venom

Raider, human, leader

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Raider, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Cowardly

Ranger, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe, bow, Special: Ranged attack

Ranger, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, bow, Special: Ranged attack
2, Cowardly,

Ranger, human, journeyman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Axe, bow, Special: First strike,
Ranged attack 2

Ranger, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Axe, bow, Special: First strike,
Ranged attack 2, summon wolf
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Greedy, Ravenous, Timid, Cowardly

Ratfolk breeder
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Greedy, Ravenous, Timid, Summon giant rat, Cowardly

Ratfolk, champion
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Ratfolk, sentry
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Greedy, Ravenous, Timid, Cowardly

Ratfolk, warlord
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club

Special: Lead, Frenzy

Ratfolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Distracted,
Greedy, Ravenous,

Rat, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 1, Items: None

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Infect, Cowardly

Rat, huge
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Docile, Ravenous, Infect, Cowardly

Rat, primeval
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Frenzy, Infect

Rats, pack
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Docile, Ravenous,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Rebel, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Sword

Special: Distracted, Cowardly

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Fearsome 1

Robber, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Robber, human, boss

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club

Special: Greedy, Lead

Robber, human, brawler

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Greedy

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Rug of smothering
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: none, Special: First strike

Rust monster
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Other
– if a character is hit by a rust monster in melee combat, they will lose 1 of the following of their
choice: sword, two handed sword, two handed axe, mace, polearm, heavy armour, 1 metal.

Salamander, large
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous

Salamander, medium
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous

Salamander, small
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous

Sand vortex, large

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Sand vortex, medium

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Sand vortex, small
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 30, Items: None, Special: First strike,
Fearsome 1, Vicious

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None Special: Distracted

Satyr, reveller
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: None Special: Distracted,

Scarab beetle swarm

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly, Vicious

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Scavenger, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly,

Scavenger, human, boss

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Lead, Inspire

Scavenger, human, lookout

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Timid, Greedy, Cowardly,

Scavenger, human, veteran

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Lead

Scavenger, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Greedy

Scholar, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4,

Items: 1 quill and ink, 3 parchment, 1 lore tome, 1 prepared provision, 1 full waterskin, Special:
Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Cowardly
Scorpion swarm
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Scorpion giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Venom

Scorpionfolk, hunter
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Fearsome 1,

Scorpionfolk, stingflinger
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 2, Fearsome 1, Venom

Scout, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe Special: First strike

Sea serpent
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 30, Items: None, Special: First strike,
Fearsome 1, Vicious

Shadow, large
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Torment, Fearsome 2

Shadow, medium
Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Torment, Fearsome 1

Shambling Mound
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special: First Strike, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3, Damage: 0, Attacks: 0, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: First
strike, Fearsome 1, Other – at the end of each combat round, if the shrieker is still alive, and
if there are no other creatures in the room, a wandering monster will appear and join the
combat at the beginning of the next round. Roll on the wandering monster table for the
Skeletal rat, pack
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Skeleton, huge
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Other –
Characters can take 4 bone from a dead huge skeleton.

Skeleton, huge, iron

Type: Undead/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Distracted, Special:
Fearsome 1, Vicious, Other – Characters can take 2 bone and metal from a dead huge iron skeleton.

Skeleton, large
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1, Other –
Characters can take 3 bone from a dead large skeleton.

Skeleton, large, iron

Type: Undead/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Fearsome
1, Vicious, Other – Characters can take 2 bone and 1 metal from a dead large iron skeleton.

Skeleton, medium
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Other – Characters can take 2 bone from a dead medium skeleton.

Skeleton, medium, brittle

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Other – when a medium brittle skeleton’s Vitality is reduced to 0, it will shatter into bone
shards which will fly out and may impale anyone nearby. Every character that made a melee attack
against it the round it was reduced to 0 Vitality must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Hardiness). Any character that fails will lose 1 Vitality.

Skeleton, medium, fused

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Other – Characters can take 2 bone from a dead medium fused skeleton.

Skeleton, medium, iron

Type: Undead/Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Fearsome
1, Vicious, Other – Characters can take 1 bone and 1 metal from a dead medium iron skeleton.

Skeleton, medium, skullthrower

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1, Other – Characters can take 2 bone from a dead medium skeleton, Other
- when a skeleton skullthrower’s Vitality is reduced to 0, a horde of skulls will crawl out of it. At the
beginning of the next combat round, the characters now need to fight a skull swarm.

Skeleton, small
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Special: Special: Distracted, Fearsome 1,
Other – Characters can take 1 bone from a dead small skeleton.
Skeleton warrior
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Other – Characters can take 2 bone from a dead skeleton warrior.

Skull swarm
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Slug, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenouts, Cowardly, Venom, Other – if 1 mineral is thrown at the slug as
a ranged weapon and it hits, it will do 3 damage. The mineral counts as a light weapon and is
consumed by the attack.

Smuggler, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Smuggler, human, captain

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special:

Other: Lead, Inspire

Smuggler, human, warrior

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club, Special: Distracted

Snake, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Snake, giant, primeval

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Venom

Snake, poisonous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 1, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Venom, Cowardly

Snake, poisonous, swarm

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Venom, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Sword, Special: Distracted,
Timid, Venom, Cowardly
Snakefolk, champion
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Venom, Lead

Snakefolk, infector
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: dagger, blowpipe, Special:
Ranged attack 1, Venom, Cowardly

Snakefolk, venom mage

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff , Special: Distracted,
Timid, Ranged attack 1, Venom, Cowardly

Snakefolk, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Sword, Special: Distracted,

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Ravenous, Docile, Cowardly, Other: If a snowcat is killed, any character with
the Leathercraft ability and a dagger can spend 1 hour to get 1 pelt.

Snowcat, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Ravenous, Docile, Cowardly, Other: If a snowcat is killed, any character with
the Leathercraft ability and a dagger can spend 1 hour to get 2 pelts.

Soldier, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Axe, Special: Distracted

Soldier, human, captain

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Distracted,
Lead, Inspire

Soldier, human, veteran

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: Distracted,

Soldier, human, recruit

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Special: Credulous,
Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Soldier, human, sentry

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Special: Cowardly

Soldier, human, trained

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Axe, Special: Distracted,
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Fearsome 1

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Vicious

Sphinx, large
Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 16, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Vicious, Hex

Spider, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Venom, Cowardly

Spider, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

Spider, primordial
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Ravenous, Venom, Vicious

Spider, swarm, small

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 6 raw provisions and 3 bone from this creature’s corpse. If
any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 2 leather.

Stag, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Vicious, Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 8 raw provisions and 4 bone from this creature’s
corpse. If any character has the Leathercraft ability, they can also take 3 leather.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: None

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Statue, large
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: First Strike,
Other – a character with the Stonecraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature,
Other – if killed, characters can take 8 stone from this creature’s corpse.
Statue, medium
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Special: First Strike, Other – a
character with the Stonecraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other – if
killed, characters can take 4 stone from this creature’s corpse.

Steel aberration
Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: none, Special:
Distracted, Vicious, Fearsome 1, Other – a character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot
weakness action against this creature.

Steel champion
Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Lead, Inspire, Other – a character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot
weakness action against this creature.

Steel cyborg
Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Other – a character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness action
against this creature.

Steel knight
Type: Construct/Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Lead, Other – a character with the Metalcraft ability may use the spot weakness
action against this creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 12 raw provisions and 8 bone from this creature’s corpse.

Summoner, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Summon eldritch crawler, Torment, Cowardly

Sword dancer, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 6, Items: 2 swords, Special: Distracted

Sword dancer, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Items: 2 swords, Special: Distracted

Tapestry person
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: none, Special: None

Tax collector, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: 12 silver pieces.

Special: Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

Thief, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: dagger, Special: Distracted,
Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Thief, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: dagger

Special: Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Thief, human, adept

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: dagger, Special: First strike,

Thief, human, journeyman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: dagger, Special: First strike,

Thief, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Sword, Special: First Strike,
Lead, Inspire

Thug, human
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Thug, human, big

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Cowardly

Thug, human, smasher

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Timid, Greedy, Beserk, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Tiger, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Vicious,

Tiger, sabre-toothed
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Vicious,

Tiger, sabre-toothed, young

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Ravenous

Tiger, snow
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Tiger, snow, large

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Vicious,

Type: Outsider, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 3,

Toad, giant
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

Toad, monstrous
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly

Toxic ooze, medium

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Venom, Other – when a toxic medium ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze reforms. At the
beginning of the next combat round, the party must fight a toxic small ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Toxic ooze, large

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Venom, Other – when a toxic large ooze is reduced to 0 Vitality, some of the ooze reforms. At the
beginning of the next combat round, the party must fight a toxic medium ooze.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Toxic ooze, small

Type: Monster, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 2, Items: None, Special: Distracted,

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 2, Special: First Strike

Trashloid, small
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Special: First Strike

Trashloid, medium
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Special: First Strike, Vicious

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Trashloid, large
Type: Construct, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Special: First Strike, Venom, Vicious

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: X, Vitality: 12, Items: None Special: Distracted, Other
– a character with the Woodcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other
– if killed, characters can take 12 wood from this creature’s corpse.

X = the number of characters attacking the Treefolk

Treefolk, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3 Attacks: X, Vitality: 16, Items: None Special: Distracted, Other
– a character with the Woodcraft ability may use the spot weakness action against this creature, Other
– if killed, characters can take 12 wood from this creature’s corpse.

X = the number of characters attacking the Treefolk

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 16, Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous,
Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take 16 raw provisions and 10 bone from this creature’s corpse.

Triceratops, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Other – if
killed, characters can take 20 raw provisions and 12 bone from this creature’s corpse.

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Ravenous, Greedy, Fearsome 1

Troll, beserker
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Ravenous, Greedy, Beserk, Fearsome 1

Troll, boss
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Lead, Fearsome 1
Troll, chief
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 14, Items: Two handed axe, Special: Distracted,
Lead, Inspire, Fearsome 1

Troll, rocklobber
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: Two handed axe,
Special: Distracted, Greedy, Ravenous, Ranged attack 3, Fearsome 1

Turtle, giant
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2 Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None Special: Distracted,
Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 4, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 20, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,
Fearsome 1,

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 7, Items: None Special: Distracted, Demoralise,
Cowardly, Other – if killed, characters can take the unicorn’s horn. It has an encumbrance of 1 and can be
used 1 time as a potion of healing.

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10

Special: Distracted, Wardable, Demoralise, Infect, Fearsome 1

Vampire, spawn
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6

Special: Distracted, Wardable, Infect, Fearsome 1

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 8, Special: Distracted, Vicious,

Velociraptor, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 10, Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Vicious,
Fearsome 1

Velociraptor, young
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,

Venus fly trap, giant

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8 Items: None, Special: First strike

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 12, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly, Infect

Werebear, alpha
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 14, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Infect, Vicious

Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly, Infect

Werewolf, alpha
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Frenzy, Infect

Whip vines
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: None

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Whip vines, poisonous

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Venom

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Wild dog
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly

Wild folk, human

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club,

Special: Distracted, Timid, Cowardly

Wildfolk, human, cheif

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead, Inspire

Wildfolk, human, champion

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Club, Special: Lead

Wild folk, human, hunter

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club, bow

Special: Ranged Attack 2, Cowardly

Wild folk, human, warrior
Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club,

Special: None

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Demoralise, Torment

Wizard, human, accomplished

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff

Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 2

Wizard, human, apprentice

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Staff

Special: Credulous, Distracted, Cowardly, Timid, Ranged attack 1

Wizard, human, battlemage

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 1, Demoralise

Wizard, human, battlemage, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 4, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Ranged area attack 1, Hex Lead, Inspire

Wizard, human, battlemage, journeyman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Club

Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 1, Demoralise, Lead

Wizard, human, journeyman

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: Staff, Special: Distracted,
Ranged area attack 2, Lead

Wizard, human, master

Type: Humanoid, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: Staff, 1 component,

Special: Distracted, Hex, Ranged area attack 3, Lead, Inspire

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 3, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If a wolf is killed, any character with the Leathercraft ability and a
dagger can spend 1 hour to get 1 pelt.

Wolf, alpha
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Frenzy, Ravenous,
Other: If a wolf is killed, any character with the Leathercraft ability and a dagger can spend 1
hour to get 2 pelts.
Wolf, large
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Docile,
Ravenous, Cowardly, Other: If a wolf is killed, any character with the Leathercraft ability and a
dagger can spend 1 hour to get 2 pelts.

Wolf, primordial
Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,
Vicious, Other: If a wolf is killed, any character with the Leathercraft ability and a dagger can
spend 1 hour to get 2 pelts.

Worm mass, large

Type: Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: X, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted, Ravenous,
Venom, Cowardly, Other – the worm mass restores 1 Vitality at the end of each round, up to a
maximum of 8. If left for 1 Turn or more, it will be back to its maximum Vitality.

X = the number of characters fighting the creature.

Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Special: Distracted, Wardable,
Demoralise, Fearsome 1

Yeti, adult
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 10, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Ravenous, Cowardly

Yeti, mutant
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 3, Attacks: 2, Vitality: 12, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Ranged attack 1, Fearsome 1

Yeti, young
Type: Humanoid/Wildlife, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None,

Special: Distracted, Docile, Ravenous, Cowardly.

Zombie, exploding
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 4, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Other – when the exploding zombie’s Vitality is reduced to 0, it will explode. Every
character that made a melee attack against it the round it was reduced to 0 Vitality must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging). Any character that fails will lose 3 Vitality.

Zombie, large
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 2, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 8, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1

Zombie, lifehunter
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Fearsome 1

Zombie, medium
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1
Zombie, husk
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Venom

Zombie, plague
Type: Undead, Difficulty: 3, Damage: 1, Attacks: 1, Vitality: 6, Items: None, Special: Distracted,
Fearsome 1, Infect, Other – when the plague zombie’s Vitality is reduced to 0, it will release a cloud of
mould and infectious particles. Every character that made a melee attack against it the round it was
reduced to 0 Vitality must make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Hardiness). Any character that
fails will gain the Plague affliction
Characters have options on what actions they can take. An action normally takes time to do.
Once a character selects an action to take, they increase the amount of time that it takes and
then get the effect of that action.

An ordeal is an action where the character can reduce the cost in terms of time and other
characteristics using abilities, codewords and/or items.

When a character has an ordeal, you will be told that they cost a certain number of Will
points, Vitality points or hours (or other units of measuring time) and then given a list of
abilities, items and codewords in brackets afterwards. For every ability, item or
codeword that applies to that character, you may reduce the number by 1. However, the
minimum cost will always be 1.

For example, if an ordeal costs 3 Will and the Hardiness and Strength abilities reduce
the cost then if a character has 1 ability, the ordeal will cost 2 Will (3-1 = 2) and if they
have both, it will cost 1 Will (3-2 = 1).

Some ordeals can affect 2 statistics. For example, mining rock is an ordeal that costs both
time in Turns and Will points. If an item is listed in both costs, then the character only
needs 1 of that item to have both effects.

Ordeals that the whole party can help with

Some ordeals can be finished quicker if there are more people in the party. These ordeals
cost a certain number of party time units (hours, days, turns etc.). If an ordeal costs party
time units, then the time taken is reduced by 1 for every member in the party beyond the
first. The ordeal will also have abilities, items and/or codewords associated with it. For
every ability, item and/or codeword in the party, the time is reduced by an additional 1
unit. This means that if 2 characters in the party have that ability, item or codeword,
then the time is reduced by 2 units. The minimum amount of time it takes is 1 time unit.

For example, digging a trench requires 8 party hours (shovel). 3 party members attempt
this at the same time and 1 of them has a shovel. This means that the number of hours is
8 -2 (number of party members beyond the first) – 1 (number of shovels) = 5 hours.

Another example – building a shelter takes 5 party hours (Woodcraft). 2 people attempt
it and neither of them have the Woodcraft ability. This means it takes 5 -1 (number of
party members beyond the first) = 4 hours.

Another example – clearing some rubble takes 8 hours (Strength, shovel). There are 2
party members, both have Strength and 1 has a shovel. This means that the number of
hours is 8 -1 (number of party members beyond the first) -2 (number of instances of
Strength) – 1 (number of shovels) = 4 hours.
Fate rolls
Fate rolls are events that do not depend on skill at all. They depend purely on chance.
Abilities and powers have no effect on Fate rolls. The 2 most common ways to influence a
Fate roll is with Fate points and Blessings.

After the result of a Fate roll, the character who made that roll may spend a Fate point or a
Blessing to reroll the result. A character may spend a Fate point on any result.

They may only spend a Blessing if the result is a 1. Spending a blessing only allows
characters to reroll the Fate roll once. If they roll another 1, they have to spend another
Blessing or Fate point to reroll again.

Note that unlike ability tests, characters can spend Fate points and Blessings after they see
the result and they can continue to spend them for as long as they have them.

Fate rolls are presented so that the lowest results have the worst outcomes (where that is

Double Fate rolls

A double Fate roll is a Fate roll where you have to roll 2 dice and use both results to work
out the outcome. In this case, the outcomes are arranged as 11, 12, 13, 14…66 where the first
number is the result on the first die and the second number is the outcome on the second
die. You may do this by rolling 1 die twice or by rolling 2 different coloured dice. As with all
Fate rolls, characters may spend Fate points and Blessings to reroll them even after they
have seen the results, but each Fate point and Blessing they spend only allows you to reroll 1
of the dice. Double Fate rolls are primarily used for determining overland maps and
dungeon maps.

Party Fate rolls

A party Fate roll is a Fate roll that is made and that anyone in the party who is present for
that Fate roll can influence. That means that anyone in the party can spend Fate points
and/or Blessings or use any other means at their disposal to reroll the Fate roll.
Afflictions and death
Afflictions can be caused by diseases, curses, baleful magic, mutations or many other
things. Afflictions cover baneful effects on someone that last several days. Curses,
despondency, mania, plagues, poisons, wounds and mutations count as afflictions.

Apart from mutations (which last permanently until removed), each affliction is an
ordeal that lasts a certain number of days. A character can only have 1 affliction of
any 1 type at a time.

If a character has an affliction and they gain another affliction of the same type, the
number of days resets back to the maximum amount.

A curse reduces the character’s initial Vitality by 1 and reduces their initial Will by 1. Losing
a curse is an ordeal that costs 6 days (Hardiness, Resolve).

The character’s initial Will is reduced by 1. Losing despondency is an ordeal that costs 6
days (Resolve).

The character’s initial Will is reduced by 1. Losing a mania is an ordeal that costs 6 days
A mutation is a fundamental and permanent change to the body’s make up. Such
changes are damaging, permanently reducing stats, but they also give your character
new abilities. Characters cannot lose mutations unless some magic removes them.

Mutation table
Fate roll Effect
1 The character’s nose grows to a snout, their teeth become longer and
sharper, the hairs on their body grow longer and they feel like they are
growing an extra stomach! The character loses 1 Vitality permanently.
However, the character gains the Animal label.
2 Gills appear in the character’s neck and torso. Their skin becomes a dull grey
colour and looks a bit scaly. The character loses 1 Vitality permanently.
However, the character gains the Breathe label.
3 The character’s legs change shape – they become longer and more
musclebound. The character loses 1 Vitality permanently. However, the
character may reroll any 1s on all ability tests that require the Running
4 The character feels little spikes growing from their hands and feet. Black
hairs spring up all over their body. They have become part spider! The
character loses 1 Vitality permanently. However, the character may reroll any
1s on all ability tests that require the Climbing ability.
5 The character’s muscles grow huge! The character loses 1 Vitality
permanently. However, the character may reroll any 1s on all ability tests that
require the Strength ability.
6 The affliction changes the character’s body, making their skin harder giving it
a yellow colour. The character loses 1 Vitality permanently. However, the
character may reroll any 1s on all ability tests that require the Hardiness

Plague occurs when your character catches a particularly nasty disease. The
character’s Vitality is reduced by 1 and their Will is reduced by 1. Losing a plague is
an ordeal that costs 6 days (Hardiness, Resolve).

A character is poisoned when toxin is going through their veins. The character’s initial
Vitality is reduced by 1. Losing a poison is an ordeal that costs 6 days (Hardiness).

Your character’s initial Vitality is reduced by 1. Losing a wound is an ordeal that costs 6
days (Hardiness).
Death is a real possibility in the dangerous life of the adventurer. Adventurers can and will
die of pretty much anything – a sword to the gut, starvation, a fireball, scrofula etc.

Character death
If a character should die, then the surviving members of the character’s party could (and
would feel like they should) perform proper death rites for that character. Death rites
involve returning the deceased character’s remains to a settlement and paying the official to
perform the deceased character’s chosen death rites. If the deceased character was an initiate
to a deity, then temples dedicated to the same deity perform the death rites for free.

The character’s remains need to be carried. A deceased character has an encumbrance of 6.

Performing the death rites for a deceased character gives all the remaining characters 1
Blessing. If any character returns to the site of the deceased character’s death rites, they may
visit the deceased character’s grave. If they do, and if they have 0 Blessings, they can set the
number of Blessings they have to 1.

Hireling death
The characters probably won’t feel as attached to hirelings as they are to each other, but the
hireling’s friends and family feel very attached to them.

The characters should return the hireling’s remains to the site they hired them and pay for
their death rites within 30 days of the hireling’s death. If they do not, after the 30th day, the
spirit of the hireling will curse the characters who were with them when they died. Each
character who was in the party with the hireling when they died will gain a Curse affliction.

Restoring Will and Vitality

The cheapest and most easily available way to restore Will and Vitality is rest. In order to
rest to restore Will and Vitality, the character must have a long rest in a day and in a shelter.
Characters can find shelters in settlements by scrounging or use a tent as a shelter or find or
build a shelter in the wilderness. A character that has a rest in a shelter can restore 1 Will. If
their Will is already at its maximum, they can restore 1 Vitality instead.

The next most common way of restoring Will and Vitality is by sitting down and having a
meal. A meal takes 1 hour (6 Turns). When a character has a meal, they consume 1 provision
and 1 water. When a character consumes a meal, they can restore 1 Will. If their Will is
already at its maximum, they can restore 1 Vitality instead. They may do this any number of
times in a day.

Other ways of restoring Will and Vitality include herbal preparations and buying services
that restore Will and Vitality. Characters can also learn the Cure power or find magical
potions of Cure or Healing.
Equipment, services, weapons, armour and crafting
This section tells you all about the things that your characters can buy, sell and make in the
world of SCRAWL. They may not be able to buy all items all of the time. In less civilised
areas, they may only buy items deemed essential. This chapter has the full list of everything
the characters can buy. To see what they can buy in different areas, refer to the sites and
settlements book. In some areas, your party may not be able to buy anything!

Buying and selling

The items below have a buying and selling price.

Weapons are really great for avoiding long arguments. When an orc doesn’t want the party
stealing its stuff, sticking it with a sword can really save time and tedious conversation. But
characters don’t need to stick an orc with a sword. No there’s clubs, axes, maces, hammers,
bows, slings and all kinds of implements they could use instead. In fact, we have something
here for everyone. We even have little daggers and hammers for the little darlings in your
life. Come and take a look.

Weapon types
Weapons are light, medium or heavy. Here is how they are different:

Light weapons (including unarmed attacks)

These weapons require 1 Action point to use, deal 1 damage if they hit and have an
encumbrance of 1 (apart from unarmed attacks, which have an encumbrance of 0).

Medium weapons
These weapons require 2 Action points to use, deal 2 damage on a hit and have an
encumbrance of 2.

Heavy weapons
These weapons require 3 Action points to use, deal 3 damage and have an encumbrance of 3.
Heavy melee weapons require 2 hands to use so characters cannot use a shield whilst using
them. Characters also cannot use them if they need to carry a light source.

Melee, melee/ranged or ranged

Can your characters use this weapon in Melee Combat or Ranged Combat? Some weapons
are melee or ranged weapons which means that the characters can use them as a ranged
weapon by throwing them. However, they cannot use them during combat after they have
thrown them although they will be able to recover them if they win to win the combat. You
do not need to keep track of ammunition for ranged weapons.

Other uses for weapons

Some weapons have other uses beyond being used as weapons. For example, daggers can be
used to cut leather or wood to craft wooden items. Hammers can be used to craft metal
items or to hammer in spikes. Axes can be used to fell trees. Have a look at the weapon
descriptions below and keep this in mind.
Table of weapons
Weapon Type Melee or Encumbrance To To
ranged buy sell
(sp) (sp)
Unarmed combat Light Melee - - -
Dagger/hammer Light Melee/ranged 1 2 1
Staff/lit torch/sickle Light Melee 1 2 1
Stone (thrown)/lit lantern Light Ranged 1 - -
Sling/blowpipe Light Ranged 1 2 1
Spear/axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3
Sword/mace/club Medium Melee 2 5 3
Bow Medium Ranged 2 5 3
Two handed sword/two handed Heavy Melee 3 15 8
Crossbow Heavy Ranged 3 15 8

An axe is a medium weapon that can be thrown or used in close combat. It also helps with
felling trees and can be used by someone with the Woodcraft ability to make large wooden
items, such as a raft. An axe can be crafted from 1 stone and 1 wood by a character with a
dagger and 1 Stone and the Woodcraft and Stonecraft abilities or from 1 metal and 1 wood
by a character with a dagger and a hammer and the Woodcraft and Metalcraft abilities.

A blowpipe is a light ranged weapon. It can be crafted from 1 wood by a character with a
dagger and the Woodcraft ability.

A bow is a medium ranged weapon. It can be crafted from 2 wood by a character with a
dagger and the Woodcraft ability.

A club is a medium melee weapon. It can be crafted from 2 wood or 2 bone by a character
with a dagger and the Woodcraft ability.

A crossbow is a heavy ranged weapon.

A dagger is a light weapon that can be thrown or used in close combat. It can also be used
by someone with the Woodcraft or Leathercraft abilities to craft items with wood or leather
components. A dagger can be crafted from 1 stone by a character with 1 stone and the
Stonecraft ability or it can be crafted from 1 metal by a character with a hammer and the
Metalcraft ability.
A hammer is a light weapon that can be thrown or used in close combat. It can also be used
by someone with the Metalcraft ability to craft items with metal components.

Lit lantern
A lit lantern can be used as a light ranged weapon in a pinch. Normally most characters
would not choose to use a lit lantern, but it may come in handy as a last resort or if the
characters are facing a creature that has a weakness to fire such as a mummy or a hydra.

Lit torch
A lit torch can be used as a light melee weapon in a pinch. Normally most characters would
not choose to use a lit torch, but it may come in handy as a last resort or if the characters are
facing a creature that has a weakness to fire such as a mummy or a hydra. A torch can be
crafted from 1 wood by a character with a dagger and the Woodcraft ability. It can be lit in a
fire or with a flint and tinder.

A mace is a medium melee weapon.

A maul is a big club. It counts as a heavy melee weapon.

A polearm is a pole with a large axe on the end. It counts as a heavy melee weapon.

A sickle is a light melee weapon. It may also come in handy for collecting plants for food or
herbs. A sickle can be crafted from 1 metal by a character with a hammer and the Metalcraft

A sling is a light ranged weapon.

A spear is a medium weapon that can be thrown or used in close combat. A spear can be
crafted from 1 Stone and 1 Wood by a character with a dagger and 1 stone and the
Woodcraft and Stonecraft abilities or from 1 metal and 1 wood by a character with a dagger
and a hammer and the Woodcraft and Metalcraft abilities or it can be crafted from 1 wood
and 1 bone by a character with a dagger and the Woodcraft ability.

A staff is a light melee weapon. It can also be used for making a tent. It can be crafted from 1
wood by a character with a dagger and the Woodcraft ability.

Stones can be thrown as light ranged weapons. They are easy to find and they can also be
used by someone with the Stonecraft ability to make items that have a stone component.
A sword is a medium melee weapon.

Two handed axe

A two handed axe is a large axe. It counts as a heavy melee weapon.

Two handed sword

A two handed sword is a large sword. It counts as a heavy melee weapon.

Unarmed combat
A character’s fists count as a light melee weapon.
The downside with hitting monsters is that makes them want to hit your characters back.
However, there is armour to deal with that problem.

Armour in SCRAWL increases a character’s Vitality because that is the simplest way I could find.
A character is allowed one suit of armour and one shield. When they put armour on or use a
shield, their current and initial Vitality increases by the amount stated for that armour or shield.

Shields require one hand to use, so if a character needs to hold a light source, they cannot hold a
shield. If they have a two-handed weapon, they cannot use a shield.

When a character takes the armour off, their current and initial Vitality decreases by that
amount. However, taking armour off cannot reduce a character’s Vitality to less than 1. It
reduces it to 1 instead (so a character can’t die if they drop a shield, just like in real life).

Table of armour

Armour Encumbrance To buy (sp) To sell (sp)

Light armour (+1 Vitality) 1 10 5

Heavy armour (+2 Vitality) 2 30 15

Shield (+1 Vitality) 1 5 3

Light armour
Light armour increases a character’s Vitality by 1 and has an encumbrance of 1. It can be made
by a character with 2 leather, a dagger and the Leathercraft ability or it can be made by a
character with 2 metal, a hammer and the Metalcraft ability or by a character with 1 leather, 1
metal, a dagger, a hammer and both the Leathercraft and Metalcraft abilities.

Heavy armour
Heavy armour increases a character’s Vitality by 2 and has an encumbrance of 2.

A shield increases a character’s Vitality by 1 and has an encumbrance of 1. It needs to be held in
the character’s off-hand so a character cannot use a two-handed weapon with a shield. It can be
made by a character with 2 wood, a dagger and the Woodcraft ability or it can be made by a
character with 2 metal, a hammer and the Metalcraft ability or by a character with 1 wood, 1
metal, a dagger, a hammer and both the Woodcraft and Metalcraft abilities.
Item To buy (sp) To sell (sp) Encumbrance
Flint and tinder ¼ - ½
Torch ¼ - 1
Lantern 1 - 1
Oil 1 - ½
Furs 5 3 ½
Desert clothes 5 3 ½
Mirror 5 3 ½
Picklocks 5 3 ½
Toolkit 5 3 ½
Component 5 3 ½
Poison 5 3 ½
Muse powder 5 3 ½
Writing kit 3 2 ½
Parchment ½ - 0
Cook’s kit 3 2 1
Pick 3 2 2
Shovel 3 2 2
Spikes 3 2 1
Rope 3 2 1
Grapple 3 2 ½
Fishing kit 3 2 1
Canvas 8 4 4
Spyglass 24 12 ½
Lodestone 12 6 ½
Map 24 12 ½
Metal 2 1 ½
Trinket 2 1 0
Pelt 2 1 ½
Lore tome 12 6 1
Artefact - 3 ½
Bauble - 5 ½
Gem - 5 ½
Codex - 3 ½
Relic - 3 ½
Contraption - 3 ½
Special key - 3 ½
Quest treasure - 30 ½
Alchemical preparation 3 2 ½
Herbal preparation 3 2 ½
Potion of Clarity 30 15 ½
Potion of Cure 30 15 ½
Alchemical preparation
These are preparations made with minerals. An alchemical preparation comes in a
bottle. After using an alchemical preparation, if the character hasn’t broken the bottle,
they can reuse the bottle.

Artefacts are items from a bygone age that, when studied, can give some information on
what that age was like.

A valuable ornament or piece of jewellery. Can be sold for money.

A canvas can be used with 4 staves to make a tent. A tent can act as a shelter for all of
the characters in the party.

A book or scroll that contains valuable information. They can be sold to collectors.

A component is something that is used up when using a power. It could be a magical
spell component or a substance that provides a sensation in the person taking it. When a
character uses a power, they can use 1 component up instead of losing 1 Will. Remember
to delete the component.

A mechanical device that can be found and sold to a scholar or collector.

Cook’s kit
This consists of a small pan, a pestle and mortar, a small sieve, a knife, a fork and a
spoon. It helps cook raw food and prepare alchemical and herbal preparations.

Desert clothes
These protect the character from the heat and sand of the desert. They reduce the effect
of ordeals on arid terrain.

Fishing kit
This consists of a rod, net and bait. It helps catch fish.

Flint and tinder

This makes fire. Characters need a flint and tinder to light a torch, light a lantern and to
make a fire using wood.

A valuable stone or mineral.

A metal hook that can be tied at the end of a rope to aid in climbing.
These provide warmth. They reduce the effect of ordeals on tundra.

Herbal preparation
A preparation made with herbs. A herbal preparation comes in a bottle. After using a
herbal preparation, they can reuse the bottle.

A lantern needs a bottle of oil to fuel it. When it has a bottle of oil, a lantern acts as a light
source for 6 hours (36 turns). When it is used up, it can be refilled. A lit lantern can be hurled
at an opponent as a light ranged weapon. If it hits, it deals 1 damage, but it may do more
damage to creatures susceptible to fire.

A lodestone is a magnetic rock that can act as a crude compass. It helps with navigation.

Lore tome
A book containing information on a certain topic.

The first time a character studies a lore tome, if they have the Reasoning ability as well as
the Literacy ability, the first time they read a lore time, they gain 1 Clue. If they don’t have
the Reasoning ability, if they have 0 Clues, they can set the number of Clues they have to 1.

Lore tomes can be studied more than once. Every time after the first time a character studies
a lore tome (taking 1 hour), if they have the Literacy ability and they have 0 Clues, they can
set the number of Clues they have to 1.

A map requires a character with both the Literacy and Pathfinding abilities to use. A map
covers a particular hex. All of the sites are already on the map, so if the characters buy a map
for a particular hex, they can roll up the sites for the hex without having to explore the hex
or roll up encounters. Characters can also make maps to sell, but it is very rare to find
someone who sells or buys maps.

A piece of metal that can be used for crafting metal objects. Metal is worth money because it
needs to be smelted from minerals.

It provides a reflective surface.

Muse powder
Muse powder is a potent, dangerous substance. Taking muse powder takes 1 Turn. The
character who takes it gains 1 Inspiration. Then they lose 1 Will and gain the Despondency
affliction. Muse powder does not need to be stored in a bottle.
Oil comes in a bottle. It can be used as 1 mineral or 1 fuel. It can also fuel a lantern. After
using the oil, characters can reuse the bottle.

Parchment is used for writing on. It can be used to make maps or journal entries.

A pelt is the furry coat of an animal. 1 pelt is enough fur from a small animal. A character
needs the Leathercraft ability to get a pelt from an animal. A pelt has an encumbrance of ½.

This is used to smash through rock.

These tools are required to pick the lock of a locked door in order to open it.

Poison can be applied to a dagger, a sickle or blowgun darts. Doing this takes 3 Action
Points. The poison stays on this weapon for 1 Turn. During this time, any creature with the
type humanoid, animal or monster will lose 3 Vitality if they are hit by the poisoned
weapon. Poisons have no effect on constructs, outsiders or undead. Any character who
drinks the poison gains the Poison affliction. Characters may keep an empty bottle

Potion of Clarity
A potion that, when drunk, restores 1 Will. If the character’s Will is at its maximum, they
restore 1 Vitality instead.

Potion of Cure
A potion that restores 1 Vitality when drunk. Characters may keep an empty bottle

Writing kit
A writing kit consists of a quill and ink and pieces of charcoal for making marks. It is used to
write things. It can be used to make maps and write journal entries. It needs parchment to
do that.

An item that the followers of a particular deity would find valuable.

A length of rope which can be useful for pulling someone out of a pit, tying something
(or someone!) up or climbing down a slope. If combined with a grapple, it can be used to
climb up things.
A tool used for digging.

Iron spikes can be used with a hammer to climb surfaces or they could be used for other

A spyglass allows a character to see long distances. It reduces the time taken to explore a

This is used for manipulating mechanisms, such as for disarming traps.

This acts as a light source, but it can only be used once. It requires a flint and tinder to
light it. A torch lasts for 1 hour (6 Turns). In a pinch, a lit torch can also be used as a
weapon – it will deal 1 damage on a hit.

A small item used for adornment made from relatively common materials.
Food and drink related items

Item To buy (sp) To sell (sp) Encumbrance

Water (requires container) 0 - -
Milk (requires container) ½ - -
Ale (requires container) ½ - -
Wine (requires container) ½ - -
Wine, fine (requires container) 10 - -
Wine, blessed (requires container) 10 - -
Spirits, courage (requires container) 5 - -
Vegetable oil (requires container) ½ - -
Provision, prepared ½ - ½
Provision, prepared, fine 2 - ½
Provision, prepared, soup (requires container) ½ - -
Provisions, raw ¼ - 1 each
Waterskin ½ - ½ (empty)
1 (full or partly full)
Bottle 1 ½ ½ (empty)
½ (full)

Ale (requires container)

The ale needs to be put in a liquid container (such as a bottle or skin). 1 ale counts as 1 water
and when 1 ale is drunk, if the character who drunk it had 0 Inspirations, they can set the
number of Inspirations they have to 1. Then the character makes an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will. If the ale is drunk alone (not
as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).

This is a glass bottle that can contain 1 liquid or hold enough liquid to contain a
preparation or magical potion (see below).

Milk (requires container)

The milk needs to be put in a liquid container (such as a bottle or skin). 1 milk counts as both
1 water and 1 prepared provision. This means that 1 milk can count as a meal.

Provision, prepared
This is food that that has been made, such as bread, or cooked, so it contains more

Provision, prepared, fine

This food is made of the finest ingredients and the most skilled cooks. When the
characters eat this provision in a meal, if they had 0 Inspirations, they can set the number
of Inspirations they have to 1.
Provision, prepared, soup
This is food that that needs to be stored in a liquid container, such as a bottle or a
waterskin. It counts as both 1 water and 1 prepared provision. This means that 1 soup
counts as 1 meal.

Provision, raw
This consists of raw meat, pulses, vegetables or fruits.

Spirits, liquid courage (requires container)

The spirit needs to be put into a container for liquids (such as a bottle or skin). When 1 spirit
is drunk, the character who drunk it gets 1 extra roll when making an ability test to see if
they lose Will to a creature with the Fearsome characteristic. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Then the character makes an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they
fail, they lose 1 Will. It takes 1 Turn to consume spirits.

Vegetable oil (requires container)

The vegetable oil needs to be put in a liquid container (such as a bottle or skin). 1 vegetable
oil can be used as 1 prepared provision or as 1 fuel. It can be used to fuel a lantern.

Water (requires container)

This represents a well or stream or other place where characters can collect water for
free. Characters need a container such as a waterskin or bottle to contain the water, of

A waterskin can hold up to 3 of any 1 type of liquid.

Wine (requires container)

The wine needs to be put in a container for liquids (such as a bottle or skin). 1 wine counts as
water and when 1 wine is drunk, if the character who drunk it had 0 Inspirations, they can
set the number of Inspirations they have to 1. Then the character makes an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will. If the wine is drunk alone
(not as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).

Wine, blessed (requires container)

The wine needs to be put in a liquid container (such as a bottle or skin). 1 blessed wine
counts as 1 water and when 1 blessed wine is drunk, if the character who drunk it had 0
Inspirations, they can set the number of Inspirations they have to 1. In addition, if the
character who drunk blessed wine had 0 Blessings, they can set the number of Blessings they
have to 1. Then the character makes an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness,
Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will. If the wine is drunk alone (not as part of a meal), it
takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).
Wine, fine (requires container)
Fine wine if very intoxicating, giving a great sense of confidence, but it is also very strong.
The wine needs to be put in a liquid container (such as a bottle or skin). 1 fine wine counts as
1 water and when 1 fine wine is drunk, the drinker gains 1 Inspiration. Then the character
makes an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will.
If the wine is drunk alone (not as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1
Turn (if in the dungeon).
There are several materials in the land of SCRAWL. These materials can be used to make
other items (see crafting below). Characters cannot buy these items, but they are relatively
easy to come across if the party explores the correct terrain. Here is a summary of the items.

Bone (encumbrance 1)
Bone covers the teeth, horns and bones of living creatures. It can be carved by anyone who
can also carve wood.

Coal (encumbrance 1)
Coal can be mined. 1 coal can count as 1 fuel or 1 mineral.

Crystal (encumbrance ½)
A crystal counts as 1 mineral or 1 component.

Herb (encumbrance ½)
Herbs are plants that have a beneficial effect on the body. Herbs can be used to make herbal

Leather (encumbrance 1)
Leather can be obtained from the skins of certain animals. It can be used to make some
armour and other items.

Metal (encumbrance 1)
Metal has to be obtained from minerals by heating it. This is a process called smelting. Metal can be
used to make weapons, armour and some tools. It can also be sold.

Mineral (encumbrance ½)
Minerals are small rocks that are made from uncommon materials, such as the sparkling pyrite, the
white cubic rock salt or the liquid metal quicksilver. Minerals can be used to make alchemical

Obsidian (encumbrance ½)
A lump of obsidian counts as 1 gem, 1 component or 1 mineral.

Pelt (encumbrance ½)
A pelt is a furry part of an animal’s hide. Pelts can be sold in some settlements and they can be used
to make furs.

Stone (encumbrance 1)
Stone is not very useful for much, but it is readily available. Characters can throw stones as a ranged
weapon and they can make a few stone items.

Oil (encumbrance 0)
Oil is a thick, flammable liquid. Oil needs to be stored in a bottle or skin. Oil can count as 1 fuel or 1
mineral. It can be used to fuel lanterns.

Wood (encumbrance 1)
Wood comes from trees. It can be used to make wooden items and it can be used as fuel to make fire.
Crafting items and cooking
If a character has the Woodcraft, Metalcraft, Leathercraft or Stonecraft abilities,
they can make their own weapons, armour and tools. If they have the Herbalism
ability, they can make herbal preparations. If they have the Alchemy ability, they
can make alchemical preparations. If they have the Cooking ability, they can turn
raw provisions into twice that number of prepared provisions. Below is a list of
things that characters can make, what they need to make them and how long it takes.

Making fire
Some crafting requires fire to undergo. Fire requires 1 fuel (common fuels are wood, coal, oil
and vegetable oil) and a flint and tinder to light it (which is not used up). Making a fire takes
0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon). Fire lasts for 1 hour. A character
can use fire for warmth, to light torches or other fires and to cook with simultaneously.

Items the characters can craft with the Cooking ability

To craft some items with the Cooking ability, the characters need a fire and a cook’s kit.
Characters can make several things on the same fire, but if the item needs a cook’s kit, they
need a cook’s kit for each item that requires one. All of the items below need a character
with the Cooking ability to make them.

Item Resources Tools Time needed

2x prepared provisions1 x raw provision, fire1 None 1 hour
2 prepared provisions 1 raw provision, 1 mineral None 1 hour
1 prepared provision, fine 1 raw provision, 1 herb, fire Cook’s kit 2 hours
2 prepared provisions, soup 1 raw provision, 1 water, fire Cook’s kit 1 hour

1: A character may cook any number of raw provisions on a single fire to create twice that
number of prepared provisions.
Items that the characters can craft with the Woodcraft ability
To craft an item with the Woodcraft ability, the character needs a dagger and
sometimes an axe.

Item Resources Tools Time needed

Staff 1 wood Dagger 1 hour
Blowpipe 1 wood Dagger 1 hour
Club 2 wood Dagger 2 hours
Club 2 bone Dagger 2 hours
Spear 1 wood+1 bone Dagger 2 hours
Bow 2 wood Dagger 2 hours
Fishing kit 1 wood Dagger 1 hour
Torch 1 wood Dagger 1 hour
Shield 2 wood Dagger 2 hours
Raft 12 wood + 1 rope Axe+dagger 2 hours

Items that the characters can craft with the Leathercraft ability
To craft an item with the Leathercraft ability, the character needs a dagger.

Item Resources Tools Time needed

Light armour 2 leather Dagger 2 hours
Saddlebags 2 leather Dagger 2 hours
Sling 1 leather Dagger 1 hour
Waterskin 1 leather Dagger 1 hour
Canvas 4 leather Dagger 2 hours
Furs 2 pelts Dagger 2 hours
Items that the characters can craft with the Metalcraft ability
To craft an item with the Metalcraft ability, the character needs a hammer.

Item Resources Tools Time needed

Dagger 1 metal Hammer 1 hour
Sickle 1 metal Hammer 1 hour
Light armour 2 metal Hammer 2 hours
Shield 2 metal Hammer 2 hours
Spikes 2 metal Hammer 2 hours
Mirror 2 metal Hammer 2 hours
Cook’s kit 2 metal Hammer 2 hours
Grapple 2 metal Hammer 2 hours

Items that the characters can craft with the Stonecraft ability
To craft an item with the Stonecraft ability, the character needs a stone.

Item Resources Tools Time needed

Dagger 1 stone Stone 1 hour
Hammer 1 stone Stone 1 hour
Flint and tinder 1 stone Stone 1 hour
Items that the characters can craft using 2 or more abilities

Item Resources Abilities Tools Time needed

Axe 1 wood, 1 stone Woodcraft, Dagger, stone 2 hours
Axe 1 wood, 1 metal Woodcraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours
Spear 1 wood, 1 stone Woodcraft, Dagger, stone 2 hours
Spear 1 wood, 1 metal Woodcraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours
Pick 1 wood, 1 metal Woodcraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours
Shovel 1 wood, 1 metal Woodcraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours
Shield 1 wood, 1 metal Woodcraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours
Light armour 1 leather, 1 metal Leathercraft, Dagger, hammer 2 hours

Items that the characters can craft with Alchemy and Herbalism

Item Resources Abilities Tools Time

Alchemical preparation1 1 mineral, 1 water, fire Alchemy Cook’s kit 2 hours
Herbal preparation1 1 herb, 1 water, fire Herbalism Cook’s kit 2 hours
Component 1 herb, 1 mineral, fire Herbalism, Cook’s kit 2 hours
Poison1 1 herb, 1 mineral, Herbalism, Cook’s kit 2 hours
1 water, fire Alchemy
Muse powder 1 herb, 1 mineral, fire Herbalism, Cook’s kit 2 hours
1: Requires a bottle to contain it.
Other items that characters can make
Characters are able to make a tent out of 4 staves and a canvas. A tent acts as a
shelter for all of the characters. A character is able to extract 1 metal from 1 mineral
with a fire and a cook’s kit.
Item Resources Abilities Tools Time
Tent 1 canvas+4 staves None None 1 hour
1 metal 2 minerals, fire None None 1 hour
1 map 1
1 parchment Pathfinding+Literacy Writing kit 2 hours
1 journal entry 1 parchment Literacy+Reasoning Writing kit 2 hours

1: The map can be of any hex the character has explored.

Journal entry
A character who makes a journal entry. If they have 0 Clues, they can set the number of
Clues they have to 1.

A map lists all the sites in a hex. A character who has not been to the hex that the map
covers can use the map to act as if they have already explored the hex. Maps can be sold.

Metal is a material that a character with the Metalcraft ability and the correct tools can craft
items from.

A tent can act as a shelter for all characters in the party.
Magical items that the characters can make
Characters can make consumable magical items. These require components, which can be
expensive or need to be made as well. Also, the chances of success are low. Characters need
to pass an ability test to make a magical item. If they fail, the components are wasted. See the
section on potions, curiosity and scrolls for what items the characters can make.

Item Resources Abilities Tools Time

Curiosity 2 components+1 trinket Reasoning+Tinkering Toolkit 2 hours2
Potion1 2 components+1 water Alchemy+Herbalism Cook’s kit 2 hours3
Scroll 2 components+1 parchment Literacy+Perform Writing kit 2 hours4

1: Requires a bottle to contain it. Characters cannot make potions of healing.

2: After the character has spent the time to make the object, they must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Occult, Theology, Reasoning, Tinkering). If the
character succeeds, they make a curiosity of their choice. If they fail, the resources
are used up and the character doesn’t make the item.

3: After the character has spent the time to make the object, they must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Occult, Theology, Alchemy, Herbalism). If the
character succeeds, they make a potion of their choice, except a potion of healing.
Characters cannot make a potion of healing. If they fail, the resources are used up
and the character doesn’t make the item.

4: After the character has spent the time to make the object, they must make an
ability test with a difficulty of 6 (Occult, Theology, Literacy, Perform). If the
character succeeds, they make a scroll of their choice. If they fail, the resources are
used up and the character doesn’t make the item.
Alchemical preparations
Alchemical preparations are made by someone with the Alchemy ability, 1 mineral, 1 water, fire
and a cook’s kit.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: 1 opponent

Duration: Instantaneous

Bottle required: Yes

The character may throw this preparation at an opponent as a ranged weapon. If they succeed at
an ability test equal to the difficulty of the target (Ranged Combat), they deal 2 damage to that
opponent. The character may also throw it during melee combat. If they succeed at an ability test
equal to the difficulty of the target (Melee Combat), they deal 2 damage to that opponent.
Throwing acid destroys the bottle.

Time: 1 Action point

Target: 1 opponent or none (see below)

Duration: Instantaneous

Bottle required: Yes

Phlogiston is fire given form. A character may use a bottle of phlogiston to make a fire. The fire
lasts for 1 hour. The character does not need a flint and tinder to do this and they may keep the
bottle afterwards. The character may also throw this preparation at an opponent as a ranged
weapon. If they succeed at an ability test equal to the difficulty of the target (Ranged Combat),
they deal 1 damage to that opponent. When thrown, the phlogiston counts as a lit lantern, so this
may do more damage to creatures susceptible to fire. Throwing phlogiston destroys the bottle.

Smoke powder
Time: 1 Action point

Target: N/A

Duration: Instantaneous

Bottle required: Yes

A bottle of smoke powder can be smashed on the floor to release a cloud of smoke around the
user. It will allow them to escape without having to roll an ability test to avoid opponents’ blows
for this round.

If you ever need to roll for a random alchemical preparation, use the table below:

Fate roll Random alchemical preparation

1-2 Acid
3-4 Phlogiston
5-6 Smoke powder
Herbal preparation
A herbal preparation can be used as a potion. Herbal preparations are made by someone
with the Herbalism ability, fire, a cook’s kit, 1 water and 1 herb. A bottle may also be

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character using the preparation

Duration: Instantaneous.

Bottle required: Yes

A character who uses antitoxin may remove 1 Poison.

Curing salve
Time: 1 Turn.

Target: The character using the preparation

Duration: Instantaneous.
Bottle required: Yes

A character who uses a curing salve may restore 1 Vitality.

Restorative salve
Time: 1 Turn.

Target: The character using the preparation

Duration: Instantaneous
Bottle required: Yes

A character who uses a restorative salve may restore 1 Will. If their Will is at its
maximum, they restore 1 Vitality instead.

If you ever need to roll for a random herbal preparation, use the table below:
Fate roll Random herbal preparation
1-2 Antitoxin
3-4 Curing salve
5-6 Restorative salve
Other items
These are miscellaneous items that require both the Alchemy and Herbalism abilities to

Time: 0 Action Points.

Target: The character using the item

Duration: Instantaneous
Bottle required: No

A component is something that is used up when using a power. It could be a magical spell
component or a substance that provides a sensation in the person taking it. When a character
uses a power, they can use a component up instead of losing 1 Will. Remember to delete the
component after using it.

Muse powder
Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character using the item

Duration: N/A
Bottle required: No

Muse powder is a potent, dangerous substance. Taking muse powder takes 1 Turn. The
character who takes it gains 1 Inspiration. Then they lose 1 Will and gain the Despondency

Time: 3 Action Points

Target: 1 weapon

Duration: 1 Turn
Bottle required: Yes

Poison can be applied to a dagger, a sickle or blowgun darts. Doing this takes 3 Action
Points. The poison stays on this weapon for 1 Turn. During this time, any creature with the
type humanoid, animal or monster will lose 3 Vitality if they are hit by the poisoned
weapon. Poisons have no effect on constructs, outsiders or undead. Any character who
drinks the poison gains the Poison affliction. Any creature that drinks the poison loses 3
Services are things that the characters buy that aren’t items.

Services table

Service Cost (silver pieces) Time taken (days) Time taken (hours)
Ale (in flagon) ½ - -
Wine (in carafe) ½ - -
Wine, fine (in carafe) 10 - -
Water (in jug) 0 - -
Fare ½ - -
Fare, fine 2 - 1
Shelter ¼ 1 -
Stabling ¼ 1 -
Convalescence 1 - 1
Surgery 3 - 3
Counsel 3 - 3
Ship’s passage1 ½ per hex - -
Passage to another land 1
36 or 18 2
12 -
Bank 1 - 1
Make will 3 - 1
Pay will3 3 - 1
Increase Will 12 12 -
Increase Vitality 24 24 -
Learn ability 36 36 -
Learn power 36 36 -
Swap power 6 6 -
Performance ½ - 3
Death rites4 5 - 3

1: Only available on the edge of a water hex. Also, the water needs to not be surrounded by

2: Passage to another land only costs 18 silver pieces to characters who pay in labour
(spending 10 hours a day working).

3: The cost can be paid for by one of the characters or taken from the money left in the bank.

4: Requires the remains of the deceased. The remains have an encumbrance of 6.

Ale (in flagon)
Flagons of ale are served in inns and other establishments. A flagon of ale counts as 1 water
and when 1 ale is drunk, if the character who drunk it had 0 Inspirations, they can set the
number of Inspirations they have to 1. Then the character makes an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will. If the ale is drunk alone (not
as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).

A bank is a secure place to store valuables. Characters pay money to the bank to
install or withdraw money or items. They need to pay this fee each time.

The character can restore 1 Vitality point.

A counsellor can remove 1 Curse, 1 Despondency or 1 Mania (choose 1).

Death rites
A deceased character is given a proper send off to the next life. This requires the remains of
the deceased character (they have an encumbrance of 6). Once the death rites are complete,
the other characters can gain 1 Blessing. Also, if the characters visit the site of the deceased
character’s death rites, if they have 0 Blessings, they set their Blessings to 1.

Fare is served in inns and other establishments. Fare counts as 1 prepared provision.

Fare, fine
Fine fare is made from a lot more elaborate ingredients than the standard fare. When
the characters eat this fare, if they had 0 Inspirations, they can set the number of
Inspirations they have to 1.

Increase Will
If a character spends 8 hours a day for 12 days training and 12 experience points, they can
increase their initial Will by 1 and restore it to its new maximum.

Increase Vitality
If a character spends 8 hours a day for 24 days training and 24 experience points, they can
increase their initial Vitality by 1 and restore it to its new maximum.

Learn ability
If a character spends 8 hours a day for 36 days training and 36 experience points, they can
gain a new ability.

Learn power
If a character spends 8 hours a day for 36 days training and 36 experience points, they can
gain a new power.
Make will
The character is able to leave instructions to the bank for who gets the money left at the
bank. The money can be split however the character wants to however many characters they
want to have them. If a beneficiary of the will dies, the bank keeps the money.

Pay will
Upon the death of a character, the bank will take the cost of paying the will from the
character’s money, then release the other money. If the deceased character had fewer than 3
silver pieces in coins (because their deposit was other items), the other characters will have
to make up the differences. Banks only accept payment in coins and not in items.

Passage to another land

This allows characters to move to another land. In game terms, this means starting on a new
map with a possible new climate. See the Overland tables book for rules on travelling to
another land. Characters cannot take horses, mules, camels or carts on a ship. They must be
left behind.

The character watches some performance for entertainment. If they have 0 Inspirations, their
Inspirations are set to 1.

Shelter involves a place to stay that provides protection from the elements. If someone is in a
shelter when the day changes, then they don’t undergo an ordeal for the terrain that they are
on at the end of the day. This is a temporary shelter that lasts for 1 day.

Ship’s passage
This allows characters to move across the sea. Overland maps are split into hexes and the
price of the journey is calculated before they characters leave (so they have to know where
they are going before they leave!). Characters cannot take horses, mules, camels or carts on a
ship. They must be left behind.

Stables can provide rest and food for animals. This counts as shelter for animals.

A surgeon is able to remove 1 Plague, 1 Poison or 1 Wound (choose 1).

Swap power
With some training, a character is able to replace 1 of their powers with another power. This
may be desirable if a character gains abilities that the power grants or if they find out that a
power is not as useful as they thought it would be.

Water (in jug)

The characters are able to get any amount of water and any number of jugs to go with the
Wine (in carafe)
Carafes of wine are served in inns and other establishments. A carafe of wine counts as
water and when 1 wine is drunk, if the character who drunk it had 0 Inspirations, they can
set the number of Inspirations they have to 1. Then the character makes an ability test with a
difficulty of 4 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they lose 1 Will. If the wine is drunk alone
(not as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).

Wine, fine (in carafe)

Carafes of fine wine are served in inns and other establishments. A carafe of fine wine
counts as 1 water and when 1 fine wine is drunk, the drinker gains 1 Inspiration. Then the
character makes an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Hardiness, Resolve). If they fail, they
lose 1 Will. If the wine is drunk alone (not as part of a meal), it takes 0 hours (if in the
wilderness) or 1 Turn (if in the dungeon).
Religious items and services
These are services and items offered by temples.

Temple items table

Item Cost (silver Initiate cost Encumbrance
pieces)1 (silver pieces)1
Holy water 30 15 ½
Holy book2 12 6 1
Eldritch book 12 6 1

1: The character may trade a relic dedicated to the same deity that the temple is dedicated to for up to
5sp worth of services (change is not given!).

2: There are different holy books for each deity archetype.

Temple services table

Service Cost (silver Initiate cost (silver Time taken

pieces)1 pieces)1 (hours)
Convalescence 1 ½ 1
Sermon - 0 3
Visit shrine (new deity) 0 0 1
Visit shrine (Nameless Ones) 0 0 1
Blessing 10 5 1
Miracle 5 3 1
Initiation (new deity) 3 - 1
Initiation (Nameless Ones) 0 - 1
Renouncement - 10 1
Renounce the Nameless Ones 20 - 1
2 3
Death rites 3 0 3
Make sacrifice (new deity) - 0 1
Make sacrifice (Nameless Ones) - 05 1

1: The character may trade a relic dedicated to the same deity that the temple is dedicated to for up to
5sp worth of services (change is not given!).

2: See in the services section, above, for the description.

3: If the deceased character was an initiate to the same temple the deity is dedicated to, their death
rites are free.

4: Requires wildlife creature.

5: Requires humanoid, monster or wildlife creature

If a character is not an initiate to the deity that the temple follows, they may only benefit
from a Blessing if they have 0 Blessings. If they do, they may set their number of Blessings to

If a character is an initiate to the same deity that the temple is dedicated to, then they can
gain 1 Blessing.

Eldritch book
An eldritch book contains the wisdom of the Nameless Ones and the zealots and mad
prophets that follow them.

A character with the Literacy ability can study an eldritch book. Studying an eldritch book
takes 1 hour.

The first time a character studies an eldritch book, if they either have the Occult ability or
they are an initiate to the Nameless Ones (In addition to the Literacy ability), they can gain 1
Inspiration. If neither of those apply, studying the eldritch book has no effect.

Eldritch books can be studied more than once. Every time a character studies an eldritch
book (taking 1 hour) if they have both the Literacy ability and they either have the Occult
ability or they are an initiate to the Nameless Ones, if they have 0 Inspirations, they can set
the number of Inspirations they have to 1.

Eldritch books have an encumbrance of 1.

Holy book
A holy book contains the holy scriptures of a particular religion.

Each holy book is associated with 1 of the new deity archetypes.

A character with the Literacy ability can study a holy book. Studying a holy book takes 1

The first time a character studies a holy book, if they either have the Theology ability or they
are an initiate to the same deity that the holy book is dedicated to (In addition to the Literacy
ability), they can gain 1 Inspiration. If neither of those apply, studying the holy book has no

Holy books can be studied more than once. Every time a character studies a holy book after
the first (taking 1 hour), if they have both the Literacy ability and they either have the
Theology ability or they are an initiate to the same deity that the holy book is dedicated to, if
they have 0 Inspirations, they can set the number of Inspirations they have to 1.

Holy books have an encumbrance of 1.

Holy water
A character may throw this liquid at an undead opponent as a ranged weapon. It
takes 1 Action Point to use. If they succeed at an ability test equal to the difficulty of
the target (Ranged Combat), they deal 3 damage to that undead opponent. A
character may also throw it during melee combat. It takes 1 Action Point to use. If
they succeed at an ability test equal to the difficulty of the target (Melee Combat),
they deal 3 damage to that undead opponent. Holy water has no effect on non-
undead opponents.

Initiation (Nameless Ones)

Becoming an initiate to the Nameless Ones is an ordeal that costs 6 Will (Hardiness,
Resolve). The character is then become an initiate to the Nameless Ones, which also earns
the disapproval of all the new deities.

Initiation (new deity)

Becoming an initiate to a deity involves paing some money to the priests of the
temple to the deity the character wants to follow. After a short ceremony, the
character is now an initiate of that deity.

Make sacrifice (Nameless Ones)

If any character is an initiate to the Nameless Ones and they bring a live wildlife creature
(either a prisoner tied up or a wildlife creature the character owns), monster or humanoid
here (as a prisoner, so they need to be tied up) and sacrifices them to the Nameless Ones
then they can restore X Will, where X is equal to the Vitality score of the creature. If the
initiate gains any Will points when they have a maximum Will score, they restore Vitality
points instead. They also gain 1 Blessing.

Make sacrifice (new deity)

An initiate to the same deity the shrine is dedicated to can bring a wildlife creature here
(either a prisoner tied up or a wildlife creature the character owns) and sacrifice it. If they
do, they can gain 1 Blessing. The priests of the new deities do not advocate the sacrifice of
intelligent beings!

A miracle worker can remove any affliction – Curse, Despondency, Mania, Plague, Poison,
Wound or Mutation. Curing a mutation also removes any benefits of the mutation.

A character may renounce their worship of a deity and pay the price in silver to do
so. When they do, the character becomes neutral to that deity (they do not gain the
deity’s disapproval, however. That is reserved for people who actively harm the
deity’s followers).
Renounce the Nameless Ones
A character can renounce the Nameless Ones. This costs 20 silver pieces, but also
involves a ritual. Renouncing the Nameless Ones is an ordeal that costs 6 Will
(Hardiness, Resolve). If the character survives the ritual, they will become neutral in
the eyes of the new deities and they will gain the disapproval of the Nameless Ones.

A sermon only affects initiates to the same deity as the temple. The initiate may watch a
priest perform a ritual and give a speech about their faith. If the initiate has 0 Inspirations,
they can set their number of Inspirations to 1.

Visit shrine (Nameless Ones)

Visiting a shrine only affects initiates to the Nameless Ones or a character with the Occult

If an initiate follows the Nameless Ones or if they have the Occult ability and if they pray at
it for 1 hour and if they have 0 Blessings, they can set their Blessings to 1.

Visit shrine (new deity)

Visiting a shrine only affects initiates to the same deity as the shrine is dedicated to or a
character with the Theology ability.

If an initiate follows the same deity that the shrine is dedicated to or if they have the
Theology ability and if they pray at it for 1 hour and if they have 0 Blessings, they can set
their Blessings to 1.
Hirelings and followers
Hirelings are people the characters pay to accompany them on adventures. They
offer a variety of services. Characters might hire some hirelings for their abilities.
They might hire other hirelings because they will help them in combat.

Hirelings count towards the party member number. However, unlike party
members, the characters have to pay hirelings and if they want them to have a
certain item, the character that hired the hireling needs to buy it for them rather than
let them get it. This includes food and water for travelling.

Characters may dismiss a hireling at any time. If they do, they will return to where
they hired them and characters may hire them again at another time.

If a character misses a hireling’s payment, they have a chance to make up the wages
once they are back to the safety of a settlement where they can rest and buy food. It
also gives them an opportunity to sell treasure. If the character still doesn’t pay
them, then the hireling leaves and they will refuse to let the character hire them

Some hirelings will only follow someone with a certain reputation. Some hirelings
will only follow someone who is prestigious in the area they live. Others will only
follow those who are infamous in the area that they are in. Others will only follow
initiates to certain deity. If the requirements stop being met, the hireling will leave as
soon as they reach a settlement.

Followers join the party out of some sense of attachment not associated with money.
Followers do not require payment – they simply require basic upkeep. A character’s
Prestige or Infamy will not affect whether the follower wants to stay with them.

Hiring a hireling
Characters can find hirelings if they explore a settlement and find them. Hirelings do
not work for just anyone. To hire a hireling, characters need to have the correct
prerequisites. Then they need to pay them their daily rate as a deposit.
Hireling and follower abilities and powers
Most hirelings and followers have abilities and/or powers. If they undergo an ability
test or an ordeal, then the hireling may do the ability test or ordeal instead. They are
the ones that lose Will from the ordeal or take the consequences if they fail the ability

If the party is travelling, then them and their hirelings have to undergo the ordeal of
travelling and you need to subtract the appropriate number of Will points from each
hireling depending on their abilities and items. Characters may (indeed, they are
expected to!) give any hireling some food and water.

Hireling and follower equipment

Most hirelings and followers start with equipment to help them. Characters may
give hirelings and followers things to help them do their job, such as kits, food and
water. The hireling or follower will assume that these items are now theirs to use to
help the party. All hirelings and followers lose Will when travelling, just like
characters, so they will need food, water and rest to prevent too much Will loss.
Characters have to pay for this themselves (even for followers). Characters cannot
give a hireling or follower things to carry for them (unless they are a bearer, because
that is their job!).

Hirelings and combat

If a hireling is willing, they may help the party in combat. You may choose who the
hireling will attack. If the party faces multiple opponents, a hireling may fight an
opponent on their own. You must resolve the roll for the hireling in the same
manner that you do for a character’s combat.

Hirelings that get involved in combat will have particular tactics that they can use
depending on their abilities and equipment.

Hireling and follower actions

If a hireling or follower has spare time, they will default to certain actions which are in their

Hireling and follower death

The characters should return the hireling’s or follower’s remains (encumbrance 6) to the site
they hired them and pay for their death rites within 30 days of the hireling’s or follower’s
death. If, for some reason, the hireling or follower was not found in a settlement, then any
settlement will do. If they do not do this, after the 30th day, the spirit of the hireling or
follower will curse the characters who were with them when they died. Each character who
was in the party with the hireling or follower when they died will gain a Curse affliction.
Animals have a Vitality and Will just like characters. They lose Vitality if they are
injured and they lose Will if they undergo ordeals, just like the characters. This
means that if the party travels across a hex with an animal, they must undergo the
ordeal just like the characters.

You may give an animal food and water to reduce the effects of any ordeals.

Animals also have the Animal keyword. This accounts for an animal having long
hair for warmth, being able to digest grass or hunt small animals to supplement the
food and water the animals give them. For this reason, animals don’t lose as much
Will when travelling or exploring.

Animals do not count towards the party member limit.

Animals can have abilities, just like characters.

Characters may free an animal at any time.

Animal table
Item To buy (sp) To sell (sp)
Goat/Sheep 3 2
Dog 5 3
Wardog 10 5
Mule 5 3
Horse/camel 20 10
Warhorse 40 20

Animals and travelling

Animals have the Animal characteristic which reduces Will loss in ordeals for
travelling and exploring. You may also apply abilities for the animals, such as the
Hardiness ability or if a character gives them provisions and water. Animals can eat
provisions and drink water like your characters.

If an animal counts as a mount, then a character can ride it across terrains. If they do,
they may travel faster. This is shown in the time ordeal for the terrain. Both you and
the mount suffer Will ordeals for the terrain.

Animal death
If an animal in the party dies, then everyone will probably be very sad. However, animals in
SCRAWL do not require death rites the same way that sentient beings require them.
List of animals
Dogs have a Vitality of 3 and a Will of 3. They have the Foraging, Hardiness,
Perception, Running and Hunting abilities in addition to the Animal characteristic.
Characters can take dogs into dungeons. If a character with a dog makes an ability
test where Perception is an ability, the dog may also make the test. If they succeed,
then they will try to point out the thing to the character. For example, the dog might
be able to spot a young boy trapped down a well. In game terms this counts as if the
character succeeded.

Goats and sheep have a Vitality of 3 and a Will of 3. They have the Foraging and
Hardiness abilities in addition to the Animal characteristic. Goats and sheep cannot
carry saddlebags or pull carts and they can’t be used as mounts. Goats and sheep
don’t do very much besides munch on the undergrowth, but they can be milked or
used for sacrifices.

Milking a goat requires the Naturalist ability and 1 bottle or waterskin. A character
who fulfils these requirements can spend 1 hour milking a goat or sheep to get 1
milk. They may only do this 1 time per day per goat or sheep.

The goat or sheep can be killed at any point in order to provide 3 raw provisions, 1
bone and 1 leather or 1 pelt (character’s choice).

Horses and camels

Horses and camels have a Vitality of 5 and a Will of 5. They also have the Foraging,
Hardiness and Running abilities in addition to the Animal characteristic. They can
act as mounts. Horses and camels can only be ridden in the wilderness and never in
a dungeon.

Mules have a Vitality of 4 and a Will of 4. They have the Foraging and Hardiness
abilities in addition to the Animal characteristic. Mules can carry saddlebags or pull
carts so they are useful as beasts of burden. They cannot be ridden as mounts.

Warhorses have a Vitality of 6 and a Will of 6. Warhorses can act as mounts.
Characters may only ride warhorses in the wilderness and never in a dungeon. They
also have the Foraging, Hardiness and Running abilities in addition to the Animal
characteristic. If a character has the Naturalist ability, they can train their warhorse
to fight in combat. The warhorse will attack the same creature its rider attacks and
deals 2 damage.
Wardogs have a Vitality of 3 and a Will of 3. They have the Foraging, Hardiness,
Perception, Running and Hunting abilities in addition to the Animal characteristic. If a
character with a wardog makes an ability test where Perception is an ability, the wardog
may also make the test. If the wardog succeeds, it counts as if the character succeeded.

If a character has the Naturalist ability and owns a wardog, they can train a wardog to
attack an opponent in combat. The wardog deals 2 damage and will normally attack the
same creature its owner attacks, but it can be sent to attack another creature.

Animal items
Characters can buy some items that go with animals and improve their carrying

Animal item table

Item To buy (sp) To sell (sp)
Cart 10 5
Saddlebags 3 2
Barding 20 10

Barding can be put on a camel, horse or warhorse. It provides protection, giving the camel,
horse or warhorse a +1 increase to their Vitality.

Characters may use a cart with a horse, warhorse, camel or mule. A cart can carry 24
encumbrance worth of items.

Characters may use saddlebags with a horse, warhorse, camel or mule. Saddlebags can carry
6 encumbrance points worth of items.
If a character gets rich enough, they could buy a building.

Building table
Item To buy (sp) To sell (sp)
House 40 20

A house acts as a permanent shelter. If a character stores items in the house and
returns to it after all the characters have left the hex it is on, the contents may have
been stolen. If the house is in a benign settlement, make 2 Fate rolls. If both of the
rolls are a 1, all of the contents have been stolen. In a hostile settlement, make 1 Fate
roll. On the roll of a 1, all of the contents have been stolen.
Religion in SCRAWL
There are many deities and immortals on the plane of Kosmos, but each one represents one
of the six divine archetypes.

The divine archetypes are: Artisan, Death, Knowledge, Nature, Trickery and War. If you
need to randomly roll up a divine archetype, use the table below.

Random deity archetype table

Fate roll Deity archetype
1 Artisan
2 Death
3 Knowledge
4 Nature
5 Trickery
6 War

This is the domain of anyone who builds or makes something. All craftsfolk pay homage to
an artisan deity in the hope that their creations are closer to divine perfection.

This is the domain of death and death rites. Despite death being an unsavoury topic in many
cultures, the deities of death are not necessarily evil. Some recognise death as being part of
life and they are simply fulfilling a natural process. Other followers of death are reminded
that since death is inevitable then they should make life as good as possible for themselves
and those around them.

This is the domain of learning and information. Knowledge deities are the patron deities of
scribes, scholars and magic users.

This is the domain of druids, farmers, brewers and healers. It is the domain of all living
things and the reverence of natural wonders of the world. It is also the domain of sailors
who make offerings to the deity for safe passage at sea.

This is the domain of thieves, merchants, tricksters and travellers. The trickery archetype is
also in charge of money and commerce.

This is the domain of conflict, both physical and nonphysical. As well as warriors, a good
many lawyers revere deities of war.
Your characters’ relationships with the deities
Characters can be viewed 3 ways by the deities. The most common attitude the deities have
towards your characters is neutral. The deities and their followers will not bestow any
special favour on the characters, but they are welcome into their temples and free to use
their services. This applies to initiates of other deities. Polytheism in the world of SCRAWL
is an established fact – there have been many tales of supernatural entities of the 6
archetypes and they continue their work even today. No deity is held up as the one true
deity and so the deity a person decides to follow is considered an individual choice.

To gain the benefits of worshipping a deity, a character can become an initiate of that deity.
Initiates get special benefits, such as blessings at shrines and reduced prices for services.

Finally, if a character does something to offend a deity or its followers, they will gain the
disapproval of that deity. Characters with disapproval are, at the very least, banned from
that deity’s temples and so they can’t use its services. In some cases, followers of that deity
may attack them.

A characters starts off as neutral with respect to the 6 new deities and they have the
disapproval of the Nameless Ones.

Temples and shrines

The earthly representative of the deities hold great power – they have temples, monasteries
and shrines dotted around the plane. Characters are welcome to use any temple of any
archetype on the plane. Characters can choose to become an initiate of one of the deity
archetypes. If a character decides to become an initiate to one of these archetypes, they will
get reduced prices and more services at those locations.

Shrines are constructions made to honour the deities. They may or may not have initiates
tending to them. For new deities, a character can pray at the shrine if they are an initiate to
the same deity that the shrine is dedicated to or if they have the Theology ability.

If an initiate follows the same deity that the shrine is dedicated to or if they have the
Theology ability and if they pray at it for 1 hour and if they have 0 Blessings, they can set
their Blessings to 1.
The Nameless Ones
As well as deities to the 6 divine archetypes, there are darker deities and demons who
demand sacrifice and the destruction of the society they inhabit. They are the Nameless
Ones. They have cults all over the land. The cults accept the desperate, the criminal and the
savage with promises of belonging and power. These cults thrive on slaughter and heresy
and any followers of the other deities will avoid them or attack them on site. Characters can
become an initiate of a cult to the Nameless Ones if they find a cult and live long enough to
persuade them to let them join their ranks instead of use them as a sacrifice. Any character
who becomes an initiate of the Nameless Ones will immediately gain the disapproval of all 6
deities (see below).

Initiation to the Nameless Ones

The cultists will take anyone, but initiation to the Nameless ones is a little more “involved”
than simply paying some money to a priest. A character has to undergo trials and rituals to
see if they succeed. Becoming an initiate to the Nameless Ones is an ordeal that costs 6 Will
(Hardiness, Resolve). The character is then become an initiate to the Nameless Ones, which
also earns the disapproval of all the new deities.

Benefits of being an initiate of the Nameless Ones

Despite their barbarity, the Nameless Ones can bestow a lot of boons to their initiates. There
are still many ancient shrines to the Nameless Ones across the lands, more so than the new
deities. Characters who are initiates to the Nameless Ones or who have the Occult ability
can pray at these shrines. If they have wither the Occult ability or if they are initiates of the
Nameless Ones and they have 0 Blessings, they can set the number of Blessings they have to

Initiates to the Nameless Ones are also able to sacrifice wildlife creatures, humanoids or
monsters at the shrines for benefits. If any character is an initiate to the Nameless Ones and
they bring a live wildlife creature (either a prisoner tied up or a wildlife creature the
character owns), monster or humanoid here (as a prisoner, so they need to be tied up) and
sacrifices them to the Nameless Ones then they can restore X Will, where X is equal to the
Vitality score of the creature. If the initiate gains any Will points when they have a
maximum Will score, they restore Vitality points instead. They also gain 1 Blessing.

Initiates to the Nameless Ones can also take advantage of the benefits of a cult lair without
any danger of being attacked by zealots. Some may decide that these benefits are worth
earning the disapproval of the deities.

It should be pointed out that since worship of the Nameless Ones has only been relatively
recently driven underground, shrines to the Nameless Ones are far more common in the
remote wilderness and in dungeons than shrines to the new deities. This means that being
an initiate to the Nameless Ones can be quite useful in dangerous situations.
Disapproval of the deities
It is possible to earn the deity’s disapproval. If a character is an initiate to that deity when
they earn its disapproval, they are no longer an initiate.

If the deity disapproves of a character then they will also not be allowed in that deity’s
temple, buy its items or use its services.

Characters automatically have the disapproval of the Nameless Ones unless they become an
initiate to the Nameless Ones. In other words, a character can never be neutral in the eyes of
the Nameless Ones. The Nameless Ones think in absolutes.
Eventually, your party might be lucky enough to get some treasure. Sometimes, if
they find a special item, you may be told to make a Fate roll a table to see which one
you have.

Mundane treasure
Artefacts are items from a bygone age that, when studied, can give some information on
what that age was like. A character can spend 1 hour studying an artefact. After doing
this, if they have 1 ability from the Appraise or Reasoning abilities and if they have
0 Clues, they can set the number of Clues they have to 1. If they have both abilities,
they can gain 1 Clue. Each character may do this once per artefact. Artefacts have an
encumbrance of ½.

Baubles are valuable items that have been crafted, such as jewellery or ornaments. Baubles
can be sold for money. Baubles have an encumbrance of ½.

A codex is a scroll that contains information – a saga, a treatise, an account of a
historical event. They are written in a lost or foreign language. A character can spend
1 hour studying a codex. After doing this, if they have 1 ability from the Literacy or
Reasoning abilities and if they have 0 Clues, they can set the number of Clues they
have to 1. If they have both abilities, they can gain 1 Clue. Each character may do this
once per codex. Codices have an encumbrance of ½.

A contraption is a clockwork or mechanical device or a component to a larger clockwork or
mechanical device. A character can spend 1 hour studying a contraption. After doing
this, if they have 1 ability from the Tinkering or Reasoning abilities and if they have
0 Clues, they can set the number of Clues they have to 1. If they have both abilities,
they can gain 1 Clue. Contraptions have an encumbrance of ½.
Eldritch book
An eldritch book contains the wisdom of the Nameless Ones and the zealots and mad
prophets that follow them.

A character with the Literacy ability can study an eldritch book. Studying an eldritch book
takes 1 hour.

The first time a character studies an eldritch book, if they either have the Occult ability or
they are an initiate to the Nameless Ones (In addition to the Literacy ability), they can gain 1
Inspiration. If neither of those apply, studying the eldritch book has no effect.

Eldritch books can be studied more than once. Every time a character studies an eldritch
book (taking 1 hour) if they have both the Literacy ability and they either have the Occult
ability or they are an initiate to the Nameless Ones, if they have 0 Inspirations, they can set
the number of Inspirations they have to 1.

Eldritch books have an encumbrance of 1.

Gems are valuable stones that can be sold for money. Gems have an encumbrance of ½.

Holy book
A holy book contains the holy scriptures of a particular religion.

Each holy book is associated with 1 of the new deity archetypes.

A character with the Literacy ability can study a holy book. Studying a holy book takes 1

The first time a character studies a holy book, if they either have the Theology ability or they
are an initiate to the same deity that the holy book is dedicated to (In addition to the Literacy
ability), they can gain 1 Inspiration. If neither of those apply, studying the holy book has no

Holy books can be studied more than once. Every time a character studies a holy book after
the first (taking 1 hour), if they have both the Literacy ability and they either have the
Theology ability or they are an initiate to the same deity that the holy book is dedicated to, if
they have 0 Inspirations, they can set the number of Inspirations they have to 1.

Holy books have an encumbrance of 1.

Lore tome
A lore tome contains information on a certain subject. A character with the Literacy ability
can study a lore tome. Studying a lore tome takes 1 hour.

The first time a character studies a lore tome, if they have the Reasoning ability as well as
the Literacy ability, the first time they read a lore time, they gain 1 Clue. If they don’t have
the Reasoning ability, if they have 0 Clues, they can set the number of Clues they have to 1.

Lore tomes can be studied more than once. Every time after the first time a character studies
a lore tome (taking 1 hour), if they have the Literacy ability and they have 0 Clues, they can
set the number of Clues they have to 1.

A lore tome has an encumbrance of 1.

A pelt is the furry part of an animal. Pelts can be sold to people who can make clothes from
them. Pelts have an encumbrance of ½.

Relic, ancient
Ancient relics are important holy items dedicated to the Nameless Ones.

A character can spend 1 hour meditating on the relic.

The first time a character meditates on a particular relic, if they are either an initiate
to the Nameless Ones and if they have 0 Blessings, then they can set the number of
Blessings they have to 1. If they also have the Occult ability, they can gain 1 Blessing.

Relics can be meditated on more than once. After the first time a character meditates
on an ancient relic, if they are an initiate to the Nameless Ones and if they have 0
Blessings, then they can set the number of Blessings they have to 1.

Characters may also gift ancient relics to temples of the Nameless Ones Relics have
an encumbrance of ½.
Relic, new
Relics are items that are important to a particular religion. When characters find a
relic for a new deity, if the deity archetype is not given, make a Fate roll to determine
which deity archetype it is for.

Random deity archetype table

Fate roll Deity archetype
1 Artisan
2 Death
3 Knowledge
4 Nature
5 Trickery
6 War

A character can spend 1 hour meditating on the relic.

The first time a character meditates on a particular relic, if they are an initiate to the
same deity that the relic is dedicated to and if they have 0 Blessings, then they can
set the number of Blessings they have to 1. If they also have the Theology ability,
they can gain 1 Blessing.

Relics can be meditated on more than once. After the first time a character meditates
on a new relic, if they are an initiate to the same deity that the relic is dedicated to
and if they have 0 Blessings, then they can set the number of Blessings they have to

Characters may also gift relics to temples of the deity that they are dedicated to.
Relics have an encumbrance of ½.

Silver pieces
Silver pieces are the currency of Kosmos, the world the characters start in. They have
an encumbrance of 0 (so 12 have an encumbrance of ½).

Special key
A special key is an item that opens any locked door or locked chest. It may not be key
shaped – it could be a rod or a disk or some other shape. Special keys have an encumbrance
of ½.

A trinket is a small item used for adornment – it could be a necklace, bracelet or small
statuette. Trinkets have very little value, but a character may be able to sell a trinket for
money. Trinkets have an encumbrance of 0.
Potions, curiosities and scrolls
There are very few magical items in this world and most of them can only be used
once. Magic items are split into the groups of curiosity, potion and scroll.

If the party finds a random magical item, make a Party Fate roll below.

A curiosity is a strange object with magical properties. They come in all different shapes.
They are activated in different, but obvious ways, so any character can use a curiosity.

Curiosity table

Fate roll Curiosity

1 Lucky charm
2 Firepowder Bomb
3 Sunstone Amulet
4 Planar Shard
5 Holy symbol
6 Sonic cube

Planar Shard
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: Outsider creatures facing the character

Duration: Instantaneous

Your character may use this item to use its magic as a ranged weapon or they may
read it as part of their actions in a combat round. It automatically hits to deal 1
damage to each outsider creature that the party is facing in combat. It has no effect
on other creature types.
Firepowder Bomb
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Action point

Target: All characters and creatures present (including the character using the item)

Duration: Instantaneous

A character can throw the firepowder bomb into an area as a ranged weapon. It will
explode, dealing 2 damage to all creatures and characters in that area. It can also be
thrown during melee combat to deal 2 damage to all characters and creatures. It is
not something to be used lightly.

Holy symbol
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: Undead creatures the party is facing

Duration: Instantaneous

Displaying a holy symbol releases its magic into an area. Your character may use this
curiosity as a ranged weapon or they may use it as part of their actions in a combat
round. It automatically hits to deal 1 damage to each undead creature that the party
is facing in combat. It has no effect on other creature types. Once used, the holy
symbol cannot be used again, its magic drained.

Lucky Charm
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 0 Action points

Target: The character using the curiosity

Duration: Instantaneous

A lucky charm can be used to give a character 1 Blessing.

Sonic cube
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: Construct creatures the party is facing.

Duration: Instantaneous

The sonic cube emits an ultrasound pulse that damages nearby constructs. Your
character may use the sonic cube as a ranged weapon or they may use it as part of
their actions in a combat round. It automatically hits to deal 1 damage to each
construct creature that the party is facing in combat. It has no effect on other creature
types. Once used, the sonic cube cannot be used again, its magic drained.

Sunstone Amulet
Type: Curiosity

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: N/A

Duration: 6 hours (36 Turns).

A sunstone amulet is a glowing yellow stone on a copper chain. A character can

wear it around their neck. Activating the sunstone amulet allows it to glow with a
bright light for the duration. This means that the characters have a magical light
source (So it won’t ignite gas pockets or get blown out) that does not require any
hands to use (So it can be used with a shield or large weapon). At the end of the
duration, the sunstone dims, its magic drained.
A potion is a magical liquid that can be drunk or splashed on something for an
effect. As potions are simply activated by drinking or splashing, characters don’t
need to make an ability test to use a potion. Drinking a potion takes 3 Action points.
Throwing them takes 1 Action point. All potions are used up after 1 use. Once a
character has drunk a potion, they may keep the empty bottle, which has an
encumbrance of ½. Throwing a potion destroys the bottle. All potions have an
encumbrance of ½.

Potion table

Fate roll Potion

1 Holy water
2 Potion of Clarity or potion of Restoration1
3 Potion of Cure or potion of Healing2
4 Potion of Invisibility
5 Potion of Speed
6 Potion of Strength

1: Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-5, there is a potion of Clarity. If you roll a 6, there is a
potion of Restoration.

2: Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-5, there is a potion of Cure. If you roll a 6, there is a potion
of Healing.

Holy water
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Action point

Target: 1 opponent

Duration: Instantaneous

A character may throw this liquid at an undead opponent as a ranged weapon. If

they succeed at an ability test equal to the difficulty of the target (Ranged Combat),
they deal 3 damage to that undead opponent. A character may also throw it during
melee combat. If they succeed at an ability test equal to the difficulty of the target
(Melee Combat), they deal 3 damage to that undead opponent. Throwing the Holy
Water destroys the bottle it is in. Holy water has no effect on non-undead opponents.
Potion of Clarity
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

This potion allows the character to restore 1 lost Will point. If their Will is at its
maximum, they restore 1 lost Vitality point instead.

Potion of Cure or potion of Healing

Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

A potion of Cure restores 1 Vitality.

Potion of Healing
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

A potion of Healing removes the Plague, Poison and Wound afflictions and restores
all lost Vitality.
Potion of Invisibility
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

This potion allows the character to act as if they have the Camouflage or Stealth
abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1 ability test
that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence does not occur
within 1 hour of the potion being drunk, then it wears off. If a task requiring 1 of the above
abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.

Potion of Restoration
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

This potion allows the character to restore all lost Will points. They can also remove
the Cursed, Despondency and Mania afflictions.

Potion of Strength
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

This potion allows the character to act as if they have the Melee Combat or Strength
abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1 ability test
that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence does not occur
within 1 hour of the potion being drunk, then it wears off. If a task requiring 1 of the above
abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.
Potion of Speed
Type: Potion

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 3 Action points

Target: The character who drunk the potion

Duration: Instantaneous

This potion allows the character to act as if they have the Dodging or Running
abilities for 1 occurrence or it allows the character to have 1 extra roll on 1 ability test
that has at least 1 of those abilities in the brackets. If such an occurrence does not occur
within 1 hour of the potion being drunk, then it wears off. If a task requiring 1 of the above
abilities takes longer than 1 hour to complete, then this power cannot be used for that task.

Scrolls have a magical formula written upon them and require the Literacy ability to
use. Scrolls crumble to dust after being used. Scrolls have an encumbrance of ½.

Scroll table
Fate roll Scroll
1 Scroll of Ancient Wisdom
2 Scroll of Divine Runes
3 Scroll of Forgotten Lore
4 Scroll of Heroic Sagas
5 Scroll of Holy Scripture
6 Scroll of Prophecy

Scroll of Ancient Wisdom

Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

Your character may read this scroll to gain 1 Clue and 1 Inspiration.
Scroll of Divine Runes
Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may read this scroll to get 2 Blessings.

Scroll of Forgotten Lore

Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may read this scroll to get 2 Clues.

Scroll of Heroic Sagas

Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

The character may read this scroll to get 2 Inspirations.

Scroll of Holy Scripture

Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

Your character may read this scroll to gain 1 Inspiration and 1 Blessing.
Scroll of Prophecy
Type: Scroll

Encumbrance: ½

Time: 1 Turn

Target: The character reading the scroll

Duration: Instantaneous

Your character may read this scroll to gain 1 Clue and 1 Blessing.
Quest treasures
Quest treasures represent items of great value to various people. A quest treasure
could be a historical artefact or a rare gemstone, part of a rare animal or plant or a
finely made piece of jewellery. Several people may covet quest treasures and you
should be able to trade them for a lot of money or possibly other services. All quest
treasures have an encumbrance of ½.

Permanent magical items

There are very few permanent magical items in the world of Kosmos and the
possibility of finding them only occurs in rare situations. If a character does find a
permanent magical item, in addition to its powers, it also counts as a quest treasure.

The most common effect of a permanent magical item is to allow its owner to use a
named power without losing Will once per day. This means that if the character
doesn’t have the named power, then the magic of the item is useless to them (but the
item can still be sold as a quest treasure).

These magical items all have an encumbrance of ½.

Fate roll Powers Fate roll Powers Fate roll Powers

11 Silver Helm 31 Bracelet of Litheness 51 Eternal Sulfur
12 Saint’s Bone 32 Golden Magnifying Glass 52 Quartz Prism
13 Lightning blasted branch 33 Ghoul Hand 53 Crystal Eye
14 Vial of Firepowder 34 Enchanted bear Paw 54 Armband of Strength
15 Chameleon Skin Cloak 35 Dowsing Rod 55 Clouded Qartz
16 Fascinating Necklace 36 Trowel of Digging 56 Enchanted flute
21 Obsidian mirror 41 Platinum blade 61 Bent Iron Rod
22 Headband of concentration 42 Feathered sandals 62 Willowbark Amulet
23 Lion’s Tooth Amulet 43 Silvered Boots 63 Arrowhead Necklace
24 Gloves of the Gardener 44 Hawk’s Claw Charm 64 Philosopher’s Stone
25 Evergreen leaf 45 Blue Steel 65 Lodestone
26 Ebony Bat Charm 46 Runestones 66 Wolfskin Hood

Armband of Strength
This item allows its user to use the Might power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Arrowhead Necklace
This item allows its user to use the Track power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Bent Iron Rod

This item allows its user to use the Telekinesis power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.
Blue Steel
This item allows its user to use the Hew power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Bracelet of Litheness
This item allows its user to use the Deftness power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Chameleon Skin Cloak

This item allows its user to use the Camouflage power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Clouded Quartz
This item allows its user to use the Mist power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Crystal Eye
This item allows its user to use the Sixth sense power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Dowsing Rod
This item allows its user to use the Dowsing power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Ebony Bat Charm

This item allows its user to use the Darkvision power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Enchanted Bear Paw

This item allows its user to use the Endurance power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Enchanted Flute
This item allows its user to use the Recital power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Eternal Sulfur
This item allows its user to use the Ignite power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Evergreen Leaf
This item allows its user to use the Cure power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.
Fascinating Necklace
This item allows its user to use the Charm power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Feathered Sandals
This item allows its user to use the Float power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Ghoul Hand
This item allows its user to use the Drain power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Gloves of the Gardener

This item allows its user to use the Cultivate power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Golden Magnifying Glass

This item allows its user to use the Appraise power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Hawk’s Claw Charm

This item allows its user to use the Hawksight power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Headband of Concentration
This item allows its user to use the Concentration power without losing Will 1 time
per day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Lion’s Tooth Amulet

This item allows its user to use the Courage power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Lightning Blasted Branch

This item allows its user to use the Bolt power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

This item allows its user to use the Voyage power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Obsidian Mirror
This item allows its user to use the Commune power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.
Philosopher’s Stone
This item allows its user to use the Transmute power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Platinum Blade
This item allows its user to use the Fabricate power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Quartz Prism
This item allows its user to use the Illusion power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

This item allows its user to use the Horoscope power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Saint’s Bone
This item allows its user to use the Bless power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Silver Helm
This item allows its user to use the Inner strength power without losing Will 1 time
per day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Silvered Boots
This item allows its user to use the Haste power without losing Will 1 time per day.
It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Trowel of Digging
This item allows its user to use the Excavate power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Vial of Firepowder
This item allows its user to use the Burst power without losing Will 1 time per day. It
has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Willowbark Amulet
This item allows its user to use the Toughness power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.

Wolfskin Hood
This item allows its user to use the Embolden power without losing Will 1 time per
day. It has no effect if the character does not know the power.
Experience and advancement
Experience is a measure of useful information that the character has accrued. It can help them in
many ways.

What a character can gain experience for

Characters gain experience points for putting themselves and their abilities to the test.

A character can gain experience if they have some Insights. An Insight is an event that happens to the
character which they can gain experience for after a rest.

A character starts with 3 Insights that they can get. These Insights have a tick box next to them. If a
character gets at least 1 of these Insights, tick the box. Then if they rest, delete the tick and give them 1
experience point for every tick deleted. They can get these Insights again.

Here are the 3 Insights a character starts with:

• Critical success - if a character rolled a 6 in an ability test and succeeded at that test, they gain
the critical success Insight.
• Critical failure - if a character rolled a 1 in an ability test and failed at that test, they gain the
critical failure Insight.
• Application of abilities - if the character took part in an ordeal that they used an ability for
(either as a required ability, to reduce to cost of the ordeal or if an ability prevents a penalty to
the character), they will gain the application of abilities Insight.

Once a character has gained a particular Insight, they cannot gain it again until it has been deleted.

Certain quests may have special Insights, so the character can gain more experience for different

When a character takes the rest action, they lose all of their Insights, then they gain 1 experience point
per Insight.

It makes sense for characters to focus on tasks that they are well trained for because whether they
succeed or fail, they roll more dice and so have a greater chance of getting experience. There is a limit
to how much experience a character can gain in a day, so be careful how you spend the points!

Note that since using powers and spending experience points allow the character to act as if they have
an ability rather than actually give them the ability, using experience or powers to act as if they have
an ability does not give a character experience. However, if a character rolls a 6 or a 1 from an extra
die roll due to a power or spending experience, that does count.

This means that the more abilities that a starting character takes, the more likely they are to gain
experience. There are advantages and disadvantages to using powers – they reduce the need to carry
items and they are more flexible than abilities, but they cost Will won’t get as much experience.

There are 2 other common ways that a character can get experience:

• As soon as a character has 3 or more Clues, it leads to a realisation. The number of Clues the
character has resets to 0 and the character gains 3 experience points.
• As soon as a character has 3 or more Inspirations, it leads a deeper understanding into the
workings of their mind. The number of Inspirations the character has resets to 0 and the
character gains 3 experience points.
What can a character do with experience points?
Characters can spend experience points to improve themselves or they can use them
for ability tests.

A character can spend 1 experience point to act as if they have 1 ability of your choice on 1
occasion. This allows characters to do tasks that require certain abilities. This only works if
the task takes 1 hour or less. Also take note that since doing this does not give the character
an ability, they won’t gain experience for using it in an ordeal.

A character can spend 1 experience point to get a bonus roll to ability tests. A character can
spend as many experience points as they like to get as many extra rolls as they like, but they
must do this before the test. 1s and 6s rolled from these rolls can give experience points.

A character may spend 1 experience point to be able to reroll all 1s in an ability test. A
character must decide to do this before the test.

A character can train to increase their Will if they find a place to train, spend 12 experience
points, spend 8 hours a day for 12 days to train and 12 silver pieces. If they do this, they can
increase their initial Will by 1 then restore it to its initial level. A character’s natural
maximum Will cannot go above 12. However, a character’s maximum Will can go above 12
if they have items that increase it beyond 12.

A character can train to increase their Vitality if they find a place to train, spend 24
experience points, spend 8 hours a day for 24 days to train and 24 silver pieces. If they do
this, they can increase their initial Vitality by 1 then restore it to its initial level. A character’s
maximum Vitality cannot go above 12. However, a character’s maximum Vitality can go
above 12 if they have items that increase it beyond 12.

A character can train to learn a new ability if they find a place to train, spend 36 experience
points, spend 8 hours a day for 36 days to train and 36 silver pieces. If they do this, they can
gain a new ability. The ability that they gain may have to come from a list of abilities that the
place they are training at can offer rather than from the complete list. The maximum sum of
the number of abilities and powers that a character can have is 12.

A character can train to learn a power if they find a place to train, spend 36 experience
points, spend 8 hours a day for 36 days to train and 36 silver pieces. If they do this, they can
gain a new power. The power that they gain may have to come from a list of powers that the
place they are training at can offer rather than from the complete list. The maximum sum of
the number of abilities and powers that a character can have is 12.

A character can swap 1 power for another if they find a place to train, spend 6 experience
points, spend 8 hours a day for 6 days to train and 6 silver pieces.

Each character starts the game with 0 experience points.

How to play SCRAWL
What are you going to do with your character(s)? Well, there are several SCRAWL
products that you can play them with.

Play your character with the solos

There are several solos that you can play with SCRAWL. Some of them are between 50-
150 sections and some of them cover 2 sides of an A4 sheet of paper. You could play
your character in those solos in any order you wish. Characters can restore their stats
between quests, assuming that they have had appropriate rest and then you can use the
shop lists in this book to let them buy whatever they want with their fortune. They can
also visit a temple to any deity, including the Nameless Ones.

Just play the dungeons

One way of playing SCRAWL is to let your characters just explore the dungeons. For
this game, you can assume that the characters go to a dungeon and then go to a town
with all the items and services possible on offer. To determine the dungeon type, you
could first make a Fate roll to randomly determine the terrain and then make a Fate roll
to randomly determine the dungeon on the terrain.

Another way of playing it is in the style of the roguelike Moria – in Moria, the dungeon
is an infinite number of levels, but on level 50 or below, you find the balrog, which you
must kill. That is the aim. For some reason, in the game, there is a town built upon a
dungeon stuffed with hundreds of monsters. In this version, there is a town and the
characters can delve into the dungeon. Every level is randomly determined as above. On
a level number of your choosing is the boss monster that needs to be slain (maybe a
large demon, elemental or dragon). Since the level numbers are very large, L can be
calculated by dividing the level numbers by 10 and rounding up (so for levels 1-10, L =1,
for levels 11-20, L = 2, for levels 21-30, L = 3 etc.).

Play hexcrawls

The hexcrawl is a game that allows you to generate a land to wander round and
populate it with settlements and dungeons for you to explore. You can also pick up
quests and complete them for fame and fortune. You might want to randomly generate a
land or use a premade map in a SCRAWL map book.

Play the products together

There’s nothing stopping you from mixing and matching. You could wander a land
using the hexcrawl supplements and then slip in the odd Small SCRAWL or 1 page
SCRAWL into a hex. In fact, the SCRAWL solos have suggestions for which hexes you
should play them on.
The future…

I have included some aspects in this system to include other versions of playing this
game which I will write in the future. Maybe your characters will want to lead a
unit, or run a settlement, or rule a kingdom or become a deity? Maybe your
characters want to travel to different planes and discover strange new treasures and
knowledge. All of these are in the pipeline…
Appendix 1: Probabilities of success based on difficulty and
number of rolls

Here is a table showing the percentage probability of rolling a particular number or

higher when rolling 1d6 to 12d6 and choosing the best number. If you are getting
more than 12 rolls, then I have no idea what kind of crazy tactics you are using. Note
that the numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number, so they won’t be exactly
what is in the table.

1 or more 2 or more 3 or more 4 or more 5 or more 6

1 roll 100 83 67 50 33 17
2 rolls 100 97 89 75 56 31
3 rolls 100 100 96 88 70 42
4 rolls 100 100 99 94 80 52
5 rolls 100 100 100 97 87 60
6 rolls 100 100 100 100 91 67
7 rolls 100 100 100 100 94 72
8 rolls 100 100 100 100 96 77
9 rolls 100 100 100 100 97 81
10 rolls 100 100 100 100 98 84
11 rolls 100 100 100 100 99 87
12 rolls 100 100 100 100 99 89
Appendix 2: Probabilities of success based on difficulty,
number of rolls and being able to reroll 1s.
Here is a table showing the percentage chance of success if a character is able to
reroll 1s when making an ability test. This is not the exact amount as I only went as
far as the probability when rerolling 1 1. This is because rolling 2 1s in a row has a
probability of 1/36 and then the third die result would make the result out of 216
which will give a negligible increase in the chance of success.

Rerolling 1s gives a smaller bonus than a full reroll. It provides a bigger bonus for
lower difficulties.

1 or more 2 or more 3 or more 4 or more 5 or more 6

1 roll 100 100 78 58 38 19
2 rolls 100 100 92 83 58 32
Appendix 3: Probability of rolling at least one 1 and/or at
least 1 6 when X Fate rolls are made.

In some situations, you will be told to make a certain number of Fate rolls. Usually,
something bad happens if at least 1 of the rolls is a 1 and something good happens if at least
1 of the rolls is a 6. Sometimes, both a good and bad thing can happen. Here are the
probabilities of those things happening.

1 Fate roll 2 Fate rolls 3 Fate rolls 4 Fate rolls 5 Fate rolls 6 Fate rolls
Probability of rolling 17% 31% 42% 52% 60% 67%
at least 1 1.
Probability of rolling 17% 31% 42% 52% 60% 67%
at least 1 6.
Probability of rolling 0% 6% 14% 21% 27% 33%
at least 1 1 and 1 6.

Appendix 4: Probability of rolling 2 or more 1s or 6s when X

Fate rolls are made.
When the party gets a reward, it may get a better reward if it rolls 2 or more 6s on a certain
number of Fate rolls. This gives the probability of getting 2 or more 6s when X Fate rolls are

Number of Fate rolls Probability of rolling 2 or more 1s or 6s

1 0%
2 3%
3 7%
4 13%
5 20%
6 26%
7 33%
8 40%
Appendix 5: Probability of getting X rolls when rolling 1d6
and stopping if at least 1 of the rolls is a 1 or a 6 and rolling 1
extra die if it is not a 1 or a 6.

In some situations, such as working out the number of sites on a hex or the number of levels
in a dungeon, you are told to make 1 Fate roll. If the roll is a 1, then stop rolling. If not, make
2 Fate rolls. If at least 1 of the rolls is a 1, then stop rolling. If not, roll make 3 Fate rolls and
continue this process until 1 of the Fate rolls is a 1. This also applies if the number is a 6.

Number of dice rolled where at least 1 of Probability

the rolls is a 1 or a 6.
1 17%
2 25%
3 24%
4 17%
5 10%
6 4%
7 2%
8 0.5%
It’s the last game you will ever play!

Welcome to SCRAWL! Short for Solo CRAWL, SCRAWL is the OSR type solo game
for people who want some good honest murder hobo, dungeon looting stuff with a
minimum of time and fuss.

This is the rulebook for SCRAWL. For more SCRAWL products go to my Drive Thru
RPG page at

For more news and articles on gamebooks, visit

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